Crim 103 M3 Reviewer

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A mental disorder is a broad term used to group b.

aphasia – loss of understanding or of producing

physical and psychological symptoms that cause language
abnormal thoughts and behaviors. It is commonly
referred to as Mental illness. c. amnesia – loss of memory

d. phobias – strong, irrational fears

e. kleptomania – compulsion to engage in some
1. Neurotic – a person who compromises with form of activity.
reality by developing imaginary ailments, phobias,
obsessions and compulsions. f. false perceptions – illusions, hallucinations,
2. Psychotic – a person who withdraws from the
real world into a world of fantasy and make-believe 3. EMOTIONAL SYMPTOMS – apathy-
where his hidden or unexpressed desires may be indifference, accompanied by expressions of worry,
fulfilled. crying, refusal to eat or speak unnatural state of
3. Psychopath – a person who has personality
disorders characterized by anti-social behavior,
indifference to immorality and abnormal changes in
mood or activity and one who may become very FACTORS THAT AFFECT MENTAL
aggressive towards others.Psychopaths often DISORDERS:
engage in criminal, cruel, or socially irresponsible
1. Heredity – (frequent with family histories
behavior, including lying, stealing, or even being
revealing mental illnesses)
violent or abusive towards others. Because
psychopaths have no empathy for the feelings, 2. Incestuous Marriages (blood incompatibility of
needs, or rights of others, they also feel no remorse parents and maternal infection)
—even when their actions harm others
3. Impaired Vitality – (mental worry, grief, physical
4. Sociopath – a person who lacks any sense of strain, unhygienic surroundings, infections and birth
social or moral responsibility due to mental trauma)
illness.Tends to be more impulsive and erratic in
their behavior than their psychopath counterparts. 4. Poor Moral Values Training and Breeding

Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called 5. Psychic Factors – (non-toxic and toxic)
sociopathy, is a mental disorder in which a
person consistently shows no regard for right and
wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. Psychosomatic illness – implies an
interrelationship of mind, body and desire
5. Criminal – a person whose anti-social behavior
Includes colds, asthma, ulcers, allergy,
comes in conflict with the law.
colitis, arthritis, obesity and sterility.
2. Psychoneurosis- a mild form of mental
1. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS - rapid changes in disorder characterized by lack of sleep and loss of
pulse, temperature, respiration, nausea, vomiting, appetite.
headaches, dizziness, loss of appetite, marked 3. Psychosis – a serious mental and emotional
changes in weight, excessive fatigue, pain, coughs, disorder characterized by withdrawal from reality.
lack of motor coordination and speech disturbance.


a. flights of fancy
A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder People with narcissistic personality
in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern disorder have a grandiose sense of self-
of thinking, functioning and behaving. A person importance.
with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving
and relating to situations and people Obsessive-Compulsive Personality
TYPES OF PERSONALITY DISORDERS Is characterized by a preoccupation
with details, orderliness, perfection, and
Antisocial Personality Disorder
People with antisocial personality disorder
act in a way that disregards the feelings and rights
Paranoid Personality Disorder
of other people. Are sometimes called as sociopath
or psychopath.
People with this disorder fail constant
Antisocial behavior in people less than 18 years suspicion and distrust towards other people.
old is called conduct disorder. They believe that others are against them
and constantly looked for evidence to
support their suspicions.

The antisocial personality is characterized by a lack of ethical or moral development and an apparent
Schizoid Personality inability of the person to fol

Schizoid personality disorder involves social

Borderline Personality Disorder isolation and a lack of desire for close personal
People with borderline personality disorder relationships. People with this disorder prefer to be
experience intense emotional instability, particularly alone and seem withdrawn and emotionally
in relationship with others.They may experience detached.
minor problems as major crisis. They may also
express their anger, frustration, and dismay through
suicidal gestures, self-mutilation, and self-
destructive act. They tend to have an unstable self-
image or sense of self.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Avoidant Personality Disorder
People with schizotypal personality
Avoidant personality disorder is social
disorder engage in odd thinking, speech,
withdrawal due to intense, anxious shyness.
and behavior.
They fear being criticized and rejected.
Often, they view themselves as socially
inept and inferior to others.
psychiatrists and psychologist use two
additional diagnoses.
Dependent Personality Disorder
Dependent personality disorder
Depressive Personality Disorder- is
involves severe and disabling emotional
characterized by chronic pessimism,
dependency on others.
gloominess and cheerlessness.
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder – a
People with histrionic personality
person passively resists completing tasks and
disorder constantly strive to be the center of
chores, criticizes and scorns authority figures and
seems negative and sullen.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Definition of Sociopath
as in a normal individual.
A person who lacks any sense of social or moral
responsibility due to mental illness. A person Morally Defective In addition to the mental defect,
having personality disorders characterized by anti- there are strong vicious and criminal propensities,
social behavior, indifference to immorality and so that the person requires care, supervision and
abnormal changes in mood or activity. control for the protection of others.

