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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2021, Article ID 8811476, 26 pages

Review Article
Adopting Building Information Modeling (BIM) for the
Development of Smart Buildings: A Review of Enabling
Applications and Challenges

Ang Yang ,1 Mingzhe Han ,1 Qingcheng Zeng,1 and Yuhui Sun 2

School of Maritime Economics and Management, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China
UniSA STEM, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia

Correspondence should be addressed to Yuhui Sun;

Received 15 September 2020; Revised 5 February 2021; Accepted 18 February 2021; Published 10 March 2021

Academic Editor: Hexu Liu

Copyright © 2021 Ang Yang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The construction industry is undergoing a digital revolution due to the emergence of new technologies. A significant trend is that
construction projects have been transformed and upgraded to the digital and smart mode in the whole life cycle. As a critical
technology for the construction industry’s innovative development, building information modeling (BIM) is widely adopted in
building design, construction, and operation. BIM has gained much interest in the research field of smart buildings in recent years.
However, the dimensions of BIM and smart building applications have not been explored thoroughly so far. With an in-depth
review of related journal articles published from 1996 to July 2020 on the BIM applications for smart buildings, this paper provides
a comprehensive understanding and critical thinking about the nexus of BIM and smart buildings. This paper proposes a
framework with three dimensions for the nexus of BIM application in smart buildings, including BIM attributes, project phases,
and smart attributes. According to the three dimensions, this paper elaborates on (1) the advantages of BIM for achieving various
smartness; (2) applications of BIM in multiple phases of smart buildings; and (3) smart building functions that be achieved with
BIM. Based on the analysis of the literature in three dimensions, this paper presents the cross-analysis of the nexus of BIM and
smart buildings. Lastly, this paper proposes the critical insights and implications about the research gaps and research trends: (1)
enhancing the interoperability of BIM software; (2) further exploring the role of BIM in the operation and refurbishment phase of
smart buildings; (3) paying attention to BIM technology in the field of transportation infrastructure; (4) clarifying the economic
benefits of BIM projects; and (5) integrating BIM and other technologies.

1. Introduction machine learning, and big data [2]. BIM has been one of the
most significant advanced technologies in construction and
Smart buildings have become the inevitable trend of future widely adopted in the construction industry in recent years
buildings [1]. The concept of smart buildings derives from [3]. BIM uses computers to create virtual 3D models and
the continuous integration of advanced information tech- integrates project-related relevant information, allowing all
nology with buildings and their systems, which enables project participants to understand the various phases of the
buildings to be operated and controlled remotely building quickly. Using BIM has a wide range of benefits,
throughout the lifecycle in a convenient, comfortable, cost- including reducing project cost, shortening construction
saving, and energy-saving manner. The goal of smart time, and improving project quality [4, 5]. Therefore, the
buildings is to provide safe, energy-saving, environmentally understanding of BIM technology applications in the con-
friendly, and convenient services. In order to achieve struction field is necessary for the development of smart
smartness, smart buildings should make smart decisions buildings.
with the support of information technologies, such as There have been a relatively large amount of studies on
building information modeling (BIM), sophisticated supporting technologies of smart buildings recently, such as
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

IoT, big data, and machine learning. For example, Jia et al. provide a comprehensive and up-to-date literature review on
[6] discussed the application of IoT in the development of the application of BIM in the field of smart buildings. This
smart buildings. Plageras et al. [7] designed and simulated a paper aims to contribute to the construction of knowledge
topology-architecture system of smart buildings by inves- systems of BIM in the field of smart buildings and further
tigating the IoT, cloud computing, big data, and sensor inspire researchers and stakeholders to explore the devel-
technologies. Qolomany et al. [2] reviewed the potential uses opment of BIM technology in the field of smart buildings.
of machine learning for smart building services. Although The specific research objectives of this paper are to sum-
information technology-based surveys on smart buildings marize the current status of BIM’s research studies and
have existed, research on how BIM can support smart applications in the field of smart buildings and analyze the
buildings is still lacking. challenges encountered in the research process and future
With the continuous exploration of the potential value of research directions.
BIM, the application of BIM in various fields of building This paper is structured as follows. Section 1 briefly
management is also expanding, such as schedule manage- reviews the application requirements of BIM in smart
ment (4D) [8], cost management (5D) [9], energy man- buildings and proposes research motivation and goal. Sec-
agement (6D) [10], and facility management (7D) [11]. The tion 2 designs the research method of this paper. Section 3
application of BIM is an essential part of the research of discusses the nexus of BIM and smart buildings, focusing on
smart buildings. The realization of the application based on the summary of the latest BIM function to solve various
BIM requires the integration of BIM with other disciplines. issues about smartness in the field of smart buildings, the life
However, many issues require further research in the process cycle of BIM-supported smart buildings, and the applica-
of the integration of BIM with other disciplines. For ex- tions of BIM in smart buildings. Section 4 analyzes the
ample, the current software solutions are not mature enough challenges faced by BIM in the application of smart
and lack interoperability in the process of 4D simulation, buildings and proposes future research directions. Finally,
which leads to the challenge in centralized management of Section 5 concludes the paper.
building information [8]. For life cycle cost optimization
with BIM across multidisciplinary, the lack of interopera- 2. Research Methodology
bility also exists among multiple levels, such as systems,
tools, and data [9]. In terms of energy management, Gerrish 2.1. Concepts of Smart Buildings and BIM. Neither smart
et al. [10] summarized the challenges related to the process, buildings nor BIM has a unified and clear concept currently.
skills, and technology, when BIM was applied to build This section analyzes the concepts of smart buildings and
energy performance management. The challenges of energy BIM proposed by other scholars so as to put forward the
performance management based on BIM include the limited definition of smart buildings and BIM in this paper.
understanding of BIM by project members, the lack of The concept of smart buildings dates back to the United
experienced BIM implementers, and the lack of clear States in the early 1980s [12]. The Intelligent Building In-
standards and regulations to promote the BIM imple- stitute (IBI) of the United States described smart buildings
mentation [10]. In terms of facility management, BIM-based could integrate various systems to manage resources in a
facility operation and maintenance still face challenges [11]. cooperative mode to maximize effectively technical per-
The challenges of facility management based on BIM include formance, investment and operating cost-savings, and
insufficient interoperability, lack of understanding of the flexibility [12] (1988, cited in Refs. [13]). The definition puts
basic operation and maintenance principles of BIM forward some operative assumptions about the functions of
implementation, and unclear investment returns. However, smart buildings in the future. Based on the definition
the BIM implementation challenges proposed by different proposed by the Smart Building Institute (IBI), other new
researchers are not comprehensive due to the different re- definitions of smart buildings are formed. European Intel-
search focuses of various researchers. Existing research ligent Building Group (EIBG) proposed that smart buildings
studies still lack challenge analysis in the application process need to create an environment that can fully improve the
of BIM in smart buildings from a comprehensive and sys- efficiency of building occupants and achieve efficient re-
tematic perspective. This paper focuses on the enhanced source management with the lowest cost of hardware and
functions and the challenges of adopting BIM in smart facility life (2002, cited in Refs. [14, 15]). EIBG definition
buildings, rather than just referring to the BIM challenges in comes from a building performance perspective, focusing on
a specific application or the technical defects of BIM. reducing life cycle costs and enhancing resource control.
Based on the above considerations, this paper aims to Later, the definition of smart buildings comes to be
answer the following two research questions: (1) What is the associated with the experience of the occupant. The Chinese
nexus of BIM and smart buildings? (2) What are the IB Design Standard (GB/T50314-2000) considered the
challenges in the application of BIM in smart buildings? building as the platform, equipped with building automa-
The motivation of this paper is taken from the re- tion, office automation, and communication network sys-
quirement of smart buildings and the development trend of tem, and integrated the optimal combination of structure,
BIM. On the one hand, smart buildings require a wide range system, service, and management, to provide users with an
of technologies to support. On the other hand, BIM is efficient, comfortable, convenient, and safe building envi-
regarded as one of the most critical advances in the con- ronment [12]. Li [16] proposed that smart buildings inte-
struction industry. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to grate construction equipment, office automation and
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

communication network, structure optimization, service, preliminary search, and literature screening stages. This
and management into one system to provide people with a paper divides the literature collection and screening into the
safe, efficient, comfortable, and convenient building envi- following four stages (see Figure 1).
ronment. Since increasing the functions of smart buildings is
(1) In the stage of literature collection, four retrieval
essential, it is critical to define smart buildings from the
standards are established:
aspects of various smart functions. Referring to the existing
definitions of smart buildings, this paper regards smart (i) The selection of the file type. In order to ensure
buildings as future buildings that can realize sustainable the reliability and rigor of the review results,
building value and meet users’ needs based on various many articles only review articles published in
advanced technologies. peer-reviewed academic journals. These articles
The construction industry initially uses computer-aided are considered to be of higher quality than
design (CAD) for 2D design. The concept of building in- conference papers, so this paper only includes
formation modeling (BIM) has been introduced into the peer-reviewed articles in English journals.
construction industry to solve the problem of data ex- (ii) The selection of the database. SCI and SSCI in
change between CAD and analysis systems [4, 17]. Barlish the core database of WOS are selected to collect
and Sullivan [18] defined BIM as a smart 3D virtual journal articles. The journal articles in the core
building model that digitizes all building information and database are the reliable sources of research
is constructed into a smart format (2010, cited in Refs. studies on the development of BIM-based smart
[18]). Such smart format is used for developing optimized buildings. The method of collecting journal
building solutions with reduced risk and added value articles from SCI and SSCI in the WOS core
before submission of design proposals. Isikdag and Un- database has been used by other researchers
derwood [17] defined that BIM is a new way to create, [27].
share, exchange, and manage information in the whole (iii) The selection of keywords. Based on the sum-
building life cycle. Yin et al. [19] proposed BIM is a mary in Section 2.1, the search keywords in this
parametric design tool for the digital representation of paper include smart building, smart building∗,
construction projects and an information-sharing plat- Smart construction, BIM, and Building infor-
form for supporting collaboration among project team mation model∗. The rule is (TS � smart building
members and various stakeholders. While several relevant OR TS � smart build∗ OR TS � Smart con-
definitions of BIM have been established, for this paper, struction) AND (TS � BIM OR TS � Building
BIM is defined as an information modeling technology to information model∗).
promote safe, green, energy-saving, and comfortable (iv) The selection of research categories. According
buildings by integrating all information of the project’s to the research topic, the search was further
whole life cycle. The BIM concept of this study is con- refined by selecting WOS categories (Engi-
sidered in the context of a smart building environment neering civil, Construction building technology,
and emphasizes on building information throughout the and Green sustainable science technology).
project’s full life cycle.
In this stage, 223 articles were searched as the initial
In the process of defining smart buildings and BIM,
literature search outcomes.
this paper summarizes the relevant keywords of two
definitions: (1) “smart buildings” [12], “smart building∗” (2) In the preliminary literature screening stage, we
[20, 21], and “Smart construction” [22]; (2) “BIM” [23] conduct preliminary screening according to the
and “building information model∗” [17, 24–26]. These literature analysis report obtained in the previous
keywords are used because they have similar meanings. It stage of WOS.
should be noted that the wildcard∗ is used to capture (i) The selection of the publication time period. In
related variations of the word [26], such as “smart order to obtain a sufficiently broad sample of
building,” “smart buildings,” or “building information cited articles, we do not limit the year specifically.
model,” “building information modelling (BIM),” The earliest relevant article appears in 1996 in the
“building information modeling,” and “Building Infor- first stage, so this paper selects the articles
mation Models.” These keywords help to obtain a com- published from 1996 to July 7, 2020 [29].
plete literature database in the literature search in Section (ii) The selection of journals. This step draws on the
2.2. journal selection method proposed by Zheng et al.
[30]. The results of the first stage show that the
journals with the highest number of papers
2.2. Literature Search and Selection Strategy. The specific published are as follows: Automation in Con-
selection process of literature refers to the methods of other struction, Energy and Buildings, Sustainability,
review articles, such as [26–28]. The literature screening IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation,
process is commonly used in review articles, including Journal of Cleaner Production, Sustainable Cities
determining the literature database and retrieval rules, and Society, Building and Environment,
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

