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Radiographic testing (RT)


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Course Objectives

 To explain the basic theory of X- and gamma radiography.

 To select film type and energy levels, select and prepare
techniques for a given specimen.
 To state the theory of film processing and carry out practical
dark-room work.
 To have a working knowledge of basic radiation safety.
 To plot and evaluate film characteristics (sensitometry).
 To recognise film faults.
 To meet the syllabus requirements for CSWIP/PCN Level 2.

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Part 1: Theory
Covering pages 1-15 of your notes

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History of Radiography

W C Roentgen

 Discovered X-rays during

another experiments with
tube containing an anode
and cathode.
 The material around tube
fluoresced and nearby
photographic plates

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History of Radiography

Henri Becquerel

 Discovered gamma-rays
whilst working with
fluorescent minerals. After
storing a uranium
compound in his drawer
with some photographic
plates he discovered were

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History of Radiography

Marie Curie

 Discovered the radioactive

sources Polonium and
Radium. Radium was the
first gamma source used
for industrial radiography.
 In 1946 man-made sources
were produced including
Cobalt and Iridium.

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History of Radiography

William Coolidge

 Invented the X-ray tube

as we know it today
which revolutionised
industrial radiography.

 He was awarded 83
patents due to his

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History of Radiography

First radiograph 22 December 1895.

Sent to Physicist Franz Exner in
Vienna. (Mrs. Roentgen's hand.)

First x-ray tube belonging

to Roentgen in 1896.

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Radiographic Inspection

 X-rays are capable of passing straight through

a solid object.
 The amount of X-radiation that passes through
a given object depends on the density and
thickness of the object.
 Transmitted X-radiation can be detected by
photographic film or fluorescent screens.
 This forms the basis of radiographic
inspection, a powerful technique which is
applicable to virtually all materials.

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Radiographic Inspection

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Advantages of Radiography

 Directly produces a permanent record.

 Capable of detecting internal flaws.
 Useful for the non-destructive testing of
virtually all materials and product forms.
 Real-time imaging is possible in some

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Disadvantages of Radiography

 Radiation hazard.
 Sensitivity is affected by defect orientation.
 Limited ability to detect fine cracks and other
planar defects.
 Access to two sides is required.
 Limited by material thickness.
 Skilled interpretation is required.
 Relatively slow.
 High capital outlay and running costs.

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What is radiation?

 Radiation
 Radio waves, light, X-rays, g-rays and other
forms of radiation take the form of waves of
energy associated with electrical and magnetic
fields which are at right angles to each other
and the direction of propagation.

 Electromagnetic radiation
 Electromagnetic radiation has no mass and is
not affected by magnetic or electrical fields
nor to any great extent by gravity.

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Wavelength v Photon Energy

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Shorter Wavelength = Increased Energy

V  2.997 x10 m / sec

E = hf
Where h is planks constant
(= 6.626196 x 10-34Js)

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Properties of Electromagnetic
 Travels at the speed of light.
 Travels through a vacuum.
 Travels in a straight line.
 No electrical charge or mass.
 Intensity proportional to 1/D² where D is the
distance from the source.

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Inverse Square Law



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Properties of Electromagnetic
 X and gamma rays
 Absorbed and scattered by matter.
 Not refracted by matter.
 Cause ionisation referred to as ionising
 Will darken photographic film emulsion and
will cause some materials to fluoresce in the
visible or ultraviolet spectrum.
 Cannot be detected by human senses.
 Extremely hazardous to health.

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Atomic Structure

 Atoms are thought to consist of a positively

charged nucleus surrounded by one or more
negatively charged electrons that orbit the
 The nucleus consists of positively charged
particles called protons and electrically neutral
particles called neutrons.
 A neutron can be thought of as a proton
closely combined with an electron.

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Atomic Structure

 Protons have positive charge and by definition

an atomic mass of 1.
 Neutrons have no electrical charge, atomic
mass very slightly greater than 1.
 Electrons have negative charge equal in
magnitude to that of a proton but are very
much smaller at a mass of 1/1836 of a proton.
 Number protons equal number electrons,

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Atomic Structure

The nucleus of the atom is made up of protons and

neutrons. The electrons orbits the nucleus.

Proton: Positive charge.

Neutron: No charge.
Electron: Negative charge.

A neutron can be
thought of as a
proton(+) with an
electron(-) tightly

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Atomic Structure




No charge

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Atomic Structure

Helium Atom



Positive charge: Ionisation has occurred

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Atomic Structure



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Atomic Structure





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Atomic Structure

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Atomic Structure: Hydrogen

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Atomic Structure: Helium

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Atomic Structure

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Atomic Structure

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 Atoms of an element having the same atomic

number but different atomic mass.
 The difference in atomic mass is due to a
difference in the number of neutrons in the
 Some isotopes are stable while others are

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Isotopes of Hydrogen





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Isotopes of Hydrogen


Isotopes of Hydrogen



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Radioactive Isotopes

 Some isotopes are stable, others are not.

 Unstable isotopes transform into another
element and in so doing emit radiation.
 Three forms of radiation:
1. Alpha .
2. Beta .
3. Gamma .
 Neutrons may also be emitted.

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Radioactive Emissions

Alpha particles: +
 Emitted by large nuclei such as uranium or
 Composed of two protons and two neutrons
with a helium nucleus.

88 Ra 222
86 Rn He 4

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Radioactive Emissions

Beta particles: -
 Emitted by neutron rich nuclei such as
uranium or plutonium.
 Composed of high speed electrons.

6 C N  e 14

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Radioactive Emissions

Gamma particles or photons: 

 Emitted following the emission of an alpha
or beta particle.
 Composed of photons of energy not

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Radioactive Decay

Pb Bi  Po Pb

    

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Rate of Decay

 Curie: 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations/second.

 Becquerel: 1 disintegration/second.
 Half Life: Time taken for the activity of an
isotope to reduce by a half.

Cobalt 60: 5.3 years.

Iridium 192: 74 days.
Ytterbium 169: 32 days.
Uranium 238: 4.47 x 1010 years.
Selenium 75: 118 days

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Rate of Decay

 At the level of individual atoms radioactive

decay is random but for each isotope each
individual atom has the same probability of

 A 2 x 1mm cylinder of Iridium contains around

1020 atoms; when so many atoms all have the
same probability of decay the result is a
constant half life even though each individual
decay event is random.

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Rate of Decay

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Industrial Radiography

 Gamma Rays
 X - Rays
 Generated by the
 Electrically
decay of unstable

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Part 2: Equipment
Covering pages 16-40 of your notes

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X-Ray and Gamma Equipment

X-Ray Production

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X-Ray Production

 X-rays are produced by the deceleration of

high velocity electrons.
 Part or all of the kinetic energy of the electron
is converted into electromagnetic radiation
 Kinetic energy is controlled by velocity:
Ek = ½mv2 and is usually stated in keV or
 Electron velocity in an X-ray tube is controlled
by tube voltage.

