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Therese Kasiama group has been helping children around 18 years old.

Every year at Christmas we give them rice ,clothes and other goods as well to the poor
people, orphans and homeless children . We do not have financial resources to build a
small property that can help us to accommodate them.
Ever since I met the Stevan’s family many things have changed and we have made
progress in the group.

Those deprived children felt important and have an important role to play on earth and we
are happy that SSI helped the Stevan Foundation (THANKS). Stevan is like a brother to me,
he always encouraged me with his wife and children. We crossed paths on the path of love .
Differences make harmony.

Our friendship with Stevan’s family began in 2019 . After his mother Silvia Lucia Oliveira
Laroca, a woman of faith , welcoming , generous and a friend of my little sister Bibiche
Kasiama. She had called her son (Stevan) to tell him about my situation.

I was still in France, very ill and explained to her that I had malaria and that bi couldn’t afford
to buy medicines in the middle of a pandemic/ Covid 19. And he helped me with love and
this year he started with his own resources to help a small group of children and today we
have 207 children. Thank you Stevan for having a good heart, SSI and all the people of
good will

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