Stage Criterion Achievement

The file type: English journal articles

The database: SCI, SSCI in WOS core database

Initially retrieved
Literature collection
223 articles
(Stage 1)
Keywords: BIM and smart buildings

WOS categories: Engineering civil, Construction

building technology, Green sustainable science

Time span: 1996/1/1 – 2020/7/7

Preliminary screening 183 articles
(Stage 2) remain
Journals: the 15 journals with the highest number of
papers published in the first phase

Screen out

Inclusion and exclusion Determine whether an article is usable by Yes Finally retrieved
(Stage 3) reading the title, abstract, and keywords 76 articles

Additional journal articles 11 articles

92 articles remain
(Stage 4)
BIM reports or BIM guides 5 articles

Figure 1: Literature research retrieval and selection strategy.

Transportation Research Record, Journal of After removing 107 papers with low correlation and
Computing in Civil Engineering, Engineering no correlation, 76 papers were left for further
Construction and Architectural Management, analysis.
Journal of Management in Engineering, Com- (4) The supplement of BIM reports and guidance doc-
puter-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, uments. In the process of exploring the nexus of BIM
Journal of Building Engineering, KSCE Journal of and smart buildings, some articles related to this
Civil Engineering, and Renewable Energy. research may have been filtered out due to the choice
According to the number of papers published, we of databases and document types. Therefore, this
selected the top 15 journals (the journals with paper adds several high practical value references,
more than three papers published) as the target including 11 articles and 5 BIM reports or guidelines.
journals in the second stage. The added literature contains well-known early
After the exclusion of 40 articles in the second stage, publications and highly relevant recently published
we get 183 results. articles on BIM and smart buildings. The journal
(3) Inclusion and exclusion of literature. Identify irrel- articles are sourced from the public database Google
evant articles by reading titles, abstracts, and key- Scholar, and the reports and guides are sourced from
words. In order to describe the scope and famous companies or research centers such as
characteristics of BIM applications in smart build- Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Alibaba Group,
ings, this paper follows the definitions of smart and The National Institute of Building Sciences. A
buildings and BIM in Section 2.1, thus providing total of 16 literature articles are added to the fourth
critical criteria for the selection of academic articles. stage, and 92 articles are selected for further analysis.
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

Section 2.2 describes in detail the literature screening Table 1: Distribution of selected journal literature.
strategy for this paper. The results of the screening are Number of selected
presented below. Table 1 shows the journal information of Journal title
the selected literature. Figure 2 shows the number of relevant Automation in Construction 36
literature studies published from 2005 to 2020. Journal of Cleaner Production 7
Sustainability 7
2.3. The Combination of BIM and Smart Buildings. With the Building and Environment 5
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 5
continuous development of BIM and smart buildings, smart
Energy and Buildings 4
BIM technology has been proposed. de Vries et al. [31] Procedia Engineering 4
proposed that smart BIM is composed of a smart design Engineering Construction and
system using smart technologies. The application of a smart 3
Architectural Management
design system requires smart BIM, which is a model con- Journal of Management in Engineering 3
taining smart objects and user tasks. There are no mature KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 3
research frameworks of smart BIM currently, but some Sustainable Cities and Society 3
scholars have proposed a relatively perfect framework of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure
green BIM in the field of green building. According to the Engineering
Green BIM Triangle proposed by Lu et al. [32], this paper Journal of Building Engineering 2
proposes the concept of smart BIM to describe the relation of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems
BIM and smart buildings. Smart BIM refers to the combi-
International Journal of Project
nation of BIM and smart buildings. BIM attributes represent 1
the key features of BIM. Project phases and smart attributes Transportation Research Record 1
describe smart buildings. Therefore, the interaction between Others 5
BIM and smart buildings gives rise to three dimensions, Total 92
including BIM attributes, project phases, and smart
Thirdly, the essential function of BIM technology is the
visualization of the BIM model. For example, Röck et al. [36]
2.3.1. BIM Attributes. Attributes of BIM represent the used BIM models to assess building schemes and their
function that BIM technology can provide for smart environmental impacts and achieve the visualization of life
buildings. Existing studies show that key functions of BIM cycle assessment (LCA) results in communication and de-
include integrating information, visualizing models, facili- sign guidance.
tating collaboration, and other additional functions. Fourth, the distinct feature of BIM technology is the
Firstly, BIM can be combined with other systems to analysis and simulation function. A variety of building
realize more BIM application functions. For example, Jalaei energy modeling tools (OpenStudio and EnergyPlus) can
and Jrade [33] developed a model that combines BIM with import BIM files for energy simulation [37]. For example,
the Canadian green building certification system (LEED) based on the full release of BIM simulation potential, Pin-
and sustainable building cost estimation. The BIM and heiro et al. [38] used Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) as
LEED integration model was linked to the BIM tool Revit as input for energy simulation software. They proposed a
a plug-in [33]. All available data in the model, such as project standardized method for information exchange between
information and LEED parameters for building compo- BIM and building energy performance simulation (BEPS)
nents, are stored in an external database connected to the tools to reduce the time and cost associated with model
BIM tool. The plug-in helps project teams make sustain- creation [38].
ability-related decisions by providing designers with the Based on the above research, this paper summarizes BIM
information they need. Göçer et al. [34] proposed an in- attributes. At the same time, this study refers to the BIM
tegrated model combining BIM and GIS. The integrated attributes proposed by Lu et al. [32], including integration
model used photogrammetry and BIM tools to generate the with various databases, and facilitates document manage-
as-is 3D geometric model and uses GIS to analyze and vi- ment, visualization of analysis processes and results, sus-
sualize the as-is data on the 3D model [34]. The 3D model tainability analysis, and simulation. Therefore, this paper
enables the effective acquisition and integration of various summarizes “BIM attributes” as four aspects: (1) the inte-
forms of building data and realizes the visualization and gration with other systems; (2) the convenience of infor-
analysis of building data mapping. mation sharing and exchange; (3) the visualization of the
Secondly, BIM is used as the information center of the whole process and results; and (4) the analysis and simu-
project life cycle to share and exchange information [17]. For lation of building functions.
example, Oh et al. [35] proposed a collaborative design
integration system based on the development of three
submodules. Three submodules contain BIM modeler, BIM 2.3.2. Project Phases. The dimension of the “project phases”
checker, and BIM server [35]. The collaborative design in- discusses the application of BIM technology in the field of
tegration system improves design quality and work smart buildings from the perspective of the project life cycle.
efficiency. Any construction project goes through a full life cycle, from
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

20 19
16 15 15

Number of selected papers

10 9

8 7
4 3

2 1 1 1 1

2005 2007 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Figure 2: Number of relevant literature studies published yearly from 2005 to 2020.

project planning to design, construction, operation and 3. The Nexus of BIM and Smart Buildings
maintenance, and finally to refurbishment and demolition.
Different studies have different understandings of the life The combination of BIM and smart buildings constitutes
cycle of building projects due to different research contents. smart BIM. The smart BIM framework represents the three-
For instance, according to the risk management process, Zou dimensional nexus view of BIM and smart buildings. The
et al. [39] divided the project phases into the planning and nexus of BIM and smart buildings consists of three aspects:
design phase, the construction phase, the use and mainte- (1) how BIM supports various smart issues; (2) how BIM
nance phase, and the demolition phase. According to the supports the different phases of smart buildings; and (3)
definition of BIM, Ding et al. [40] divided the project life whether various functions of smart buildings can be realized
cycle into the planning phase, the design phase, the con- through BIM. The three aspects are not independent of each
struction phase, and the operation phase. Considering the other but should be combined and integrated for the smart
combination of BIM and sustainability, Chong et al. [41] applications. Achieving the maximum potential of BIM in
divided the project life cycle into seven categories: planning, smart buildings requires cross-analysis of these three
design, construction, operation and maintenance, refur- aspects.
bishment and demolition, use of products and materials, and Section 3 elaborates the nexus of BIM and smart
energy consumption. buildings in terms of three dimensions and then conducts
The main content of this paper is the combination of cross-analysis on the three dimensions. Figure 3 shows a 3D
BIM and smart buildings. Most of the predictable smart view of the nexus of BIM and smart buildings. Firstly, in
functions should be considered during the building planning Section 3.1, the specific functions of BIM that support
or design phase. In contrast, other smart functions should be various smart building functions are represented with BIM
managed and further developed during the construction and attributes (X). BIM attributes (X) are presented in Section
subsequent phases. Therefore, this paper divides the project 2.3.1, including integration with other systems (X1), the
phases into the planning and design phase, the construction convenience of information sharing and exchange (X2),
phase, and the operation and maintenance phase. visualization of the whole process and results (X3), and
analysis and simulation of building functions (X4). Secondly,
in Section 3.2, the application of BIM technology in the
2.3.3. Smart Attributes. Smart attributes come from the various phases of the smart building project life cycle is
understanding of smart buildings’ features. According to discussed from the perspective of the smart buildings’
the White Paper on Smart Buildings released by Alibaba project phases (Y). According to Section 2.3.2, smart
Group, the feature of smart buildings includes four aspects: buildings’ project phases (Y) are divided into the planning
environment, economy, user experience, social culture, and and design phase (Y1), the construction phase (Y2), and the
technological innovation [42]. In order to realize the smart operation and maintenance phase (Y3). Thirdly, in Section
features of smart buildings, it is necessary to use a variety of 3.3, the BIM-based smart building functions are represented
emerging information technologies to improve the build- by smart attributes (Z). Smart attributes (Z) are proposed in
ing environment and the functions of occupants, allocate Section 2.3.3, including reducing energy consumption (Z1),
resources, and control costs reasonably. Therefore, this increasing economic efficiency (Z2), improving users’ quality
paper considers smart attributes at four aspects: reducing of life (Z3), and combining with other technologies (Z4).
energy consumption, increasing economic benefits, im- Finally, in Section 3.4, this paper performs the cross-analysis
proving users’ life quality, and combining with other of three dimensions regarding various BIM and smart
technologies. building applications.
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

Smart attributes (Z)

Z4 (combining with other technologies)

Z3 (improving the life quality of users)

Z2 (increasing economic benefits) )

BIM anc
i g n d on ten
e s s e in
nd M)
ba ma M)
Z1 (reducing energy consumption) g a n BI as e and on BI
i n o n ph ion d
ann ed c tio era
t ase
(pl bas stru (op hase b
Y 1 hase (c on Y 3 p
p Y2
O Project phases (Y)
X1 (integration with other systems)

X2 (convenience of information sharing and exchange)

X3 (visualization of the whole process and results)

X4 (analysis and simulation of building functions)

BIM attributes (X)

Figure 3: A 3D view of the nexus of BIM and smart buildings.