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X-Ray Production

 Requirements
 Electron source.
 Means of accelerating electrons to a high velocity.
 Means of halting electrons.

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X-Ray Production

1. Electron source: Tungsten filament

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X-Ray Production

1. Electron source: Tungsten filament


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X-Ray Production

1. Electron source: Tungsten filament

Free electrons

Thermionic emission of electrons

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X-Ray Production

2. Accelerating electron: Potential difference

-ve +ve

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X-Ray Production

2. Accelerating electron: Potential difference

-ve +ve

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X-Ray Production

2. Accelerating electron: Potential difference

-ve +ve

Focusing cup concentrates electrons into a beam

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X-Ray Production

3. Means of halting electrons: High density


-ve +ve


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X-Ray Production

3. Means of halting electrons: High density material

-ve +ve

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X-Ray Production

Kinetic energy converted to heat and x-rays

-ve +ve

X-rays / Bremsstrahlung

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 Electrons travel for only short distances

through gasses.
 Kinetic Energy converted into ± 95 % heat
and ± 5 %

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X-Ray Production

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X-Ray Production: HEAT

 In any x-ray tube around 95 % of the energy

generated is in the form of heat.
 For typical 200 kV portable equipment around
1 kW of heat has to be dissipated.
 For a 300 kV constant potential laboratory unit
heat generation is typically 7.5 kW.
 X-ray tubes of all types therefore require a cooling
system in order to prevent overheating and
increase duty cycle.
 Older type sets having glass envelope tubes are
generally oil or gas cooled.

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X-Ray Production: HEAT

 A rotating anode may be used in order to help

dissipate heat. This type of arrangement is
generally limited to X-ray units intended for
medical use.
 Modern X-ray units have so-called metal-ceramic
envelopes. The use of such envelopes makes it
practical to have a much higher potential
difference between the electrodes and the
envelope than was the case with glass.
 This in turn permits the use of grounded anodes.
 Such anodes are at zero volts and can therefore
be cooled directly by water.

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X-Ray Production: Anodes

Directional Type
Tungsten target

Beryllium window Heavy high conductivity

Copper heat sink

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X-Ray Production: Anodes

Panoramic Type
Beryllium window

Tungsten target

Heavy high conductivity
Copper heat sink

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X-Ray Production: Anodes


Tungsten target

Beryllium window

Aluminium tube

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X-Ray Production: Anodes


Used mainly for low

kV, very high tube
current, equipment
in medical

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X-Ray Production

 Tube current  Tube voltage

controls the amount controls the quality
or intensity of or penetrating ability
radiation. of the radiation.

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X-Ray Production

LT transformer

HT transformer Rheostat


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X-Ray Production

 Current can flow across an X-ray tube only

when the cathode (i.e. the filament) is
negative and the anode (i.e. the target) is
 Therefore if an X-ray tube is energised using a
simple AC supply X-rays will be produced only
when the supply polarity is such that the
cathode is negative and the anode is positive.
 Simple AC X-ray machines are therefore
referred to as self-rectified.

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X-Ray Production

 Output of C-rays can be more than doubled if

the AC supply is rectified.
 X-ray equipment fitted with a rectifying circuit
is referred to as constant potential.
 Most CP units use a Greinacher circuit to
rectify the AC supply.
 CP units produce harder radiation than SR
even when operating at the same tube

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X-Ray Production

Radiation intensity Decreasing energy

X-Ray Production

Increasing wavelength

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X-Ray Production

Radiation intensity Decreasing energy

Increasing wavelength

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X-Ray Production

Radiation intensity Decreasing energy

Increasing wavelength

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X-Ray Production

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X-Ray Production

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High Energy X-Ray Sources

 X-Ray energies of up to 30 MeV are produced using

linear accelerators or betatrons. Electrostatic (Van
der Graaf) generators are also used occasionally.
 Linear accelerators (Linacs) accelerate electrons to
high velocity using an electric wave (RF). Electrons
surf the electrical waves and attain high velocity.
 Betatrons accelerate electrons along a spiral path by
means of magnetic fields.
 Van der Graaf generators can develop high electrical
potentials by mechanical means such electrical
potentials can be used to accelerate electrons.

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X-Ray and Gamma Equipment

Gamma rays

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Sealed Sources

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Gamma-Ray Equipment

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Gamma-Ray Equipment

Isotope container


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Isotopes Used in Industrial

Isotope Half life mm of steel

Iridium 192 74.4 days 20 - 100
Cobalt 60 5.3 years 40 - 200
Ytterbium 169 32 days 1 - 15
Selenium 75 119 days 10 - 40
Thulium 170 128 days up to 5
Caesium 137 30 years 20 - 80

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Isotopes Used in Industrial

Relative intensity/% of total

Radiation energy/MeV

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Isotopes Used in Industrial

Relative Intensity/% of total

Radiation energy/MeV

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Isotopes Used in Industrial

Relative intensity/% of total

Radiation energy/MeV

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Isotopes Used in Industrial

Relative intensity/% of total

Radiation energy/MeV

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Isotopes Used in Industrial

Relative intensity/% of total

Radiation energy/MeV

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Gamma rays compared with X- rays

 No water or electrical supplies needed.
 Equipment smaller and lighter therefore more
 Easier to perform radiography in confined or
difficult to access areas.
 Equipment simpler and more robust.
 Less scatter no low energy radiation.
 Less initial cost.
 Greater penetrating power.

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Gamma rays compared with X- rays

 Reduced radiographic contrast.
 Exposure times generally longer.
 Sources need replacing potentially greater in-
service costs.
 Radiation cannot be switched off.
 Generally inferior geometric unsharpness, SFD
is usually minimised to obtain economic
exposure time.
 Remote handling necessary.
 Penetrating power cannot be adjusted.

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Part 3: Image processing
Covering pages 40-48 of your notes

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Radiographic Film


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Radiographic Film




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Radiographic Film

Emulsion mainly AgBr in gelatine base




Emulsion mainly AgBr in gelatine base

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Radiographic Film


Emulsion mainly AgBr in gelatine base




Emulsion mainly AgBr in gelatine base


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Radiographic Film

Pre-exposure After exposure

Un-sensitised: Sensitised: Unstable

During exposure a latent image is formed by
sensitised Silver Halide crystals.

