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Target market means, the process of evaluating each market segment attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter. Targeting is for identifying consumer .Every target consumer may have different brand knowledge structure and thus different perception and preferences for each brand. In targeting companies selecting most favorable and attractive segment for our product. Pure milk segmented the market into conscious young and a bit taste liked people so that every one use and like the pure milk. we are focusing on special ads to attract young generation pure milk targeting the youth who want to be energetic and fond of special tea.

Market: market is the set of actual and potential buyers who have sufficient interest in income for an access to a product. Segmentation: divide the market into different groups of buyers with distinct need ,characteristics or behaviors who might require separate product or market mix. Market is segmenting on different basis like behavioral demographic, geographic and we divided the market on the basis of above. 1.3 GEOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION Divide the market into different geographic unit, Such as nation, states, regions, countries, cities, or neighboures etc. Regional: Its means which region of the country select initially for our product like Islamabad, Peshawar, Karachi, Multan etc. And our selection for pure milk islamabad because its fit for our product. Country: Devide the market on the basis of country that which country is favorable for our product like pakistan, india, china etc.

Density: On the basis of density mean rural or urban areas in a specific country and for our produt the urban areas are best as compared to rural. Nation: Which nation we are targeting but our target is whole nation which lives in islamabad.


1.4 JUSTIFICATION OF GEOGRAPHIC SEGMENT We selected the country pakistan because this our initial target and we have no access to other countries like china, india etc.. And region islamabad because in it potential is greater than other regions and availability of other competetors.And urban areas is mostly fit for dairy products and oppose the rural on base of no interest in purchasing dairy they are producing selfly and not dependent on others.And nation multi which lives in islamabad because of majority of pakistani citizens as well as muslims.


Dividing a market into groups based on variables such as age, gender, family size, income,education, religion, race, generation & nationality. Age: 1-10 years , 10-15 years, 10- 25 years, 20- 30 years, 30 45 years, 45 upto.. We selected the age on the basis of segmentation as 5-30 years . Religion: like christian , jews , hindus& muslims. But our target segment is muslim because of majority. Gender : we are tageting both male & female. Family size : average size are round about 5 members. Income : we are targeting the people whose income level are 10- 50 thousand only. Education : we are targeting llitrate & illitrate as well because of their income level. Race : all types of people under the age. Generation : we are targeting the generation Y. Nationality : all the people who live in islamabad.

We selected on age basis is 5 30 years , because this segment is too much concious about health & taste while most of people like tea as well. And in other segment have no potential. Gender are bothe because every younger want to be smart , healthy & quick.. family size is 5 because they are more focusing on health & using the best product for themselves. Income is 10 50 thousand because of backed by buying power consistently. Educational people are our target because in our product some qualities are related to them.Religion islam but its because of majority and also for non muslim.Race all kinds of consumers because we never want any descrimination about pure milk.Generation y is our target


which have nationality of pakistan but not required the nationality any county people which lives in Islamabad.


Divide a market into distinct groups based on social class, life style or personality, values and activities. Social class: We divided the society in different classes like upper, middle, lower and working class.And we selected the middle class. Life style: Peoples are living with different life style like achievers, strivers, imaginary and hopefull. And our target segment is srivers and achievers. Personality: Personality contain like intre and extraverted, ituitive, thinkers and judgers. While our focus is on extra and intraverted and thinkers and judgers. Values: What values they have in society and what kind of they want and what assisstant can provide our brand . we can say brand conscious people.we targeting these peoples. Activities: what are the activities of the people like as study, games, jobs holder .we are targeting the students and players.


We selected the different segments on bases of psycographic.In social class we are targeting the middle lower, middle middle and middle higher not others because the others are not capable or not using qualities consistently

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