3.1. BIM Functions for Major Smart Issues. Applications of building products. For example, An et al. [44] integrated
BIM functions in the field of smart buildings are discussed BIM and manufacturing systems (X1), proposing an auto-
widely. First, BIM can meet the need of building smartness matic evaluation machine capability framework based on
by integrating with other information management systems. BIM. Third, integrating BIM and GIS (Geographical In-
BIM solves the problem of “information islands” and realizes formation System) (X1) can provide various application
the effective transmission and sharing of building infor- managements for smart buildings, such as data integration,
mation among all project participants. BIM also improves quantitative analysis, and spatial management. For example,
the decision-making efficiency of the whole project by ap- Marzouk and Othman [45] put forward a framework
plying the visualization function to various aspects such as combining BIM and GIS (X1, Z4) to plan and predict the
pipeline collision detection, energy consumption assess- public infrastructure requirements for emerging cities (Y1).
ment, and emergency management. Moreover, using BIM Fourth, BIM can be integrated with BAS (building auto-
technology can analyze and simulate the whole process of mation system) (X1) for energy management (Z1), building
the project, allocate resources rationally, optimize the design optimization and operation (Y1, Y3), and building
construction sequence, and avoid rework and waste. fault detection and diagnosis. BAS is one of the main
components of smart buildings, which is mainly applied in
facility management [46]. Tang et al. [46] used BIM tools to
3.1.1. Integration with Other Systems (X1). With the gradual assist BAS in information exchange (X2) of design and
deepening of BIM applications, the simple application of operation at different stages of the project (Y). The authors
BIM in smart building projects has become uncommon. defined an IFC (Industry Foundation Class) subset schema
BIM is more about integrating with other systems to play a and then showed the IFC subset pattern for BAS information
more excellent comprehensive value. exchange between BIM and facility management tools [46].
First, BIM can be integrated with energy management
systems (X1) to realize building energy data sharing for
smart decisions, such as fault detection and demand re- 3.1.2. Convenience of Information Sharing and Exchange
sponse. For example, Woo and Menassa [43] developed a (X2). The realization of smart buildings is inseparable from
software prototype to connect a building to a smart grid the efficient processing and application of building infor-
environment. The software prototype combined BIM and mation. Emerging of BIM technology not only provides
EMCS (Energy Management Control System) (X1) to enable models containing various kinds of information but also
the building as a smart grid terminal node to communicate realizes the sharing and exchange of existing information
with the smart grid [43]. Second, BIM can be integrated with (X2) based on models. For example, Keskin and Salman [47]
the manufacturing system (X1) to determine whether the used the information model provided by BIM to share and
machine can use BIM software to produce predesigned exchange information (X2). This model enables the
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

increasing demand for digitalization throughout the life and BIM (Z4) to monitor the enclosed space effectively in the
cycle of buildings and enables project stakeholders to access, construction site (Y2). The system used Autodesk Revit
manage, use, and connect physical and operational data in a software to present the data received from the WSN in a
digitalized collaborative environment. Tang et al. [46] also confined space on a construction site [51]. The data include
used BIM to facilitate BAS information exchange and in- oxygen, temperature, energy consumption, and other values
tegration (X2). The authors defined an IFC subset schema (A inside the space. Managers can retrieve the latest sensor data
BACnet MVD) and used Revit and a web browser to stored in a central database at any time to deal with hazards
demonstrate the implementation of BACnet MVD for the in confined spaces if needed. Dutta et al. [52] also applied
BAS information exchange [46]. In this way, BAS infor- BIM technology to construction site management (Y2) from
mation represented by the open BIM standard can realize the perspective of the equipment rather than from the
the potential of smart buildings’ information exchange and perspective of construction personnel. The research realizes
integration in the future. In addition to realizing informa- the automatic replanning of the lifting path of the tower
tion sharing and exchange (X2), Li et al. [48] proposed that crane on the construction site. This is mainly due to a
BIM can also effectively promote information security. Li reprogramming module developed by the Nanyang Tech-
et al. [48] proposed a smart BIM platform highly dependent nological University for the Computer-Aided Lift Planning
on information. The platform emphasizes that only au- (CALP) system.
thorized stakeholders can access information to ensure in-
formation security.
3.1.4. Analysis and Simulation of Building Functions (X4).
The analysis and simulation function of BIM (X4) in smart
3.1.3. Visualization of the Whole Process and Results (X3). buildings refers to the BIM functions of simulating and
Visualization is one of the most significant advantages of analyzing real events in building models before the actual
BIM. Visualization is not merely a simple 3D model, but a project starts. Olawumi and Chan [53] used a Delphi survey
3D model with the building information to realize certain to determine that a significant advantage of integrating BIM
building functions. BIM presents real building components and sustainable development practices is the ability to
in the form of 3D visual models (X3). Therefore, both de- simulate building performance and energy use. Through the
signers and other project participants can see the real doors, analysis and simulation of building functions (X4), BIM
windows, ceilings, and other components, so that they can technology can reduce or even avoid conflicts, errors, wastes,
understand the whole project more clearly. Current research and risks, which further realize the wisdom of building
studies suggest that the 3D visualization function of BIM can functions. Therefore, in order to realize the intelligence of
be applied to building performance analysis, emergency building functions, project managers need to analyze and
management, and construction site management (Y2) of simulate the building energy consumption, user comfort,
smart buildings. building safety, and other functions.
First, BIM can make full use of visual data for building Existing studies show that BIM technology can simulate
performance analysis (X3). For example, Han and Golpar- the analysis of building functions (X4) as follows (see Ta-
var-Fard [49] discussed the strategy of using emerging visual ble 2). First, in the planning and design phase (Y1), BIM can
big data and BIM (Z4) to capture, analyze, and report visual be used for daylighting simulation [54] (Z3) and security
data in construction performance monitoring (Y2) and in- analysis [55] (Z3). Second, in the construction phase (Y2),
troduced a visual analysis method based on image and BIM. BIM can be used for earned value management [56] (Z2),
This method needs to select the correspondence between cost/schedule estimation [57] (Z2), and construction safety
visual data and BIM, which can use BIM to align a set of analysis [58] (Z3). Third, in the operation and maintenance
disordered images. phase (Y3), BIM can be used for daily management and
Second, BIM technology can display three-dimensional emergency simulation analysis, such as energy simulation
sites and help users visualize fire, earthquakes, and other [43] (Z1), user daily activity simulation [59] (Z3), indoor
emergencies, improving the accuracy and effectiveness of environmental quality analysis [60] (Z3), and fire personnel
disaster response decision-making significantly. For exam- evacuation simulation [50] (Z3).
ple, Cheng et al. [50] used BIM to build a disaster prevention Compared with general buildings, BIM has realized
system framework that displays real-time and dynamic more functions and advantages in smart buildings. It is
three-dimensional fire information (X3). The framework helpful to consider the different levels of BIM usage. At the
uses BIM technology to display the flame area, helping users first level, the project uses 3D, BIM-based computer-aided
visualize the fire situation. design (CAD) software, and collision detection tools for the
Third, construction site management also benefits from basic design of the project. However, all actual blueprints are
the 3D visualization function of BIM technology. Hundreds produced in a traditional way. Each company in the project
of images and videos are captured during construction. This processes data independently and has a manual interface
BIM-related visual data needs to be further localized to with the BIM platform [61]. At the second level, the project
provide useful and accurate construction status [49]. In began to exchange some information using the common
consideration of the health and safety of workers in the BIM file format to assist the project in schedule management
construction site, Riaz et al. [51] proposed a limited space (4D) and cost management (5D). At the third level, BIM can
monitoring system based on wireless sensor network (WSN) be further expanded to include energy management (6D),
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

Table 2: BIM-supported analysis and simulation functions of smart buildings.

Project phases Study description Outcomes Key technologies References
This paper presents a methodology
for automated product model Methodology for the
Daylighting Planning and Revit, ThermalSim
decomposition and recomposition automated product [54]
simulation design AMS
for climate-based daylighting model
simulation using Radiance
The study performs static and
Planning and Revit, Rooms, Rock,
Safety analysis dynamic security analysis with the Application of graphing [55]
design Explosive
aid of BIM
This paper presents the use of BIM
Earned value BIM-based cost MS Excel, Tekla
Construction in the cost and time management [56]
management estimation application Structures
of infrastructure bridges
The research builds a system of a
Cost/schedule 3D intelligent model to predict Model for construction Revit, AutoCAD Civil
Construction [57]
estimation highway construction cost and planning/Simulation 3D, Trimble SketchUp
This paper identifies safety Graph mining,
Safety clash incompatibilities among Conceptual framework hierarchical clustering
Construction [58]
detection fundamental attributes using data and processing system on principal
mining components (HCPC)
This paper provides a virtual
Energy The framework of the Revit, 3D point clouds,
Operation and retrofit model for aging
performance Virtual Retrofit Model Cyclone, AutoCAD, [43]
maintenance commercial buildings in a smart
simulation (VRM) sensors, Google Map™
grid environment
This paper does a prototyping
User daily activity Operation and experiment with three typical Virtual reality (VR),
Smart design system [59]
simulation maintenance domestic tasks and several real- CAD
time interactions
Indoor Design a user-oriented
Operation and This work explores the application Rhino/Grasshopper,
environmental environmental control [60]
maintenance of a real-time monitoring system Matlab
quality analysis model
The study uses BIM to construct a Design and
Fire evacuation Operation and BIM-based intelligent fire implementation of
Bluetooth, Revit [50]
simulation maintenance prevention and disaster relief proposed BIM-based fire
system. integrated system

