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Modem Application manual

InduBox GSM M4

Bausch Datacom NV Tiensesteenweg 54 B-3360 Korbeek-Lo Belgium –
Bausch Datacom NV can not guarantee the safety
if the InduBox GSM M4 is not used within the
specifications described in this manual.

Installation and service by qualified personnel only.

Document History

Date Version Auteur

31/01/23 V1.0 Preliminary Roel Creation
Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Configuration & Setup

7.1 Configuration via HTML GUI

7.2 Configuration via serial interface
7.3 Remote configuration
7.4 Configuration by SMS
1. Introduction

The InduBox GSM M4 hardware is a versatile communication device designed to

provide a flexible data communication solution for an industrial environment. The
InduBox GSM M4 hardware can run many different applications. In this manual we will
discuss the modem application.

The modem application provides a way to make an industrial device, which is readable
over RS-232/RS-485 or ethernet, accessible over the air.

The modem application can be divided into 4 workings modes:

1.1 CSD mode

The incoming gsm data call will be directed towards a preselected serial interface.

1.2 TCP/IP server socket mode

An listening socket will be opened on a preconfigured port. Incoming connections will be

linked towards the preselected serial interface.

1.3 TCP/IP client socket mode

The modem application will periodicly try to connect to a preconfigured ipv4 address, on
connected the socket will be linked towards the preselected interface.

1.3 Router

The modem will function as router between the modem interface and the ethernet
2 Configuration & Setup

2.1 Configuration via HTML GUI

Configuration of the InduBox GSM M4 can be done through a GUI via HTML.

The default ip address of the modem is

Username : admin
Password : password

Click on “login” to enter the configuration pages of the modem.

To make changes, always save the change at the bottom of the page and reboot
the modem before the change is executed.
Displays the most important configuration.

System info

• Software version
• Bootloader version
• Uptime time passed after power-on or reset of the device
• Config version This can be default, custom or an UUID if set by the
commissioning system
• Flash bank On which partition is the active firmware stored
• Current datatime
• Cfg storage usage
• Memory usage
• Last reset cause

Routing: Info about the routing:

• Active gateway interface The interface to which packets are routed as default
• Active gateway address The address of the gateway on the network of the
gateway interface
Ethernet: Info about the local Ethernet interface:

• IPv4 address
• Netmask
• MAC Address

Modem: Info about the Modem interface

• SIM PIN The status of the sim card: OK or PUK needed

• Network band indicator frequency band of the mobile connection.
• Operator selection Network operator to which the modem is connected.
• RSSI Received Signal Strength, indicating the received
power level. A higher number indicates a better
• IP Address received/used WAN IP address
• Netmask The configured netmask
• IP lease time The time passed since we leased the IP address
• Uptime time passed after getting a modem IP address

To change the configuration: change the parameter, press Save Changes on the same
page and Reboot the module.
Configuration of the local Ethernet interface.


• Client Turn on to get an IP address from a DHCP server, off for

static IP.

• IP Address set the IP address of the local Ethernet interface

• Subnet Mask set the IP subnet mast of the local Ethernet interface
• Default gateway leave empty when not in use
• Enabled Enable/Disable the ethernet interface


• status Broadcast the hostname over mDNS

• hostname The (mDNS) hostname of this device
Configuration Interface RS-232 - Set the serial parameters of the RS-232 configuration
interface. These parameters should match the parameters of the connected device.

• Baud rate
• Data Bits
• Parity
• Stop Bits
• Flow control

Isolated interface - Set the serial parameters of the isolated RS-232/RS-485 interface.
Should be the same as for the device connected.

• Type: this isolated interface can be hardware configured as an RS-232 (3-wire)

or RS-485 (2-wire) interface. See above JP7 & JP8.
• Baud rate
• Data Bits
• Parity
• Stop Bits
Configuration of the Modem.


• SIM PIN Pin code for the installed SIM card. If the SIM pin is disabled,
the entered SIM pin will not be sent.
• Additional AT AT commands that will be executed at startup. Only certain
AT-commands are allowed, others are discarded.


• APN Access Point Network name, depends on the service

provider, see SIM card documentation.
• Netmask The netmask of the network behind the PPP
connection. This is used for routing.
• APNUN APN username, some carriers use a user name and
password for authentication, should be provided by the
the carrier.
• APNPW APN Password, see APNUN
Watchdog functions

• Connection Teardown Timeout

If, for whatever reason, no data has been received in an active connection
of the application, then that connection will be teared down.

• Periodical reset
The device will completely reset after this timeout if the application has no
active connection.

• Periodical Ping Host

If the basic router function is used, the connection can be tested by a
periodical ping. The modem will reset if the timeout expires.

• Periodical Ping Interval

Interval for the periodical pings.
Working mode: serial
Configuration of the serial working mode. This mode is used for serial connections (RS-
232/RS-485). Which serial interface is used is configured on the configuration, see
serial page.

Modem behavior on Serial Communication

The modem will send CONNECT X over the serial communication when there is
an incoming connecting
The modem will be silent on the serial communication and will only forward the
data received over the connection

CSD – Transparent Serial communication

Working mode that uses awaits the opening of a CSD channel. All data send over
the channel is forwarded on the selected serial interface and vice versa.

TCP/IP - Socket Serial Communication

Creates a TCP socket to which a remote connection can be made (server mode),
or connects to a remote TCP server (client mode).
All data sent over the TCP connection is forwarded on the selected serial
interface (in the configuration -> serial menu) and vice versa.

