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Turn in= entregarse (a la policía)

Hold up= retener, tomar control

Come forward= aparecer, presentarse

Let off= liberar

Make for= dirigirse a

Get away with= salirte con la tuya

Beat up= golpear repetidamente

Break in= entrar por la fuerza en una casa= burgle

Burglar= ladrón que roba en casas to burgle

Mugger= atracador (te roba por la fuerza en la casa) to mug

Pickpocket= carterista (te roba sin que te enteres) to pickpocket

Robber= atracador de bancos to rob

Kidnapper= secuestrador to kidnap

Ransom= rescate

Measures= medidas (de tomar medidas, de actuación)

Measurements= medidas (90/60/90)

Conditional sentences

Zero conditional: If+ present simple, present simple.

If you eat, you stay alive. You stay alive if you eat.

(Things that are usually true, scientific facts…)

First conditional: If+ present simple, future.

If you eat, you will stay alive. You will stay alive if you eat.

(Concrete cause-effect in the future)

Second conditional: if+ past simple, would

If you ate, you would stay alive. You would stay alive if you ate.

Third conditional: if+ past perfect, would + have + perfect

If she had eaten, she would have stayed alive. She would have stayed alive if she had eaten.

(Hypothesis about the past)

Mixed conditional

Si ella hubiese comido, ahora estaría viva.

If she had eaten, now she would be alive.

3rd conditional 2nd conditional

(Hypothesis from the past with an effect on the present)

What would you do if I kidnapped you and took you to a hut in the forest?

If you kidnapped me, I would be nervous.

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