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Gumamela and sunflower are among the various plants that have healing
effect because of the many different complex chemical substance present in one
or more parts of these plants. This research presents the phytochemical
components of a gumamela leaves, flowers and sunflower leaves and seeds
suitable for the treatment of skin infection. This study utilized the experimental
research design. Samples were subjected for phytochemical screening analysis
to determine the phytochemical constituents and essential oil components.
Results revealed that gumamela and sunflower have phytochemical contents
such as flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, and sterols that are good anti-
inflammatory compounds. They have great potential to cure different skin
diseases because of their characteristics of having rich source of active
ingredients. The gumamela leaves contain alkaloids, unsaturated sterols,
flavonone, and tannin. Gumamela flowers contains alkaloids, unsaturated sterols
and triterpenes, flavonoids and tannin. On the other hand, sunflower seeds
contain flavonoids and tannins. Sunflower leaves contain alkaloids, unsaturated
sterols, flavonoids and tannin. These are all safe and cost-effective treatment for
skin diseases for their components of having different active compounds that help
in treating skin infections. Additionally the study showed that saponins and
alkaloids are antagonistic with each other. Hence, only gumamela flower
contains saponin that can affect the bioavailability of alkaloids potentially
reducing their efficacy.
In this regard, the research study recommends further laboratories and
studies regarding the on the determination of the potential antagonistic or
synergistic effects of these compounds in treating skin infection. Further,
researchers recommend for testing of the antimicrobial properties. Next would be
the formulation of a medicinal ointment made from gumamela and sunflower. In
the formulation of ointment, gumamela flowers will not be included because of its
saponin content that reduce the potential efficacy of the ointment made so only
use the gumamela leaves, sunflower seeds, and sunflower leaves. Lastly, the
level of approval or degree of acceptance for the developed ointment should be
included. Lastly, is the level of approval or degree of acceptance for the developed

Keywords: Phytochemical, Gumamela, Sunflower




Various plants that are seen around have healing effect because of the
many different complex chemical substance composition present as secondary
plant metabolites in one or more parts of these plants. (Amgad et al., 2015)
cited that plant drugs are frequently considered to be less toxic and freer from
side effects than the synthetic ones.

Herbal plants have been used even during the ancient times in any form
or the other. Moreover, despite the lack of biological plausibility, testability,
repeatability, or clinical trial evidence, many herbs are utilized for healing
(Huizen, 2021). Additionally, for pragmatic reasons like the high cost of
medications, most people frequently employ herbal plants in a variety of ways
as an alternative method of treatment. The term “herbal medicine” refers to the
use of any plant's seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal
purposes. It can also be known as “botanical medicine” or “phytomedicine”
(Schulz, Hansel and Tyler, 2001). These might be converted into any type of
ointment using the plant’s pharmacological components, just as other
medicated ointments that have medication dissolved, suspended, or emulsified
in the oil.

Gumamela and sunflower have been considered and utilized as herbal

medicine. These plants are very accessible and can be seen even in our
backyards. The Gumamela plant is significantly and scientifically known as
Hibiscus rosa - sinensis Linn, usually culminated as an ornamental plant. On
the other hand, the sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is a specie of the
Asteraceae family grown commercially worldwide offering a variety of nutritional
and medicinal benefits.

In the study of (Udo et al., 2016), phytochemical analysis of the leaves

extracts of H. rosa - sinensis L. revealed the presence of varying amounts of
alkaloids, tannin, saponins, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, anthraquinones,
and phlobatanins. According to (Allen et al., 2018), it also contains
phytochemical compounds like garlic acid, protocatechuic acid, phydroxy
benzoic acid, chlorogenic acid, p-coumaric acid, and ferulic acid. The study of
(Abdelhafez et al., 2018) shows that chemical profiling of the secondary
metabolites like flavonoids and phenolic acids predominated. (Gazwi et al.,
2022), cited that the plant extracts have substantial therapeutic potential that
maybe related to the phytochemical component with few negative adverse
effects for treating infectious diseases. Additionally, antimicrobial, and
antioxidant activities have been reported for this plant (Kumar et al., 2012).
Furthermore, in a phytochemical investigation conveyed that the leaf, stem, and
root extracts of H. rosa - sinensis contains alkaloids, flavonoid, phenols, tannins
and terpenoids (Divya et al., 2013). The Ethanol extract from flower showed
hexadecanoic acid, adipic acid and squalene as the major components (Bhaskar
et al., 2011). According to (Philippine Herbal Medicine 2019), the antimicrobial
property of the gumamela floral extracts is influenced by the color, and the
extract from red gumamela flower is effective for staphylococcus aureus.

Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa - sinensis) has phytochemicals resin, alkaloids,

tannins, cardenolides and bufadienolides, proteins and carbohydrates common
to gumamela extracts found to have an antibiotic and antimicrobial effect
(Magalong, 2007). Further, (Ngan et al., 2021) cited that the phytochemical
constituents, pharmacological effects, and medicinal bioactive compounds
responsible for its medicinal effects are namely flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids,
saponins, and alkaloids.