facility management (7D), and even n-D management Table 3: Project lifecycle in existing research.
models. For general building, BIM is still at the first level. Review of research
However, BIM often tends to reach the second or even third Project phases
[62] [61] [63] [48] [64] [45] [47] [65]
level in smart buildings. Therefore, the elementary attributes
of BIM need to be further integrated with other dimensions Planning ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
of time, cost, energy, and facilities to meet the higher re-
Manufacture ✓ ✓ ✓
quirements of smart buildings. Transportation ✓ ✓ ✓
Construction ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Operation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3.2. Lifecycles of Smart Buildings Based on BIM. Maintenance ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Comparing to traditional buildings, smart buildings have a Refurbishment ✓
high level of technical content, risks, and complex con- Demolition ✓
struction procedures. Different domains or management
approaches of the project can lead to different ways of di-
viding the project lifecycle (see Table 3). For example, of project participants in the field of building materials. Yang
Halfawy and Froese [62] divided the project lifecycle into et al. [63] proposed a BIM-based life cycle assessment
three phases according to the project information flow method to promote the low-carbon design of buildings. The
process, from the design phase to the construction phase, to project lifecycle involved building materials production
the facility management phase. Audier et al. [61] divided the (including raw material extraction and manufacturing),
project lifecycle into phases of design, construction, material material transportation, construction, operation, refur-
supply, and operation according to the collaborative process bishment, demolition, and waste disposal [63]. Li et al. [48]
10 Advances in Civil Engineering

proposed that BIM is widely used in all phases of the lifecycle technology design ability is limited and cannot meet the
of prefabricated housing production projects, including demand of current smart architecture, such as complex
feasibility study, design, manufacturing, transportation, design, safety design, and multitechnology combined design.
construction, and maintenance. Forcael et al. [64] divided The 3D model provided by BIM can complete the complex
the project life cycle into the preinvestment phase, the in- design by extending the model, preventing design errors,
vestment phase, and the operation phase according to the and improving design efficiency. BIM can also be used for
investment process. The preinvestment phase included the collision detection to enhance building safety. Moreover,
generation and analysis of project ideas, feasibility study, and BIM can be integrated with other technologies into the
the preproject design; the investment phase contained de- planning and design process to provide better plan projects
sign refinement and investment evaluation; the operation understanding and compare different design solutions
phase included bidding, construction, and maintenance quickly and accurately.
[64]. First of all, the first step of the application of BIM
The division of the smart buildings’ lifecycle has also technology is to create models. Singh et al. [66] elucidated
continued to emerge from research in recent years. For the development of rule-based BIM objects that combine the
example, Marzouk and Othman [45] reviewed the research design rules of the modular coordination (MC) standard
on the integration of BIM and GIS in urban development. with the application of BIM, allowing designers to create
The authors proposed that the research in this field mainly architectural models within the rules. Volkov and Batov [67]
focused on the operation and maintenance phase, rarely further proposed a dynamic extension of the BIM. The
involved the planning and design phase. Therefore, the role extended model may be of great use to developers of “smart”
of BIM and GIS integration in the planning and design phase building solutions, designers who choose “smart” building
needs further exploration. Keskin and Salman [47] estab- solutions, facility managers, and developers of building
lished a BIM implementation framework for smart airport codes and standards.
life cycle management. The airport lifecycle was divided into Secondly, risk management, such as collision detection
design, construction, and operation [47]. Hetemi et al. [65] and safety analysis, should be considered during the plan-
proposed that the coordination of different phases of BIM ning and design phase (Y1). To avoid reinforcement design
projects should be ensured in the case study, such as errors or unsafe factors in design results, Liu et al. [68]
planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation. conducted reinforcement collision detection with BIM
From the above research studies, the project of smart technology to avoid reinforcement collision and blockage at
building starts with planning and design, followed by the beam-column joints. It is important to note that design
manufacturing and transportation of materials. Then, the changes during the design phase are inevitable. The impact
project reaches the construction phase. After the completion of of design changes in the construction project is omni-di-
the project, the project enters into the operation and mainte- rectional rather than partial, especially for the cost, schedule,
nance phase. Finally, the refurbish and demolition of the and quality of the project. In this regard, Lin and Zhou [69]
building will occur after the use of the building for a long time. proposed a design change detection solution based on BIM
Due to the complexity of smart buildings (complex technology, technology, which is conducive to project design collabo-
many related links, and multiparty coordination), the planning ration and quality control. Effective change detection based
and design of the early project phase must be considered. This on BIM is achieved by matching two design versions of IDS
paper does not explicitly study building materials but explores and comparing all attributes in the BIM model. Porter et al.
the overall situation of smart buildings. Considering that both [55] analyzed the static and dynamic behaviors of the BIM
manufacturing and transportation phases occur for building surrounding environment by drawing a BIM entity map. The
materials, this paper does not list the manufacturing and security analysis starts at the design phase of the project to
transportation phases separately. The main functions and return further strengthen the security of the infrastructure. In the
on investment by smart buildings are reflected in the project study of [70], the problem of productivity is also taken into
operation and maintenance phase, so the operation and account when considering safety issues. The researchers
maintenance phase must be included in the scope of full life- investigate the potential of BIM to improve the productivity
cycle management. The refurbish and demolition phase only (Z2) and safety performance of the construction industry.
needs to be considered after the smart building has been used Specifically, BIM is used as a platform for risk management
for a long time. Moreover, the refurbish and demolition phase at the design phase (Y1), and a framework was developed for
occupies a relatively small part of the full lifecycle of smart productivity and safety monitoring. The framework helps
buildings and is similar to the reconstruction of another project, the project overcome problems caused by design defects and
so it is no longer listed separately. Therefore, this paper divides material selection errors, thus improving productivity and
the whole lifecycle of smart buildings into the planning and building safety.
design phase, the construction phase, and the operation and Thirdly, the BIM platform can be integrated with other
maintenance phase. technologies (Z4) into the planning and design process, thus
helping owners better plan projects and designers better
complete design tasks. Marzouk and Othman [45] proposed
3.2.1. Planning and Design Phase Based on BIM (Y1). a framework that integrates BIM and GIS to plan and
Building intelligence has become an essential consideration forecast utility infrastructure needs. The proposed frame-
in the planning and design of buildings. Traditional CAD work advocates carefully observing the stages of urban
Advances in Civil Engineering 11

planning and development in order to form infrastructure information flow, and the most advanced construction
requirements for a significant portion of performance technologies to improve the construction schedule of pre-
during urban expansion and development. Ness et al. [71] fabricated houses.
discussed whether the combination of RFID technology and Secondly, BIM also has excellent potential to help im-
BIM could be used to track and import virtual models of prove the safety of smart building construction. For ex-
components of a new building at the design stage. ample, Riaz et al. [51] proposed a closed space environment
monitoring scheme based on BIM and wireless sensor
networks for the safety of construction personnel. The
3.2.2. Construction Phase Based on BIM (Y2). Smart con- scheme can monitor temperature and oxygen levels in real
struction is a part of smart buildings. BIM can simulate and time, thereby reducing the health and safety hazards for
visualize the construction process with a 3D geometric construction workers at the construction sites (X4). Other
model and rich information to realize smart construction literature considers construction safety from the perspective
goals. Existing studies have proved that the application of of equipment management. Wang et al. [75] constructed the
BIM technology has strong practicality and economic information model with the semiautomatic data integration
benefits in the construction process (Y2), bringing new method, covering the information requirements for solving
opportunities for more complex and smarter construction. the mathematical model of resource scheduling. This
The objectives of smart buildings during the construction method strengthens the information transfer between BIM
phase (Y2) include schedule, cost, safety, quality, and en- and the constrained mathematical model of resource
vironment. Figure 4 shows the five goals of smart con- scheduling (X2). Dutta et al. [52] used BIM to automatically
struction based on BIM and the corresponding literature. replan the lifting path of tower cranes at the construction site
Schedule and cost goals are closely related and often ana- (Y2) to provide the optimized lifting path without collision.
lyzed together in the literature. Safety is the most basic and The effective integration of equipment information and BIM
essential goal in the construction phase. Quality and envi- solves the complex scheduling problem so as to promote the
ronmental goals are also important for smart buildings. safety of equipment in the construction phase (Y2).
First, most BIM applications are designed for schedule Thirdly, construction quality and environment are also
and cost management (Z2) of construction projects. For essential aspects of smart buildings. The construction quality
example, Ma and Liu [72] established a method for auto- can be monitored with specific parameters data which are
matic estimation of construction bidding costs based on collected from the corresponding sensors and integrated
BIM design results (Z2). The method focuses on the sys- into the BIM model. For example, Kim et al. [76] developed a
tematic identification and acquisition of construction in- dimension and surface quality assessment framework for
formation. For the construction cost estimation problem, precast concrete components with BIM and 3D laser
Kim et al. [57] started from a highway project and built a scanning technology (Z4). The framework consists of four
smart 3D model based on the STEP (Standard for the Ex- parts, including (1) the checklist, (2) the check program, (3)
change of products) data model to predict the cost and selecting the best scanner and scan parameters, and (4)
duration of highway construction (Z2). Similarly, BIM-based storage and delivery methods of test data. What is more,
cost and schedule management (Z2) has also been applied in construction environment analysis uses Revit to develop
the construction phase of bridge projects [56]. BIM tech- models and integrates them with other BIM energy-related
nology applied for bridges is called bridge information tools (e.g., Green Building Design Studio) to simulate and
modeling (BrIM), which has three submodules. The first analyze building performance (Y1). For example, Krasny
module is the approximate estimation module. The module et al. [77] analyzed and compared the impact and cost (Z2) of
extracts the number of elements directly from BrIM and two different housing types on the environment through the
then multiplies the number with its corresponding unit energy analysis function of BIM and Baubook software.
price. The second module is the detailed estimation module.
In addition to the number of elements extracted by BrIM,
this module also considers productivity estimates, different 3.2.3. Operation and Maintenance Phase Based on BIM (Y3).
material costs, and labor and equipment rates. The third The operation and maintenance phase (Y3) takes a signifi-
module is the performance measurement module. This cant proportion in the whole building life cycle and involves
module can calculate the earned value using planned value more complex construction activities. Therefore, building
and actual value and then determine budget and schedule performance in the operating phase is significant. The re-
status. The planned and actual values for each element can be search studies in the operation and maintenance phase (Y3)
extracted with Tekla Structures software or added manually are mainly divided into two aspects, including creating
by the user. Li et al. [73] also discussed the improvement of models for the existing building and serving operators and
construction schedule through BIM technology-based dig- occupants.
ital management but focused on prefabricated buildings. Because of design changes and unintentional deviations,
Combining the IoT and BIM, the authors designed an In- constructing a BIM model for a completed building to
ternet of Things platform to improve the daily operation improve the building’s smartness is more complicated than a
efficiency and collaborative assembly capability of pre- new building. Xue et al. [78] proposed that constructing
fabricated components. Later, Li et al. [74] developed a real- information models for built buildings is an ongoing
time BIM platform involving various stakeholders, challenge for the global BIM and computing engineering
12 Advances in Civil Engineering

