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Photoelectric Effect

1. Calculate the (a) frequency (b) energy (c) momentum and (d) mass of a photon of wavelength 400nm if h
= 6.6 ×10−34 J s.

2. A 100W point source emits monochromatic light of wavelength 600nm. Calculate :

(a) The total number of photons emitted by the source.
(b) The photon flux at a distance of 5m from the source.

3. The sun delivers about 1.4 kW/𝑚 2 of electromagnetic flux to the earth's surface. Calculate (a) the total
power incident on a roof of dimensions 8m × 20m, (b) the solar energy incident on the roof in 1 hour, (c)
the radiation pressure and force assuming the roof to be a perfectly absorber.

4. The maximum K.E of photoelectrons emitted from a certain metallic surface is 30 eV when
monochromatic radiation of a particular wavelength are incident on it. If another light of double
wavelength is incident the maximum K.E of photoelectrons is observed to be 10 eV. Calculate the
wavelength of light and determine the maximum wavelength of incident radiation for which
photoelectrons can be emitted.

5. A proton has kinetic energy E which is equal to that of a photon. The ratio of wavelength of photon to
that of proton is proportional to –
(A) 𝐸 2 (B) 𝐸 −1/2 (C) 𝐸 −1 (D) 𝐸1/2

6. A metal surface is illuminated by light of two different wavelengths 248 nm and 310 nm. The maximum
speeds of the photoelectrons corresponding to these wavelengths are 𝑢1 and 𝑢2 , respectively. If the ratio
𝑢1 : 𝑢2 = 2 : 1 and hc = 1240eV nm, the work function of the metal is –
(A) 3.7 eV (B) 3.2 eV (C) 2.8 eV (D) 2.5 eV

7. The graph between the stopping potential 𝑉0 and reciprocal of wavelength is

shown in fig. ∅1 , ∅2 and ∅3 are work functions. Then, which of the following
is/are correct?
(A) ∅1 ∶ ∅2 ∶ ∅3 = 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 4 (B) ∅1 ∶ ∅2 ∶ ∅3 = 4 ∶ 2 ∶ 1
(C) slope is proportional to (hc)/e
(D) violet light can be used to emit photoelectrons from metal 2 and metal 3

8. In a photoelectric emission, electrons are ejected from metals X and Y by light of frequency f. The
potential difference V required to stop the election is measured for various frequencies. If Y has a greater
work function than X, which graph illustrate the expected results?

9. Figure shows the variation of photo-current with anode potential for a photosensitive surface for three
different radiations. Let 𝑙𝑎 , 𝑙𝑏 and 𝑙𝑐 be the intensities and 𝑓𝑎 , 𝑓𝑏 and 𝑓𝑐 be the frequencies for the curves
a, b and c respectively :
Abhyaas Tutorial
Venue : 1. Near M.I. T. Exchange Gate, Bairiya Road, Laxmi Chowk, Muzaffarpur
2. Infront of HP Petrol Pump, Rewa Road, Bhagwanpur, Muzaffarpur
Mob. 7654129419, 8863852869, 9709799480
(A) 𝑓𝑎 = 𝑓𝑏 , 𝑙𝑎 ≠ 𝑙𝑏
(B) 𝑓𝑎 = 𝑓𝑐, 𝑙𝑎 = 𝑙𝑐
(C) 𝑓𝑎 = 𝑓𝑏 , 𝑙𝑎 = 𝑙𝑏
(D) 𝑓𝑏 = 𝑓𝑐 , 𝑙𝑏 = 𝑙𝑐

10. Photoelectric effect experiment are performed using three different metal plates p, q and r having work
functions ∅p = 2 eV ∅𝑞 = 2.5 eV and ∅𝑟 = 3 eV respectively. A light beam containing wavelength of 550
nm, 450 nm and 350 nm with equal intensities illuminates each of the plates. The correct I–V graph for
the experiment is

1. (a) 7.5 × 1014 Hz, (b) 3.125 eV, (c) 1.67 ×10−27 , (d) 5.6 × 10−36 kg
2. (a) 3 × 1020 (b) about 1018
3. (a) 224 kW (b) 800 MJ (c) 7.52 × 10−4 N
4. 30.94 nm, 123.75 nm
5. (B)
6. (A)
7. (A), (C)
8. (A)
9. (A)
10. (A)

Abhyaas Tutorial 2
Venue : 1. Near M.I. T. Exchange Gate, Bairiya Road, Laxmi Chowk,Muzaffarpur
2. Infront of HP Petrol Pump, Rewa Road Bhagwanpur, Muzaffarpur
Mob. 7654129419, 8863852869, 9709799480
1. If intensity of given x-ray beam reduced to 1/3 times of its initial value while crossing through a slab of 10
cm then find thickness of slab which reduces its intensity upto 1/9.