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Latent Image Formation

Bromine ion Br-

Silver Ion Ag+
Interstitial Silver Ion Ag+
Free electron
Silver atom Ag

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Latent Image Formation

 Silver bromide crystals are not perfect they

contain interstitial silver ions.
 When an interstitial silver ion accepts a free
electron it becomes a silver atom.
 The silver atom is larger than the ion and
exerts a stress on the crystal lattice.
 In the presence of developer this stress causes
instability and the crystal breaks down
resulting in the whole of the crystal changing
to black metallic silver.

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Latent Image Formation

 The interstitial silver atoms nucleate silver

 A single interstitial silver atom is sufficient to
cause an entire silver bromide crystal to
convert to metallic silver.
 The typical size of a silver bromide crystal in a
typical photographic film emulsion is about
1 μm.
 Sensitisation of a silver bromide crystal can be
caused by just a single photon of X-ray

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Film Types

Grain Size Speed Quality

Coarse Fast Poor
Medium Medium Medium
Fine Slow Good
Ultra Fine Very Slow Very Good

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Intensifying Screens

 Film is usually placed between front and back

intensifying screens.
 Generally lead of 0.03 - 0.15 mm occasionally
salt screens may be used.
 Lead screens shorten exposure time and
improve image quality by helping to reduce
the effects of scattered radiation.
 Salt screens shorten exposure time, often
dramatically but produce inferior image

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Intensifying Screens

 Metallic: Usually lead but other metals such as

copper may be used.
 Salt: Usually calcium tungstate.
 Fluorometallic: These are salt screens with a
metal foil backing. They combine the
advantages of metallic and salt screens,
however, they are extremely expensive and
they are easily damaged.

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Intensifying Screens: Metallic

 For radiation energy of 120 keV or greater front and

back lead intensifying screens are commonly used.
 The optimum thickness of such screens varies with
radiation energy but 0.03 - 0.15 mm is typical.
 The front screen reduces the effect of radiation
scattered by objects situated in front of the film
including the object which is being radiographed and
helps to shorten exposure time.
 The back screen reduces the effect of radiation
scattered by objects situated behind the film and to a
lesser extent when compared with the front screen
helps to shorten exposure time.

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Intensifying Screens

Front screen
Primary radiation
Front emulsion
Secondary electrons

Base Grain sensitised by

primary radiation

Back emulsion Grain sensitised by

secondary electrons
Back screen

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Intensifying Screens

No screens Pb screens: Poor contact

Pb screens: Good contact

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Intensifying Screens

 Metal usually Pb: Intensification factor about

2x for radiation energies in excess of 120 keV.
 Salt: Intensification factor may be as high as
 Fluorometallic: Intensification factor about

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Film Processing

 Developer: Reducing agent: Alkaline.

 Stop bath: Acetic acid.
 Fixer: Dissolves silver halide: Acidic.
 Washing.
 Drying.

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Film Processing

 Development
 Latent image converted into metallic silver in
3-5 minutes at 20°C.
 The four main constituents of developer:
 Reducing agent: Metol/hydroquinone.
 Accelerator: Keeps solution alkaline.
 Restrainer: Ensures only sensitised silver
halides converted.
 Preservative: Prevents oxidation by air.

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 In order to increase the working life of the

developer replenisher should be added in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
 Replenisher replaces used reducing agent and
maintains alkalinity. It also maintains the depth of
developer in the processing tank, during
processing there are losses due to carry-over and
 Keeping a record of how much film has been
processed helps in deciding how much replenisher
to add.

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Film Processing

Stop bath
3% acetic acid neutralises the developer, stops the development
process and increases fixer life.

It is common to add an indicator to the stop bath to confirm it’s


The stop bath should always be held at approximately the same

temperature as the developer and fixer as sudden temperature
changes can damage the film emulsion.

A soaking time in the stop bath of just a few seconds is

sufficient to arrest development and neutralise alkalinity.

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Film Processing

A solution of sodium thiosulphate or ammonium thiosulphate.

Fixer is mildly acidic, acetic acid stabilises the solution.

Unexposed undeveloped silver halides are leached out of the

film emulsion.

Fixer commonly contains a hardener. This helps to promote

rapid even drying it also makes the wet film easier to handle.

Fixing time is generally taken to be twice the clearing time.

Leaving film in fixer for an extended period may cause the film
emulsion to peel away from the base.

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Like developer fixer may be replenished.

When unexposed film is placed in the fixer bath it will be

observed to clear as the silver halides are dissolved by the
fixer. Clearing time is an important measure of fixer condition.
Clearing time for new fixer will usually be less than 30

Radiographs are usually fixed for a time equal to twice the

clearing time.

Fixer contains a hardener which helps to prevent swelling of

the film emulsion and accelerate drying.

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During the fixing process large amounts of silver

accumulate in the fixer solution.
Therefore it is common practice to recover silver
from spent fixer.

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Film Processing

20-30 minutes in clean running water.

Usually followed by dipping in a clean water bath containing a

wetting agent which helps to promote even drying.

Note: Over washing must be avoided.

Over washing will cause swelling and excessive softening of

the film emulsion a major cause of drying marks.

Insufficiently washed radiographs will discolour and their shelf

life will be limited.

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Advanced Imaging Techniques

radiography Optical


Imaging 110010010010110

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Image Software

Image (1) Edge detection (2)

Subtraction of (2) from (1)

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Real Time Radiography

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Real Time Radiography

 Image type
 The image formed is a positive image since
brighter areas on the image indicates where
higher levels of transmitted radiation reached
the screen.

Positive image Negative image

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Computed Tomography

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Computed Tomography

As the component is rotated

a series of 2D slices are
collected when these are
superimposed and merged
using computer software
according to the radial
1 2 position a 3D image is then
The cross section of the test
piece becomes more
defined as it is rotated the
stretched density
information is added to the
3 4 image.

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CT Images

 As shown below the 3-D image can then be

manipulated and sliced in various ways to
provide a thorough understanding of the
structure and nature of defects.

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Part 4: Image quality
Covering pages 48-65 of your notes

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Radiographic Sensitivity

The ability of a radiograph to detect a small

change in section thickness

Affected by:
 Definition: The degree of sharpness of a
radiographic image.
 Contrast: The degree to which two adjacent
areas of different film density can be
distinguished one from the other.

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Factors Influencing Sensitivity


Contrast Definition

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Factors Influencing Sensitivity


Contrast Definition

Film Film Quality of Subject Film

density type radiation contrast processing

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Factors Influencing Sensitivity


Contrast Definition

Film Film Quality of Subject Film

density type radiation contrast processing

Agitation Development Developer Developer Type of

time temperature concentration developer

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Factors Influencing Sensitivity


Contrast Definition

Type of Intensifying Radiation Relative Geometry Film

film screens quality movement processing

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Factors Influencing Sensitivity


Contrast Definition

Type Intensifying Radiation Relative Geometry Film

of screens quality movement processing

Agitation Development Developer Developer Type of

time temperature concentration developer

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Image Quality
 Contrast
 The ability to differentiate areas of different
film density

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Radiographic Contrast

 Insufficient Contrast  Excessive Contrast

 kV too high.  kV too low.
 Over exposure  Incorrect developer.
compensated for by  Incorrect film: Screen
shortened development. combination.
 Incorrect film: Screen
 Scatter.
 Fogged film.
 Poor film processing.