Duration prediction
Schedule management Schedule Environment Energy analysis
Improve schedule [77]
[56, 57, 73, 74]
The goal of
Cost approximate estimation construction Quality assessment
Cost Quality
Cost detailed estimation [76]
[56, 57, 72]


Health and safety of workers

Resource/equipment scheduling
[51, 52, 75]
Figure 4: The goal of smart construction supported by BIM.

community. Chen et al. [79] proposed a method for auto- phase to improve building energy efficiency and user comfort
matically reconstructing the BIM model for the existing (Z3), which is in line with the primary content of smart
buildings based on multisource correction of geometric buildings.
primitive (MSTEP). The method improves the level of
building automation and reduces BIM construction time.
3.2.4. Summary of the Project Phases Based on BIM. In
Xue et al. [78] adopted 3D point clouds to generate rich
general, the advantages of using BIM in the life cycle of smart
semantics as-built BIMs automatically (Z4). The above
buildings have two aspects. On the one hand, BIM provides 3D
method opens up a new way for BIM to be created from
visual models (X3) to realize information sharing and exchange
inexpensive data sources.
(X2). Therefore, BIM can facilitate the data exchange of different
In the operation and maintenance phase (Y3), BIM serves
disciplines’ tools and the collaboration of different stakeholders.
designers and contractors as well as the operators and oc-
On the other hand, BIM can be integrated with other tools (Z4)
cupants. Keskin and Salman [47] proposed a comprehensive
to solve specific architectural problems by analyzing and
and adaptive airport BIM (ABIM) management framework
simulating building performance (X4). Thus, BIM is beneficial
for the operation and maintenance of the BIM platform. The
for controlling project cost, schedule, and environmental pol-
framework helps airport operators access, manage, and utilize
lution effectively and promoting smart construction. Existing
airport life cycle data on the BIM platform (X2), which
articles show that BIM provides a rich information model to
achieves the digital management of airport projects and
solve problems related to the entire life cycle of smart buildings
improves airport operational efficiency. Smart buildings are
(see Table 4). Table 4 shows that the types of smart buildings
human-centered, so the experience of occupants is incredibly
supported by BIM are mainly office and residential buildings,
essential. Heidari et al. [59] proposed a BIM-based smart
with a small number of applications in bridges, highways,
design system to simulate the daily activities of users, im-
airports, and other transportation infrastructure.
proving the communication between users and designers in
the process of smart environmental design (Z3). Smart BIM is
used to create virtual space containing smart objects that can 3.3. Functions of Smart Buildings Based on BIM. With
perform certain functions and react to user interactions based people’s yearning for intelligent life and work, there is an
on the set of attributes of the objects. Rashid et al. [80] also urgent need to adopt more advanced technology to realize
provides users with a smart indoor environment (Z3) but does the smart functions of buildings in recent years. Thus, the
not consider the interaction between users and smart objects. functions of smart buildings are continuously developed and
This research mainly used indoor location tracking and a improved [82]. The core driving force for the continuous
BIM-based virtual environment to realize equipment control development of smart buildings includes four aspects: re-
of smart buildings. To improve the experience of residents, duced energy consumption (Z1), increased economic effi-
Habibi [60] focused on providing users with the best indoor ciency (Z2), improved life quality of users (Z3), and
environmental quality (IEQ) (Z3). The study explored a real- integration with other technologies (Z4) (see Figure 5) [42].
time monitoring system and created a BIM model of the In order to further promote the development of smart
existing campus buildings in case analysis, thus evaluating the buildings, BIM has been widely studied to provide smart
indicators of building energy consumption and indoor building solutions. This section provides a review of current
comfort (Z1, Z3). BIM applications connect users with the BIM applications in the field of smart buildings from the
building system closely in the operation and maintenance above four aspects.
Advances in Civil Engineering 13

Table 4: Review cases of BIM-based smart buildings in the building life cycle.
Project phases Building types Application areas Country/regions BIM tools References
Automated clash resolution
A two-story RC building Autodesk Revit,
for reinforcement steel Not defined [68, 81]
frame PKPM
Residential/commercial/ Planning utility
Planning and
administrative/industrial infrastructure New Cairo, Egypt Not defined [45]
design phase
housing requirements
The demolition/
Southern Adelaide,
deconstruction of a former The reuse of steel Not defined [71]
industrial building
Highway construction Cost/schedule estimates Seoul, Korea Revit, SketchUp [57]
Al-Buhayrah Governorate,
Bridge Cost and time management Tekla Structures [56]
Energy analysis and Revit, Green
Strawbale house and
construction cost Bosnia and Herzegovina Building Design [77]
concrete/brick homes
calculation Studio
Dimensional and surface
Precast concretes Not defined Not defined [76]
Construction quality assessment
phase On-site assembly services
Residential construction in prefabricated Hong Kong, China Revit [73]
Apartment Hefei, China Revit [75]
Automatic replanning of
Residential block lifting paths for robotized Singapore Not defined [52]
tower cranes
Automatic generation of
Auditorium semantically rich as-built Not defined Revit [78]
Automatic building
1361 blocks of densely
information model Hong Kong, China Not defined [79]
distributed buildings
Asia Pacific, Europe,
Enhance operational
Middle East, South
Airport efficiencies through the Not defined [47]
America, and North
Operation and ABIM framework
Help end-users to
Smart home objects experience daily activity in Not defined Not defined [59]
a virtual environment
Improve indoor Revit, Ecotect,
Office buildings environmental quality Barcelona, Spain Rhino/ [60]
(IEQ) and energy efficiency Grasshopper
Multipurpose twelve-story Building fire prevention
Northern Taiwan Revit [50]
building and disaster relief
Wireless electric appliance
Office room Oregon State, America Not defined [80]

3.3.1. Reducing Energy Consumption (Z1). The rapid de- and energy consumption management of smart buildings,
velopment of information technology promotes the devel- thus improving the resource efficiency of the project by
opment of smart buildings. Excessive energy consumption preventing excessive waste [85] (Z1). Based on building
leads to environmental deterioration, which promotes the energy consumption data, BIM can also design and evaluate
development of smart buildings to some extent. Buildings buildings’ full life cycle to mitigate the negative environ-
consume approximately one-third of the world’s resources, mental impact of construction projects [83] (Z1).
resulting in a large amount of energy consumption and The energy management of BIM-based smart buildings
excessive construction waste [83]. Excessive use of con- has been widely studied. Part of the literature on BIM-based
struction resources has led to various environmental energy management focuses on the monitoring of building
problems that urgently need to be solved. The realization of energy. For example, Gökçe and Gökçe [86] compare data
smart functions of smart buildings depends on the man- extracted from BIM and other tools which use dynamic data
agement and control of energy in the whole life cycle of to support decision-making, promoting building energy-
buildings [84]. BIM can be applied to the energy detection specific monitoring and management capabilities (Z1).
14 Advances in Civil Engineering

Functions of smart
buildings based on BIM

Combining with
Reducing energy Increasing Improving the life
consumption economic benefit quality of users

Figure 5: Smart building functions based on BIM.

Besides, McGlinn et al. [87] used BIM and semantic web demand for materials, equipment, and technical personnel,
technologies to integrate buildings, sensors, driving infra- which also causes an increase in construction costs. Man-
structure, and smart software components (Z4). Recom- agers can use the BIM model to calculate the material
mendations based on data measured by indoor sensors are quantity and cost, thereby reducing project costs and re-
generated for facility managers to alert potential energy- source waste and improving the economic benefits of
saving actions. There are also two papers on energy man- projects and enterprises (Z2). Marzouk and Hisham [56]
agement from different perspectives, mainly focusing on used BIM technology to estimate the approximate cost and
building energy consumption management. Kaewunruen the detailed cost of bridge projects. Kim et al. [57] deter-
et al. [88] used Revit and Insight software to construct mined the earthwork quantity, cost, and construction
energy and cost analysis models of existing buildings to schedule by creating a three-dimensional model of the ex-
determine the efficiency of building energy consumption pressway and helped the design team estimate the total
(Z1). Kang and Choi [89] combined the rich building in- project cost.
formation in BIM with the data acquisition framework to Unpredictable changes may occur in building smart
propose an effective building energy management decision buildings, and BIM model data will also need to be changed
method (Z1). The method helps managers realize the accordingly. Changing data require managers to make
comprehensive utilization of space and energy management adjustments quickly to improve economic benefits as much
data and effectively manage building energy. as possible. For instance, Lu and Olofsson [92] proposed an
BIM can also be used for building environmental per- integrated framework of BIM and discrete event simulation
formance assessment and analysis (Z1). Yang et al. [63] (DES). The framework included a building information
proposed a life cycle assessment (LCA) method based on modeling process and a smart simulation engine [92]. The
BIM technology from the perspective of the full life cycle of building information modeling application requires
buildings. The method used BIM tools to create BIM models exporting the material quantity, operation schedules, and
and analyze relevant data required for LCA [63]. The data resources needed to a relational database. The smart
cover building materials, construction machinery, energy, simulation engine automatically reads the information
and water. Design builder software (based on EnergyPlus) is from the database to understand the building information
used to identify and quantify energy consumption at each changes in real time. The framework can discover the
phase to assess the building’s whole life cycle environmental uncertainties in construction operations quickly and ex-
performance. Zhang et al. [90] mainly conducted a real-time plore alternative solutions to improve project performance
evaluation of green buildings on the design phase (Y1) and avoid losses. Similarly, Lin et al. [93] proposed a
without considering the entire building life cycle. BIM in this natural-language-based cloud BIM approach to support
approach is mainly used to provide a collaborative envi- data retrieval and representation (Z4). Cloud BIM enhances
ronment for connecting all project stakeholders, promoting the value of BIM big data and promotes the application of
information exchange in the green building rating process BIM in enterprises, thus increasing the economic benefits
(X2). Jiang et al. [91] also discussed the green building of enterprises. It should be noted that the adoption of BIM
evaluation method. In the new green building evaluation technology will definitely increase the cost of smart
method with BIM and ontology proposed in this paper, BIM buildings; thus, only effective application of this technology
is considered as the database to provide the convenient can produce benefits. As a result, high costs and unclear
acquisition of required information in the green building profitability make many projects cautious about adopting
evaluation (X2). The above methodological contributions BIM.
have far-reaching value in reducing the energy consumption
of smart buildings.
3.3.3. Improving the Life Quality of Users (Z3). People ori-
entation is the core concept of smart buildings, so the user
3.3.2. Increasing Economic Benefits (Z2). The rapid devel- experience is very crucial. BIM technology is conducive to
opment of smart buildings is inseparable from the great the interaction between users and smart objects, which
Advances in Civil Engineering 15

