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History of humanism

History: Before Islam: Pinnacle of Graco- Roman Culture, 1000 period, Boitter memories forgot
Nostalgia, Imagination of Roman from the literature of Cicero, Plato, Aristotle , negative perception was
eleimnated, Only Literatray Roman Now 14th century,

Ancient Rome: slavery base till fall of Rome

Middle period , 1000 years, start from Fall of Rome, medieval period of feudalism period

Renaaniance: Humanism: 14th century, Marchant and commerce develop, verge of change, we reach
the new with the vocabulary of old, idealize the ancient Rome with capitalist concerns (not current
scholastics of church vocabulary), renaaisnace , building new society

Huamnities based upon ciecere and other classical philosophers, 4 disciplies: Moral philosophy, rhetoric,
poetry, and grammer (syllabus),

Neither economic nor politic movement. It was a literary movement and based Educatinal reforms. The
syllabus of humanity developed from

Father: poet, Francisco Petrarch, Italy, coined term Dark ages, Graco-Roman world must be revisited
Rome destruction, no scientific development, literary movement, And only education or civilizations,
Only [rpgress is Muslims Arabs in Italy and Andulus (Spain at that time)

Possession of litrary and art and culture, Linginstic ability and excellence become the mark totem of Elite
privlage. Aristocratic and elite status in Old English as well Muslim Clture.

Old Aristocracy An Elite Status: Mughal Curt, Urdu poetry, Bahadur Shaha Zafar, Iqbal poetry, Gaalib and
persian and Araboc acsent in Urdu. Perc

Christen De Pizan: (1363-1430), earned from living in England_France war, Feminist writer (women can
be as virtous as men), the book of the city of the ladies, wrote for Aristocratic class only.

the book of body Politc: Plato’s Justice (head, Chest and Appetite) , The Ruler be given human touch,
toys, games

four aspects: 1 Human touch (how to train a prince, toys, games,etc), 2 ferociously critical of the church(
money luxury and evil to people), 3 sympathy with the common people, 4 roman sotic virues ( wisdom,
temperature, justice, and courage)

3. Pico’s oration: On dignity of man: highest intellectual capacity, self-creation and recreation, THE
PURPOSE OF education/knowledge is self-actuaization (virtue is knowledge), existantiaizm slogan:
purpose of knowledge is self-awarness , today’s university slogan (greatest potential, ifulence of

4. Erasums: 1469, illegitimate son of future priest and physician’s daughter, stigma , the book: the
education of the Christian prince, prayers of folly.
Works: 1 pacifist (against war), founder of Moder Europe, peace highest good, religious difference war

2. Philosopher King, public opion can be misleading.

3. consent of the public in rulle

20th century: Aristotcracy 2

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