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Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

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Survey and literature study to provide insights on the application of

3D technologies in objects conservation and restoration
Lien Acke a,∗ , Kristel De Vis a , Stijn Verwulgen b , Jouke Verlinden b
ARCHES research group, Faculty of Design Sciences, University of Antwerp, Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
Product Development, Faculty of Design Sciences, University of Antwerp, Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium

i n f o a r t i c l e A b s t r a c t

Historique de l’article : 3D technologies, including data acquisition, digital modelling and manufacturing, have been used in
Reçu le 8 septembre 2020 the context of cultural heritage (CH) since the 1990 s. A general state of the art is given concerning the
Accepté le 7 décembre 2020 adoption of 3D models in CH and for virtual reconstruction of missing parts in conservation-restoration
Disponible sur Internet le 31 March 2021
work. Although an increased use of 3D technologies is noticed in research, preservation, dissemination
and conservation-restoration, the opinion, experience and concerns of the restorer on the application of
Keywords : 3D technologies in their work is unclear. The conservation community was therefore asked to complete
3D technologies
an online questionnaire (n = 153) and a literature study provided 65 case studies to demonstrate the
Cultural heritage
Objects conservation-restoration
practical use of 3D technologies for loss compensation. The results of the questionnaire showed a positive
Loss compensation trend towards 3D technologies in restoration projects. Seven main concerns were distinguished in the
Additive manufacturing survey and further discussed by means of the case studies: (i) The printing process and materials, (ii) the
3D model necessary knowledge, (iii) the applicability, (iv) ethical considerations, (v) required work and costs, (vi)
managing and storing data and (vii) the achieved results.
Although the main concerns are justified as there are many challenges to overcome, reassurance or first
answers to these concerns have been found in the varied applications of 3D technologies presented in the
case studies. The arguments pro and con 3D technologies, possible solutions for the mentioned concerns
and further research possibilities are subsequently presented in informative mind maps. This article and
the accompanying mind maps can as such assist the restorer in decision-making when considering using
3D technologies in restoration projects.
© 2020 The Author(s). Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Cet article est publié en Open Access sous
licence CC BY-NC-ND (

1. Research aims - To collect documented restoration projects in which 3D techno-

logies have assisted in the reconstruction of lost parts (literature
To provide a state of the art and further insights concerning study, section 4)
the knowledge and application of 3D technologies in conservation- - To provide a first set of answers for the concerns identified in the
restoration projects, the following research aims were defined: survey, and define knowledge gaps for future research (section 5)

- To map the use of 3D technologies for cultural heritage and spe- 2. Introduction
cifically for conservation-restoration applications (introduction,
section 2) The profession of a conservator-restorer is bound by tradition
- To survey the (aspiring/academic/professional) conservator- and it is historically founded on the manual skills necessary to
restorer’s point of view on 3D technologies for loss compensation produce the cultural heritage objects. Yet, it has evolved into a par-
on cultural heritage objects and to identify the main concerns ticularly multidisciplinary occupation and recently the use of 3D
(questionnaire, section 3) technologies has been noticed in the documentation, research, pre-
servation, conservation-restoration and dissemination of cultural
heritage (CH). The variety of digital acquisition and manufactu-
∗ Corresponding author.
ring methodologies in other industries allows for projecting these
Adresses e-mail : (L. Acke),
possibilities onto the field of CH and it is specifically applicable in (K. De Vis), the reconstruction of volumetric missing parts. Often in close col-
(S. Verwulgen), (J. Verlinden). laboration with CH professionals, the use of 3D technologies has
1296-2074/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
L. Acke et al. Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