The wild sunflower has properties that are considered analgesic, and
anti-inflammatory properties. Phytochemical screening yielded phenolic
compounds: tannins, flavonoids, total phenols and strong antioxidant activity
(Stuart, 2019). Moreover, (Guo et al., 2017) found out that the sunflower seed
and sprout contain valuable antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and
wound healing benefits found in its phenolic compounds, flavonoids,
polyunsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins. These can be used for various
purpose and linoleic acid can inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acnes
(Deslanti, 2019). Further, (Saini et al., 2011) reviewed that sunflower extract
had moderate - strong antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, E coli,

Salmonella typhi, and S. aureus. It has moderate-strong antibacterial activity
against 2 other bacterial strains, namely Bacillus subtilus and Escherichia coli
(Kusmiati et al., 2021). In the study of (Fagbohun et al., 2020) showed the
presence of mineral elements, phytochemicals like flavonoid, tannins and
alkaloids was observed in the leaves, and however saponins were absent. The
findings on the phytochemical constituents, mineral composition and proximate
composition of the leaves suggests useful contribution to both human and
animal nutrition and possesses medicinal values.

(Omokhua, Abdalla, & McGaw 2018) stated that solvent leaf extracts and
fractions exhibited different levels of inhibitory activity showed no inhibitory
effect against all tested bacterial strains. The leaves contain essential oil,
sesquiterpene lactones, including tagitnin, which possess insecticidal properties
while a methanol extract of the dried leaves reduced pain levels and inhibited
edema and granuloma, confirming the plants traditional use in the treatment of
painful inflammatory conditions (Fern, 2014). Moreover, phenolic compounds
are indeed a sunflower seeds’ antibacterial component (Islam et al., 2016).
Phenolic substances make the cytoplasmic membrane more permeable, which
causes intracellular components to flow out and the cytoplasm to coagulate,
resulting in cell lysis (Sudarmi et al., 2017). High antioxidant activity was
reported in sunflower seed water extract (Giada and Mancini - Filho, 2009).

The findings of a study done on Swiss mice (Mus musculus) revealed that
an ethanolic extract of sunflower petals (Helianthus annuus L.) exhibited
analgesic effects, demonstrating the sunflower’s antibacterial activity. According
to studies, phenolics, flavonoids, and alkaloids, which are antibacterial agents,
are present in sunflower seeds and leaves (Kamal, 2011). Escherichia coli,
Bacillus subtilis, Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus
uberis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Micrococcus luteus have all been
documented to be resistant to the antibacterial properties of sunflower seeds
(Deslanti, 2019). Terpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, triterpenoids, and steroids have
been shown to be present in the phytochemical screening findings on sunflower
leaves (Muti’ah, 2013), all of which work as antibacterial agents. Phenolic

chemicals have been found in several studies to aid in wound healing and act
as an analgesic to lessen pain or discomfort.

According to Rifka, Amirul and Muhtadi (2020), several research studies

have demonstrated that the sunflower’s seed has the greatest potential to
exhibit advantageous pharmacological effects. Staphylococcus aureus,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Propionibacterium
acnes, Streptococcus uberis, and Aspergillus brasiliensis may all be defeated by
sunflower seeds.

The researchers as student nurses are able to encounter different

diseases and conditions in the hospital and community setting. During the
community exposure of the researchers, they have encountered skin infections
like wounds and boils suffered by the community people. The researchers also
noted that the community people are using available resources present like
herbal plants. With this, the researchers conceptualize to develop gumamela
and sunflower plant ointment for use in the treatment of skin infection. The
resources of the community will be utilized as well as decreasing the expenses
of the community people. It will help the community people who are using
gumamela and sunflower as treatment for skin infection in a poultice.
Moreover, they will utilize the available resources that can be found within the
community as this study would strengthen the utilization of gumamela and
sunflower plant.

The study will be an avenue in learning and unlearning the process of

conducting research studies like experimental research design of the
researcher. Additional knowledge on gumamela and sunflower plant will be
acquired and that there are other ways of utilizing plants available in the
community. Additionally, this will serve as their basis in conducting studies
venturing on the other aspects of gumamela and sunflower. Furthermore,
literatures show some phytochemical components of sunflower and gumamela,
however, there were no literature on the development of gumamela and
sunflower ointment hence, the conduct of the study.


This study is anchored on the Republic Act 8423, known as the

“Traditional and Alternative Medicine.” It is hereby declared the policy of the
State to improve the quality and delivery of health care services to the Filipino
people through the development of traditional and alternative health care and
its integration into the national health care delivery system. Furthermore, it
shall also be the policy of the State to seek a legally workable basis by which
indigenous societies would own their knowledge of traditional medicine (DOH,

This study conceptualized the phytochemical components of the

gumamela and sunflower will still be present when mixed with the chemicals
used in the development of an ointment then there is a possibility to develop an
ointment for utilization. This ointment will be used as an alternative medicine
by the community people which will be less expensive than the synthetic
ointment. Furthermore, this concept establishes that the community people
must not depend on commercial medicines and exceeds on low preference of
commercial drugs or medicines.


Figure 1 below show the paradigm of the study utilized by the researchers in
the conduct of the study.


 Determine the
phytochemical  Plant collection  Phytochemical
components  Preparation of Components
and essential materials for
oil present in the Laboratory
gumamela and testing.
sunflower  Determination
and essential
oil components
Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

Gumamela and sunflower are known plants that have been used for
various medicinal and cosmetic purposes. To determine the phytochemical
components and essential oil present in these plants. In the process, plants
collection, preparation of materials and determination of constituents will be
done. The first step was to collect fresh samples gumamela leaves and flowers;
and sunflower leaves and seeds. The plants will be washed except the seeds and
dried for 2 weeks. Next, the plant materials were ground into coarse powder
using a high-capacity grinding machine. Lastly, it was sent for phytochemical
screening analysis for the determination of constituents and components. The
output of this process was the identification and quantification of the
phytochemical constituents and components present in gumamela and
sunflower that could contribute to the treatment of skin infection.


