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Department of Electronics & Communication

Subject Name:BEEE & Code:BT-104

30 Important Questions
1. a) State and Prove Thevenin Theorem.

b) State and Prove Superposition Theorem.

2. State the types of D.C. Motors. Discuss constructional details of and type
of D.C. motor
3. State Kirchhoff current law and Kirchhoff voltage law with suitable
4. Explain losses occurring in electrical machines.
5. Explain working principal of 3-ɸ induction motor.
6. Discuss about the real power, reactive power, and Appearent power. Also explain
power factor as regards to AC circuit.
7. If the Power consumed in a 3-ɸ 220v 50Hz supply. What will be the power consumed
if the same load connected in star .Also calculate phase and line quantities of both the
cases. The power factor of load is 0.8 lagging.
8. Find RAB Using Star-Delta Transformation.

9. Distinguishes between electrical and magnetic circuits.

10. Explain faraday’s law of induction. Also explain working principal of Transformer.
11. Draw and explain V-I Characteristics Diode.
12. Explain working principal of BJT and its Characteristics.
13. Explain Logic Gates with Truth table and suitable diagram.
14. Explain Half Adder and Full Adder circuit with their logic tables.
15. Draw Phasor diagram of a 3-ɸ star connected load and find the relation between
phase and line voltages and currents.
16. Explain the Torque-speed Characteristics and speed control of separately excited DC
motor .
a) A 1100/400V ,50hz single phase transformer has 100 turns on the secondary winding .
Calculate the number of turns on its Primary.
17. A Transformer that with a 120 volts in primary and 12 volts in the secondary and a
primary 900 turns of wire,
how many turns would be required in secondary .
18 .A delta-connected load has a parallel combination of resistance (2Ω) and capacitive
resistance (-j5Ω) in each phase. If a balanced 3-phase 440 v supply is applied between
lines, Find the phase currents and line currents and phasor diagram.
19. Explain the source Transformation Techniques.
20. Derive the expression for EMF of Transformer. What is Transformation Ratio (K).
21. Explain about Number system. How many types of number system used in digital
22. Convert : a) (120)10 = ()2 b) (1110011)2 = ()10 e) (111010)2 = ()10
c) (48)8 = ()2 d (110110110010)2 = ()10 f) (85AE)16 = ()2
23. Explain Binary Addition and Binary substraction with suitable example.

24. What is Filp-Flop. Explain S-R filp-flop with neat diagram.

25. Explain Followings :
i) j-k Filp-Flop
ii) R-L-C Circuit
iii) Universal logic gates
iv) Exclusive gates
26. Explain various looses in Transformer .
27. Explain Demorgan’s Theorem.
28. Explain DC Motor with working principal.
29. Write short notes (any four)
a) BJT b) De Morgan’s Theorem c) Kirchhoff’s Law
d) Admittance e) 2’s complement f) Star delta transformation
30. Explain laws of Electromagnetic induction.

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