been the topic of research since the 1990 s, with a major increase are elaborated in the next paragraphs: Research, Preservation,
in interest from 2010 onwards. Dissemination and Conservation-Restoration (2.3). A 3D model
Although this increased use of 3D technologies is notable in can serve multiple purposes at once and all of these purposes have
scientific literature, it is unknown to what extent professional Documentation as overarching purpose.
conservators-restorers are acquainted with 3D technologies for use Research aided with 3D technologies allows for non-intrusive,
in loss compensation and to what extent they already have been detailed visual examination of both the exterior and the inter-
applied. It is also unclear if the restorer feels a need to use these ior of the object, without manipulation or impact on the physical
technologies and if the restorer is eager to (learn how to) use it in integrity of the artefact [15]. Therefore, it is or can often be
their practice. We believe that there is a lack of familiarity with 3D complementary to analytical research. Volumetric and detailed
technologies and their potential in restoration. Thus, the question visualisation is possible by executing a (micro) computed tomo-
arises what the most common concerns, limitations or holdbacks graphy [18,19] and by reverse engineering [20]. Furthermore, 3D
restorers encounter when (thinking of) implementing 3D techno- technologies can be deployed for research into the verification of
logies in their work. Moreover, a comprehensive framework for authenticity [21], the morphological comparison of a statue [22]
educating students and conservator-restorers does not yet exist. By and the attribution of works of art [23]. Moreover, the acquired digi-
means of a survey in the conservation community and a literature tal models can be disseminated and digitally preserved for future
study, this article aims to provide a framework for decision-making research [24].
by informing the reader on the already researched topics and exe- Next to archiving and digital preservation of the digital models,
cuted restoration cases. preservation purposes include digital depot management [25],
The structure of this article is presented in Fig. 1. In the remain- massive digitization strategies [26], custom-made packaging desi-
der of this introduction (section 2.1–3), appropriate terminology is gns [27,28] and 3D technologies to assist monitoring over time
presented next to a state of the art (STAR) on the general application [29,30].
of 3D technologies in CH and on the specific application within the Regarding the dissemination, digital models can be employed
conservation-restoration practice (CR). The methodology and the for education, for fruition of CH and in-depth visualisation. By repli-
results of a questionnaire, in order to research the opinion, expe- cation, mixed reality and online dissemination, digital models can
rience and concerns on 3D technologies is written down in section provide additional sensory and spatial layers of information to the
3. To react to the mentioned concerns, a literature study is des- viewer. Examples include replication as alternative for exhibiting a
cribed in section 4 to collect all the documented restoration case very fragile piece [19], for tactile experiences [31,32] for the blind
studies, which make use of 3D technologies in order to reconstruct and visually impaired [33], for better understanding of an object
missing parts (loss compensation). The results of the questionnaire [34], or even for commercial purposes [35]. The use of mixed rea-
and literature study are combined and discussed in section 5. lity offers advantages for the CH property and the experience of
visiting on or off site, demonstrated by cases such as a virtual wing
2.1. Terminology of the Anne Frank House [36], a virtual tour of Versailles [37] and
the Museum of the World offered at your home desktop by the
3D technologies is an umbrella term for 3D scanning or digital British Museum [38]. Augmented reality offers opportunities for
acquisition, digital modelling and additive or subtractive manu- complementary visualisations on site [39,40]. Additionally, these
facturing. Applying 3D technologies within the field of cultural digital models can be made available online by cultural institutions
heritage and conservation-restoration can be assumed a new field through platforms such as Sketchfab [41].
of research. Therefore, an appropriate jargon has been established
and should be used correctly, to prevent misuse and misconcep- 2.3. 3D technologies for conservation-restoration
tion. In this regard we would like to emphasize the terminology
defined by ICOM-CC for the conventional meanings of the profes- Scopigno, Cignoni, Callieri, et al. [42] defined two ways of using
sion of conservator-restorer and its activities [1]. In this publication digital models for supporting conservation-restoration work of CH:
we focus on loss compensation, according to these definitions we the 3D model as supporting media (2.3.1) and the 3D model as a
will therefore use ‘the restorer’ as a general name for someone who research tool for CR work (2.3.2). The next paragraphs discusses
practices this kind of restoration work, while the abbreviation ‘CR’ recent literature on these applications. An example of the versatile
will be used to refer to the conservation-restoration practice. use of 3D models is demonstrated in the restoration of the Fountain
For the digital part we take in account the London Charter [2] and of Neptune in Bologna, which reports nine ways of adopting 3D
the Principles of Seville [3]. The latter defines this field of research models: as a support tool for documentation, for various research
as Virtual Archaeology and explains terms such as virtual restora- regarding the CR work and for a reconstruction of a missing part
tion, virtual anastylosis, virtual reconstruction and virtual recreation. [43].
In addition to this, Lopez [4] mentions the term virtual conserva-
tion. For more spatial and spectral related terminology Moitinho 2.3.1. 3D model as supporting media
De Almeide et al. [5] defines accuracy, precision, resolution, and A 3D model can serve as supporting media, in order to document
uncertainty. They also distinguish the terms artefact, feature, recons- a restoration project or for archival and integration of multime-
truction and texture from a technological and a cultural heritage dia data produced by scientific studies. This includes archiving and
related viewpoint. An exercise of employing the Principles of the presenting information concerning the restoration, possibly in the
London Charter is presented by Hermon and Niccolucci [6]. Termi- form of a virtual condition report [44], documenting 3D objects
nology in this article is used according to these definitions. and related information in a software package [45] or a collabo-
rative platform [46,47]. Other research includes the orientation of
2.2. 3D technologies for cultural heritage archive images on 3D models [48].

In the last two decades, many aspects of digital models for CH 2.3.2. 3D model for research
have been described. This includes digital acquisition techniques A 3D model can also serve as an instrument or tool for the exe-
and their advantages for CH [7–11] and the possibilities of repro- cution of specific investigations. A common example is the study of
ductions of these digital models [12–17]. Taking in account these an artwork before or during its treatment. Moreover, it is possible
references, five general purposes for use in CH can be defined, which to combine 2D, 3D and multispectral images for research and to

L. Acke et al. Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

Fig. 1. Structure of the article.

