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List of countries whose citizens require a visa

The applicant shall present a valid travel document satisfying the following criteria:

1. Its validity shall extend at least three months after the intended date of departure from the
territory of the Member States or, in the case of several visits, after the last intended date of
departure from the territory of the Member States. However, in a justified case of emergency,
the obligation may be waived;
2. It shall contain at least two blank pages;
3. It shall have been issued within the previous 10 years.

 Afghanistan
 Algeria
 Angola
 Armenia
 Azerbaijan

 Bahrain
 Bangladesh
 Belarus
 Belize
 Benin
 Bhutan
 Bolivia
 Botswana
 Burkina Faso
 Burundi

 Cambodia
 Cameroon
 Cape Verde
 Central African Republic
 Chad
 China
 Comoros
 Congo (Democratic republic)
 Congo (Republic)
 Cuba

 Djibouti
 Dominican Republic

 Ecuador
 Egypt
 Equatorial Guinea
 Eritrea
 Ethiopia

 Fiji

 Gabon
 Gambia
 Ghana
 Guinea
 Guinea-Bissau
 Guyana

 Haiti

 India
 Indonesia
 Iraq
 Iran
 Ivory Coast

 Jamaica
 Jordan

 Kazakhstan
 Kenya
 Kirghizstan
 Kosovo
 Kuwait

 Laos
 Lebanon
 Lesotho
 Liberia
 Libya

 Madagascar
 Maldives
 Mali
 Malawi
 Mauritania
 Mongolia
 Morocco
 Mozambique
 Myanmar (Burma)

 Namibia
 Nauru
 Nepal
 Niger
 Nigeria
 North Korea

 Oman

 Pakistan
 Palestinian Authority
 Papua New Guinea
 Philippines

 Qatar

 Russia
 Rwanda

 Sao Tome and Principe

 Saudi Arabia
 Senegal
 Sierra Leone
 Somalia
 South Africa
 South Sudan
 Sri Lanka
 Sudan
 Suriname
 Swaziland
 Syria

 Tajikistan
 Tanzania
 Thailand
 Togo
 Tunisia
 Turkmenistan
 Turkey

 Uganda
 Uzbekistan

 Vietnam

 Yemen

 Zambia
 Zimbabwe

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