Paranoid-Schizophrenic It is a mental disease CONDITIONS OF MENTAL DEFICIENCIES

resembling paranoia, but is also characterized by
autistic behavior, hallucinations and a gradual Severe Abnormality
deterioration of the personality. A state of arrested of incomplete development of
mind which includes abnormality of intelligence and
Characteristics of a Paranoid-Schizophrenic: is of such a nature or degree that the patient is
The paranoid-schizophrenic is disturbed to a incapable of living an independent life or of
degree such that he is out of touch of reality, guarding himself against serious exploitation, or will
suffering from psychosis, mentally deranged or be incapable when of age to do so.
Hallucinations involve hearing or seeing things A state of arrested or incomplete development of
that are not really there. mind, not amounting to severe abnormality, which
includes sub-normality of intelligence and is of a
nature or degree which requires or is susceptible to
CLASSICAL TYPES OF MENTAL medical treatment or other special care or training.

Mental deficiencies – mental sub-normally and/or

Sexual deviations to the impairment to either the
mental retardation – are below-normal intellectual
desire for sexual gratification or in
functions which originate from the arrested or
the ability to achieve it (Coleman, 1980).
incomplete development of the mind during the
development period below the age of 18.
Those Affecting Males
1. Erectile Insufficiency (Impotency) – it is a
sexual disorder characterized by
Usually congenital and due to the defective
the inability to achieve or maintain erection for
development of mental faculties.
successful intercourse.
2. Pre-mature Ejaculation – it is the unsatisfactory
brief period of sexual
Although the mental defect is not as severe as that
stimulation that results to the failure of the female
of idiots, he cannot manage his own affairs.
partner to achieve satisfaction.
3. Retarded Ejaculation – it is the inability to
ejaculate during intercourse –
A person whose mental defect, although not
resulting to the worry between partners.
amounting to imbecility is so pronounced such that
he receives care, supervision, and control for his
Those Affecting Women
protection and for the protection of others.
1. Arousal Insufficiency ( Frigidity) – a sexual
disorder characterized by partial
A Moroni’s also considered a feeble-minded
or complete failure to attain the lubrication or
person. Although he is of considerably higher
swelling response of sexual excitement by the
intelligence than an imbecile, his intellectual
female partner.
faculties and judgment are not as well developed
2. Orgasmic Dysfunction – a sexual disorder cannot legally marry.
characterized by the difficulty in 7. Sadism –achievement of sexual stimulation and
achieving orgasm. gratification through the infliction of
3. Vaginismus – the involuntary spasm of the physical pain on the sexual partner.
muscles at the entrance to the vagina
that prevent penetration of the male sex organ. Other Conditions Manifesting Mental
4. Dyspareunia – it is called painful coitus/painful Disturbances
sexual acts in women.
1. Somnambulism
Paraphilic disorder involves having a sexual This is an abnormal mental condition whereby a
desire or behaviour that causes another person’s person perform an act while sleeping.
psychological distress, injury or death, or a desire
for sexual behaviours involving unwilling persons or 2. Semisomnolence or Somnolencia
persons unable to give legal consent. A person is in a semisomnolent stale when he is
half asleep or in a condition
Sexual behaviors leading to Sex Crimes between sleep and being awake.

as to Sexual Reversals 3. Hypnotism or Mesmerism

A person is made unconscious by the suggestive
1. Homosexuality – it is a sexual behavior directed
influence of a hypnotist.
towards the same sex. It is
also called “lesbianism/tribadism” for female
4. Delirium
It is a state of confusion of he mind, it is
characterized by incoherent speech,
2. Transvestism – refers to the achievement of
hallucinations, illusions, delusions, restlessness
sexual excitation by dressing as a
and apparently purposeless motions.
member of the opposite sex such a man who wears
female apparel.
Diagnostic Categories of Mentally-Disturbed
3. Fetishism – sexual gratification is obtained by
looking at some body parts,
1. Inadequate Personality - A person who
underwear of the opposite sex or other objects
does not fit a particular purpose.
associated with the opposite sex.

as to the Choice of Partner

2. Manic-Depressive - Is characterized by altering
1. Pedophilia - a sexual perversion where a person
accounts of mania and depression.
has the compulsive desire to have
sexual intercourse with a child of either sex.
Mania is a kind of insanity characterized by great
2. Bestiality – the sexual gratification is attained by
excitement, while depression is a
having sexual intercourse with animals.
disorder characterized by prolonged feelings of
3. Auto – sexual – (self- gratification/masturbation)
despair and rejection, often accompanied by
– it is also called “self
fatigue, headaches and other physical symptoms.
abuse”, sexual satisfaction is carried out without the
cooperation of another.
Gerontophilia – is a sexual desire with an elder
Necrophilia – an erotic desire or actual intercourse
with a corpse.
6. Incest – a sexual relation between person who,
by reason of blood relationship

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