2. The intensity of X-ray from a Coolidge tube is plotted against

wavelength λ as shown in fig. The minimum wavelength found is
λ𝐶 and the wavelength of the K α line is 𝜆𝐾 . As accelerating
voltage is increased

(A) 𝜆𝐾 − 𝜆𝐶 increases (B) 𝜆𝐾 − 𝜆𝐶 decreases

(C) 𝜆𝐾 increases (D) 𝜆𝐾 decreases

3. The potential difference applied to an x-ray tube is 5 kV and the current through it is 3.2 mA then
(a) Find the number of electrons striking the target per second and power delivered to the target
(b) Find the number of photons emitted per second if efficiency of Coolidge tube is 2% and average
wavelength of all emitted photons is 4 Å.

4. 𝐾α wavelength emitted by an atom of atomic number 11 is λ. Find the atomic number of an atom that
emit 𝐾α radiation with wavelength 4λ.

5. In a discharge tube, x-rays are produced by applying 40 Kv potential difference and by allowing 10mA
current to pass through it. If 1% of energy carried by the electron is converted into x-rays, then find
power of x-ray beam.

6. Which of the following statements is/are correct for an x-ray tube-

(A) On increasing p.d b/ w filament and target, photon flux of x-rays increases
(B) On increasing p.d b/w filament and target photon flux of x-rays decreases
(C) On increasing filament current cut-off wavelength increases
(D) On increasing filament current intensity of x-ray increases.

7. Find the constant a and b in moseley’s equation if wavelength of 𝐾α X-ray for Mo (42) and Co (27) are 71
pm and 178.5 pm respectively.

8. Determine the energy of the characteristic x-ray 𝐾𝛽 emitted from a tungsten (Z = 74) target when an
electron drops from M shell (n=3) to a vacancy in the K-shell (n=1).

9. The wavelength of 𝐾α X-ray's of two mentals A and B are 4/1875R and 1/675R, respectively, where R is
Rydberg's constant. The number of elements lying between A and B according to their atomic numbers is
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 4

10. When an electron accelerated by potential difference V is

bombarded on a specific metal, the emitted X-Ray spectrum
obtained is shown in fig. If the potential difference is reduced
to V/3, the correct spectrum is

Abhyaas Tutorial 3
Venue : 1. Near M.I. T. Exchange Gate, Bairiya Road, Laxmi Chowk,Muzaffarpur
2. Infront of HP Petrol Pump, Rewa Road Bhagwanpur, Muzaffarpur
Mob. 7654129419, 8863852869, 9709799480
11. When the voltage applied to an X-Ray tube increases from 10 kV to 20 kV, the wavelength interval
between 𝐾α line and cut-off wavelength of continuous spectrum increases by a factor of 3. Atomic
number of the metallic target is
(A) 28 (B) 29 (C) 65 (D) 66

12. An X-ray tube is operating at 150kV and 10mA. If only 1% of the electric power is converted into X-ray, the
rate at which the target is heated, in cal/sec, is
(A) 3.57 (B) 35.7 (C)4.57 (D) 15

13. 𝐾α wavelength emitted by an atom of atomic number 11 is λ. The atomic number for an atom that emits
𝐾α radiation with wavelength 4λ is
(A) 6 (B) 4 (C) 11 (D) 44

14. Electrons with de Broglie wavelength λ fall on the target in an X-ray tube. The cut-off wavelength of the
emitted X-ray is
(A) (2mcλ2 )/h (B) 2h/mc (C) (2𝑚 2 𝑐 2 𝜆3 )/ℎ2 (D) λ

