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Date of Transcription: 12/15/2023

*UNITED NATIONS (UN) Emergency Order Priority Number (Undisclosed)*

The following isn't illusory, merely conceptual, of any false communication, or disputable. The
following is intended for just and commendable reasons.

This statement isn't evidence that Shawn Dexter John and/or Associates (or African-Americans
in general) are inherently pre-disposed to being poor and that their humane hatred of the White
supremacist (covert, expressed, or apparently institutional) establishment's obstruction of global
development initiatives is primitive or disastrous.

(1) The European economy will crash into a depression for two (2) years upon the
impending staged attack on Manhattan and Moscow within the next few weeks,
succeeding the holiday season, which will result in the nuclear demolition of the One
World Trade Center and its radius (Freedom Tower and its radius) and the Kremlin and
its radius without any opportunity for reversal. Its rejection of the African Union's (AU's)
Agenda 2063 Plan and the Caribbean Community's (CARICOM's) development will lead
to our [active] dissolution of all European subsidiary companies, boards, and agencies
providing arbitrary and monthly emergency funds to European governments and elite
families (including the Royal Family of the United Kingdom of Great Britain)
indiscriminately without response to petitions requesting humanist sanity in operation,
agencies which routinely threaten to defund all international institutions supporting the
African welfare apparatus if it aims to compete. United Nations (UN) sanctioned and
insured banks, agencies, boards, and such will continue to provide complete and
constitutional welfare services to all households, native born and immigrants, throughout
the world without imposing communism as a new or re-motivated mode of government.
(2) The Chinese economy will also crash for the two respective years as well as the
American economy for humanely inducing insured and irrevocable welfare [emergency
and standard] services for their respective governments not disruptive by our love of
(and loyalty to) democracy as Americans and without China rebuking its approach
toward the enfranchisement of Asian democracy (of pure ethical principles) including
(3) The [Free Trade and] Economic Area of the Americas (EAA) will be signed in two (2)
years and will stimulate an amazing comeback for the Americas as the foundation of the
global economy. The African Union (AU) will be insured with funded and self-fulfilling
Central Bank mechanisms toward approaching the goals of Agenda 2063.
(4) Life is not a game.

*Los Angeles Laker Anthony Davis was videotaped, without his knowledge, pointing a loaded
weapon at a young woman identified as a friend of Shawn Dexter John on Facebook (a woman
clearly the biological mother of a [biological] offspring of Shawn Dexter John, as a real threat to
her life (without any honest communication of joviality). Anthony, LeBron James Sr., LeBron
"Bronny" James Jr., Bryson James, and several other NBA players and associates (including
Reggie Miller and Chris Paul) have engaged in sexual intercourse with this woman on a daily
basis for weeks with her complaining daily to INTERPOL agents that she is being threatened by
the FBI with homelessness if she does not maintain her occupation as an escort (prostitute
variant), with the FBI claiming that it is actively coercing another Great Depression to defraud
the CIA's globalist plan and to broaden the FBI's planned realignment with Europe. It was
communicated to her erroneously that only humble Black prostitutes will be forgiven of their sins
within the Black community - we are addressing the matter and we will convict all perpetrators in
public courts (or judicial subsidiaries) toward justice and clarity. The FBI's White Supremacy
culture is a relic of the past but it is still competent in strategy when allowed. (The male
individuals identified, regarding their [prostitutorial] solicitation of sex, will all fake injuries to
spend time in prison [undisclosed] while we detail the staged event of LeBron James Sr.'s fall
from grace, meaning his public arrest, his public trial, and his conviction [with him the sole
defendant and not its judge], a judgement which will result in a life sentence for having ordered
and perceived the murder of an individual who accused him of having raped his wife, an
individual not Shawn Dexter John [or of relation], an individual in a Los Angeles area public
housing unit. This case has no implication on the staged demolition of the One World Trade
Center (Freedom Tower) and the Kremlin - only objective and logical interpretations are allowed.


Name of [Work Paper Series] Author: Shawn John

Highest Level of Degree Earned: Master of Arts
College/University Issuing Degree: Howard University
Degree being prepared: Juris Doctorate (J.D)
Preparing New Degree: Yale School of Law
Position Being Prepared: [Inaugural] President of Yale Law Journal
Agency of Contracting: Central Intelligence Agency
Institution of Agency Affiliation: Howard University
New Agency Identity Being Assumed: Khaled Hassan
Agency Position: Chief Manager of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL
Last four digits of [U.S.] Social Security Number: 6640
Perpetual Religion and Faith of Shawn Dexter John (including as Khaled Hassan): Roman
Catholicism (Christianity)
Purpose of Publication: Public Briefing
Author's Concentration: Law and Government; Ethics

Author's: Race/ethnicity: Black/African-American

Citizenship and Nationality: the United States of America (USA)
Sole country of Residence and Location: the United States of America (USA)
Country of Allegiance and Loyalty: the United States of America (USA)
Language of Direct Communication: American English
Handicap/dysfunction status: no medical, physical, or mental handicap/dysfunction (present or
in the past)