realize the rapid response to user needs. BIM technology can

also help solve emergencies in smart buildings and ensure
the safety of users. IOT
Smart buildings need to respond to the changing needs
of users quickly and implement specific functions such as
building control, automation, and security [94]. For in-
stance, Rashid et al. [80] integrated IoT infrastructure and
BIM-based virtual environment (Z4) to enable users to GIS Cloud
control electrical appliances in the smart home environment computing
and provide users with a convenient, comfortable, and
energy-saving environment (Z3). The integration of the BIM
indoor positioning system and the inertial measurement
unit (IMU) can achieve user information retrieval and en-
vironmental information collecting. The BIM-based virtual
environment turns on or off the IoT infrastructure in the 3D laser
building according to the receiving information. In another VR scanning
study, Habibi [95] used BIM and smart sensors to create a
smart building energy real-time management system to
improve indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and user
comfort (Z3). RFID
In terms of improving security and disaster response
capability, BIM technology simulates the disaster occurrence
(X4) before the disaster and updates emergency information Figure 6: Integration diagram of BIM and other advanced
for effective emergency response inside the building after the technologies.
disaster. For example, Cheng et al. [50] constructed BIM-
based smart fire prevention and disaster mitigation system to
strengthen fire rescue and fire hazard control. The system technologies, and visualize 3D urban modeling. The
can show users a 3D site (X3) and help them understand fire framework proposed in [45] is also based on BIM and GIS
or other emergencies immediately. Porter et al. [55] also technologies (Z4), but with different uses. This study’s pri-
discussed user safety and disaster response, emphasizing mary purpose is to plan and predict the utility requirements
safety fire hazard warning. This study conducted static and for urban expansion (Y1).
dynamic security analysis with BIM to check the potential Second, the core of BIM and IoT integration is inte-
security risks of facilities and ensure users’ safety (Z3). grating data from different systems in the whole life cycle of
smart buildings. IoT capabilities enable the continuous flow
of real-time data to yield significant benefits from integra-
3.3.4. Combining with Other Technologies (Z4). The suc- tion with BIM models. Real-time data collected from the IoT
cessful implementation of smart building projects is in- can be assigned to the digital entities in the BIM model to
separable from the combination of BIM technology and represent a wide range of valuable information [85]. For
other advanced information technologies. The integration of example, Dave et al. [97] developed a BIM and IoT-based
BIM and other advanced technologies provides more pos- platform that provides information about energy con-
sibilities for the applications of BIM. The emergence of sumption and user comfort (X2, Z4). Another application of
technology integration schemes, such as BIM + GIS, BIM and IoT integration (Z4) is proposed for smart home
BIM + IOT, and BIM + cloud computing, has gradually control [80]. However, research studies on BIM and IoT
formed the concept of “BIM+” and promoted the further integration are still in the early stage. Tang et al. [98] collated
applications of BIM in the field of construction (see the relevant literature of the last decade and analyzed these
Figure 6). articles in terms of construction operations monitoring,
First, the integration of BIM and GIS has become an human resource management, and construction logistics
important direction of the construction industry with the management. Potential research directions in this area are
continuous development and popularization of BIM and suggested to include creating service-oriented architecture
GIS in smart buildings. GIS focuses on applying geospatial (SOA) models and web services for BIM and IoT integration,
information, while BIM focuses on the detailed information establishing standards for information integration and
inside the building. The combination of the two technologies management, addressing interoperability issues, and cloud
provides the whole data foundation of indoor and outdoor, computing.
which is also the spatial data foundation of smart buildings. Third, the integration of BIM and cloud computing also
For example, Yamamura et al. [96] proposed a GIS-BIM- injects new impetus into smart buildings. Combining
based urban energy planning system (Z4). The system can powerful computing capabilities of cloud computing with
integrate GIS-based data with other data sources from cities, the visualization capabilities of BIM, the computationally
communities, and buildings to integrate urban models, intensive and complex tasks in BIM applications can be
predict and simulate the effects of energy-saving transferred to the cloud to improve operating efficiency. For
16 Advances in Civil Engineering

example, Lin et al. [93] proposed that BIM can automatically nexus, including BIM attributes (X), project phases (Y), and
retrieve user-related data based on cloud computing and smart attributes (Z). As presented in Sections 3.1–3.3, the
form visual maps and comprehensive reports, thereby en- analysis of each dimension must involve analyzing other di-
hancing the BIM application value and promoting the BIM mensions. Therefore, three dimensions must be combined to
technology application in smart buildings (X3, Z4). achieve the comprehensive understanding and guidance of
Fourth, BIM can also be integrated with radio frequency smart building based on BIM technology. Table 5 shows the
identification (RFID) technology to achieve more smart application cases of cross-analysis in X, Y, and Z dimensions.
functions. RFID technology can identify specific targets and Figure 7 shows the results of the cross-analysis of three di-
read relevant data, whereas BIM can effectively conduct mensions. BIM is used widely in smart buildings, such as facility
information management. RFID is combined with BIM and planning, energy simulation, and safety analysis. Different in-
applied to different scenes from different research per- tersections among the X, Y, and Z axes represent different
spectives, including tracking smart building components applications (see Figure 7). The applications are as follows.
and equipment detection in real time. For example, Ness
et al. [71] combined RFID and BIM (Z4) to track the
3.4.1. Automatic Evaluation of Machine Capability.
components of a new building and import data into the
During off-site construction (Y2), applying the BIM’s in-
model to achieve the recovery and utilization of compo-
tegrating properties with other systems, the BIM and
nents. Tsai et al. [99] integrated RFID data collection into the
manufacturing system are integrated (X1) to form a
BIM system (Z4) to inspect the material corrosion on the
framework for automatically evaluating machine capabilities
construction site (Y2). Li et al. [74] developed a BIM plat-
[44]. The framework has the potential to effectively improve
form based on RFID technology (Z4) to deal with crucial
the productivity, quality, and deliverability of products,
schedule factors, promoting collaborative work between
thereby realizing the smartness in improving economic
smart building objects and RFID. The platform improves the
benefits (Z2). The automatic evaluation of machine capa-
success rate of the daily operation and decision-making in
bility based on BIM improves the production efficiency and
prefabricated construction project management and ensures
quality of construction products in the manufacturing stage.
timely delivery of projects.
Fifth, BIM can be further combined with surveying and
mapping technology to promote the overall development of 3.4.2. Operational Efficiency Improvement. By connecting
smart buildings. For example, Kim et al. [76] proposed a existing data sources and operating systems, BIM-based pro-
quality assurance system for precast concrete based on BIM cesses are used in smart buildings’ operation and maintenance
and 3D laser scanning technology (Z4). The system used a (Y3) for the facility manager to access, manage, and utilize
laser scanner to scan precast concrete units placed in pre- operational data in a digital collaborative environment (X2) [47].
determined positions [76]. Then the system checks the The airport BIM (ABIM) framework helps airport operators use
component list, confirms the parameters, and evaluates the airport life cycle data on the BIM platform to coordinate the
results in the detection and data management modules so engineering aspects of airport management throughout the
that the system can be effectively interoperable with BIM whole lifecycle [47]. Thus, the BIM-based operation process
[76]. guides stakeholders to realize digital operation management
BIM can be integrated with multiple advanced information and improve operational efficiency (Z2). Improved operational
technologies to achieve more BIM functions and higher-level efficiency of smart buildings will help reduce operating costs
smart buildings. For example, Li et al. [73] designed an IoT and increase project revenue.
platform to provide decision-making and monitoring services
for different stakeholders. To be specific, real-time data are
3.4.3. Fire Prevention. Fire prevention is an important
collected at the construction site using RFID technology and
emergency event that needs to be considered during the
then uploaded to the cloud for processing and analysis to
operation and maintenance phase of smart buildings (Y3).
provide decision support for on-site staff. Besides, BIM and
When the sensor detects a sufficiently high temperature or
virtual reality (VR) technologies are used to develop visibility
smoke level, the 3D model supported by BIM can be used to
and traceability functions. Moreover, it is convenient for
monitor the location of the fire outbreak and visualizing the
managers to monitor construction progress and cost infor-
evacuation and rescue route(X3) [50]. Real-time dynamic
mation in real time [73]. In summary, the deep integration of
evacuation guidance is automatically provided on user
BIM and other advanced information technologies will promote
equipment through BIM software to improve the fire control
the rapid development of smart buildings, thus expanding the
and rescue, thus ensuring user safety (Z3). The fire protection
smart building applications. However, BIM and other advanced
application based on BIM technology improves disaster
information technologies are still in the preliminary develop-
response capabilities and effectively improves the building
ment phase and have extensive prospects and development
security and safety management level.

3.4.4. Protecting the Safety of Constructors. The updated

3.4. Cross-Analysis of the Nexus of BIM and Smart Buildings. building information from the sensor data (oxygen con-
The cross-analysis of the nexus of BIM and smart buildings centration, temperature, etc.) can be stored in the Revit
means analyzing the application considering all dimensions of software to facilitate information acquisition and sharing
Advances in Civil Engineering 17