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Radiographic Quality

The sharpness of the dividing line between
different density fields.

There are two types of unsharpness in

1. Film or inherent unsharpness.
2. Geometric unsharpness or penumbra.

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Geometric Unsharpness

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Geometric Unsharpness

f x OFD
U𝑔 =

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Geometric Unsharpness

Long Film to Object


Low Ug

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Geometric Unsharpness

Short Film to Object


High Ug

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Geometric Unsharpness

Small focus

Low Ug

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Geometric Unsharpness

Large Focus

High Ug

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Geometric Unsharpness

Short Object to Film


Low Ug

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Geometric Unsharpness

Long Object to Film


High Ug

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Reducing Geometric Unsharpness

 Source size as small as possible.

 Source to object distance as long as practical.
 Object to film distance as short as possible.
 In a good quality technique geometric
unsharpness should be not more than the
inherent unsharpness of the film screen
combination in use.

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Measuring Geometric Unsharpness

 The drilled holes in step: Hole and plaque type

IQIs are intended as an indicator of geometric
 Standard wire type IQIs (EN ISO 19232-1) are
poor indicators of geometric unsharpness.
 A special type of IQI called a duplex wire IQI
is designed with a view to measuring
geometric unsharpness (EN ISO 19232-5).

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Duplex IQIs

 EN ISO 19232-5 defined duplex wire IQI

containing 13 pairs of circular cross-section
wires made of platinum and tungsten.

Note: EN 462-5 was former standard which is technically identical with EN ISO

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BS 3971 Duplex IQI

Wire Achieved basic
Duplex geometrical
diameter spatial resolution 𝑆𝑅𝑏
identification unsharpness 𝑈𝑔 [mm]
[mm] [mm]

D1 0,80 0,80 1,60

D2 0,63 0,63 1,26
D3 0,50 0,50 1,00
D4 0,40 0,40 0,80
D5 0,32 0,32 0,64
D6 0,25 0,25 0,50
D7 0,20 0,20 0,40
D8 0,16 0,16 0,32
D9 0,13 0,13 0,26
D10 0,10 0,10 0,20
D11 0,08 0,08 0,16
D12 0,063 0,063 0,13
D13 0,05 0,05 0,10

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BS 3971 Duplex IQI

First unresolved duplex is ...

Wire Achieved basic
Duplex geometrical
diameter spatial resolution 𝑆𝑅𝑏
identification unsharpness 𝑈𝑔 [mm]
[mm] [mm]

D7 0,20 0,20 0,40

D8 0,16 0,16 0,32
D9 0,13 0,13 0,26
D10 0,10 0,10 0,20

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Inherent Unsharpness

Inherent or film unsharpness is due to:

 The graininess of the film, fast films have
larger grain size than slow films.
 The type of intensifying screens, metallic foil
screens are much better than fluorescent
 The radiation energy, film unsharpness is
increased at high radiation energy.
 Film processing, development time and
temperature affect grain size.

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Inherent Unsharpness


Ultrafine grain
Fine grain

Coarse grain

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Scattered Radiation

Scattered radiation can seriously effect the

quality of a radiographic image and needs to
be considered with a view to reducing its
effect on the final image quality.

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 Radiation originating from any source other than

the primary source.
 Primary radiation is absorbed then re-emitted in
all directions.
 Scatter is a major contributor to poor radiographic
contrast and definition.
 Scatter may also cause a radiation hazard, dose
rates maybe locally increased by scattering

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Three major causes of scatter are:

 Photoelectric effect.
 Compton scattering (incoherent scatter).
 Pair production.

 Other scattering mechanisms exist for

example: Rayleigh scattering (coherent

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Photoelectric Effect

 In the photoelectric effect an electron absorbs

all of the energy of the incident X-ray photon.
 If the photon energy is sufficient the electron
will be completely ejected from the atom and
ionisation will occur.
 Where the incident photon has exactly the
right amount of energy the electron may
simply jump from one energy level to another.
 As the affected atom returns to its base state
low energy X-rays are emitted in all directions.

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Photoelectric Effect

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Compton Scattering

 In Compton scattering an electron absorbs

part of the energy of the incident X-ray
 In Compton scattering the affected electron is
ejected from the atom and ionisation results.
 The photon energy not absorbed by the
electron is deflected from the original path of
the incident photon as an X-ray of lower
 As the affected atom returns to its base state
low energy X-rays are emitted in all directions.

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Compton Scattering

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Pair Production

 In pair production a high energy X-ray photon

converts to an electron, positron pair following
interaction with either an orbital electron or an
atomic nucleus.
 Pair production occurs only above a threshold
energy of 1.02 MeV.
 A positron has a very short life expectancy, it
quickly interacts with an electron causing
annihilation of both particles.

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Pair Production

 Annihilation of an electron, positron pair

produces scattered radiation at a characteristic
photon energy of 0.51 MeV.
 The electron produced in the pair production
event has high velocity and causes ionisation
and further production of scattered radiation.

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Pair Production

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Coherent (Rayleigh) Scattering

 In coherent scattering there is no loss of

photon energy.
 The incident photon is effectively deflected
from its original path as it interacts with an
 The incident photon is momentarily absorbed
by the atom setting its orbital electrons in
oscillation, then re-emitted without energy
loss but in a new direction.
 Coherent scattering affects only very low
energy X-ray photons and is of little
importance in industrial radiography.

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Coherent (Rayleigh) Scattering

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Mode of Scatter vs Radiation Energy

 At radiation energies up to approximately

600 eV the photoelectric effect is the dominant
scattering mechanism.
 From 600 eV to approximately 6 MeV Compton
scattering predominates.
 Above 6 MeV pair production takes over as the
dominant effect.
 The total amount of scattering as a proportion
of the incident radiation is much greater at
energies below 1 MeV than it is at higher

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 Internal scatter: Originating within the

 Side scatter: Walls and nearby objects in the
path of the primary beam.
 Back scatter: Materials located behind the

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 Internal scatter originating within the


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 Side scatter from walls and nearby objects in

the path of the primary beam

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 Back scatter materials located behind the film

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Checking For Back Scatter

British, European and American codes and

standards describe a method of checking for
back scatter.
 A lead letter B is attached to the back of the
film cassette during exposure.
 If a light image of the letter B appears in the
radiographic image then excessive back
scatter is present and the radiograph must be
 A dark image of B does not indicate

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Checking For Back Scatter

Light image
of B:

Dark image
of B:

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Scattering Angle

 The angle formed between the direction of the

primary radiation beam and the direction of
travel of the scattered radiation is referred to
as scattering angle or angle of scatter.