All data entering from the serial port will be buffered and sent in a segment.
The segmentation will be done depending on 2 parameters:

• Segmentation Length: Segment will be sent as soon as it is this long.

• Segmentation timeout: if there is data in the segment, the segment will be
sent after this timeout with no new data.

The serial interface can be the isolated interface or the configuration interface.
The DinBox GSM M4 can act as a server (expecting a TCP connection from a
client) or as a client (connecting to a server) :
# Client

Fill in this configuration if “Client” is selected (client will connect to a remote TCP

• Host IP address: IP address of the remote TCP server.

• Host Port Number: Port number of the remote TCP server.
• Connection Trigger: Defines when the TCP client will connect to the remote
TCP server:
◦ always: permanent connection
◦ after any character: any character on the selected serial interface will
trigger and open the TCP connection.
◦ After specific character: TCP connection will be made after a specific
character is written to the serial interface. The character can be given in
the next field, in hexadecimal, default is 61h (a).

# Server

Fill in this configuration if “Server” is selected.

The device will act as a TCP server waiting for a TCP connection on the given
Port number (and the WAN IP address).

A total of 2 such TCP connections can be configured (On on the isolated

interface and one on the configuration interface
Note: CSD and TCP/IP can be active at the same time. In that case any active
TCP/IP connection will be closed on the reception of a CSD call.

Working mode: basic router

Configuration of the basic router working mode. This mode will make a transparent IP
connection from the Ethernet port to the connected mobile network and vice versa.

Outgoing traffic:
• Default gateway interface The interface that shall be used, by default, to route
• DNS1 Optional DNS server that can be used when needed.
• DNS2 Optional DNS server that can be used when needed.

Incoming traffic (Modem → Ethernet)

• Filter Only allow connections from the given subnet (ip address and
netmask, use netmask to only allow one specific
IP address).

• NAT Configure port forwarding for the NAT in the modem. Ethernet
interface is the private network, mobile network is the public
network. Don’t forget to “Enable” the configured Port.

• HTTP access Configure the Port on which the HTTP server is

available (for accessing the configuration GUI). Radio
button makes the port available on the selected interface.

• HTTPS access Configure the Port on which the HTTP server is

available (for accessing the configuration GUI). Radio
button makes the port available on the selected interface.
HTTPS requires certificates to be uploaded in the security s

• TELNET Configure the Port on which TELNET is

available. Radio button makes the port available on
the selected interface.
Configuration of the debug traces that are printed to the configuration interface (if this
interface is not used, see configuration → serial page). For each topic there are 3 levels
of prints, with different amounts of prints (info>warning>error).

Change Admin Password

Change the password used to access the configuration web page. default is ‘admin’,

Factory Reset
Will do a factory reset on all the parameters.
Configuration of the TLS security, needed for management services and https if

Import password

When the private key is password protected.

This option needs to be saved, before the encrypted key is upload


Allows to upload the certificates

Clear certificates
Delete all certificates
Software upgrade
Updates the modem firmware. Select “Browse”, pick the correct file and upload.

Reboots the modem. Should be done after any saved change in the modem
2.2 Configuration via the serial interface

Use the standard Bausch Datacom ‘white’ RJ45 to DB9 serial cable to connect to the
serial interface The asynchronous parameters are 115.200 bps 8N1 with RTS/CTS flow
control enabled.

This interface is used to debug the device.

During startup some basic information is sent.

23:27:27 (INFO) *********************************
23:27:27 (INFO) *** InduBox GSM M4 ***
23:27:27 (INFO) *********************************
23:27:27 (INFO) Copyright: 2020 Bausch Datacom NV
23:27:27 (INFO) Firmware Version: v5.0.5
23:27:27 (INFO) Target: STM32F437 : Bank 1
23:27:27 (INFO) The system reset cause was "External reset”

Via the Administration-Traces page it’s possible to enable trace information about
a specific functionality.
Via proprietary at-commands it’s possible to configure, test or debug the device.

To gain full access a login in needed:



After 15 minutes if no serial activity the interface will automatically logout.

To see all the possible commands:

Bausch M4 command set:

• 1. at#?
◦ Show this
• 2. at#info
◦ Show system info
• 3. at#scfg
◦ Upload a config in json format
• 4. at#gcfg
◦ Get the config in json format
• 5. at#gbank
◦ Get the current active partition
• 6. at#gmodemip
◦ Get the modem ip address
• 7. at#gethernetip
◦ Get the ethernet ip address
• 8. at#rst
◦ Reset the device
• 9. at#defaults
◦ Factory reset the device
• 10. at#get#
◦ Get a specified configuration setting following a categroy#item_id syntax. The same syntax is
used in the config json format, in which all the categroy names an item id’s cen be derived if
needed. Example at#get#traces#all
• 11. at#set# -
◦ Set a specified configuration setting following a categroy#item_id#value syntax. The same
syntax is used in the config json format, in which all the categroy names an item id’s cen be
derived if needed. Example at#set#traces#all#0
• 12. at#test
◦ Test menu to test certain parts of the device hardware
• 13. at#login
◦ Login into the serial console
• 14. at#logout
◦ Logout of the serial console
• 15. at#passwd
◦ Change the password of the user which is logged in
• 16. at#cert
◦ Upload a certificate (in hex format)
• 17. at#printca
◦ Print out the root certificate

2.3 Remote configuration

It’s possible to access the device remotely via Telnet .

This option has to be enabled via the Configuration-Routing page.
The telnet console has the same command set as the serial console.

2.4 Configuration by SMS

It’s possible to configure the device by SMS. The SMS console has the same command
set as the serial console.

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