AQA Chem GCSE Combined C12 Practice Answers

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C12 Practice

Student book answers questions

Question Answers Extra information Mark

01.1 solids 1
any one from: 1
01.2  chlorine
 ozone
contains dissolved solids or chemicals 1
01.3 such as chlorine or contains dissolved
distillation / simple distillation Do not accept fractional 1
01.5 evaporation Allow boiling. 1
01.6 condensing 1
any one from: 1
 distillation is slow
01.7  distillation is extremely
expensive or distillation
requires a lot of fuel
leave to evaporate or leave in a dish Allow any method of 1
for several days evaporation.
there should be no solid left once all
the water has evaporated

02.1 iron 1
02.2 Cu2S + O2 → 2Cu + SO2 1
any two from: 2
 toxic
 causes acid rain
 harmful to wildlife/buildings
plants absorb Cu2+ ions from low-grade 1
copper ore as they grow
02.4 plants burnt and Cu metal extracted 1
from compounds in the ash
the regular layers in a pure copper are 1
distorted by atoms of different sizes in
impure copper
so the electrons in impure copper don't
move around as quickly as those in
pure copper

02.6 electrolysis 1

02.7 filter 1
2+ ‒
02.8 Cu (aq) + 2e → Cu (s) 1

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