Primary radiation

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Scattering Angle

 Scattered radiation with a scattering angle of

less than or equal to 90 is side scatter or
internal scatter.
 Scattered radiation with a scattering angle of
greater than 90 is back scatter.

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Low scatter High scatter

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Control of Scatter

 Collimation.
 Lead screens.
 Protection from back scatter.
 Beam filtration (X-ray only).
 Blocking.
 Diaphragms.
 Grids (oscillating).
 Increased beam energy.

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Inherent Unsharpness

Typical inherent unsharpness for

Pb screens/fine grain film
Radiation source Inherent unsharpness
100 kV X-rays 0.05
200 kV X-rays 0.09
300 kV X-rays 0.12
400 kV X-rays 0.15
1000 kV X-rays 0.18
Iridium 192 0.17
Cobalt 60 0.35

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Part 5: Exposure calculation
Covering pages 65-83 of your notes

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Determining The Correct Exposure

Knowing how to determine the correct exposure

to achieve the required radiographic film density
is essential for those involved in radiographic

Incorrect calculation can lead to lost time

caused by countless reshoots and the
subsequent increase in film costs.

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Image Quality Film density

The degree of darkening of a processed film is

called optical density.

Optical density is a logarithmic unit:

𝐹𝑖𝑙𝑚 𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔10
Where I1 is the incident light intensity and I2 is the
transmitted light intensity.

Thus if film density = 2, the incident light intensity is 100 x

greater than the transmitted intensity.

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Radiographic Film Density

National codes and standards for radiography of

welds and castings invariably define a minimum
level of film density:
 ASME V requires a minimum film density of
1.8 for X-radiography of welds and a minimum
of 2.0 for gamma techniques.
 EN ISO 17636-1 requires a minimum film
density of 2.0 for class A (basic techniques of
X- or gamma radiography of welds) and a
minimum of 2.3 for class B (improved

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Radiographic Film Density

 Radiographic films provide good contrast at

film densities exceeding about 1.5.
 Radiographs with a density exceeding 3.5 or
perhaps 4.0 cannot be properly viewed and
assessed on standard radiographic film
 Film density is easily measured using a
densitometer or by comparison with a
calibrated density strip.

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Radiographic Film Density

Film density

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Radiographic Film Density

Lack of density Excessive density

 Under exposure.  Over exposure.
 Developer  Developer
temperature too temperature too
low. high.
 Exhausted  Excessive
developer. development.
 Developer too weak.  Too strong a

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Factors Affecting Exposure

 Specimen Radiographic
 Material type.  Film speed.
 Thickness.  Quality of radiation.
 FFD or SFD.
 Screens.
 Filters.
 Development.
 Density required.
 Intensity of radiation.

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Exposure Charts

Exposure/ mAmin


40 35 30
Steel Thickness / mm

Steel Thickness / mm
30 35 40

25 20
20 25




Exposure / mAmin

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Exposure Calculations

Radiographic equivalence chart

Radiation energy/isotope

100keV 150keV 220keV 400keV Ir192

Steel 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Copper 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.1

Aluminium 0.08 0.12 0.18 - 0.35

Al alloy 4.5% Cu 0.13 0.16 0.22 - 0.35

Titanium 0.5 0.45 0.35 - -

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Equivalence Factors

 Equivalence factors vary with radiation quality.

 Equivalence factors are used to convert a
thickness of a given material to a
radiographically equivalent thickness of
another material for which exposure times are

 For example: Convert 10mm of steel to an

equivalent thickness of copper using 100 kV

Te = 10 x 1.6 = 16 mm

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Film Factors

Classification Manufacturer designation and film factor CF

11699-1 1815

9.0 6.5 9.0

C1 Special D2 DR 50 7.2 IX 25 R2
4.2 3.3 4.2
C2 D3 M 100 4.2 IX 50 R3
2.6 2.6
C3 Class 1 D4 MX 125 2.8 --- R4
1.6 1.6 1.6
C4 D5 T 200 1.7 IX 80 R5
1.0 1.0 1.0
C5 Class 2 D7 AA 400 1 IX 100 R7
0.7 0.6 0.7
C6 Class 3 D8 CX 0.7 IX 150 R8

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Exposure Calculation

 Film speed chart

D7 D5 D4

CX AA 400 MX12
Kodak 5

Fuji 150 100
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 7 8
10 12 14
Relative exposure
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Exposure Calculation

 Change of film: From CX to MX125.

Original exposure: 4 minutes.

Film factor for CX: 0.7
Film factor for MX: 2.8

New Exposure = 4∙ = 16 minutes

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Exposure Calculation

Change of FFD

Original exposure: 4 minutes.

Original FFD: 1000 mm.
New FFD: 750 mm.

New time = 4 ∙ = 2.25 minutes

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Characteristic Curves

 Increasing exposures are applied to successive areas of

a film.
 After development the film density is measured.
 The density is then plotted against the log of the
relative exposure.

The resultant graph is called the

characteristic curve
sensitometric curve
Hurter-Driffield curve (H&D curve)

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Characteristic Curves


Straight line


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Characteristic Curves

The relationship between

exposure time and
resultant film density is

The gradient of the film

characteristic curve is a
measure of film

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Characteristic Curves

Film A is coarse grain and is

faster than Film B and C.

Film B is fine grain and it’s

speed is intermediate
between Film A and C.

Film C is ultra-fine grain and

is the slowest of the three.

A fast film requires a shorter

exposure time than a slow

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Characteristic Curves

1.63 - 1.31 = 0.32 Antilog 0.32 = 2.1

Original exposure = 10 mAmin
New exposure = 2.1 X 10 = 21 mAmin
Using D7 film a
density of 1.5 was
achieved using an
exposure of
10 mAmin.
What exposure is
required to achieve
a density of 2.5?

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Characteristic Curves

2.07 - 1.63 = 0.44 Antilog 0.44 = 2.75 Using D7 film a

Original exposure = 10 mAmin
New exposure = 2.75 X 10 = 27.5 density of 2.5
mAmin was achieved
using an
exposure of
10 mAmin.

What exposure is
required to
achieve a
density of 2.5
using MX film?

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Image Quality Indicators

 Image quality indicators (IQIs)


 Penetrameters

are used to measure radiographic sensitivity and

the quality of the radiographic technique used.

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Image Quality Indicators

 Radiographic sensitivity is the ability of
radiographic system to reveal discontinuity of
certain size on the radiographic image.