provide optimal preservation of this documentation [49]. Techni- play a major role in the knowledge generation and education),
cal drawings of CH artefacts can be produced [50] and 3D models and to professional conservator-restorers (the potential practical
can assist in monitoring the artefact’s state of preservation, as men- users).
tioned before. The questionnaire was made in QualtricsXM and consisted out
of closed questions, rating questions, conditional questions, open
2.3.3. 3D model as a tool for restoration methodologies questions and multiple-choice questions. The list with questions
In a more recent publication Scopigno, Cignoni, Pietroni, et al. can be found in appendix A (supplementary material online). A
[12] mention that 3D printing can be relevant in restoration metho- web-based, publicly online distributed survey was chosen because
dologies. Because of the many possibilities for using a 3D model of the speed and ease of acquisition and the large target audience.
within the process of a virtual or a physical restoration, we believe International art conservation related social media groups often
it is justified to add ‘the 3D model as a tool for restoration metho- consists out of a variety of members, including students, resear-
dologies’ as a third category on how 3D technologies can assist chers, professors and restorers. The questionnaire was distributed
CR work. A structure of this category is presented in Fig. 2 and in October 2019, mainly through the Global Conservation Forum
is based upon the literature study, as discussed in detail in this of the American Institute for Conservation (AIC) (at the time
publication. 1331 members) and through six international social media groups
Virtual restorations are restorations that remain virtual and they (9335, 7939, 6104, 2851, 1020 and 136 members, with possible
can be considered a study of a previous state of the object, based on co-occurring members in two or more groups) and one national
existing documentation. Methods for various kinds of virtual res- group (students of Conservation Studies, University of Antwerp,
torations can be distinguished, such as virtual restorations of lost 221 members).
polychromy [51–53], virtual anastylosis [54,55] and virtual recons-
tructions [56–59]. 3.2. Results
These virtually restored 3D models, can be virtually displayed
for dissemination purposes or can lead to a digitally manufactured In December 2019, 153 completed questionnaires were collec-
physical reproduction (e.g. a 3D print or other type of replica of the ted. 61% identified them as conservator-restorer, 21% as student,
restoration), but not necessarily to a physically restored CH object. 11% as researcher and 6% as professor or teacher. 12% out of total
Specifically for loss compensation, starting from the virtual resto- identified themselves as being part of two or more of the aforemen-
ration and its evidence based virtual reconstruction, it can evolve tioned. The origin of 71% of the respondents is Europe, followed by
into a physical restoration, for example by 3D printing the virtual 24% of North Americans and a minor group of 2% is based in Asia.
reconstruction and attaching it to the CH object. As such a virtual South America, Africa and Australia are each represented by 1% of
restoration is the first step in the process of executing a physical the respondents.
restoration, and not the goal itself. Similarly, generating a struc- The respondents were asked after their material specialty as it
ture to support the object can be included in this categorisation, as is often the type of material, rather than the form of the restored
the 3D model made it possible to generate this structure, to stabilise object that will decide if the use of 3D technologies is suitable. For
and to restore the object. example wood will react differently to a plastic 3D print compa-
Similar to the other two categories (2.3.1 and 2.3.2), the third red to porcelain and glass cannot as easily be scanned as stone.
category is not subsidiary to the others, but can occur simulta- As it is clear that in conservation one is not often specialised in
neously or consecutively. Whereas the two first categories can be just one material, many respondents listed more than one material.
executed merely by data acquisition of the CH object, the third The total percentages and co-occurrence of the material specialties
will additionally (but not exclusively) require digital modelling for are shown in Fig. 3. A preponderance is noticeable in the more 3D
reconstruction and digital manufacturing. range of materials (ceramics (39%), glass (31%), wood (23%), metal
(22%), stone (21%), modern materials (14%)) compared to mainly
3. Online questionnaire 2D materials (paintings (12%), paper (9%), textiles (8%), murals (7%),
photography (6%)). Generally, these mainly 3D materials are com-
3.1. Materials & methods mon in the overarching specialisation of objects conservation. The
two last categories are ‘other’ (22%) and ‘no specialisation’ (8%).
A survey was set up with the objective of gathering know- Respondents who checked ‘other’ also often checked mainly 3D
ledge about the point of view, the experience and the concerns specialties; stone, ceramics, glass, metal, wood, modern materials
of restorers regarding the use of 3D technologies in the CR prac- and the 2D specialisation; paper. The following ‘other’ special-
tice. The target audience of the survey was set to the academic ties and amounts were noted in the remark section: books (5),
field, including students (future possible users of 3D technolo- archaeological objects (4), objects (4), technical/industrial heritage
gies), researchers and professors in Conservation Studies (who (3), mosaics and stucco (2), organic materials (2), palaeonto-

L. Acke et al. Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

Fig. 2. Possibilities for using a 3D model as a tool for restoration methodologies.

Fig. 3. Combined view of the co-occurrence compared to the total of material specialties documented in the survey (for the percentages of the co-occurrence, please refer
to the data table in Appendix B, supplementary material online).

logy (2), polychromy (2), public art and outdoor sculptures (2),
3D printing (1), architecture (1), clocks (1), frames (1), heritage
science (1), leather (1), preventive conservation (1), underwater
excavation (1).
The series of questions aimed to measure the respondents need
or the likelihood of using 3D technologies and to define the fields of
improvement. 80% feels there is a general need for 3D technologies,
86% feels 3D technologies can help in their work and 78% has had
case studies where 3D technologies could have been an aid (Fig. 4).
75% has considered using 3D technologies in their work, and high
percentage of 44% actually did. Generally the respondents who used
digital technologies, did this through a third party (a company or
other person). Out of the 44% experienced users 50% has scanned
before, 49% has experience with 3D modelling and 39% has had
something digitally manufactured. Generally, these respondents
have executed 1–5 projects and these mainly involved either small
objects (<20 × 20 × 20 cm) or big objects (>150 × 150 × 150 cm), Fig. 4. Graph depicting the need for 3D technologies.
and to a lesser extent it involved medium sized objects (between

