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by: Krishna Mae C. Ortega
Religiosity or Spirituality?
Are you religious or spiritual? How?

I consider myself more a spiritual person

more thana Religious person. I want my
focus to be more on my self and to the
people around me rather than any other
God. I want to be a better person
becausethat is how should the people be
and not just for the sake of God and the life
after death.
Meaning centered-life:
What am I here for? If no idea yet, what can I do to create my own

My foccus right now is how can I do better to be the

person I want to be in the future. Because I vision my
family’s future more than mine. I want to be better
for the sake of them but at the same time I want to
live for myself and not just for my family.
There are a lot of superstitious that was passed on
especially our grandparents. The most strict
superstitous is at the funeral, first is dont wear red,
don’t bring home the food that is served in the funeral
and many more. I personally do not believe in those
superstitious but I still practice them. There is none to
lose and but I think those superstitious will forever
live in our culture and beliefs.

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