The study aims to know the phytochemical components of gumamela

leaves and flower and sunflower leaves and seeds that helps in treating skin
infection. Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. What are the phytochemical components and essential oils present in the
gumamela and sunflower?
2. What are the common component of the plants?


This chapter presents a precise description of the method of the research

used in the study. It includes Research Design, Materials that will be use,
Preparation of materials, and Process for phytochemical screening.

Research Design
This study used the experimental research design. Bell, S., (2009) defines
experimental design as the process of carrying out research in an objective and
controlled fashion so that precision is maximized and specific conclusions can
be drawn regarding a hypothesis statement.

Plant Collection
The fresh mature leaves and flower of the gumamela (Hibiscus rosa -
sinensis Linn) and sunflower leaves and seeds (Tithonia diversifolia) was
gathered and collected in the Municipalities of Bontoc and Bauko, Mountain
Province. Collection of the plant sample were done from January to February

Preparation of Materials
The collected mature plant leaves, flowers and seeds were cleaned and
washed with distilled water and air-dried at room temperature for three weeks,
after which these were ground into coarse powder using a high-capacity
grinding machine. The coarse powder leaves, flower and seeds was placed in a
clean plastic bag having 200 grams sample (Nasungan, 2022).


Phytochemical Screening. Preliminary phytochemical analysis gumamela
leaves and flower and; the sunflower leaves and seeds was undertaken. It was
then sent at the Virgen Milagrosa University, Department of Pharmacy for
phytochemical constituent’s determination.

Phytochemical Screening Procedure

A. Screening for Alkaloids

Evaporate 70 ml of the 95% ethanolic extract to dryness on a

steam bath. Dissolve the residue in 7ml of 1% hydrochloric acid, aided
by warming on steam bath for 1 or 2 min. Cool, filter, and then adjust
the volume of the filtrate to 7ml by washing the residue on filter paper
with a sufficient quantity of 1% hydrochloric acid. Add few grains of
powdered sodium chloride to the filtrate, shake and then refilter.

Place 1ml of the filtrate into each of 4 small test tubes. To the first
test tube, add 3 drops of Modified Mayer’s reagent (Mercury Potassium
Iodide TS). In the second, 3 drops of Mayer’s reagent (Mercury Iodide TS).
In the third, 3 drops of Wagner’s reagent (Iodide and Potassium).
Finally, in the fourth, 3 drops of Bouchard’s reagent (2% Iodide and 4%
Potassium Iodide).

B. Screening for Unsaturated Sterols and Triterpenes

Evaporate 30ml of the 95% ethanolic extract to dryness on a water
bath. Cool the residue to room temperature and add 15ml of light
petroleum ether. Mix well and filter. Repeat with additional volumes of
petroleum ether until colorless. Combine the ethereal filtrates, set aside
the defatted residue for screening for flavonoids and leucoanthocyanins.
Evaporate the combined ethereal filtrates to dryness and then
dissolve the residue in 15ml of chloroform. Add a pinch of anhydrous
sodium sulphate to the filtrate and divide equally into three dry test

tubes. The following test are essentially dehydration reactions and
therefore moisture must be excluded in each of the experimental steps.

B1. Liebermann – Bourchardt’s Test - To 5 ml of the filtrate in a

suitably dry test tube, add 0.3ml of acetic anhydride and mix gently. Add
one drop of concentrated sulfuric acid. Observe any color change
immediately and every 5 minutes thereafter over 50 minutes. Period. Run
this test concurrently with 5ml portions of standard solutions prepared
from plants known to contain unsaturated sterols or triterpenes.

B2. Salkowski Test - Transfer 5 ml of the filtrate to a dry test tube and
perform a ring test with concentrated sulfuric acid. Shake for 1 to 2
minutes and note the color change.

B3. Color Control - Add 5 ml of the filtrate to the third test tube .Add no
reagents. This tube is to serve as a color control for both test.

C. Screening for Flavonoids

Dissolve the defatted residue from section B-3 in 30ml of 50%

ethanol filtrate and place 1-2ml of the filtrate in each of the three test

To Test tube #1, add 0.5ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid and

warm in a steam bath for about a minute and observe the color change.
The development of a red-violet color is indicative of the presence of
leucoanthocyanidins. Color formation may be slow. If the color is not
immediately apparent, allow the test solution to stand at room
temperature for 1 hour before recording the result as negative.

To Test tube #2, add 0.5ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid and

3-4 magnesium turnings. Observe carefully for a color change (to green,
red, etc.) within 10 minutes which is indicative of the presence of
flavanols. If a definite color is formed, cool and dilute with an equal
volume of water and add 1.0ml of octyl alcohol. Shake and allow to
separate. The color in the octyl alcohol layer is due to aglycones while
the color in the aqueous layer is due to glycosides.

D. Screening for Steroid (Cardio active) Glycosides

D1. Presence of Unsaturated Sterols (Liebermann-Burchard Test) -

Use the result of section B1

D2. Presence of Unsaturated Lactones – Since the following three tests

involve color reactions, it is necessary to run concurrent test with the
control sample.

