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Rationale: RECEs value lifelong learning and reflective practice and engage in
the Continuous Professional Learning program. Through their practice and
leadership, RECE’s support the advancement of the profession in their
workplaces and in their profession (CECE,2017). Registered Early Childhood
Educators (RECEs) respond to the uniqueness of individuals and groups of
children. They identify appropriate strategies, access the necessary resources
and design curriculum to ensure full participation of all children, considering
ability, cultural and linguistic diversity, and Indigenous identity. They provide
all children with opportunities for engagement, exploration, and expression. –
Standard II: C.4, Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, 2017 Self
Reflection is central to the role of an Early Childhood Educator. It allows us to
be effective, responsible and to practice self-care to provide quality
experiences for children and their families. Chapter two of the interplay
textbook focuses on communication and the Self provides you with an
opportunity to examine how your self-identity and self esteem influences how
you communicate with others along with your perception of individuals,
situations, and events, as discussed in chapter three. Chapter four discusses
the importance of recognizing our emotions and learning how to express them
effectively to have your needs met and understood. This means that we
consider our learning experiences, values and beliefs related to human

Task: Read College of Early Childhood Educators ( CECE) Practice

Guideline. * Diversity and Culture

1. How do you think that your personal biases and cultural beliefs will
influence how you work with children and families? Give two examples.
Firstly, I think my personal biases and cultural beliefs will influence how I work with the
children and their families by having a play and inquiry-based learning environment, for
example,it says I would have responsibility for my own continuous learning,
(CECE,2020,.p7). I learn about diversity and unique cultural views. My personal bias that I
just shared may cause me to be a little more patient and understanding of a child with
disability. I want that child to know they have someone they can relate to for example,Us
as educators should understand from the child with autism point of view we could ask the
following questions for example, “ how are you doing today”, or read to them if they don’t
understand like asking them if they need help with anything ?, helping them go down for a
nap, like if they don’t like eating what the others are eating they can have their own
specific meal but try to get them to eat what the others are eating too. I also know from an
experience in working in a childcare center that they would have to get a child to eat
cracker, he would get the crackers which was an amazing experience for me to witness a
child speak for the first time. This child would have some issues with eating normal food.
2. How do you think your own experiences, values, and beliefs will
influence how you communicate with others? Give two examples.

Secondly, i think my own experiences, values and beliefs will influence how i communicate with
others by knowing that they can have someone they can relate with when it comes to like for
example, when i was in grade 3 or 4, i got diagnosed with learning disabilities i would want to
communicate that i might need to take my time on stuff. An example of that is if I had to staple
some work, I would have to be shown how to do it first before doing it myself. Since I know how
much patience and understanding it needs to communicate, I try to be as patient and
understanding of others in the same situation as I am. Another thing from one of my experience
from the first question i’m going to use the same child from one of the childcare i worked at in
2019 in this example, he got very anxious and upset when he couldn’t say the word cracker it
was so hard for me to watch since i was exactly like him in that same situation trying to learn
language and speech therapy. Also, when he was doing his language and speech therapist
would come in and work with him one on one in a separate area of the room. It was so cool to
watch this child learn to speak. In chapter 3 of interplay, i learned from the organization schema
of the perception process that the child could get really in an interaction based where he needs
attention for his language and speech as well as he would be psychological based where he
would get upset and anxious.(Adler et al, 2020, p.85).

3. What do you think you can do as an ECE student to promote positive

identity in young children? Give two examples.
Thirdly, what i think i can do as an Early childhood Education student to promote a positive
thinking identity in young children is to have a positive mindset around them for example, i have
bad self esteem issues as mentioned in chapter 2 of interplay says that self esteem is the part
of self concept that involves evaluations of self worth. What i think i can do as an ECE student is
to make some impressions for example, the face to face management like we must show that
we have manners, the setting we are going to be in and our appearance. (adler et al,
2020,p.53). Worthwhile, to have fun and relax with others, and to exert influence and control in
social situations. There is increasing evidence that active, meaningful face to face involvement
with other people is essential to our happiness, resilience, well being, and longevity.(Adler et al,

4. What can you do to promote a positive identity when communicating

with other adults? Give two examples.

Lastly, what i can do to promote a positive identity when communicating with other adults is by
not having self fulfilling prophecies when i’m around them since i do that all the time for example
as mentioned self fulfilling prophecies have 2 types self imposing and externally imposed and
another example of self fulfilling prophecies is that it can harm your relationship. (Adler et
al,2020.p 51). Another way i can do to promote a positive identity when communicating with
other adults is by showing them you can trust them with their children for example, this
happened to me with the same neighbours i talked back in the third question about what i can
do to show positive identity for children so basically the neighbours since they didn’ and t have a
child care centre to take their lovely children Adam and Camila into daycare. By the way, this
was during lockdown,they wanted me to take care of their child one day. In chapter 3 of
interplay, i learned that the four schemas of organizing perceptions trusted me as an
organization based schema in the role based part of organizations. (Adler et al,2020.p 85).
Since I was a student at the time of this. I was so nervous at first to take care of the children, but
I knew I could handle them. I got to play with them for a bit before my college english class
since it didn’t start until 1 pm. I was balanced both taking care of them and doing some
homework at the same time.

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