 It can also be defined as a measure of quality

of radiographic image. True radiographic
sensitivity is difficult quantity to measure.

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Image Quality Indicators

 IQI sensitivity: Is not an exact measure of the
true sensitivity of a radiographic technique.

 IQIs are used in radiography to ensure that

the general overall quality of a radiographic
technique is adequate.

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Image Quality Indicators

 EN ISO 19232-1 Wire type IQIs

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Image Quality Indicators

 EN ISO 19232-2 Step-hole type IQIs

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Image Quality Indicators

 ASTM E 1025 Plaque type IQIs

Sensitivity is
measured in terms
2-2T where 2 equals
a plaque thickness of
2T 2T
2 % of the test
specimen thickness
4T 1T and 2T is the hole
XX: IQI thickness thousandths of that is visible on the
an inch.
T: Plaque radiographic image.

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Image Quality Indicators

 IQI sensitivity is usually expressed as a

percentage of subject thickness.
 For single wall single image and double wall
single image techniques the single wall
thickness is generally taken as subject
 For double wall double image techniques the
double wall thickness is used.

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Determining The Correct Sensitivity

100 t
Sensitivity =
T: Subject thickness.
t: Thickness of thinnest discernible wire or step.

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Image Quality Indicators

 IQIs should wherever possible be placed on

source side.
 For the double wall single image technique
this is not possible and IQIs are therefore
placed film side.
 Different requirements apply dependent on
whether the IQI is source or film side.

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Part 6: Techniques
Covering pages 84-96 of your notes

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Radiographic Techniques

 Single wall single image (SWSI).

 Double wall single image (DWSI).
 Double wall double image (DWDI).

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Radiographic Techniques

Technique: SWSI

Required number of
exposures: 1

Location marker
placement: External

IQI placement: External

(followed by comparative exposure)

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Radiographic Techniques

Technique: SWSI
(source internal and offset)

Required number of exposures:

See EN ISO 17636-1 figures.

Location marker placement:


IQI placement: External

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Radiographic Techniques

Technique: SWSI (source


Required number of exposures:

See EN ISO 17636-1 figures.

Location marker placement:


IQI placement: External

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Radiographic Techniques

Technique: DWSI

Required number of exposures:

See EN ISO 17636-1 figures.

Location marker placement:


IQI placement: External

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Radiographic Techniques

Technique: DWDI (elliptical)

Required number of exposures:

See EN ISO 17636-1 figures.

Location marker placement:

Source side preferred

IQI placement: Must be source


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Radiographic Techniques

Technique: DWDI

Required number of exposures:

See EN ISO 17636-1 figures.

Location marker placement:

Source side preferred

IQI placement: Must be source


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Radiographic Techniques

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Radiographic Techniques

 Identification
 Unique identification.

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Radiographic Techniques

 Identification
 Unique identification.
 Pitch markers: Location markers.

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Radiographic Techniques

 Unique identification.
 Pitch markers.
 IQI’s.

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 The through thickness position of a defect

cannot be determined by single exposure

 A technique called tube shift or source shift

can be used to determine through thickness

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Using similar

(𝐗−𝐙) (𝐘−𝐙)
𝐭 (𝐭−𝐝)


𝒕(𝒀 −𝒁)

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Part 7: Interpretation
Covering pages 97-125 of your notes

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Radiographic Interpretation

 In order to correctly interpret radiographs it is

essential that the interpreter has a good
knowledge of the product under examination and
the possible defects that may arise due to various
processes carried out on the test piece.

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Welding Terminology

 Butt joints
Square Edged
Closed Open

Single Sided Butt

Vee Bevel

Double Sided Butt

Vee Bevel

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Welding Terminology

 Fillet joints


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Welding Definitions

 BS 499-1  NASA
 A union between  A continuous defect
pieces of metal at surrounded by
faces rendered parent material.
plastic or liquid by
heat pressure or

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An ideal weld must give a strong bond between

materials with the interfaces disappearing

To achieve this:

 Smooth, flat or matching surfaces.

 Surfaces shall be free from contaminants.
 Metals shall be free from impurities.
 Metals shall have identical crystalline structures.

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A union between pieces of metal at faces rendered plastic or

liquid by heat, pressure or both.

BS 499-1
Possible energy sources
 Ultrasonics.
 Electron beam.
 Friction.
 Electric resistance.
 Electric arc.

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Electric Arc Welding



Work piece


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Electric Arc Welding

 Electric discharge produced between cathode

and anode by a potential difference (40-60
 Discharge ionises air and produces -ve
electrons and +ve ions.
 Electrons impact upon anode, ions upon
 Impact of particles converts kinetic energy to
heat (7000oC) and light.
 Amperage controls number of ions and
electrons, voltage controls their velocity.

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Electric Arc Welding

Arc welding processes:

 Manual metal arc.
 Tungsten inert gas.
 Metal inert gas.
 Submerged arc.

Differences between them:

 Methods of shielding the arc.
 Consumable or non-consumable electrode.
 Degree of automation.

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Zones in Fusion Welds

 Parent material or base metal

 Heat affected zone
 Fusion zone

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Manual Metal Arc Welding

 Shielding provided  Welder controls

by decomposition of  Arc length.
flux covering.  Angle of electrode.
 Electrode  Speed of travel.
 Amperage settings.
 Manual process.

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Manual Metal Arc (MMA)

Arc coating
Evolved gas
Parent metal

Weld metal

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Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG)

Gas nozzle
Filler wire consumable

Gas shield

Parent metal Weld metal

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Metal Inert Gas (MIG)

electrode (filler wire)
Reel feed

Arc shield

Parent metal Weld metal

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Submerged Arc

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Submerged Arc

Flux Consumable
retrieval electrode Reel feed

Flux feed

Weld metal Parent metal

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Welding Defects

Classified by shape Classified by position
 Longitudinal  HAZ
 Transverse  Centreline
 Branched  Crater
 Fusion zone
 Chevron
 Parent metal

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Welding Defects

Four crack types:
 Solidification cracks.
 Hydrogen induced cracks.
 Lamellar tearing.
 Reheat cracks.

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Welding Defects

 Solidification
 Occurs during weld solidification process.
 Steels with high sulphur content (low ductility
at elevated temperature).
 Requires high tensile stress.
 Occur longitudinally down centre of weld,
 eg crater cracking.

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Welding Defects

Solidification cracking

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Welding Defects

 Hydrogen Induced
 Requires susceptible grain structure, stress
and hydrogen.
 Hydrogen enters via welding arc.
 Hydrogen source, atmosphere or
contamination of preparation or electrode.
 Moisture diffuses out into parent metal on
 Most likely in HAZ.