D2a. Kedde Reaction. To 5ml of the 80% ethanolic extract in an

evaporating dish. Add 5ml of Kedde reagent (2g of 3.5 - dinitrobenzoic
acid in 100ml of ethanol) and mix well with a glass stirring rod. To the
mixture, add 2ml of 1N sodium hydroxide. Mix and observe color
development. A purple color is positive indication of the presence of the
unsaturated lactone ring.

D2b. Presence of 2-deoxysugars (Keller Killiani Test) – Place

10ml of the 80% ethanolic extract in an evaporating dish and dry on a
steam bath. Add 3ml of the ferric chloride reagent (mix 0.3ml of 10%
ferric chloride solution with 50ml of glacial acetic acid), stir to mix well
and transfer to a small test tube. With the test tube held at 45˚ angle,
layer 1ml of concentrated sulfuric acid by allowing it to flow down the
inside wall of the test tube. Avoid shaking or agitating the test tube at
this point. Observe for a purple ring at the interface which would indicate
the presence of 2-deoxysugars.

E. Screening of Saponins

E1. Froth Test

Take a volume of the alcoholic extract or control using 2ml of 10%
gugo extract (This is prepared by extracting 1g of gugo bark with 10ml of
ethanol) in a separate test tube. Add 10ml of distilled water to each test
tube, put stopper and shake the tube vigorously for 30 seconds. Allow to
stand and observe over a period of 30 minutes.

F. Screening for Tannins and Phenolic Compounds

Evaporate 100ml of 95% ethanolic extract to dryness on a steam
bath. Remove the evaporating dish from the steam bath and add 25ml of
hot distilled water to the residue. Mix well with a stirring rod and allow it
to cool at room temperature spontaneously. Centrifuge the cooled extract
for several minutes and decant the upper half from each tube used. Add
3-4 drops of 10% sodium chloride solutions to the decanted supernatant.
Precipitation at this point is indicative of a salting – out reaction
probably due to non-tannin components. Filter off any precipitate. Add
3ml of the filtrate to each of the three tubes.

F1. Gelatin Test

To test tube #1, add 2-3 drops of a 1% gelatin solution; to test tub
#2 add, the same amount of gelatin salt reagent (1% gelatin, 10% sodium
chloride); and to test tube #3, add several drops of ferric chloride TS.
The absence of a reaction with chloride indicates the absence of
tannins and phenolic compounds. A greenish - blue or greenish black
color after the addition of ferric chloride is correlated with precipitation
on the gelatin-salt black test indicating the presence of tannins of the
catechol type. A blue-black color after addition of ferric chloride is
correlated with precipitate on the gelatin salt black test indicating the
presence of tannins of the pyrogallol type. A negative gelatin-salt block
test associated with color production after the addition of the ferric
chloride is indicative of the absence of tannins and presence of other
phenolic plant constituents.

G. Screening for Anthraquinone Heterosides

a. Borntrager test. Transfer 5ml of the ethanolic extract to an
evaporating dish and dry over a steam bath. Defat the residue in the
dish with 5-10ml of petroleum ether. Add 50ml of distilled water to
the defatted residue, mix well and filter into small separatory funnel.
Add 10ml of benzene, shake to mix well and allow the two phases to
separate. Drain out the aqueous layer (bottom layer) and transfer the

benzene phase (upper layer) to a test tube. Introduce 5ml of
ammonia, mix well and observe the benzene layer for color change.

b. Modified Borntrager test. Heat 0.3g of the plant powder with 10ml of
0.5 N potassium hydroxide and 1ml of dilute hydrogen peroxide for
10min. cool, filter and acidify 5ml of the filtrate with approximately
10drops of glacial acetic acid and partition wit 10ml of benzene. Filter
the benzene phase and transfer 5ml to a test tube containing 2.6ml of
ammonia TS. Mix well and observe for color changes.
H. Screening for Cyanogenic Glycosides
a. Guignard Test. Place 2-5g of the crushed plant sample in a test tube.
Moisten with water and add a few drops of chloroform to enhance
enzyme activity. Place a firm stopper on the tube, use cork from
which it is suspended in a piece of picrate paper. The paper strip
must not touch the inner sides of the test tube. Warm the tube at 34
- 40˚C or keep it at room temperature for 3 hours.



This chapter presents the phytochemical analysis. Further, it would also

present the analysis and discussion of the results of the phytochemical
analysis. Table 1 below is the synthesis of the results.

Table 1. Results of Phytochemical Analysis

Phytochemicals Sunflower Sunflower Gumamela Gumamela Results

Tested Leaves Seeds Leaves Flowers

A. Alkaloids Presence Absence Presence Presence Presence

B. Unsaturated Presence Absence Presence Presence Presence

Steroids and

C. Flavonoids Presence Absence Presence Presence Presence

D. Steroids Absence Absence Absence Absence Absence

(Cardio active

E. Saponins Absence Absence Absence Presence Absence

F. Tannins and Presence Presence Presence Presence Presence


G. Anthraquino- Absence Absence Absence Absence Absence


H. Cyanogenic Absence Absence Absence Absence Absence

The sunflower leaves extract sample shows that there are presence of
alkaloids, unsaturated sterols and triterpenes, flavonoids, and tannins.
However, absence in steroid, saponin, anthraquinone heterosides and
cyanogenic glycosides test. On the other hand, the result of the phytochemical
test conducted on the sunflower seeds extract sample shows that there are
presence of alkaloids and tannin and phenolic compound. But absence in
unsaturated sterols and triterpenes, flavonoids, steroids, saponin,
anthraquinone heterosides and cyanogenic glycosides test.

