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Internal and external criticism used to evaluate middle range theories

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Making a judgment as to whether a theory could be adapted for use in research is very

important. Describe the internal and external criticism used to evaluate middle-range


Evaluation of middle-range theories is an integral part of evolving study in the nursing

field. Middle-range nursing is an example of nursing theories aimed at connecting studies and

practice in nursing (Butcher, 2021). Middle-range theories are easy to idea implementation, are

more specific and have a clear and narrow dimension than other types of theories, such as the

grand theories of nursing (Butcher, 2021). Middle-range theories are evaluated to assess their

effectiveness using external and internal criticism.

External criticism of a theory perceives the association of a concept and its link or union

to well-being, individuals or nursing. Internal criticism of middle range theories entails the

interior setup of how the unity between the distinct elements of the theory. Although external and

internal criticism is different, they must be regarded when the evaluation is carried out. The

criteria for evaluating each theory differ in the external and internal criticism(Risjord, 2018). The

criteria for evaluating an approach in internal criticism entail assessing its logical development,

consistency, clarity and adequacy (Risjord, 2018). On the other hand, the criteria in external

criticism entail value, difficulty, reality, and scope of the approach.

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While using internal criticism, the middle range theory is first evaluated for clarity. This

includes whether the assessed approach entails all the main elements of a theory (Risjord, 2018).

Assessment is conducted to establish that the approach is well comprehended before utilizing it

in practice. Consistency is then used to explain the key concepts clearly, and adequacy ensures

that the theory has no gaps (Risjord, 2018). Logical development is finally considered to

ascertain that the previous argument is solved after identification.

According to Risjord (2018), when using external criticism to assess a middle-range

theory, the difficulty of the approach is first assessed to determine how challenging the approach

might be for the readers to comprehend it before implementation quickly. The value of the

approach is then to determine its usefulness to the ready in nursing. The other criterion utilized is

the scope to ascertain that the limited dimension in nursing reality uses a group of ideas (Risjord,

2018). Theorists make many assumptions, and hence there is a real criterion in external criticism

that assesses whether any assumptions made reflect the real world of nursing.

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Butcher, H. K. (2021). Commentary and Book Review of Middle Range Theories: Application to

Nursing Research and Practice (5th Edition) by Sandra J. Peterson and Timothy S.

Bredow (2020),. Nursing Science Quarterly, 34(2), 211–216.

Risjord, M. (2018). Middle-range theories as models: New criteria for analysis and evaluation.

Nursing Philosophy, 20(1), e12225.

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