EVS Questions For Test

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1. What is EVS (Environmental Studies)?

a. EVS is the study of everything around us, which includes living and
non-living things like soil, water, animals, plants and many more.

2. Why do we need to study Environmental Studies?

a. Environment is important to us because we live and share
resources with other animals. So we must cultivate good habits, good
values, good emotions and a quality environment for the survival of

3. What are carnivorous animals? (Note: Carnivores and Carnivorous,

both the spellings are correct)
a. Animals that mainly like to eat meat are called Carnivorous
Example: Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Fox.

4. What are Herbivorous animals? (Note: Herbivorous and Herbivores,

both the spellings are correct)
a. Animals that only eat plants are called Herbivorous animals.
Example: Cow, Sheep, Goat, Elephant, Deer.

5. What are Omnivorous animals? (Note: Omnivores and Omnivorous,

both the spellings are correct)
a. Animals that eat both plants and meat are called Omnivorous
Example: Humans, Bear, Cat, Dog.

6. What are plants?

a. Plants are living things that cover much of the land of our planet.
We see them everywhere. They include grass, trees, herbs, bushes,
flowers and more.
7. What are the main types of plants?
a. Plants are divided into 3 main types, namely: Herbs, Shrubs or
Bushes, and Trees.

8. What are Herbs?

a. Herbs are small plants having soft and delicate stems. Herbs usually
do not grow more than one meter in height. Herbs have a short life
Example: wheat, Rice, Radish, Tomato, Coriander, Tulsi, Mint.

9. What are Shrubs?

a. Shrubs are medium-sized plants with a hard woody stem. The
stems of the shrubs are hard but not very thick. Shrubs are bigger than
herbs but smaller than trees.
Example: Henna, Lemon, Jasmine, Rose, Pomegranate.

10.What are Trees?

a. Trees are tall and big plants with hard and woody stems. Trees
have one main stem called “trunk”. Trees are very big in size. The life
span of trees is very large.
Example: Mango tree, Banyan tree, Coconut tree, Palm tree,
Sandalwood tree.

11.What is culture?
a. Culture is a way of living life, which we have learned from our

12.What is included in the culture?

a. Culture includes the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the
language we speak, the God we worship, customs, traditions, festivals,
ideas, ideals, feelings, beliefs, art, science, music and dance.
13.What are the two aspects of culture?
a. The two aspects of culture are:
 Physical
 Non-Physical

14.How culture grows?

a. Culture grows with time. As time passes, more and more
knowledge is added and this knowledge will be carried forward from
one generation to another.

15.Is culture similar?

a. No, culture is different among different religions, castes and
geographical conditions.

16.What influences culture?

a. Culture is influenced by the social environment, new knowledge,
new ideas and traditions.

17.Why do we need culture?

a. Just like we need a map to navigate over unknown space, we need
culture to conduct or behave ourselves in society.

18.What is cultural heritage?

a. Any culture which we have inherited from our forefathers is called
cultural heritage.

19.Give few examples for our religious texts.

a. Our religious texts like:
 Vedas
 Upanishads
 Ramayana
 Mahabharata
 Bhagavad-Gita

20. Who is the father of surgery? Who is the father of plastic surgery?
a. Sushruta is the father of surgery and also the father of plastic

21. Who is the father of Yoga?

a. Patanjali is the father of Yoga.

22. Who is the father of Ayurvedic medicine?

a. Charaka is the father of Ayurvedic medicine.

23. What are the two main epics of India?

a. Ramayana
b. Mahabharata

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