Microsoft Word - Safe Medication Administration Medical Client Preparation

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Medical Client: Ticket in for PO medication administration: Must be completed prior to medication administration test (may use for

In your own words describe the topics and essential nursing assessment and responsibilities required prior to administering
Medication Indications: Why is the Mechanism of Action Expected Side Effects Nursing Assessment- Responsibilities
client receiving it?
Pharm Class:

Dosage Range:

Pharm Class:

Dosage Range:

Pharm Class:

Dosage Range:

Pharm Class:

Dosage Range:

Pharm Class:

Dosage Range:

Common patient questions you should be able to answer for each medication:

What is this for? How often do I have to take it? What are the side effects? Can I take this with the other medications I am taking? Can I take this with food?

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