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Welding Defects

Hydrogen cracking

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Welding Defects

 Lamellar tearing
 Step like appearance.
 Occurs in parent material or HAZ.
 Only in rolled direction of the parent material.
 Associated with restrained joints subjected to
through thickness stresses on corners, tees
and fillets.
 Requires high sulphur or non-metallic

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Welding Defects

Lamellar tearing



Lamellar tear

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Welding Defects

 Re-heat cracking
 Occurs mainly in HAZ of low alloy steels
during post weld heat treatment or service at
elevated temperatures.
 Occurs in areas of high stress and existing
 Prevented by toe grinding, elimination of poor
profile material selection and controlled post
weld heat treatment.

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Welding Defects

Incomplete root
 Too large or small a root
 Arc too long.
 Wrong polarity.
 Electrode too large for joint
 Incorrect electrode angle.
 Too fast a speed of travel
for current.
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Welding Defects

Incomplete root fusion

 Too small a root gap.
 Arc too long.
 Wrong polarity.
 Electrode too large for joint
 Incorrect electrode angle.
 Too fast a speed of travel for

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Welding Defects

Root concavity


 Root gap too large.

 Insufficient arc
 Excessive back purge

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Welding Defects

Excess root penetration

 Excessive amperage
during welding of
 Excessive root gap,
poor fit up.
 Excessive root
 Improper welding

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Welding Defects

Root undercut

 Causes
 Root gap too large.
 Excessive arc energy.
 Small or no root face.

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Welding Defects

Cap undercut

 Excessive welding current.
 Welding speed too high.
 Incorrect electrode angle.
 Excessive weave.
 Electrode too large.

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Welding Defects

Lack of fusion


 Contaminated weld
 Amperage too low.
 Amperage too high (welder
increases speed of travel).

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Welding Defects

Incompletely filled groove

Lack of side wall Fusion
 Causes
 Insufficient weld metal
 Improper welding

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Welding Defects

Inter run incompletely filled groove

 Insufficient weld metal deposited.
 Improper welding technique.

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Welding Defects

Gas pores/porosity:
 Excessive moisture in flux or preparation.
 Contaminated preparation.
 Low welding current.
 Arc length too long.
 Damaged electrode flux.
 Removal of gas shield.

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Welding Defects

Inclusions: Slag

 Insufficient cleaning between passes.
 Contaminated weld preparation.
 Welding over irregular profile.
 Incorrect welding speed.
 Arc length too long.

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Welding Defects

Inclusions: Tungsten
 Contamination of weld caused by tungsten
touching weld metal or parent metal during
welding using the TIG welding process.

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Welding Defects

Burn through
 Excessive amperage during welding of root.
 Excessive root grinding.
 Improper welding technique.

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Welding Defects


 Excessive arc energy.
 Excessive arc length.
 Damp electrodes.
 Arc blow.

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Welding Defects

Arc strikes

 Electrode straying onto parent metal.
 Electrode holder with poor insulation.
 Poor contact of earth clamp.

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Welding Defects

Mechanical damage

Chisel Marks Pitting Grinding

Corrosion Marks

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Interpretation of Radiographs

Radiographic Details

Source of 150 kV X-Ray Film Type Agfa D7

Screens Pb 0.125 mm front & back FFD/SFD 450

Technique SWSI Development Standard

TWI Training & Examination Services

Radiographic Interpreter

Name: Joe Bloggs Date: 01/ 01/ 01

Reference No. 097-200 Material Carbon Steel

Welding Details

Root Gap 3 Root Face 1.5 Material 10

Process SMAW

Joint Prep. Single Vee

Diameter N/A

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Film Artefacts

 During radiography and film processing

images can be formed which are not due to a
defect or a change in component thickness.
 Such images are referred to as artefacts.

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Film Artefacts

 Crimp marks.
 Dirty intensifying screens.
 Scratched intensifying screens.
 Static marks.
 Reticulation.
 Solarisation.
 Chemical or water splashes.
 Diffraction mottling.
 Drying marks.
 Streakiness.

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Film Artefacts

Film crimped
before exposure

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Film Artefacts

Film crimped
after exposure

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Film Artefacts


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Film Artefacts


May appear as either light

or dark images often
difficult to identify.

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Film Artefacts


Release of static electricity

due to poor film handling
and dry ambient

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Film Artefacts


Mottled effect caused by

extreme temperature
change during

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Film Artefacts

 Solarisation is image reversal due to extreme
over exposure or exposure to light during

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Film Artefacts

(Before development)

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Film Artefacts

(Before development)

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Film Artefacts


Mottled effect
sometimes seen in x-
radiography of large
grained materials.

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Film Artefacts

Drying marks
 Dark marks caused by uneven drying.

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Film Artefacts

caused by
poor agitation
during development

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Interpretation of Radiographs

Film Density (a) Weld (b) Parent

1.4 Material
IQI Type No. of wires or steps visible
None N/ A
Sensitivity calculation in full
N/ A

The film density is less than 2.0. No IQI present. No

identification or location markers present. A reshoot is

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Interpretation of Radiographs

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Interpretation of Radiographs

1. Crater crack, 85 from datum 3 long.

2. Tool mark, 90 from datum.
3. Undercut, 125 from datum, 35 long (intermittent).
4. Wormholes and porosity, 145 from datum, 30 long.

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Interpretation of Radiographs

TWI Training & Examination Services

Radiographic Interpreter

Name: Joe Bloggs Date: 01/ 01/ 01

Reference No. 097-201 Material Carbon Steel

Welding Details

Root Gap 3 Root Face 1.5 Material 8

Process SMAW

Joint Prep. Single Vee

Diameter 324 mm

Radiographic Details

Source of 180 kV X-Ray Film Type Agfa D7

Screens Pb 0.125 mm front & back FFD/SFD 400

Technique DWSI Development Standard

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Interpretation of Radiographs

Film Density (a) Weld (b) Parent

1.2 Material
IQI Type No. of wires or steps visible
10ISO16 2
Sensitivity calculation in full
0.32/ 8 x 100 = 4%

The film density is less than 2.0. The sensitivity is greater than
2%. No identification or location markers present. The IQI is
cannot be properly identified. A reshoot is required.

