Exploring Marketing in The Aisles

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Assignment Title: Exploring Marketing in the Aisles

Objective: To gain practical insights into marketing fundamentals by conducting a survey of categories,
brands, product lines, and product extensions in a grocery store. This assignment not only helps to apply
theoretical concepts but also enhances the observation and analytical skills in a real-world marketing
Assignment Components:
1. Store Selection:
Choose a local grocery store for their survey. It could be a supermarket or a smaller convenience
2. Preparation:
In addition to basic marketing terms, you should review concepts such as marketing mix (4Ps:
Product, Price, Place, Promotion) and consumer behavior.
3. Survey Parameters:
Observe and document the following aspects during their store visit:
• Categories: Identify and list the different product categories available in the store (e.g.,
beverages, snacks, dairy, etc.).
• Brands: Record the names of brands within each category.
• Product Lines: Within selected categories, note the al the product lines offered by different
• Product Extensions: Look for instances where a brand has extended its product line (e.g.,
different flavors, sizes, or variations).
• Pricing Strategies: Analyze the pricing strategies employed by different brands within the
same category.
• Promotional Tactics: Observe and document any promotional activities, discounts, or special
• Store Layout and Placement: Explore how products are arranged within the store and the
significance of their placement.
• Customer Behavior: Pay attention to customer behavior, such as popular product choices,
interaction with promotional displays, and response to pricing.
4. Innovation and Trends:
Identify any innovative products or marketing trends that you observe in the store.
5. Data Collection:
Quantitative data (e.g., the number of brands per category, the number of products in a product line)
and qualitative data (e.g., unique marketing strategies observed).
6. Observations and Analysis:
You need to observe and analyze the marketing strategies employed by brands. This could include
packaging, positioning, pricing, promotions, and any unique selling propositions.
7. Reporting:
Prepare a report summarizing their findings. The report should include:
• Introduction and background of the chosen store.
• Methodology used for the survey.
• Key observations and insights gathered during the store visit.
• Analysis of marketing strategies employed by different brands.
• Conclusions and implications for marketing fundamentals.
8. Presentation:
Present the findings to the class.

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