For the result of the phytochemical test conducted on the gumamela

leaves extract sample shows that there are presence of alkaloids, unsturated
sterols and triterpenes, flavonoids, and tannins. But absence in steroid,
saponin, anthraquinone heterosides and cyanogenic glycosides test. On the
other hand, gumamela flower extract sample shows that there are presence of
alkaloids, unsaturated sterols and triterpenes, saponins, and tannins and
phenolic compound. But absence in steroids, anthraquinone heterosides and
cyanogenic glycosides test.


Alkaloids from plants are important class of molecules with anti-

inflammatory activity, demonstrating inhibition of expression of several pro-
inflammatory factors such as cytokines, lipid mediators, histamine and
enzymes involved in the inflammatory response (Souza et al., 2020). They also
have been observed to enhance significant wound healing activity that has
effect in the healing of a skin diseases. These alkaloids may serve as potential
courses compounds that can act as lead compounds for the development of
plant based antibacterials for acne, boils, and severe staphylococcal-scalded
skin syndrome (Mabhiza et al., 2016).

Unsaturated Sterols

Unsaturated sterols found in plants are known to have potent anti-fungal
and anti-inflammatory properties that make them effective in treating skin
infections, also the anti-fungal activity of plant sterols was evaluated against
candida species, which are responsible for various skin infections (Parihar et
al., 2017). According to the study, plant sterols such as B-sitosterol,
stigmasterol, and campesterol have demonstrated antifungal activity against
various dermatophytes that cause skin infections (Lee et al., 2017). The study
found that these compounds inhibit the growth of dermatophytes by interfering
with the cell membrane structure and disrupting their growth cycle.
Furthermore, plant sterols have anti-inflammatory properties that help to
reduce skin inflammation and redness caused by infection (Lee et al., 2014).


Triterpenes reduces the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, a common

cause of skin infection (Amoo et al., 2015). Another study, assessed the
antibacterial activity of triterpenes from Boswellia carterii against various
strains of bacteria, including Escherichia coli and S. aureus, thus, the findings
indicated that the triterpenes had a potent antibacterial effect against these
microorganisms (Alghazwi et al., 2017). Furthermore, the antifungal activity of
triterpenes has also been studied. The antifungal activity of triterpenes from the
leaves was evaluated against dermatophytes, a class of fungi that causes skin
infections. The results showed that the triterpenes have a strong inhibitory
effect against trichophyton rubrum, one of the most common dermatophytes
(Roy et al., 2013). In addition, triterpenes are demonstrable effective for
accelerating re-epithelialisation of wounds and known to improve scar
formation for superficial lesions (Kindler et al., 2016).


Flavonoid are responsible for many health benefits and are considered
dietary supplements supporting health and disease prevention. Flavonoid are
potent antioxidants with antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-
allergic properties. They are also essential to many pharmaceutical
nutraceuticals, medicinal, cosmetics and other applications. Flavonoids inhibits

the release of arachinodic acid caused by oxidative processes of membrane
lipids. Flavonoids with chelation properties inactivate lipoxygenase and
cyclooxygenase, which are important in transforming arachinodic acid into pro-
inflammatory leukotriene and prostaglandins. Their antioxidant properties
correlate with their activity on the skin and their soothing properties
(Tomeckova et al., 2023). They have been identified as polyphenolic compounds
capable of exerting antibacterial activities via various mechanisms of action
(Lodhi et al., 2016). Flavanoid exert their anti-inflammatory activities by
reducing the production of reactive oxygen species and the down-regulation of
several inflammatory mediator through key inhibition of signaling pathway
(Ginwala et al., 2019).


Saponins found in gumamela flower plants have been used traditionally

as a natural remedy for treating various skin infections. Saponins have been
known to exhibit antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing
properties, which make them beneficial in treating skin infections. A study
investigated the antimicrobial activity of various plant extracts including
gumamela flower extract. The study revealed that gumamela flower extract
exhibited significant antimicrobial activity against various microorganisms
including Staphylococcus aureus, a common bacterium causing skin infection
(Habbal et al., 2011). Another study conducted to evaluate the anti-
inflammatory and wound healing properties of gumamela flower extract. The
results of the study indicated that gumamela flower extract exhibited potent
anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory
cytokines. Additionally, gumamela flower extract was found to promote wound
healing by enhancing collagen synthesis and agiogenesis (Lin et al., 2012).


Tannins are natural antioxidant that give skin a boost, and are
responsible for free-radical neutralization, promotes anti-inflammatory, anti-
aging, anti-microbial, anticarcinogenic and wound healing properties it also
contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help minimize redness and

inflammation (Thayers, 2022). Tannins have been recognized for their
therapeutic properties for centuries. One of the primary functions of tannins is
their ability to bind to and precipitate proteins, which can help to reduce
inflammation and prevent infections in the skin, it has also anti-fungal,
antiviral and antibacterial properties, making them an effective treatment for a
wide range of skin infections (Chen et al., 2011).