15. The voltage applied to an X-ray tube is 18kV. The maximum mass of photon emitted by the X-ray tube will
(A) 2 × 10−13 𝑘𝑔 (B) 3.2 × 10−36 kg (C) 3.2 × 10−32 kg (D) 9.1 × 10−31 kg

1. 20 cm 2. A 3. (a) 2 × 1016 , 16 W (b) 6.44 × 1014

4. z =6 5. 4 watt 6. D 7. 5 × 107 Hz −1/2 , 1.37

8. 66090 eV 9. D 10. B 11. B

12. A 13. A 14. A 15. C

Abhyaas Tutorial 4
Venue : 1. Near M.I. T. Exchange Gate, Bairiya Road, Laxmi Chowk,Muzaffarpur
2. Infront of HP Petrol Pump, Rewa Road Bhagwanpur, Muzaffarpur
Mob. 7654129419, 8863852869, 9709799480
1. A hydrogen like atom (described by bohr’s model) is observed to emit six wavelength, originating from all
possible transition b/w a group of levels. These levels have energies b/w −0.85 eV and −0.544 eV
(including both these values)
(a) Find the atomic no of the atom.
(b) Calculate the smallest wavelength, emitted in these transmission.(take hc = 1240 eV-nm, gram state
energy of H-atom = −13.6 eV)

2. These photons from the Balmer series in hydrogen spectrum, having wavelength b/w 450 nm to 700 nm,
are incident on a metal surface of work function 2 eV. Find the maximum K.E of ejected electron
[given hc = 1242 eV nm]
3. A hydrogen like atom (atomic number z) is ion a higher excited state of quantum no n. The higher excited
state can make a transition to the first excited state by successively emitting 2 photons of energy 10.2 eV
and 17 eV respectively. Alternately the atom from the same excited state can make a transition to the
second excited state by successively emitting 2 photons of energies 4.25 eV and 5.95 eV respectively.
Determine the value of n and z. (ionisation energy of H-atom = 13.6 eV)

4. An electron in a hydrogen like atom is in an excited state. It has a total energy of−3.4 eV. Calculate (i) K.E
and (ii) the de-Broglie wavelength of the electron.

5. A hydrogen like atom of atomic number z is in higher excited state of quantum no. 2 n. It can emit a
maximum energy photon of 204 eV. If it makes a transition to quantum state n, a photon of energy of
40.8 eV is emitted. Find n, z and the ground state energy (in eV) that can be emitted by this atom during
de-excitation. Ground state energy of hydrogen atom is – 13.6 eV.

6. When an ele − in the H-atom in ground state absorbs a photon of energy 12.1 eV, its angular momentum-
(a) Decreases by 2.11  10−34 J.s (b) decreases by 1.055  10−34 J.s
(c) increases by 2.11  10−34
J.s (d) increases by 1.055  10−34 J.s

7. If in a H-atom radius of nth Bohr orbit is rn , frequency of revolution of electron of nth orbit is fn and area
enclosed by nth orbit is An then which of the following groups are correct-
(a) (b)
log ( rn )

log n

(c) (d)
log ( nn ) log ( fn )

n - ( log n)
8. In Bohr’s model of H-atom let R,V,T and E represents the radius of orbit , speed of electron, time period of
revolution of electron and the total energy of the electron respectively. The quantities proportional to the
principal quantum number are-
Abhyaas Tutorial 5
Venue : 1. Near M.I. T. Exchange Gate, Bairiya Road, Laxmi Chowk,Muzaffarpur
2. Infront of HP Petrol Pump, Rewa Road Bhagwanpur, Muzaffarpur
Mob. 7654129419, 8863852869, 9709799480
(a) VR (b) RE (c) T/R (d) V/E

1. (i) z = 3, (ii) λmin = 4052.3 nm 2. K. Emin = 0 3. Z = 3, n = 6

4. (i) 3.4 eV, (ii) 6.63 Å 5. n = 2, Z = 4, −217.6 eV, Emin = 10.58 eV
6. (c) 7. (a), (b) & (d) 8. (a), (c) & (d)

Abhyaas Tutorial 6
Venue : 1. Near M.I. T. Exchange Gate, Bairiya Road, Laxmi Chowk,Muzaffarpur
2. Infront of HP Petrol Pump, Rewa Road Bhagwanpur, Muzaffarpur
Mob. 7654129419, 8863852869, 9709799480

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