Sole author of Communicated Re-transcriptions: Shawn Dexter John (also identified as Shawn
John or Shawn D. John)
Sole conceptualist and author of all original, re-transcribed, and revised publications of relation
(meaning writings presented as authored by Shawn Dexter John): Shawn Dexter John (also
identified as Shawn John or Shawn D. John)
Sole transcriber and typist of all published literary works presented as authored by Shawn
Dexter John: Shawn Dexter John (also identified as Shawn John or Shawn D. John)

Author's Re-incorporating and Revised Organization: ARSI International Research Policy

President: Shawn Dexter John (also known as "Khaled Hassan" for lawful Agency purposes)

States of Author's former residence: Virginia, North Carolina, Louisiana, and New York
Countries/territories of former residence (all INTERPOL-related): the Commonwealth of
Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, the constituent-state of Aruba (of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands), and the territory of Puerto Rico (of the United States)
High School of Graduation: Bunn High School (2003)
Other High Schools of Attendance: Osbourn Park High School in Manassas, Virginia
(1999-2000) and Jamestown High School, Jamestown, Virginia (2000-2001)

Author's biological parents: Clay Crispin John (father, currently located in Canada) and Anita
Phillip (mother, currently located in Antigua and Barbuda)
Author's former legal guardian: Tess Mann-John (step-mother, currently located in Charlotte,
North Carolina, United States)
Author's former legal guardians in North Carolina: Albert Earl Mann and Joyce Mann
Author's Professional Affiliate: Karl Lawrence Chen (uncle by marriage, currently located in the
United States)
Author's assignment complement: Chad Shem John (biological and accustomed brother,
currently located in Florida, United States)
Author's contact in the state of Louisiana for familial and special professional purposes:
Emerlyne John-Jones (biological and accustomed aunt, temporarily located in Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, United States)
[Revised] Author's secondary contact in the state of Louisiana for familial and special
professional purposes: Ralph Jones (uncle by marriage, American-born husband of Emerlyne
John-Jones [Eastern Caribbean and foreign born])
Author's identified publicized dependent (with contract in mind): Keisha John (biological
daughter, commonly known as Keisha Williams for security purposes, currently located in the
United States)

Author's favorite artist(s): Nat King Cole and Black Eyed Peas
All literary works published as authored by Shawn Dexter John were solely prepared, solely
authored, solely edited, and solely transcribed (and typed) by: Shawn Dexter John
Location of Publishing Procedures: Orlando, Florida, United States (North America)

Shawn Dexter John's Location of Passed Agency Evaluations: North Carolina, United States of
America (North America) (in 2003 and 2011)
Jurisdiction of Agency Positions Sanctioned for Shawn Dexter John: All units, positions, liaisons,
offices, contracting agencies, departments, bureaus, sub-level ordinates (meaning
sub-ordinates of the various kinds and levels), and their [permanent, temporary, periodic,
rotating, partnership, volunteer, out-house, and in-house] occupants with respect to the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL
Political Leaning: Moderate Liberal (Progressive)

Nature of the Author's Series of Publications: Non-fictional

Purpose of Author's Series of Work Papers: to be formally and effectively applied by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) under the [managerial] superintendence of Shawn Dexter John and
complimentary [federal and international] Associates
Professional blog-site hosting the [series] publications:

Definitions of debated terms used by the author (Shawn Dexter John) within this series of Work
Papers and his other [authored] publications:

(1) Sole refers to only.

(2) Year refers to 365 calendar days.
(3) Day refers to twenty-four (24) hours.
(4) Perpetual or in perpetuum refers to forever and unimpeded.
(5) Author refers to a preparer and corresponding writer of textual literary content; not
referred to are photos.
(6) Federal and/or international Associates refer to employees, contributors, and instructees
of the federal government of the United States aside those of international governmental
organizations, such as INTERPOL and the United Nations (UN) (though both are not the
authority of [solely] one correlating and singular concept of country or nation), all duly
sanctioned as lawful in their condition and conduct associated with the addressed party.
(7) American English refers to the standard, official, and proper English recognized as such
by the people of the United States (meaning Americans) and recognized as [being] such
by the international community - I am not referring to colloquial, dialectic, or [mere]
cultural vernaculars.

*Addendums to Work Papers and Reports are all published in direct and immediate
correspondence with the respective [work] papers and reports published on the website
(blogsite) and only refer to addendums of Shawn Dexter
John's sole authorship - all Work Papers, reports, and commentaries/essays published on the
detailed website (blog) are of Shawn Dexter John's exclusive authorship and ownership.
*Shawn Dexter John is identified as being the Shawn D. John who academically graduated from
Howard University in 2007 and 2009 (with a Bachelor's degree and Master's degree
respectively) and is identified as being the Shawn John being protected, guided, employed, and
appreciated progressively by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL as their
exclusive Chief Manager. He does not have multiple personalities.

*Caripol inductees: Anita Phillip, Baptist Sylvester, and lawful trainees

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