L. Acke et al. Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

dence level of 95%, the worst-case margin of error of the answers is

7,86% in the first case and 7,72% in the second case. These error rates
are quite similar and therefore the sample size can be considered
consistent. Because of the indicative characteristic of the question-
naire, we aimed to acquire general insights, the margin of error is
acceptable [61,62]. For an external survey, a target response rate
of 10–15% is sufficient [63] and research has shown that response
rates in web-based surveys are much lower (<20%) comparing to
traditional methods such as postal surveys [64]. Again, taking in
account the assumed population size described above, a response
rate of 1,63% is calculated in the first case and 5,10% in the second
case. This low number can be explained by the online flood of infor-
mation and therefore possibly unreached call for respondents and
by the fact that respondents were not personally addressed and
motivated to fill in the questionnaire.
A second section of this questionnaire included exploratory
Fig. 5. Graph depicting the comparison of general limitations. questions about the concept and use of a digital toolbox as an infor-
mative framework. However, the results thereof will be discussed
in a future publication as they do not yet apply on this work. The
20 × 20 × 20 and 50 × 50 × 50 cm or between 50 × 50 × 50 and concept of a digital toolbox to aid in the process of virtual restora-
150 × 150 × 150 cm). Out of the 56% who did not yet use 3D tech- tion was previously presented at the ICOM-CC/ICON Recent Advances
nologies, the majority would like to try out 3D scanning (82%), 3D in Glass and Ceramics Conservation conference, London 4–7 Septem-
modelling (76%) and digital manufacturing (81%). There is no clear ber 2019 [65]. In order to receive more focused feedback on the
preference whether they would rather do this through a third party concept and use of this digital toolbox, the questionnaire was also
or on their own. distributed among the participants (152 members). This means a
Concerning the wide range of 3D technologies, it is mainly slight bias in the sample distribution is possible.
the availability which forms an obstruction, followed by the price Because the general limitations (Fig. 5) were already presen-
and the complexity (Fig. 5). Next to these general obstructions, ted in the questionnaire, they are less represented in the main
the respondents were asked to give an indication of their main concerns. Nonetheless, they are indirectly included and discussed
concerns. Out of the 93 (=100%) written answers collected, the pro- in the discussion in section 5. The seven suggested categories are
cesses and suitability of materials used in additive manufacturing a representation of the concerns of students, restorers and acade-
(32%) is their biggest concern. Concerns about the lack of know- mics active in the field. It is therefore possible readers have other
ledge to perform a qualitative virtual reconstruction (21%) are also concerns or experiences or have come across other limitations.
a major setback for many respondents, as well as concerns about the
applicability of these methods (11%), ethical considerations (12%),
4. Literature study
the required work and costs (11%), the managing and storage of
data (9%) and concerns about the expected results compared to the
4.1. Materials & methods
traditional approach (3%). More specific subjects within these cate-
gories are presented in Fig. 7, next to additional concerns found in A literature study was conducted to find all of the relevant, docu-
the literature study. These concerns will be discussed in section 5. mented restoration projects where 3D technologies assisted in the
reconstruction and restoration of a CH artefact with missing parts.
3.3. Discussion Because this subject balances on the verge of art, science and
technology, rather than a broad array of keywords, we decided to
Although it seems like a great amount of people has been rea- focus on a diverse set of search engines. Scientific peer-reviewed
ched, the actual number of people who received the call is unclear databases (Web of Science, Scopus, ACM Digital Library, IEEE
because respondents may not be engaged online during distri- Xplore, ScienceDirect, ISPRS Archives) were consulted in addition to
bution and online information is easily flooded. Nonetheless, we scientific non peer-reviewed databases (Google scholar, Research-
believe the targeted audience in the mentioned online community Gate, Academia) and art and restoration related databases (Jstor,
is more likely to filling in a questionnaire because they are involved CoOL, AATA, ICOM-CC, CeROArt). To broaden the search to the non-
in these groups and have chosen to become a member to be updated academic field and as such verify the use of 3D technologies in
on art conservation related events, information and research. The the professional CR practice, the same keywords were also ente-
tendency towards filling in the questionnaire also depends on whe- red in Google. Based upon the elements that should be included, an
ther or not they already have experience with these technologies. initial keyword search was conducted in the publication pool: the
Moreover, Fig. 3 shows how most of the respondents are affiliated articles should handle about the use of 3D or digital technologies
with a mainly 3D material. It shows indirectly who is interested for restoration of cultural heritage (‘3D digital restoration cultu-
in the topic and it therefore gives an indication for the kind of ral heritage’). Because of the often national characteristics of these
objects (mainly 3D specialties) that qualify for a virtual recons- type of publications some translations were made such as ‘Stampa
truction. Therefore, the discussed results are a representation of 3D restauro’ (Italian) and ‘3D printen restauratie’(Dutch). The term
respondents interested in the topic, but might not be representative ‘3D scanning’ was avoided because this would give too much cases
for the whole profession. where only data acquisition was employed. Phrases such as ‘art
Because being a restorer is not a regulated occupation, the popu- restoration’ or ‘cultural heritage’ were always added for filtering
lation size and response rate is hard to identify. To determine the results from the medical and industrial field. Lastly, the focus was
reached population we can base ourselves upon the highest number set on objects conservation and not on built heritage, however, if
of members in a reached group (n = 9335), or upon official numbers found and applicable, such cases were included because of its rele-
of members of an international institution such as ICOM-CC, which vant methodology. This way, 40 articles were found. By collecting
has over 3000 members (n = 3000) [60]. Therefore, with a confi- all their keywords, a word cloud was generated in order to show