Phenolic Compound

Phenolic compounds found in gumamela and sunflower plants have been

reported to have antimicrobial properties and can be used in treating skin
infection. According to the study, extracts from Hibiscuss rosa-sinensis
(gumamela) exhibited strong antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus
aureus (Akinniyi et al., 2012). Another study conducted, phenolic extracts from
sunflower leaves were also found to have antimicrobial activity against various
bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The researchers
hypothesized that the antimicrobial activity was due to the presence of phenolic
compound, especially chlorogenic acid, which is a major phenolic compound
found in sunflower leaves (Yahiaoui et al., 2017).

In conclusion, according to the study by Nithya et al., (2014), found that

the seed oil of Helianthus annuus (sunflower) has the presence of unsaturated
sterols and triterpenes in the extracted oil which exhibited antimicrobial activity
against various strains of bacteria, including S. aureus. Previous studies have
noted that sunflower seed contains an array of phytochemicals such as
phenols, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, which are effective antimicrobial agents.
The antimicrobial activity of sunflower seeds may be due to the considerable
amounts of phenolic compounds present on it. The results obtained from
previous studies revealed antimicrobial activity of sunflower seed against
Staphylococcus epidermis, Staphylococcus aureus (Mahamba et al., 2022).
Sunflower seed oil (Helianthus annuus L.) emulgel preparations were effective
against Propionibacterium acnes at concentrations of 10%, 15%, and 20% with
inhibition zone values of 9.92 mm, respectively; 10.65 mm and 13.65 mm while

the positive control (clindamycin 1% had an inhibition zone of 24.75 mm
(Desianti, 2019). The results obtained from antimicrobial studies look at the
fact that oil from sunflower seeds is effective against several microorganisms
such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis which are
commonly involved in infections (Aboki et al., 2012). Sunflower extract had
moderate-strong antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, E. coli,
Salmonella typhi, and S. aureus at a concentration. The antibiotic
chloramphenicol already has strong antibacterial activity against the strains of
bacteria, namely Salmonella typhi and Staphylococcus aureus. And only has
moderate-strong antibacterial activity against the other bacterial strains,
namely Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli (Kusmiati et al. 2021). While the
bioactive components found in sunflower leaf extract include heliannuol M,
helivypolides K, helivypolides L, and helieudesmanolide B (Zouhir, 2015).
Compounds isolated from sunflower leaves are fatty acids, alkaloid,
unsaturated sterols and triterpenes, tannins, flavonoids and heliannuol, then a
bioassay was performed and the bioactive components were obtained, namely
heliannuol D, tambulin, pinoresinol and sesquiterpene10-oxo-isodauc-3-en-15-
al (Gandara, 2019).

A study conducted by (Ahmad et al., 2016), found that the leaf extract of
hibiscus rosa-sinensis (gumamela) exhibited significant antimicrobial activity
against various bacterial strains, including Staphylococcus aureus, which is
frequently associated with skin infection, thus, the extracted oil of gumamela
contain tannins, flavonoids, and other phenolic compounds that contribute to
its antimicrobial activity.

In addition, the antibacterial activities of Gumamela were carried out.

Most of the extract shows antibacterial activity against human pathogens such
as S. Aureus, Streptococcus sp. All the extracts form the gummamela have
shown the activity. The crude extracts containing multiple organic components
including flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, triterpenoids all of which are known to
have antibacterial affects. Flower extract contain phenolics compound like
tannins that are very good antimicrobial agents. Flavonoid from the plant are
known to be effective antimicrobial agent against a wide array of

microorganism. The activity is attributed to their ability to complex with extra
cellular and soluble proteins and with bacterial cell wall (Ruban, 2012).



Unsaturated steroids such as, stigmasterol and beta-sitosterol, have

demonstrated significant have demonstrated significant antimicrobial activity
against various bacterial and fungal strains (Patil et al., 2016; Flores-
villavicencio et al., 2020). Triterpenes, including oleanolic acid and ursolic acid,
have also been found to possess strong antibacterial and antifungal properties
(Younis et al., 2018; Ahmad et al., 2020). Alkaloids like berberine and quinine
are also known to exhibit potent antimicrobial activity (Singh et al., 2017;
Mandal et al., 2018). There is no research available on the potential interaction
between unsaturated steroids and triterpenes mixed with alkaloids in treating
skin infection. However, the individual compounds have been studied for their
antimicrobial properties and have shown promising results. Thus, in combining
alkaloids and unsaturated steroids and triterpenes compounds may enhance
their antimicrobial effects due to their diverse mechanisms of action and
potential synergistic interactions.

The alarming increase in the rate of infection by antibiotic- resistant

microorganisms has urged scientists to search for compounds which have
potential anti-microbial activity. The ability to synthesize compounds by
secondary metabolism possessing antimicrobial potential makes plants an
invaluable source of pharmaceutical and therapeutic products. (Mujeeb et al.,
2014). The Flavonoidal alkaloids or flavo alkaloids build a quite special group of
natural products, where the typical flavonoid backbone is linked with a nitrogen
containing moiety too. Several plants, containing flavonoid alkaloids, were
applied in the traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases like
infections, inflammation of the skin. (Ilkei et al., 2018). Alkaloids and flavonoid
are naturally occurring organic compounds found mostly in plants, both
compounds are useful in curing diseases and improving human life. They have
anti-oxidative activity, anti- inflammatory and anti-cancer activities. (Samanthi,
2021). UVB irradiation can induce inflammation, photo-aging, cancer and
pigmentation in human skin, flavonoid and carboline alkaloids possess effective
absorption in the UVB region. However, the protective effects of these
compounds against UVB induced damage to human skin have not been
previously investigated (Chen et al., 2022).

