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Another key term in the definition of quality, satisfaction of the customer's

needs, can
can be explained using the KANO model. According to the model, customer
can be classified as stated and unsaid, and the product's ability to satisfy needs in
different categories will affect overall satisfaction
customer with a product or service (Saurwein et al., 1996). Expressed needs
at the same time, they represent a necessary condition for the purchase and the
customer clearly emphasizes them. Important
the characteristic of stated needs is that customers can explicitly define them.
Unspoken needs, on the other hand, are implicit in nature and are bought by
do not express but assume that the product or service contains certain
characteristics that are important to them.
The KANO model lists basic requirements as the first category of customer
They imply the basic characteristics that a certain product or service
they must have in order to keep customers satisfied. High possibility of
basic requirements will not greatly affect the increase in satisfaction
customer, but failure to meet basic requirements will lead to great
dissatisfaction. For the basic requirements, it can be said that their satisfaction is
implied, i.e. that they represent the minimum level of quality that customers
The second category of customer needs includes one-dimensional requirements
which refer to the basic properties of a product or service. Investment in
meeting these requirements leads to a proportional increase in customer
satisfaction. They are called one-dimensional precisely because they exist
an almost linear correlation between investment in the fulfillment of this
requirements and level of customer satisfaction with the product or service.
one-dimensional requirements is one of the key characteristics of the foundation
which customers decide to buy certain products and services.
The third category of needs consists of exciting demands, the fulfillment of
which leads to
to a high level of user satisfaction and, consequently, a higher price
are customers willing to pay for certain products and services. The specificity of
requirement is the fact that the customer does not require their presence, as a
result of which

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