L. Acke et al. Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

the frequency of the keywords. Based on the word cloud, a second because there was no after picture, or finishing steps (e.g. method of
search was executed with other relevant keywords, which provided attachment) were not mentioned. Some online webpages report on
six more articles. Consequently, a back- and forward search provi- a promising methodology and showed a case study as an example,
ded eight articles. Two documents were sent privately to the first without providing much details on the object or the followed proce-
author of this article. The following keywords and combinations dure [84,89]. Nonetheless, these articles were included because of
thereof were entered in the search: their relevant applied methodology. The amount and quality of the
information provided in the articles highly depends on the back-
• 3D, technology ground of the authors and on the type of publication. Generally, the
• Virtual, digital webpages are limited in describing the workflow, while technical
• Computer aided, model, modelling authors provide less context on the artefact and decision-making
• Printing, additive manufacturing, rapid prototyping, digital fabrica- for restoration.
tion An equal amount of stone cases and ceramics cases were docu-
• Art, restoration, conservation, cultural heritage mented; both 16 cases or each 25% of the total of cases. This is
followed by wood (18%), metal (12%), glass (6%), murals (5%), bone
Articles found in the consecutive searches were selected based (3%), wax (3%), paper (2%) and shells (2%). The most common object
upon the achievement of producing the physical filling for loss types were sculptures (45%, including statues, putti or cherubs,
compensation. A first assessment was based on title and abstract. figurines, and funerary and fountain sculptures), ornaments (28%,
Thereafter the article was read and the goal of the intervention or including building ornaments such as roof-end tiles, mouldings and
research was defined. As such, based upon the categorisation of plinths), tableware (17%, including vessels, bowls, pots, jugs, and
Barack [66], we could (i) include cases for loss compensation and vases) and building components (3%). Other object types included
(ii) exclude cases for secondary support, reproductions or replicas a crown, artificial paper tree leaves, a mask, a skull and part of a ske-
of the digital models and virtual restorations that remain vir- leton (8%). The percentages of the materials are presented in Fig. 6
tual or have been replicated. A final category (‘other’) was added and can be compared to Fig. 3 in which the material specialties of
which encompasses case studies with decorative objects that have the questionnaire’s respondents is depicted. These percentages are
missing parts but which are not related to art restoration. These quite similar: mainly 3D object types made out of materials such
cases may have had a different aesthetic, ethical and/or practical as stone, ceramics, metal and wood were documented. However,
approach compared to conventional treatments and were there- more stone object case studies were noticed compared to the per-
fore excluded. However, it is worth mentioning that cases with a centage of respondents with a stone affiliation. On the other hand,
purpose of secondary support are often very similar in materials the amount of glass object case studies is much lower because of
and procedures and can be relevant for this research. The search the co-occurrence with respondents who checked ceramics as a
was not based upon this goal, so the acquired articles may not be material specialty.
exhaustive, and they were therefore excluded from this research.
Subsequently, the articles were classified based upon their
scientific relevance, including peer review and type of publication. 4.3. Discussion
This information is presented in Table 1, in addition to the material
Many case studies have been found, but it is highly plausible
and type of object under restoration. Because of the diversity of the
much more studies and restorations have already been executed,
findings and their sources (no more than two articles were found
especially taking in account that 44% of the respondents has had
within the same journal) it was found impossible to sort the docu-
experience with 3D technologies. Only the cases reported in scienti-
ments based upon their five-year impact factor, h-index or CORE
fic or popular literature can be found through scientific and generic
rank. Instead, the number of citations mentioned in Google scholar
databases. Moreover, it is possible some cases have been overloo-
proved to be the most reliable method for comparing the impact of
ked because they are only a minor part of a research article or
articles from both the journals and conference proceedings. Atten-
they have not been found because they are written in a language
tion should be paid, because the actual number of citations is often
other than English. However, articles in Italian, Spanish, Dutch,
lower in scientific peer-reviewed databases.
French, German, and Korean have been found and were included
In order to find answers or solutions for the main concerns
after translation. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations in the
expressed in the survey (section 3.2), the articles were read, coded
described methodology of some articles is plausible due to imper-
and analysed in qualitative data analysis software Nvivo 12 Pro.
fections in the translations. One article written in Persian [136] was
disregarded because of the language barrier. Two other Chinese
4.2. Results
articles [137,138] were found, but were unavailable for downloa-
ding, because of unclear pay walls. These three articles are not
Based upon the goal of intervention, 56 articles were selected,
included in the literature study, but they are worth mentioning
yielding a total of 65 case studies (Table 1). Included in the selec-
because they may contain valuable information.
ted amount of cases are articles which reported the restoration
of multiple objects [67–69], and articles which reported different
approaches for the same or another similar object (marked with 5. Discussion of the main concerns
‘(2)’ in Table 1) [70–72]. Some cases fit both in the category loss
compensation and secondary support [51,73,74] and were inclu- What follows is an elaboration of the main concerns which have
ded in the category loss compensation. Some articles report on emerged from the survey, and for which answers were found in the
two or more ways of reconstructing the missing part, but do not literature study, and if applicable, in other references. The expres-
state which method ultimately has been applied [75,76] and other sed concerns and their answers are of paramount importance to
articles report on the restoration of multiple objects with exactly make 3D technologies available, safe, compatible and approachable
the same methodology [77,78]. These articles are each represented for the restorer and the CR practice. It is important to bear in mind
by one case study. Not all cases were confirmed to be executed. Two that seeing the advantages or disadvantages of 3D technologies is
cases were not finished, because future research was necessary [79] often a matter of perspective and available resources. The cases
or the completion was only temporary [80]. In other cases, it was found in literature mostly express positives experiences, but it is
unclear if the restoration was finished or not [43,69,76,77,81–88], likely that negative experiences have preceded this.

L. Acke et al.
Table 1
Collected articles which are, based upon their goals of intervention, included or excluded from the literature study. Further categorised based upon their scientific relevance (# for number of citations)
and defined by their material and object type. [92,96,97,118,122–135]

Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

L. Acke et al. Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

Fig. 6. Amount of case studies, per material specialty, found in literature. For comparison, the same categories of materials, scale and colours are used as in Fig. 3. Here, the
‘Other’ category includes the case studies with wax, bone and shells.

Fig. 7. Main concerns expressed by the respondents (black) and found in the literature study (grey).

