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List of Contents
No Description Page#
01 Purpose 4
02 Scope 4
03 Pre-employment Physical Fitness Declaration 4
04 Post-employment Medical Assessment
05 Government Medical examinations 6
06 Acclimatization of new workers 5
07 Responsibility 5-8
08 List of Appendices 9
Appendix#1 Document Creation / Change Request Form 10
Appendix#2 Amendment Log Sheet 11
Manual Control

This is a controlled document and soft copy is issued to Registered Recipients under a controlled copy
registration number. It is the registered recipients’ responsibility to maintain issued copy to date by including the
revised document. A complete list of all documents and the latest revision status can be obtained from manual
custodian. Distribution list will be logged in the Distribution log shown in Appendix-3 (xxxxx) of this manual. This
document will become uncontrolled if printed on paper.

This document has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the following standards:

ISO 9001:2008



Document Change Process

Feedback from users is essential to keep the contents of this document correct, relevant and up to date. Any
user can appeal for a change if the requester considers information in this document to be no longer appropriate
or incorrect, as per the document creation / change form set out in Appendix-1 . QHSE department will control the
distribution of the amendments through e-mail communication. Any amendment to this document shall be
recorded on the Amendment Log Sheet shown in Appendix-This process is applicable to all QHSEMS document
within NPS.


This document is the exclusive property of ALMAJAL For Oil and Energy Services ltd. It has been provided for
the purpose for which it has been supplied and is not for general disclosure. The person or entity receiving this
document agrees to ensure the information contained herein is only disclosed to those persons or entities having
a legitimate right to receive it. The recipient should further note that this document is not to be distributed or
disclosed in whole or in part to any third parties without the prior written consent of ALMAJAL.

Revision Status

This document is issued in accordance with the ALMAJAL QHSE Management system. Revisions may comprise
a complete issue, or issue of chapters as noted in the table below.
1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to:

• Ensure that the medical assessment program is conducted in a consistent manner throughout
• Ensure that medical assessment program meets Corporate, industry and regulatory
• Ensure that the employees are physically and mentally able to perform the essential functions
of the job.
• Outline the types of medical assessments that are to be conducted to establish fitness for

2.0 Scope

This is applicable to all ALMAJAL Personnel whose job requirements subject them to health or safety
risks due to either occupational or environmental exposure or both, who work in remote locations,
or whose position requires travel to, or work in, a high risk or remote location.
3.0 Pre-employment Physical Fitness Declaration

The shortlisted candidate will be required to produce “Fit to work” certificate from a competent
Medical Practitioner along with the documents required to initiate the visa process. In circumstances
where the candidate is unable to submit the fitness certificate, s/he may submit Physical Fitness Self
Declaration in the company prescribed format.

Failure to submit any of the above may result in withdrawal of the employment offer.


1. Name of the applicant :

2. Permanent address :

3. Date of birth :


(a) Do you suffer from Epilepsy or from sudden attacks of

Loss of consciousness or giddiness from any cause? Yes / No

(b) Are you able to distinguish with each eye? Yes / No

(c) Are you suffering from any defect in movement, control

or muscular power of either arm or leg? Yes/ No

(d) Can you readily distinguish the pigmentary colours, red

and green? Yes / No

(e) Do you suffer from night blindness? Yes /No

(f) Do you suffer from any hearing difficulties /disabilities? Yes / No

(g) Do you suffer from any back problems or have had any Yes / No
Spine related surgery?

(h) Do you suffer from any other disease or disability that

would hinder your work in any way? Yes / No

If yes, please provide details______________________________

I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the particulars given above and the
declaration made therein are true.
4.0 Post-employment Medical Assessment

Once the employee is on board, s/he will go through a thorough medical examination will be carried
out in the first week of his/her joining at an authorised medical centre appointed by the company.
Following Tests to be conducted:

Complete Physical Exam as

1 Medical Certificate
per format
Ophthalmology examination
2 Check vision and its acuity
& vision testing
3 Audiogram / Audiometry Hearing test (High and low tones)
Pulmonary Function Test to test the lungs functions for
4 Spirometry
asthma, COPD or breathing problems
5 ECG Electrocardiogram- to detect any abnormal heart rhythm
6 Chest X-ray To detect Tuberculosis and any chest abnormalities
For possible anaemia, infection, or blood condition in your
7 CBC- Complete Blood Count
8 Urine Analysis To detect possible kidney disorders
9 Tuberculosis Test- To detect Tuberculosis exposures
Cholesterol group and triglycerides. Prevent Heart disease.
12 Complete Lipid Profile
Gamma GT- to detect liver diseases
13 Random Blood Sugar For monitoring of blood glucose and detection of diabetes
14 HbsAg Hepatitis A
15 Anti HCV Screening Hepatitis C
16 RPR- Rapid Plasma Reagin To detect Syphilis (sexually transmitted disease)
GGT (Gamma - Glutamyl
17 Bile duct and liver disease/damage
To measure kidney function, damage and detect
18 Renal Function Test
19 HIV 1 @ 2 screening HIV test
20 RH Typing Blood Group (For new employees)
Diagnose condition that effect digestive tract to find out any
21 Complete Stool Exam
bacteria that can cause infection
22 Drug Screen (For Iraq) To determine if there is drug abuse or usage
23 Alcohol Test (For Iraq) To detect if the employee is alcoholic or alcohol dependent
5.0 Return to Work following injury or illness

Following any injury or illness the employee shall be sent to a medical professional who will
determine if the person is fit for normal duties or not.

If the employee is determined as fit for normal duties the medical professional will issue a Fit to
Work certificate and that will be reviewed by company’s QHSE team before resuming duty.

If the employee is diagnosed with any disease / disability that may impede him from carrying out his
job related tasks, then following options may be considered:

 She/he may either be offered a less challenging task, depending on the business
requirement and will be monetarily compensated accordingly
 May result in immediate termination of his/her employment.

6.0 Government Medical examinations

In addition to the above, the employee also needs to clear medical examinations carried out by the
government authorities, required as per the Law of the Land, in order to complete the visa

If the employee is diagnosed with any disease / disability that may impede him from carrying out his
job related tasks, then following options may be considered:

 She/he may either be offered a less challenging task, depending on the business
requirement and will be monetarily compensated accordingly
 May result in immediate termination of his/her employment.

7.0 Acclimatization of new workers

For new workers, the intensity of the work will be lessened during a one-week break-in period
involving the scheduling of slower paced, less physically demanding work during the hot parts of the
day and the heaviest work activities during the cooler parts of the day.

The supervisor will be extra-vigilant with new workers and stay alert to the presence of heat related

New workers will be assigned a “buddy” or experienced co-worker to watch each other closely for
discomfort or symptoms of heat illness.

8.0 Responsibility
HR will be responsible to ensure that pre-employment Medical fitness documentation is complete
before getting the worker on board. A copy of the same will be maintained in the employee’s
personal file.

Medic will be responsible to ensure that the employee is scheduled for the post – employment
medical examination within the first week of joining. The results of the assessment are to be
recorded and shared with HR.

Base/Service Manager will be responsible to ensure that all new workers are acclimatized to the
working environment before assigning to the regular works.

QHSE will be responsible for advising the management for any changes in the relevant standards and
ensure that this document are revised and communicate d to the relevant party accordingly

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