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Chanelle Dominique Canasa

Building an

What is your It is said that social media applications are

main designed to help people keep in touch
argument? with their friends.

Digital Interaction vs. Face- Decreased Quality Time: Superficial Connections: While
to-Face Connection: While People who spend a lot of the ease of social media
connection may increase the
social media makes staying in time on social media may
number of contacts, deeper, more
touch easy, some contend spend less time with each
meaningful friendships are not
that it cannot completely other in person. People may always the result. Some contend
replace the depth of in- find themselves scrolling that compared to the bonds
person conversations. Body through feeds rather than created through shared
language, shared experiences, participating in deep experiences in the real world, the
and subtleties in conversation conversations or activities, informal nature of online
interactions can lead to more
are all made possible by which can weaken the bonds
superficial connections.
physical presence and may between them.
not be possible in digital

Non-Verbal Cues: Face-to-face communication

Dunbar's Number: Dunbar, an anthropologist,
allows for the exchange of non-verbal cues such as Impact of General Screen Time: Studies show
postulated that there is a cognitive limit to the
facial expressions, body language, and gestures. that excessive use of digital devices, including quantity of stable social relationships that humans
These cues play a crucial role in conveying social media, can result in less time spent on are capable of sustaining. Even though social
emotions and understanding the context of a meaningful in-person interactions. Examples media makes it possible to connect with a large
conversation. Albert Mehrabian's communication of these studies include those looking at the number of people, research indicates that most of
model suggests that only a small percentage of these connections might be more surface-level,
effects of screen time on relationships and
communication is conveyed through words, while a with a smaller percentage of them likely to be
well-being. intimate, meaningful relationships.
larger portion is attributed to non-verbal cues.

However, spending long hours A limited daily exposure to social media

everyday on social media sites platforms used in a balanced and
like Facebook and Instagram thoughtful manner can foster positive
social connections and may not always
worsens feeling of isolation.
worsen feelings of isolation."

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