The results of the literature study regarding the seven dis- composition not only differs from one AM process to the other, but
cussed main concerns (arguments con) and arguments pro 3D also from one manufacturer to the other. This variety makes com-
technologies, solutions, research or proposals are also available prehensive testing for suitability and objectively comparing the
as informative mind maps. These can be consulted online in the results challenging. Efforts have been made to test these materials
supplementary material (appendix C), or by visiting https://www. for suitability in CR by performing an Oddy test onto mainly FDM Acke/research. An example of such a samples [141,142]. Moreover, the American Institute for Conser-
mind map is given in Fig. 8, for the concern ‘Required work and vation has included some 3D printing materials in their Oddy
costs’. tested Materials database [143]. Although a limited amount of prin-
ting materials, passed the test and may be (temporarily) used, we
should bear in mind that this testing method was devised for use in
5.1. Printing process and materials
museum storage and packaging and not specifically for use in res-
toration. Therefore, Oddy test approved materials are worth trying
Only a limited amount of restoration interventions can be
out in practical restoration but long-term results for durable resto-
aided with 3D technologies. Of these cases, only a limited amount
rations may differ because of the different application.
includes the possible digital manufacturing of lost parts. Nonethe-
In the case studies the use of thermoplastic polymers (FDM)
less, the respondents considered the 3D printing process and its
filled with wood fibers [71,94,109] or stone powder [91] was noti-
materials to be the biggest concern.
ced. They have the advantage of a visual appearance which may
There are seven official 3D printing or Additive Manufacturing
be similar to that of the artefact, while the material properties
(AM) process categories. For a complete overview we refer to the
are more similar to the used polymer. Before applying the recons-
ASTM standard [139] and the 3D printing guide of 3D Hubs [140].
truction on a wooden frame, Cricchio [94] has artificially aged two
Five AM processes have been found in the case studies. Apart from
samples of wood filled filament and one styrene filament, prepa-
the 3D print being used as a draft, intermediary or final production,
red with adhesives and aggregates for evaluating the alterations
the number of times each AM process was used in those case studies
regarding decolourisation, deformation and detachment of the pre-
is indicated between brackets: Vat polymerisation (Stereolithogra-
paration layers. One of the wood filled filaments achieved the best
phy (SLA) (13)), Material extrusion (Fused Deposition Modelling
resistance to physico-chemical stress. However, Pamer [141] has
(FDM) (24) and cement-mortar based extrusion (1)), Material Jet-
researched wood, stone and bronze filled filaments with Thermal
ting (MJ) (11) (including Gel Dispensing Printing (1)), Binder jetting
Desorption and coupled Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
(BJ) (7) and Powder Bed Fusion (Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) (3)).
(TDS-GC/MS) for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s). It was repor-
This demonstrates the popularity of FDM, SLA, MJ and BJ. FDM is
ted that because of the emission of VOC’s, they, similar to the
the most popular because it is a low-cost and widely available pro-
other FDM filaments (except for a researched co-polyester and a
cess [77,78]. SLA and MJ are known for producing detailed, accurate
PET filament), induce a potential risk to archaeological and cultural
prints, with minimal layer visibility, which makes it suitable for
heritage objects and that they should be avoided in long-term use.
aesthetic restorations [68,69,95]. BJ is often chosen because of its
Cimino et al. [144] mentions the possibility of swelling of the fila-
gypsum or sand like surface and thus its similarity with stone or
ments because of water absorption, which also induces a risk to the
ceramic objects [67,90,100].
object. In addition, Cimino et al. employed Thermogravimetric Ana-
In addition to these AM processes, a vast array of printing
lysis (TGA), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in Attenuated
materials (including thermoplastic polymers, thermosets photopo-
Total Reflection (FTIR-ATR) and Pyrolis Gas Chromatography/Mass
lymers and composite polymers) can be distinguished, of which the

