Hoja y Gestión

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abasco is among the 5 entities with the highest

percentages of obesity in an age range of 12 to 19

years, with 19.3%. 11 It stands out that in the entity
47.3% of its population over 20 years of age has
obesity, 22.0% has hypertension and 12.1% has

Since 1975, obesity has The majority of the

almost tripled world's population lives
worldwide. in countries where
overweight and obesity
In 2016, more than 1.9 claim more lives than
billion adults ages 18 being underweight.
and older were
overweight, of which In 2016, 41 million
more than 650 million children under five were A recent analysis of the epidemiological transition in
were obese. overweight or obese. Mexico revealed that NCDs caused
75% of the total deaths and 68% of the years of
In 2016, 39% of adults In 2016, there were more life potentially lost.5
aged 18 or older were than 340 million children In American countries
overweight, and 13% and adolescents (ages 5 rich Latina, the overall prevalence of metabolic
were obese. to 19) who were syndrome is 24.9% (range 18.8-43.3%), which is
overweight or obese. slightly more common in women (25.3%) than
in men (23.2%) and the age group with the highest
Prevalence is those over 50 years of age. He
The main causes of obesity and overweight
parallel increase in the frequency of obesity
in girls and boys are the consumption of
and metabolic syndrome is a global phenomenon
and Mexico is no exception
processed foods with high levels of sugar,
trans fats and salt, as well as sugary drinks
that are very easy to acquire due to their
wide distribution, low cost and availability.
promotion in mass media.
Recomendaciones generales
Para mejorar la salud de las
personas que tienen sobrepeso u
obesidad, existen algunas
recomendaciones simples:
Toma agua simple, entre 6 y 8
Prevention and
vasos al día (cada vaso de 250
mililitros). Evita el consumo de awareness actions on
refrescos, jugos o cualquier
bebida que contenga azúcar.
Realiza actividad física. 30
minutos diarios es lo
recomendable para adultos y 1
hora para niñas, niños y
Puedes realizar actividades
sencillas como; caminar, trotar,
correr, subir y bajar escaleras, se
trata de rutinas básicas para
mover tu cuerpo y que puedes
realizar aumentando
gradualmente la intensidad y el

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