Team Essay Nuclear Energy

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Mueller, M. (2021, march 24). nuclear-power-most-reliable-energy-source-and-its-not-even-close.

Retrieved from

office of nuclear energy. (2021, march 29). advantages-and-challenges-nuclear-energy. Retrieved


Energy of the future

Considering global warming and the growing population, there is a need for clean, cheap and reliable
power sources. While the idea might scare some people, nuclear power plants are the best road to
walk in our journey to a sustainable world. Nuclear energy is, comparing to other green power
sources, reliable and clean. With the new technology to build nuclear power plants, they are also
safe and create new jobs for people. Most probably do not realise it yet, but nuclear energy is the
way to go in terms of energy of the future.

Nuclear power is the most sustainable power source available at the moment. One nuclear power
plant generates about 3,3 megawatt hours per year. You would need about 450 million solar panels
or 160 windmills to generate this amount of energy. Nuclear power is an emission-free power source,
this makes it an extremely sustainable power source. In the U.S., nuclear power plant generates
more than half of the emission-free electricity and creates nearly 800 billion kilowatt hours of
electricity each year. “This avoids more than 470 million metric tons of carbon each year, which is the
equivalent of removing 100 million cars off of the road.” (office of nuclear energy, 2021).

Contrary to sun, wind and water energy, nuclear energy is a very reliable power source. A lot of
green power sources rely on weather circumstances, solar panels only work when the sun is shining;
for windmills to work there has to be a certain amount of wind. According to the U.S. Department of
Energy nuclear energy has the largest capacity factor of any other power source. Nuclear power
plants produce maximum power 92,5% of the time during the year. “That’s about 1.5 to 2 times
more as natural gas and coal units, and 2.5 to 3.5 times more reliable than wind and solar plants.”
(Mueller, 2021). Nuclear energy creates jobs

Nuclear power plants create a lot of jobs. A lot of people can work at a nuclear power plant. In
America it supports almost a half million of the jobs. One nuclear power plant has about 700 jobs.
And it can operate out to 80 years or more, so multiple generations can work at the same plant.
“...with salaries that are 30% higher than the local average.” (office of nuclear energy, 2021). So
that means that the people in the factory are well paid and therefore also makes it more attractive to
work there.

Nuclear energy is the way to go in the future, Because of it is a the most sustainable power source,
the most reliable power source and at the place where they make the power is a lot of work. So,
there should be more nuclear power plants in the future, because it is the best power supply.

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