L. Acke et al. Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

Spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) for classifying the various VOC’s detec- to regain strength. Besides this, one can incorporate a retouching
ted in filaments. Although reliable results have been obtained, the strategy in their design process, such as providing a decrease in
researches of Pamer [141] and Cimino et al. [144] were limited to surface level, in order to apply a traditional finishing layer. This
respectively 13 and 14 samples, used in one AM process: FDM. way, the final surface appearance can be controlled [114]. Limi-
Comparing these results to the aforementioned array of possible ted research was found on the application of ground layers or
printing materials, it shows the impossibility to characterise them retouching media on 3D printing materials. The research of Cric-
all, especially taking into account manufacturing differences. This chio [94] showed some tests on three FDM-filaments, including
remains a problem and the idea of constructing a list of poten- artificial ageing on samples prepared with a ground layer next to
tial safe materials by performing more detailed research has been a coating and absorbance test for retouching media. For general
suggested by both Cimino et al. [145] and Cricchio [94]. applications, post-processing for FDM, SLA and SLS printed parts
The choice of material used in digital manufacturing also can include spray painting or application of epoxies or acrylic paints
depends on the goal: the production of either a draft, interme- [148]. However, more research is needed regarding the compati-
diary or as a final product for loss compensation. Polymer printing bility, adherence, aging and deterioration of traditional CR media
materials can be generally accepted for draft and intermediary pro- applied on 3D prints.
duction to assist in the process of reconstructing the missing parts The size of the build area can be a limitation, but this can be
but are to be avoided for final production because of the unknown helped by post-processing [76] by for example cold welding or
composition, aging and deterioration. Yet, and as also supported gluing [87,149]. Alternatively, specialised 3D print service com-
by the amount of case studies, performing a 3D printed restoration panies often possess customised printers with larger build beds
onto inorganic surfaces induces less risk than attaching a 3D print [150]. New printing processes and materials are constantly being
onto or near organic surfaces. An overview of the placement of 3D developed, some of which may be very suitable for use in restora-
prints onto or near organic or inorganic surfaces is documented in tion. Xu et al. [116] demonstrated Material Extrusion with mortar,
Table 2. In any case, care must be taken when placing these res- Ferello [84] reported on the creation of customisable 3D printed
tored objects near other fragile or organic objects and systematic moulds for concrete and Sismaitalia [89] used Gel Dispensing Prin-
observation is advised [70,144]. Multiple cases have been reported ting for reproducing sizable building ornaments. Considering these
using a polymer 3D print directly on an organic surface. In these explorations and expansions of 3D technologies for use in CH and
cases, close observation is strongly advised, and dismantling might CR, next to the rapid evolvement [79,104], the available 3D prin-
be desired. ting materials and techniques [78], and the increasing affordability
For the final production, at this time, the only 100% safe [66,108], we can conclude 3D technologies will become more and
options to ensure compatibility with the original materials include more available for the CR practice.
using known materials in combination with indirect printing
(e.g. 3D printing moulds [70,76,86,87,99], recasting in an inert 5.2. Required knowledge
material [66,71,93], lost wax casting [72,73,119]) or the use of
known materials for subtractive manufacturing (e.g. wood, stone,...) According to our survey, the required prior knowledge for qua-
[85,88,102,113,117]. Another option could be the use of similar and litative performance of the digital tasks is a second major concern.
compatible materials (e.g. ceramic and metal printing) although These necessary skills often have to be sought elsewhere, by col-
there might be other limitations, such as shrinkage and deforma- laboration [70,78,85,91,100] or outsourcing [68,79,83]. However,
tion and possible residual elements. for reasons such as availability or costs, this might not always be
The uncertainty about the cost, quality and accuracy of AM pro- possible. Of the studied articles, 39% has executed the research by
cesses can be countered by metrological comparisons with the direct collaboration with a 3D company or a technical department
digital file, which evaluates the accuracy and consistency of AM of a university (IT, product design, engineering). 32% achieved an
products and materials [104]. Several case studies [73,98] proved independent execution of the project and 13% percent relied on
to be cost saving while the accuracy of the result was positively collaboration with other CH or CR experts (CR practice, museum,
highlighted. Generally, digital manufacturing technologies have CH or CR university, including architecture departments or compa-
improved much over the last years and it can be assured an accu- nies). The remaining 16% are restorations or research executed by
rate, consistent and qualitative print will be obtained [104,107]. 3D companies or technical departments which seemingly did not
Mostly, if an inferior print has been produced, the problem may be include CH or CR experts. They overcome the digital challenges and
the quality of the digital file itself, perhaps originating from a low they provide new insights, but they often lack the ethical consi-
resolution 3D scan or inaccurate digital modelling [114,146]. derations and decision-making deep-rooted in CH and CR expert
Another concern is the post-processing of 3D printed parts and knowledge.
resulting loss in surface quality and details. As mentioned, most The creation of a 3D model and the subsequent steps towards
and some specifically (SLA and MJ, because of their low layer thi- restoration is, as Wefers et al. [151] states, a multidisciplinary task.
ckness) are capable of producing very detailed results with a high The detailed requirements are set by CH experts, but the task itself
surface quality and therefore they do not require intensive sur- is often executed by technical experts. Principle 1 of the Seville Prin-
face post-processing [69,95,100]. Others, such as FDM, are known ciples specifically highlights the interdisciplinarity for any project
to have a visible stair stepping effect. This effect is AM process executed with 3D technologies [3]. Both Hawotte [121] and Antlej,
category dependent and can be avoided or minimalised by setting Eric et al. [152] have clarified the need for education and for more
a lower layer thickness [147]. Although a low layer thickness of knowledge about the requirements and limitations of these tech-
16 ␮m can be achieved with the PolyJet technique (MJ) Beentjes nologies. Antlej, Eric et al. [152] specifically stated the information
et al. [72] advises to slow down the printing process to minimalize is often too technical for CH experts and they are primarily interes-
the stair stepping effect. If the virtual reconstruction is properly ted in the final result. However, qualitative use of 3D technologies
designed, a limited amount of post-processing is required, regard- requires insight not only in the properties of the CH artefact but also
less of the AM process. Removing necessary support material is knowledge about the specifications of the employed devices. This
the most common post-processing step, but for some printing lack of knowledge can lead to misconception between expectations
processes, soluble support material can be used [98,119]. Some and reality in terms of workload, costs, time, risks and final results.
AM processes do not require support material, but they require To bridge the gap between the CH experts and the 3D experts,
other post-processing steps, such as post-curing or consolidation Hawotte [121] advocates the constitution of a new profession, a

L. Acke et al. Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

Table 2
Distinction based upon organic or inorganic CH objects and the application of a 3D print or alternative as a final product.
The number of case studies in one article is indicated between brackets, references connected with a line represents different
approaches reported in the same article.