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Interpretation of Radiographs

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Interpretation of Radiographs

1. Suspected LORF, difficult to interpret due to thickness

change, 0-75mm.
2. Porosity, Datum + 120, 45mm long.
3. Lack of penetration, 2 sections 110-130mm and 145-
4. Undercut (cap), intermittent full length, both weld

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Interpretation of Radiographs

1. Transverse crack probably caused by Cu pick-up.

2. Scattered pores/wormholes and small slag inclusions.
3. Intermittent minor cap undercut.

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Interpretation of Radiographs

1. Linear porosity indicating lack of fusion.

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Interpretation of Radiographs

1. Tungsten Inclusion.

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Interpretation of Radiographs

1. Lack of fusion.
2. Cap undercut.
3. Dense metal inclusions.

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Interpretation of Radiographs

1. Linear slag inclusions indicating lack of fusion.

2. Weld spatter.

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Interpretation of Radiographs

1. Crack, probably solidification crack.

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Interpretation of Radiographs

1. Lack of root penetration.

2. Burn through.
3. Undercut.
4. Uneven penetration bordering excessive, full

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Part 8: Safety
Covering pages 126-138 of your notes

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Radiation Safety

 Due to the hazardous nature of ionising radiation

it is important to understand the basic principles
of radiation safety and have an understanding of
the current legislation regarding radiation

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Radiation Safety

 Justification
 Optimisation ALARA
 Limitation

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Radiation Safety

Units of dose


The amount of radiation that will deposit one joule

of energy/kg of absorber.

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Radiation Safety

Units of dose

Quality factor

The degree of biological damage caused by a

quantity of radiation.

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Radiation Safety

Units of dose

Sievert: Radiobiological effectiveness,

Grays x QF.

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Radiation Safety

Quality factors
 X or gamma rays: QF = 1.
 Beta particles: QF > 1.
 Alpha particles: QF = 20.

Penetrating power
 X or gamma: 600mm of steel.
 Beta particles: Sheet of paper/layer of skin.
 Alpha particles: Less than 1cm of air.

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Radiation Safety

Safe working
 Controlled area: Any area in which the dose will
exceed 3/10th annual dose for employees aged
18 or over.

7.5mSvh-1: Maximum dose rate at the barrier.

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Radiation Safety

Safe working

 Supervised area: Any area in which the

dose rate will exceed 1/3rd that of
controlled area.

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The intensity of radiation is reduced by absorption

as is passes through matter.

Half value layer

The thickness of any material that will reduce the

radiation intensity to one half its initial value.

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Shielding: Half and Tenth Value layers

I I x2

I I x 10

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Radiation Safety

Calculating safe distances

D1  2
 R1  D2   R2

D1: Original distance.

D2: Required distance.
R1: Original dose rate.
R2: Required dose rate.

Copyright © TWI Ltd

Radiation Safety

Calculating safe distances

D1  2
 R1  D2   R2

D2 
D1  2
 R1

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Radiation Safety

Calculating safe distances

D2 
D1 2
 R1
Dose rate at 1m also called output.
 Co 60 13 mGy/hr/Ci.
 Ir 192 4.8 mGy/hr/Ci.
 Yb 169 1.25 mGy/hr/Ci.

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Radiation Safety

Calculating safe distances: For 20 Ci of Co60

D2 
1 13mGy / hr / Ci  20Ci 1000 1
7.5 Sv/hr
Safe distance = 186.2m

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Radiation Safety

 Radiation protection advisor (RPA).
 Radiation protection supervisor (RPS).
 Classified persons.
 Trainee.
 Others.

Copyright © TWI Ltd

Radiation Safety

Safe distances

 Controlled area: Any area in which the dose

is likely to exceed 6mSv/yr or 3/10th annual
dose for employees 18+.

 7.5mSvh-1: Maximum dose rate at the


Copyright © TWI Ltd

Radiation Safety

Safe distances
Supervised area: Any area in which the dose is
likely to exceed 1mSv/yr or 1/10th of annual dose
for employees 18+.

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Controlled Area

You are required to follow special

procedures to restrict exposure/prevent
 During site radiography: Around the
radiography position, wherever the dose rate
is 7.5Sv/h or more.
 Inside an x or gamma radiography compound.
 Inside a source store.
 Controlled area may be set up following an

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Controlled Areas

Access is restricted to
• Classified workers.
• Others working under a written arrangement.

 Local rules.
 Radiation protection supervisor.
 Boundary is physically demarcated.
 Warning notices.
 Routine radiation monitoring.
 Personal dosimetry must be used.

Copyright © TWI Ltd

Supervised Area

There are no special procedures to

follow but the area is kept under
review by monitoring to pick up any
change in conditions
Some areas in a radiographic installation:
 Where dose rates are higher than background.
 Around enclosures where gamma sources are used.

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Supervised Area

 Boundaries are not physically demarcated.

 Warning signs not always legally required but
sometimes useful.
 No restriction on access.
 Routine monitoring is carried out.
 Area is described in the local rules.

Copyright © TWI Ltd

Local Rules

Written document describing how to:

 Carry out the work in accordance with the legislation.
 Restrict exposure.
 Prevent accidents.

Copyright © TWI Ltd

Local Rules

Read and work in accordance with your

employer’s local rules

Local rules will always include:

 Name and contact details of the RPS.
 The dose investigation level.
 Description of any controlled or supervised
 Written arrangements for non classified people
working in a controlled area.
 Summary of the contingency plan.

Copyright © TWI Ltd

Radiation Safety

 Ionisation chamber.
 Geiger muller tube.
 Scintillation counter.
 Film badge.
 Thermo-luminescent dosimeter (TLD).
 Quartz fibre electroscope.
 Audible monitors (personal monitor).

Copyright © TWI Ltd

Survey Meters

Survey meters produce a reading of the current

dose rate, usually in mSv/h or mSv/h.

Three types are used in industrial radiography:

1. Geiger counters.
2. Ionisation chambers.
3. Scintillation counters.

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Survey Meters

 For the detection of X or gamma radiation geiger

counters are usually used.
 Geiger counters are effectively high voltage
ionisation chambers.
 They are designed to produce pulses of current
when exposed to radiation.
 The number of pulses produced can be related to
the radiation dose rate.
 Geiger counters are more compact and more
durable than standard ionisation chambers and
have a wider measurement range.

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Survey Meters

 Ionisation Chamber
When the gas is
ionised a
current can flow
through the
The magnitude
of the current is
related to the
intensity of

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Survey Meters

 Scintillation counters are extremely sensitive to low

levels of radiation.
 They are useful for checking for contamination.
 A scintillation counter uses a phosphor which flashes
in the light spectrum when exposed to ionising
 Flashes of light are detected by a photomultiplier
 Different phosphors are used for different
applications: eg sodium iodide for X and gamma ray
detection or zinc sulphide for alpha particles.

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Radiation Dose Monitoring

 Quartz fibre electroscopes, film badges,

thermo-luminescent dosimeters and some
types of personal monitor are all devices for
measuring total radiation dose over a period
of time.
 TLDs use a lithium fluoride (LiF) phospor.
 When exposed to ionising radiation LiF stores
energy which is later released as flashes of
light when the phosphor is heated.

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