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What are Sustainable Development Goals?

Sustainable Development
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define the world we want. They apply to all
nations and mean, quite simply, to ensure that no one is left behind. ... The 17 Sustainable
Development Goals ARE the 2030 Agenda, the map of the world we seek.

What is United Nations(UN)

1. The United Nations is an intergovernmental organisation that aims to maintain

► international peace and security

► develop friendly relations among nations

► achieve international cooperation

► be a centre for harmonising the actions of nations

2. The United Nations is an international organisation founded in 1945. 3. It is currently made

up of 193 Member States(countries).

4. Mission: Peace, Dignity and Equality on a Healthy Plane.

There are 17 goals.

► (1) No Poverty

► (2) Zero Hunger

► (3) Good Health and Well-being

► (4) Quality Education

► (5) Gender Equality

► (6) Clean Water and Sanitation

► (7) Affordable and Clean Energy

► (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth

► (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

► (10) Reducing Inequality

► (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities

► (12) Responsible Consumption and Production

► (13) Climate Action

► (14) Life Below Water

► (15) Life On Land

► (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong I

► (17) Partnerships for the Goals

Sharing the planet: An exploration of our rights and responsibilities as we try and share finite
resources with other people, with other living things; of communities and of the relationships
within and between them: access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

My decorating the TD theme Sharing the planet: I think in this we will explore the right and
the responsibility that how we share our finite resources with other people, with other living

Central Idea: Children worldwide encounter a range of risks, challenges and opportunities.
My decorating the CI : I think In this we will face many types of risk challenges and

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