Furthermore, Gumamela and sunflower are both known to contain

alkaloids, tannins, and phenolic compounds that exhibit antimicrobial activity.
When combined, these compounds can potentially enhance the effectiveness of
their respective antimicrobial properties and potentially treat skin infections
(Khatoon et al., 2019). Another study by Jegajeevanram and Uthayakumari also
showed that the combination of plant extract containing alkaloids, tannins and
phenolic compounds exhibited a higher antibacterial activity against a range of
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria compared to individual plant
extracts (Jegajeevanram and Uthayakumari, 2020). Therefore, it is possible that
the combination of gumamela and sunflower extracts could strengthen their
effect in treating skin infections due to their synergistic antimicrobial potential.

However, the combinations of saponins from plants can affect the

bioavailability of alkaloids, potentially reducing their efficacy. Alkaloids are
bioactive compounds commonly found in plants, while saponins are glycosides
that have surfactant properties and are often used as a natural emulsifier in
cosmetic formulations (Castro et al., 2012). Another study found that saponins
can inhibit the antimicrobial activity of certain alkaloids, including berberine,
which is commonly used to treat skin infection. The authors suggest that this
may be due to the ability of saponins to interact with the cell membrane of
bacteria, reducing the effectiveness of alkaloids that target the same membrane
(Liu et al., 2020). Thus, some studies suggest that the combination of alkaloids
and saponins may have antagonistic effects.

According to the study conducted by Sokeng, Tamokou, Tchakam,

Kuiate, and Genyuo they found out that the combination of unsaturated
steroids and triterpenes with flavonoids showed enhanced antimicrobial activity
against skin infections. The study tested the effectiveness of a mixture of
against Streptococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes, two common
bacteria that causes infection. The mixture was found to have strong
antibacterial activity, with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.5mg/mL
(Sokeng et al., 2019). Another study reported that the combination of
triterpenoids and flavonoids showed synergistic effects against Candida
albicans, a fungus that can cause skin infection. The combination was found to
have higher antifungal activity compared to individual compounds (El-Moghazy
et al., 2019). Further, recent studies found out that the combination of
unsaturated steroids and triterpenes with flavonoids can enhance the
antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activates of these compounds.
The synergy between these phytochemicals is believed to result in a stronger
antimicrobial effect, as well as the inhibition of inflammation and oxidative
stress (Dubey et al., 2019).

One study conducted by Singh et al., (2016) found that a combination of

triterpenoids, tannins, and phenolic compounds extracted from the bark of the
Terminalia arjuna tree had potent antibacterial activity against several strains
of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including those responsible for
skin infections. Similarly, another study by Kumar et al., (2019) investigated
the antibacterial activity of a combination of phytochemicals including
triterpenoids, tannins, and phenolic compounds extracted from the leaves of the
Neem tree. The researchers found that this combination had significant
antibacterial activity against bacteria responsible for skin infections such as
Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Also, the study by Chae
et al., (2016) found that a mixture of triterpenes and phenolic compounds
extracted from plant species was effective in inhibiting the growth of
Staphylococcus aureus, a common bacterium associated with skin infections.
Another study by López-Pérez et al., (2017) demonstrated the anti-inflammatory
and antioxidant properties of tannins, which could potentially aid in the
treatment of skin infections. Moreover, a study by Gómez-Caravaca et al.,
(2019) investigated the compatibility of different phenolic compounds and
tannins present in olive oil, and found that they showed synergistic activity
against bacteria and fungi.

As for the synergistic effects of phytochemical unsaturated steroids and

triterpenes mixed with saponins in treating skin infections caused by the plants

of gumamela and sunflower there is limited research available. However, some
studies suggest that saponins can enhance the antimicrobial activity of
triterpenes and unsaturated steroids, leading to a more potent antibacterial
effect (Boonlertnirun et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2019).

Flavonoids are the most common and widely distributed phytochemicals

in the plant kingdom, which possess many beneficial biological activities,
including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. Flavonoids are
divided into a variety of classes such as flavones, flavanones, flavanonols,
isoflavones and flavan-3-ols, which are precursors of tannins-catechins.
Flavonoids are synthesized as a plant response to microbial infection; thus,
they are potent antimicrobial agents against a wide range of pathogenic
microorganisms. Flavonoids and tannins are the main polyphenols in plants.
Both groups have a wide range of pharmacological activities, including
antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Making them ideal candidates
for treating bacterial infections. Many traditional medicines apply extracts of
medicinal plants for the topical treatment of mucosal or skin inflammation and
wounds. Research over the last decade has shown that polyphenols can reduce
the growth of cariogenic bacteria and modulate bacterial biofilms. Preclinical
and clinical studies brought significance results that confirm the proper place
of traditional medicinal plants in current medicine. The researcher of natural
products remains a crucial area for discovery of new antimicrobial molecules.
Some polyphenols are considered alternatives to conventional antibiotics or may
be used with antibiotic to overcome antibacterial resistance (Kovac et al., 2022).
In addition, tannins are complex chemical substances derived from phenolic
acid. They classified as phenolic compounds (sometimes called tannic acid)
(Soorej M., 2022). Tannins isolated from plants possess toxic activity against
bacteria. This promote wound healing through chelation of free radicals and
reactive oxygen species promoting contraction of the wound and increasing the
formation of capillary vessels and fibroblast (Bruan et al., 2019). Research has
revealed that saponins can accelerate numerous biological activities including
hemolytic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-oxidative functions. In addition,
saponins reportedly have anti-inflammatory activity which can reduce edema
and skin inflammationn (Soo Kim et al., 2011). Tannin and saponin indicates
their effectiveness as anti-methanogenic agents across contrasting diet types.
Their effects were generally additive and occasionally synergistic (i.e. more than
proportionate) (Jayanegara et al., 2020).