Table 5: Interaction of BIM attributes (X), project phases (Y), and smart attributes (Z).
X: BIM Y: project Z: smart Corresponding
Applications Description of X Description of Z Ref.
attributes phases attributes section
Increase the
Automatic Integrated BIM
X1: integration Y2: construction Z2: increasing productivity,
evaluation of and
with other phase based on economic quality, and 3.1.1 [44]
machine manufacturing
systems BIM benefits deliverability of
capability systems
the products
X 2: Access, manage, Y3: operation
Operational convenience and utilize and Z2: increasing
Achieve digital
efficiency of information airport life cycle refurbishment economic 3.2.3 [47]
improvement sharing and data on the BIM phase based on benefits
exchange platform BIM
X 3: Y3: operation
visualization and Z3: improving Strengthen fire
Visualize the fire 3.1.3
Fire prevention of whole refurbishment the life quality rescue and users’ [50]
situation 3.3.3
process and phase based on of users safety
results BIM
X 2:
Z4: Combine BIM
Protecting the convenience The latest sensor Y2: construction
combining and wireless 3.1.3
safety of of information data stored in phase based on [51, 73]
with other sensor network 3.3.4
constructors sharing and Revit BIM
technologies (WSN) /IoT
X 3:
Z4: Integrate RFID
visualization Y2: construction
Equipment Visual combining data collection 3.2.2
of whole phase based on [52, 99]
scheduling construction site with other into the BIM 3.3.4
process and BIM
technologies system
X4: analysis
Y1: planning
and Static and Z3: improving 3.1.4
and design Improve building
Safety analysis simulation of dynamic security the life quality 3.2.1 [55, 58, 70]
phase based on safety
building analysis of users 3.3.3
X4: analysis
and Y2: construction Z2: increasing 3.1.4
Cost estimation simulation of Estimate the cost phase based on economic 3.2.2 [56, 57, 72]
building BIM benefits 3.3.2
X4: analysis
and Estimate the Y2: construction Z2: increasing
Schedule Schedule 3.2.2
simulation of construction phase based on economic [56, 57, 74]
estimation management 3.3.2
building duration BIM benefits
X4: analysis Y3: operation Promote building
Energy and Simulation and Z1: reducing energy-specific
performance simulation of energy refurbishment energy monitoring and [43, 54, 86]
simulation building performance data phase based on consumption management
functions BIM capabilities
Help end-users
X4: analysis Y3: operation
to experience
Indoor and Simulate the and Z3: improving
their daily 3.1.4
equipment simulation of daily activities of refurbishment the life quality [59, 80]
activity in a 3.3.3
control building users phase based on of users
functions BIM
X4: analysis Y3: operation Provide users
Indoor and and Z3: improving with the best
Energy real-time 3.1.4
environmental simulation of refurbishment the life quality indoor [60, 95]
analysis 3.3.3
quality analysis building phase based on of users environmental
functions BIM quality (IEQ)
18 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 5: Continued.
X: BIM Y: project Z: smart Corresponding
Applications Description of X Description of Z Ref.
attributes phases attributes section
X 2:
Track and locate Y1: planning Z4 :
Recovery and convenience
all the elements and design combining Combine BIM 3.2.1
utilization of of information [71]
that make up the phase based on with other and RFID 3.3.4
components sharing and
actual building BIM technologies
X 2:
Z4: Combine BIM
convenience Store and recall Y2: construction
Quality combining and 3D laser 3.2.2
of information information phase based on [76]
assessment with other scanning 3.3.4
sharing and about a facility BIM
technologies technology
X 2:
Create BIM Y1: planning Assess
Environmental convenience Z1: reducing
models and and design environmental
performance of information energy 3.3.1 [90, 91]
calculate relevant phase based on performance of
assessment sharing and consumption
data BIM the building

Z (smart attributes)


Protecting the safety of constructors (X2, Y2, Z4)
Recovery and utilization of components (X2, Y1, Z4)
Quality assessment (X2, Y2, Z4)

Equipment scheduling (X3, Y2, Z4) Z2 Fire prevention (X3,Y3, Z3)

Automatic evaluation of machine capability (X1, Y2, Z2)

Indoor equipment control (X4, Y3, Z3) Z1
Indoor environmental quality analysis (X4, Y3, Z3) Operational efficiency improvement (X2, Y3, Z2)
Safety analysis (X4, Y1, Z3)
Y1 Y2 Y3

Cost estimation (X4, Y2, Z2) O

Y (project phases)
Schedule estimation (X4, Y2, Z2) Environmental performance assessment (X2, Y1, Z1)

X2 Energy performance simulation (X4, Y3, Z1)



X (BIM attributes)

Figure 7: The cross-analysis of BIM attributes (X), project phases (Y), and smart attributes (Z).

(X2) [51]. The BIM platform can be combined with WSN, platform and ensures the safety of construction personnel on
IoT, and other technologies (Z4) to monitor construction the construction site, thereby achieving safe construction.
site information in real time during the construction phase
(Y2) to avoid hazardous situations (hypoxia and extreme
temperature) in a confined space environment [51, 73]. The 3.4.5. Equipment Scheduling. During the construction
combination of BIM and other technologies promotes the process (Y2), equipment information is stored on the BIM
development of the visibility and traceability of the BIM model so that the construction site can be effectively
Advances in Civil Engineering 19

visualized (X3). Collecting and integrating RFID data into management capabilities can be improved to effectively
the BIM system have the advantage of facilitating the dy- reduce building energy consumption (Z1) [86].
namic adjustment of operation and equipment scheduling
(Z4) [52, 99]. The BIM platform can combine RFID tech-
nology to realize real-time synchronization of equipment 3.4.10. Indoor Equipment Control. The BIM-based virtual
information, which is convenient for inspectors to quickly environment involves user information in the current
and accurately calculate the best path for each designated building environment, which is conducive to simulating the
equipment and to arrange resources reasonably. user’s daily activities (X4) [59]. In the smart building op-
eration and maintenance phase (Y3), the BIM-based virtual
environment can help end-users experience their daily ac-
3.4.6. Safety Analysis. In the design phase (Y1), BIM can be tivities in a virtual environment and effectively control in-
used to graphically visualize physical entities and conduct a door equipment (Z3). The indoor equipment control system
static and dynamic security analysis of the surrounding based on the BIM platform allows users to remotely turn on
environment of smart buildings (X4) [55]. The building or turn off the equipment, effectively reducing energy
designers use the BIM platform to evaluate building safety consumption and improving the user comfort to achieve a
design and safety monitoring systems, which can improve state of smart life.
building safety significantly and protect users from potential
hazards (Z3). Thus, safety analysis integrated with BIM can
3.4.11. Indoor Environmental Quality Analysis. The smart
overcome smart buildings’ safety problems caused by design
building energy management system can perform real-time
defects and material selection errors to ensure the safety of
energy analysis (X4) by using BIM and smart sensors [95].
smart buildings in the later phases [58].
Energy simulation analysis (e.g., thermal comfort, acoustic
comfort, lighting, and air quality) in the operation and
3.4.7. Cost Estimation. In the construction phase (Y2), maintenance phase of smart buildings (Y3) helps to improve
different materials, costs of machinery and labor, and other indoor environmental quality and user comfort (Z3) [95].
financial information are recorded in the BIM model to Optimizing environmental parameters not only provides the
facilitate the estimation of the cost of earthwork (X4) foundation for studying the physical and operational
[56, 57]. With the help of building information stored in the properties of smart building systems but also contributes to
BIM platform, the project material cost, mechanical cost, improving user satisfaction related to indoor environmental
labor cost, and other costs can be clarified and applied in factors [95].
further overall cost management (Z2). Cost estimation based
on the BIM model can reasonably control the project cost of 3.4.12. Recovery and Utilization of Components. The data
smart construction projects and ensure the economic stored in the BIM platform enable designers and other
benefits of the project. managers to track and locate all the components for the
actual building during the design phase (Y1) and promote
the exchange and sharing of information (X2) [71]. The data
3.4.8. Schedule Estimation. In the construction phase (Y2),
from RFID tags can be integrated into BIM and then dy-
managers use BIM attributes (X4) to automatically extract
namically updated according to the unique recognition
the planned information of the construction task and ex-
ability of RFID technology (Z4) [71]. Based on BIM and
change the current construction progress information with
RFID technology, the recycling and utilization of compo-
key personal [57]. Automatically outputting the construc-
nents are realized, and the rational use of building resources
tion schedule to estimate the construction schedule can
is helpful to reduce project costs.
effectively guarantee the economic benefits of smart building
projects and promote the realization of smart attributes (Z2).
The construction schedule estimation based on BIM tech- 3.4.13. Quality Assessment. As a central data repository, the
nology can reduce the impact of schedule extension and construction workers can use BIM to store and retrieve
ensure the timely delivery of the project [74]. related facility information (X2) during the construction
process (Y2) [76]. The relevant parameters collected by 3D
laser scanning are imported into the BIM model to update
3.4.9. Energy Performance Simulation. The energy-related the parameter of the building component for the as-is model
data stored in the BIM database can be used to simulate the (Z4). Based on BIM and 3D laser scanning technology, the
energy performance of the entire building, such as the size and surface quality of precast concrete components can
lighting, heating, and ventilation (X4). Through analyzing be independently evaluated during the construction stage,
the building’s physical characteristics, building design which ensures the quality of the whole construction [76].
standards, and operation and maintenance schedules, BIM-
based energy performance simulation can effectively eval-
uate the rationality of building space occupation and lighting 3.4.14. Environmental Performance Assessment. In the de-
[54]. Then, by comparing and analyzing the data extracted sign phase (Y1), the designer creates a BIM model and
from BIM and the data of the current building operation calculates related building parameters to provide reliable
condition (Y3), the building energy monitoring and data for the evaluation of the smart building environmental
20 Advances in Civil Engineering

performance (X2) [24]. The intelligent green building rating building objects to enable the system to share the definition
(iGBR) framework supported by a semantic and social and semantics of objects, thereby improving software in-
approach facilitates preliminary and continuous rating of teroperability. Currently, Industry Foundation Class (IFC)
building design to achieve smartness in energy consumption provides a solid foundation for BIM interoperability, and
reduction (Z1) [90]. Environmental performance assessment most BIM applications use IFC as the data exchange stan-
based on BIM technology improves the efficiency of the dard [93]. For example, Akinade et al. [103] used IFC (ISO
assessment process and promotes the green and sustainable 16739:2013), IFD (ISO 12006eb:2007), IDMs (ISO 29481e1:
development of smart buildings. 2010), and other standards to achieve the seamless exchange
of information to coordinate with other software and
4. Research Gaps and Research Trends Smart overcome the barriers of interoperability. Li et al. [48]
proposed that interoperability tools based on standard data
Buildings Based on BIM patterns and IFC could be used to improve information
In the process of analyzing the nexus of BIM and smart exchange. Tang et al. [46] defined an IFC subset pattern so
building, this paper finds the research gap in the field of BIM that building automation system (BAS) information can be
and smart building. The proposed research gap may become represented in the IFC data model, and information can be
the research trend in the future. This paper presents a exchanged at various project phases through BIM tools.
framework that links existing research gaps with research However, the above studies have their limitations, and a
trends (see Figure 8). According to Section 3.1, this paper large number of BIM applications still suffer from insuffi-
finds that BIM can provide the functions of information cient interoperability. The root cause of insufficient inter-
exchange and sharing, but the interoperability of BIM operability of BIM software is the inconsistency of relevant
software needs to be improved. According to Section 3.2, standards of BIM software, such as data exchange format
this paper finds that the research phases and research objects and data model. The IFCs specification is an open data file
of BIM technology in the field of smart buildings are format that supports information storage, data sharing, and
constantly expanding. BIM technology is not only applied to exchange between a wide range of software. Even if IFC is
the planning and design phase and the construction phase of used, different BIM software that does not export IFC in a
smart buildings but also gradually applied to the operation consistent way also impedes the free flow of information.
and maintenance phase of smart buildings. And BIM is not Therefore, this study suggests that BIM software standards
only applied to the field of housing construction but also should consider multiple nexus dimensions, including the
gradually applied to the field of transportation infrastruc- different project phases and various smartness attributes. As
ture. According to Section 3.3, this paper finds that the described in Section 3.2, BIM applications are required to
economic benefits brought by BIM projects are not clear. achieve different functions in different project phases, such
The main reason for unclear economic benefits is that the use as collision prevention in the construction phase and fire
of BIM technology will increase the cost of technology and hazard in the operation phase [50, 52]. The distinct char-
personnel training, while reducing the cost of resource use, acteristics of those applications pose challenges for the
and the time cost brought by BIM technology cannot be unified IFC standard. Thus, considering the demand of the
quantified. In addition, the integration of BIM with IoT, whole smart building lifecycle, instead of the individual BIM
RFID, and other technologies faces challenges such as functions in a single phase, could potentially set the practical
unsmooth data format conversion and difficulty in updating open IFC standard for BIM applications interoperability in
models. smart buildings.

