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Biochemistry carries out a specific cellular

Biochemical Energy production
The cytosol is the water-based fluid
Metabolism- is the sum total of all part of the cytoplasm of a cell.
biochemical reactions that take
place in a living organism. Ribosomes are the sites where
protein synthesis.
Catabolism- is all metabolic
reactions in which large A lysosome is an organelle that
biochemical molecules are broken contains hydrolytic enzymes
down to smaller ones. needed for cellular rebuilding,
repair, and degradation.
Anabolism- is all metabolic
reactions in which small A mitochondrion is an organelle
biochemical molecules are joined that is responsible for the
together to form larger ones. generation of most of the energy
for a cell.
Metabolic pathway- is a series of
consecutive biochemical reactions Mitochondria are sausage-shaped
used to convert a starting material organelles containing both an outer
into an end product. mem brane and a multi folded inner
There are two types of metabolic
pathways: The invention of high-resolution
electron microscopes allowed
- linear researchers to see the interior
- cyclic structure of the mitochondrion
more clearly and led to the
o A eukaryotic cell is a cell discovery, in 1962, of small
in which the DNA is spherical knobs attached to the
found in a membrane- cristae called ATP synthase
enclosed nucleus. complexes.
o Prokaryotic cells have no
Important Nucleotide-containing
nucleus and are found
Compounds in metabolic pathways
only in bacteria.
 Adenosine Phosphates
The cytoplasm is the water-based (ATP, ADP, and AMP)
material of a eukaryotic cell that  Adenosine
lies between the nucleus and the Monophosphate (AMP)-
outer membrane of the cell. one of the nucleotides
present in RNA molecules
The organelle is a minute structure  Adenosine Diphosphate
within the cytoplasm of a cell that (ADP)
 Adenosine Triphosphate
(ATP) differ structurally
from AMP only in the FAD from six subunit viewpoint
number of phosphate
group present.
Phosphoester bond - phosphate-
ribose bond
Phosphoanhydride bond -
Ribitol – reduced form of ribose
phosphate-phosphate bond
Two forms of FAD
- Chemical bond formed when two 1. Oxidized form
phosphate groups reacts with each 2. Reduced form
other and a water molecule is
produced. -The notation FAD denotes the
Phosphoryl group (PO32- ) -The oxidized form
functional group derived from a -The notation FADH2 denotes the
phosphate ion when the latter reduced form contains two or more
becomes part of another molecule. - H atoms than the oxidized form,
ATP contains three phosphoryl which is consistent with the process
groups, ADP contains 2 phosphoryl of reduction involving hydrogen
groups, and AMP one phosphoryl atom.
Flavin Subunit - The active portion
of FAD in redox reaction
- The portion that undergoes
Other Nitrogen containing basis
change when oxidized form (FAD)
associated with nucleotides are also
is converted to the reduced form
present in triphosphate form:
(FADH 2)
• Uridine Triphosphate - involved
Nicotinamide Adenine
in carbohydrate metabolism.
Dinucleotide (NAD^+, NADH)
• Guanosine Triphosphate-
- Have coenzyme functions in
Participate in protein and
metabolic redox pathways
carbohydrate metabolism
- Have B- Vitamin as a structural
• Cytidine Triphosphate- Involved
in lipid metabolism
- Have an oxidized and reduce form
Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide
The notation for the oxidized form
Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide
is the NAD+ and the reduced form
(FAD) - A coenzyme required in
is the NADH
numerous metabolic reactions. -
- Can be presented structurally by
Can be visualized as containing
using a three sub-unit and six sib-
either three subunits or six
unit formulation.
Three sub-unit block diagram
FAD from three subunit viewpoint.
Six sub-unit block diagram

Coenzyme A (CoA- SH) -Another

important coenzyme in metabolic
enzyme. A derivative of the
Vitamin B pantothenic acid

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