In conclusion, studies have shown that many of these phytochemicals

possess antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that may aid in the
treatment of skin infections. For example, studies have found that alkaloids
such as berberine have potent antimicrobial effects against various bacteria and
fungi responsible for skin infections (Olivares et al., 2021). Similarly,
unsaturated steroids and triterpenes such as β-sitosterol and lupeol have been
found to possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties (Loza-Tavera,
2010). Flavonoids, saponins, and tannin and phenolic compounds are also
known to possess antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that may aid
in the treatment of skin infections (Lin et al., 2020). For instance, flavonoids
such as quercetin and kaempferol have been found to have anti-inflammatory
properties that can reduce skin inflammation and redness (Wang et al., 2018).
Tannins, on the other hand, have potent antimicrobial effects against various
bacteria and fungi (Farrugia et al., 2017). Overall, the combination of these
phytochemicals may potentially provide a synergistic effect in treating skin
infections. However, further research is needed to determine their compatibility
and optimal concentrations for therapeutic use.

The benefit of coconut oil for skin is that it can help to reduce
inflammation through improving antioxidants status. Antioxidants helps to
fight free radicals (unstable atoms that attach to skin) that can be
inflammatory. Caprylic acid- this fatty acid makes up approximately makes up
approximately 8% of coconut oil and has strong anti-inflammatory, anti-
bacterial and anti-fungal properties which makes it an effective treatment for
numerous skin conditions. Capric Acid- is an excellent emollient in can help to
moisturize skin, capric acid makes up approximately 7% of coconut oil. Linoleic
Acid- comprises of about 2% of coconut oil and is amazing at strengthening the
skin barrier so it can better retain moisture and keep harmful irritants out.
(Beiersdorf, 2023).

Beeswax is one of the oldest raw ingredients used in skin care and
continuous to be used today due to its naturally beneficial skin care benefits.
Beeswax has fantastic skin softening properties and enhances skin elasticity,
helping reduced the signs of aging. It is also an anti-allergenic anti-
inflammatory, anti-oxidant, ant-bacterial and germicidal (Elizabeth, 2023).
Beeswax has antibacterial properties helping keep things clean and reducing
risk of contamination. Anti-fungal properties preventing the growth of other
fungi (Ecobee, 2016). Additionally, due to propolis, which is an ingredient
commonly mixed into beeswax products, topical beeswax can also provide anti-
inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant benefits (Andrus, 2023).

Mixture of beeswax and coconut oil helps in treating fungal skin

infections and treat jock itch. Because of their anti-inflammatory components,
it can help reduce the pain associated with jock itch and fungal skin infections
while providing moisturizing benefits to help reduce the itching (Oliver, 2022).



Gumamela and sunflower are among the various plants that have
healing effect because of the many different complex chemical substance
present in one or more parts of these plants. This research presents the
phytochemical components of a gumamela leaves, flowers and sunflower leaves
and seeds suitable for the treatment of skin infection. This study utilized the
experimental research design. Samples were subjected for phytochemical
screening analysis to determine the phytochemical constituents and essential
oil components. Results revealed that gumamela and sunflower have
phytochemical contents such as flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, and sterols that
are good anti-inflammatory compounds. They have great potential to cure
different skin diseases because of their characteristics of having rich source of
active ingredients. The gumamela leaves contain alkaloids, unsaturated sterols,
flavonone, and tannin. Gumamela flowers contains alkaloids, unsaturated
sterols and triterpenes, saponins, flavonoids and tannin. On the other hand,
sunflower seeds contain flavonoids and tannins. Sunflower leaves contain

alkaloids, unsaturated sterols, flavonoids and tannin. These are all safe and
cost-effective treatment for skin infection for their components of having
different active compounds that help in treating skin infections.
Additionally the study showed that saponins and alkaloids are
antagonistic with each other. Hence, only gumamela flower contains saponin
that can affect the bioavailability of alkaloids potentially reducing their efficacy.

In this regard, the research study recommends further laboratories and
studies regarding on the determination of the potential antagonistic or
synergistic effects of these compounds in treating skin infection. Further,
researchers recommend for testing of the antimicrobial properties. Next would
be the formulation of a medicinal ointment made from gumamela and
sunflower. In the formulation of ointment, gumamela flowers will not be
included because of its saponin content that reduce the potential efficacy of the
ointment made so only use the gumamela leaves, sunflower seeds, and
sunflower leaves. Lastly, the level of approval or degree of acceptance for the
developed ointment should be included.


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