4.1. Insufficient Software Interoperability. The information 4.2. Limited BIM Applications in Operation and Refurbish-
exchange among different software is inevitable in each ment Phase. Most BIM research studies in the field of smart
project phase of smart buildings. Interoperability is of great buildings focus on the planning, design, and construction
significance to facilitate the exchange of information among phases [80]. Compared with the planning, design, and
various BIM platforms (such as Revit and Tekla), enterprise construction phases, the operation and maintenance phase
systems, and smart components [48]. As Lilis and Kayal of smart buildings consumes much energy and involves
[100] pointed out, well-developed software interoperability numerous construction activities, making management
can reduce the total project cost and shorten the return on more complicated and diversified. With the mature appli-
investment time significantly. However, achieving well-de- cation of BIM technology in the building design and con-
veloped software interoperability is accompanied by high struction phases, more managers have begun to explore the
project costs, such as the time and funds required for de- advantages of BIM in the operation and maintenance phase.
velopment [101]. Applications of BIM in the operation and maintenance
Many studies have adopted semantic applications to phase involve emergency management [50], indoor envi-
solve interoperability problems [91]. Dibley et al. [102] ronmental quality management [60], energy consumption
emphasized the importance of improving the semantic in- management [95], indoor electrical control [80], but the
teroperability among changing product information defi- research is still limited. Few studies focus on BIM appli-
nitions in facility management. In an early study, Halfawy cations in hazardous goods management, claims manage-
and Froese [62] proposed a standard data model for multiple ment, and construction waste management. It should be
Advances in Civil Engineering 21

Research section Existing research gaps Research trends

1. Multidimensional consideration of BIM

3.1. BIM functions for 4.1. Insufficient software
software standards
major smart issues interoperability
2. Set the practical open IFC standard

1. Integrate traditional methods and

4.2. Limited BIM applications in technologies with BIM and other advanced
operation and refurbishment phase information technologies
2. Seek guidance from the four smart
3.2. Lifecycles of smart attributes
buildings based on BIM
1. Apply to asset management
4.3. Lack of application in
transportation infrastructure 2. Visualization of BIM for transportation

1. Calculate the economic benefits

4.4. Unclear economic benefits
2. Simplify the comprehensive benefit
analysis reasonably
3.3. Functions of smart
buildings based on BIM
4.5. Difficult to integrate effectively 1. Establish an open platform for the
with other technologies integration of multiple technologies

Figure 8: Research framework linking existing study areas to future directions.

noted that BIM technology can also help the facility man- construction of the Kunming Airport terminal. In a more
agement become automated and intelligent in the operation recent study, Keskin and Salman [47] proposed a new method
and maintenance phase and provide efficient and envi- to guide the management of airport operators with BIM as the
ronmentally friendly services for residents [104]. center research studies should pay more attention to BIM-
According to the discussion of smartness in Section 3.3, based small airport projects and further determine the pro-
it could be concluded that the BIM application has been cedures related to BIM implementation in the airport op-
infused with other advanced information technologies to eration process [47, 65]. However, most of these studies are
improve living comfort and operational efficiency. Many still in the stage of proposing the framework. In the future,
innovative smart applications have been developed and more reliable work will be required to test, verify, and finally
transform the designing and construction phase, such as the apply the proposed BIM-based smart transportation infra-
IoT application in the prefabricated material construction structure implementation plan.
[73]. Therefore, the traditional methods and technologies in The transportation industry has also experienced the
the operation and maintenance phase could also evolve with transformation process of the integration of automation
the integrated BIM and other advanced information tech- technologies and multiple smart technologies [105]. The re-
nologies. Future research of expanding the BIM application search on transportation technologies also seeks similar goals,
in the operation and maintenance phase could seek guidance such as optimization of operation scheduling, reducing car-
from the four smart attributes. bon emission, and improvement of customer satisfaction
[47, 56, 57]. As the BIM application in the transportation
infrastructure is still in the early stage, future research could
4.3. Lack of Application in Transportation Infrastructure. consider applying the BIM attributes summarized in the
Bridges, highways, and airports are all major infrastructures nexus of BIM and smart building applications to the asset
that make up the transportation system, and they are also management aspects. One possible application could be vi-
essential assets of smart buildings. There have been studies on sualization facilitated with BIM for transportation infra-
the application of BIM in the field of transportation infra- structure since the visualization of the building environment
structure. For example, Marzouk and Hisham [56] introduced has proven to be effective in user interaction of equipment
the cost and time management of BIM in bridge engineering. scheduling and build performance assessment [49, 52, 77, 99].
Kim et al. [57] applied BIM technology to highway projects,
developed an object-based smart model, and obtained cost
and schedule estimates automatically in the model. Lin et al. 4.4. Unclear Economic Benefits. Existing studies have ex-
[93] proposed a smart data retrieval and representation plored the cost input of BIM projects, but few studies have
method for cloud BIM applications and applied it to the paid attention to the economic benefits brought by cost
22 Advances in Civil Engineering

input. The actual economic benefits of the project should be [74] combined RFID and BIM to reduce construction risks
based on the consideration of cost, time, project quality, and and improve construction progress and then considered the
other factors. First, a fundamental challenge of BIM ap- introduction of fault-tolerant technology to eliminate in-
plications is the high initial costs of BIM implementation. As correct operations in future research. Rashid et al. [80]
mentioned by Shahi et al. [106], BIM software, hardware, proposed to integrate more complex filtering technology on
and technical training lead to an increase in the total cost of the original BIM and IoT integrated platform in the future to
the project. Secondly, apart from those economic costs, obtain more accurate indoor positioning. Therefore, the
smart building projects with BIM technology have to take comprehensive application of BIM in smart architecture
project time into consideration, which is hard to estimate. requires a combination of different technologies. However,
Most construction workers have not received adequate the high-level integration between BIM and various infor-
education and training and do not understand BIM tech- mation technologies faces multiple problems, such as
nology [74]. Construction enterprises should arrange unsmooth data format conversion, difficulty in updating
technical training courses to help construction personnel models, and obtaining real-time information.
familiar with the specific operation. Besides, considering the Future research studies can consider using the BIM
steep learning curve, the time cost of construction personnel platform to build an open platform synchronized with
to learn new technologies must be considered in the total different information sources such as wireless sensors and
project cost [45, 107]. Third, BIM-based smart building building automation systems [97]. The open BIM platform
projects also have incomplete cost considerations. For ex- needs to consider the BIM attributes in the nexus and
ample, Marzouk and Hisham [56] only considered the direct identify the challenge of integration from multiple aspects,
costs (materials, labor, and equipment) without considering such as the data transmission and integration, visualization,
indirect costs (management, insurance, and emergency) in and analysis functions. To promote the full automation of
the process of estimating the project cost. smart buildings, the open BIM platform might consider
Studies have been conducted to propose solutions to multiple advanced information technologies from the cross-
reduce the cost of BIM usage and improve project eco- analysis, including wireless sensor network, cloud com-
nomics. For example, Fountain and Langar [108] suggested puting, and artificial intelligence.
that companies could consider using outsourced BIM ser- In summary, based on the discussion of existing research
vices provided by specialist information technology (IT) gaps, there are still many directions to be explored in the
companies rather than using in-house BIM personnel to research of smart buildings based on BIM technology. The
create and apply their BIM models, resulting in benefits such future research directions proposed for the smart building
as reduced costs and improved business performance. Lu applications could not be achieved only with BIM tech-
et al. [109] also suggested that contractors can compare nologies but require further exploration in integrating BIM
different options by considering different designs, over- and other advanced information technologies in various
drafts, and interest rates and decide how to finance the disciplines.
overdraft costs for the smooth management of the project.
The economic benefit requires further comprehensive 5. Conclusion
and quantitative study, which included multiple aspect
benefits such as equipment, human, material, taxes, and The rise of BIM technology opens up a new horizon for the
other fees. The multiple BIM functions and technologies development of smart buildings. This paper reviews related
integrated into the smart building project make the analysis journal articles on the BIM applications in smart buildings
even more challenging. Thus, the paper suggests that the and also consults related BIM reports and guidelines. This
economic benefit might be systematically calculated fol- paper identifies and analyzes the nexus of BIM and smart
lowing the dimensions identified in the nexus, namely, BIM buildings from three dimensions: BIM attributes, project
attributes, project phases, and smart attributes. As shown in phases, and smart attributes. The identification of nexus
Table 5, different smart functions and integrated technol- dimensions reveals multiple essential and related charac-
ogies are applied in the corresponding project phases; thus, teristics of the BIM application in the smart building. The
the benefits analysis could be divided into subcategories to cross-analysis further identifies the key attributes in various
reasonably simplify the comprehensive benefit analysis. application studies to guide the specific smart function
research. This study’s outcome would contribute to im-
proving the smartness of the BIM application in terms of
4.5. Difficult to Integrate Effectively with Other Technologies. comprehensive function design, whole life cycle manage-
With the improvement of living standards, people have ment, and smart technology integration.
higher requirements for smart buildings. At present, using a This paper summarizes the three main aspects of the
specific technology alone cannot satisfy the current re- BIM applications in smart buildings: (1) the advantages of
quirement of smart buildings. The BIM platform is inte- BIM in solving issues related to smart buildings; (2) ap-
grating more and more smart applications [104]. For plicability of BIM in all stages of the life cycle of smart
instance, Kim et al. [76] proposed that, in the process of buildings; and (3) smart building functions that BIM can
evaluating concrete components using BIM and 3D laser achieve. The application advantages of BIM in the field of
scanning technology, the accuracy of evaluation and the smart buildings have four aspects, including the integration
efficiency of data storage should be further improved. Li et al. of BIM and other systems, the convenience of information
Advances in Civil Engineering 23

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