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Environment and Climate change

From simple to hard questions

In your respective groups, discuss the following questions

1. What are the main Components of environment?

4. Provide a detailed definition of Climate change

5. Can you simply explain the current world climate change phenomenon?

6. What is a global warming? How much is the planet heating up?

7. How much trouble are we in as far as climate change is concerned?
8. What is ozone layer and why is it important for living organisms?
9. How does air pollution affect the ozone layer?
10. What impact does ozone depletion have on plant and animal life?
11. What are Green House Gases
12. What do you understand by greenhouse effect?
13. How does the Earth benefit from the greenhouse effect?
14. Explain in detail oxygen depletion?
15. Explain the functioning of Food chain?
16. As far as pollution is concerned:
a. What is Pollution?

b. What are the different types of pollution?

c. What are the major causes of pollution?
d. Differentiate between degradable and non- degradable pollutants.

17. What can you personally do to protect the environment

18. Give and explain the four spheres.

18. How does agriculture affect climate change?

19. Discuss in detail:
a. conservation of biodiversity
b. Threats to biodiversity
c. Energy flow in an ecosystem
d. Aquatic ecosystem
e. The structure and function of an ecosystem.
f. Differentiate between food chain and food web with a diagram
g. The value of biodiversity
20. By observing assessing your native neighborhood:
a. What are tangibles signs of environmental degradation did you observe?
b. What would you recommend to your local leaders to counter those challenges?

Good luck

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