go between, balancing between the field of CH and technological cessful or not. Therefore, this research also aims to bring forth an
innovations. As mentioned in Principle 8 of the Seville Principles, a overview of this knowledge, for restorers to be able to obtain the
more durable solution should therefore be sought in setting op edu- relevant information to manage or perform digital tasks.
cational programs within the existing art conservation programs
[3]. 5.3. Applicability
In this regard, many research articles cover the aspect of digital
acquisition of CH artefacts [153–156] and more and more guide- It was stated by the respondents of our survey that 3D technolo-
lines and manuals specifically composed for the CH community gies have limited use in CR work. As explained in Principle 2 of the
are made available online. Examples include the manual of EULAC London Charter [2], 3D technologies cannot and should not replace
Museums on photogrammetry for digitisation of CH [157], as well traditional treatments but as explained in section 2.2 and 2.3 of this
as the guidelines and case studies provided by the 3D-ICONS project article, 3D models can serve multiple purposes before, during and
[158]. Furthermore, 3D companies have every benefit of designing after restoration projects.
their devices in such a way a broad audience can employ their pro- It may seem as 3D technologies have limited applications within
ducts (e.g. automatic post-processing with Artec 3D devices and the more 2D range of materials (e.g. paintings, paper, murals, tex-
Artec Studio software [159]). In these cases, limited knowledge tiles,..), but it is important to keep an open mind as a plethora of
is required for an acceptable result. To our knowledge, no speci- possibilities is hidden in these technologies and new applications
fic guidelines are available for digital modelling of missing pieces, emerge every day. To give some examples; digital knitting may be
although in the computational domain advanced reconstruction suitable for losses in historic garments, Layered Object Manufactu-
strategies based on spatial geometric features prove to be pro- ring (LOM or Selective Deposition Lamination (SDL)), which makes
mising for restoration purposes [160,161]. From the documented use of layers of paper, may be used for restoration of objects made
case studies it is clear that digital sculpting (e.g. ZBrush, Mesh- out of papier-mâché and recent research [164] has enabled the 3D
mixer, Blender,. . .) is more often used compared to traditional CAD, printing of paintings with the right gloss, colour and topography,
NURBS or polygon based modelling. Trying out different software which opens up possibilities in paintings conservation.
packages will give more insight into the characteristics which are It is true that 3D technologies may not be suitable for every
of importance for reconstruction [79]. However, digital sculpting object; every object is unique and so is every restoration. This is true
can be considered the most intuitive. It allows the usage of a haptic for traditional treatments and it is also challenging to generalise
device, similar to holding a paintbrush, which facilitates the free the virtual restoration’s digital workflow. However, it is possible to
form sculpting of volumes [104,111]. Moreover, hybrid modelling order the steps on a relative scale to the moment in the restoration
strategies have been documented frequently in the case studies, timeline. These structures can provide a support during the virtual
switching from digital to traditional modelling (sculpting, casting restoration. Examples are given by Zhang et al. [81], who has com-
and moulding) and vice versa [66,72,87,93,115]. An example of such posed restoration process chain maps, Kalasarinis and Koutsoudis
a hybrid conversion is shown in the case documented by Hayes [78] who described their pipeline from digital acquisition to fitting
et al. [85], which reports the replacement of a deteriorated stone the 3D printed pieces in the object and a conceptual framework
relief sculpture by digitisation of the current state, digital fabrica- of the ‘life cycle of a digitally restored object’ has been proposed
tion of a foam model on which clay repairs are manually sculpted, in Acke et al. [65]. The latter will be the subject of future research
digitisation, digital fabrication in sandstone and hand finishing the in which this conceptual framework will function as a structure to
sculpture. With regards to preparing a digital file for 3D printing, organise the possibilities within each step of the digital workflow.
general rules apply such as importing a watertight model (in a. stl In addition to the necessary multi- and interdisciplinary work,
file), checking and fixing errors, support generation, slicing, and restorers faced with difficulty in finding the right methodology can
exporting the G-code to the printer [162]. Exploring such, often benefit from the discussed restoration cases as these cases can be
open source, software (e.g. Ultimaker Cura, PrusaSlicer, Formlabs seen as a source of inspiration for novel treatments. Table 1 can as
PreForm,. . .) aids to understand these parameters and it also helps such give a first direction for finding restoration cases with a similar
to see the printer’s capabilities, such as layer and wall thicknesses. object type and/or material properties. Moreover, the importance
Despite these efforts to make 3D technologies more known of research, documentation and dissemination of the results, for
and accessible, a learning curve will remain. In article 3.8 of the example for testing and evaluating new techniques or searching for
ICOM-CC Definition of the Profession [163] it is written that “the low-cost solutions, is indispensable [77,165]. Furthermore, papers
conservator-restorer cannot be an expert in art or cultural history, mentioned in section 2.2 and 2.3 cover many aspects on digitisation
chemistry, and/or other natural or human sciences”. It is clear that and digital manufacturing for CH, often including technical aspects
nowadays, we can add 3D technologies as another expertise. Each such as resolution and accuracy, next to suitable (open source) soft-
project generates knowledge to this expertise, whether it was suc- ware and visual comparisons of different systems. In section 5.2

L. Acke et al. Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

some possibilities for hybrid and digital modelling strategies have that 3D printed materials are lighter [76,78] and as a temporary
been discussed. Eventually, the choices that are made are highly material they are less harmful compared to for example traditional
dependent on the properties and morphology of the object itself plaster or silicones intermediaries [78,86].
and the final expected result [73,113]. One concern of the respondents was that 3D technologies will
cause a loss of value of the traditional craftsmanship. As restorers,
5.4. Ethical considerations we try to ensure the longevity of cultural heritage and we seek
adequate ways of doing this. Because of its existence, synthetic
Decision-making can be considered the first important step in materials were used in the 20th century and research has ensu-
both a traditional and in a virtual restoration process. These deci- red the safe use of these products. Similarly, the 21th century can
sions are based upon professional guidelines, consisting out of bring us other opportunities, such as 3D technologies, of which we
ethical codes and defined by international charters composed by can take advantage and on the contrary use it as an alternative for
professional bodies [166–168], kept up to date by modern revi- the, perhaps inevitable, disappearing craftsmanship [83,116].
sions [169,170]. Included in the London Charter [2] is principle 4 on The legal framework, on the copyright of the files for example,
Documentation in which it is made clear that the purpose and the is not much discussed in the case studies, nor in the Principles
rationale (Knowledge Claims) of the computer-based visualisation of Seville and the London Charter. However, the articles gathered
(and by extension the virtual restoration) should be documented, in Di Giuseppantonio et al. [172] are, as previously mentioned, a
next to the research sources (Principle 3), the process and methods. good starting point. Included is the article of Jeffrey [173] which
To summarize, the most fundamental principles of the CR prac- highlights the definitions of authorship, ownership and copyright.
tice include maintaining the integrity and authenticity of CH, Koller et al. [174] discusses ways of preventing intellectual property
minimal intervention, usage of reversible, compatible and non- discussions for digital archives. In any case, from the start of any
harmful materials and methods, and complete documentation of project, clear understanding of these aspects is important to avoid
the treatment. In itself, these acknowledged principles do not misunderstanding.
change when a restoration is executed with the aid of 3D technolo- Finally, it must be noted that 3D printing technologies are not
gies. The question why to restore an CH object and reconstruct lost among the most ecological treatments. In the case studies it was
parts has to be answered before executing any treatment, whether argued that less waste material is produced [73,81] and that biopo-
it is a traditional or a digital process. As Khunti [146] advocates, lymers (PLA) [70] can be an environmental-friendly solution. On the
using 3D technologies should always be a well-considered and cer- downside, using biopolymers can in turn have consequences for the
tainly not an automatic choice. In addition to the known historical durability of the restoration, when exposed to heat, humidity and
charters on authenticity [166,171], the London Charter [2] and the microbes [175]. Recently, attention for sustainable CR treatments
Principles of Seville [3], Di Giuseppantonio et al. [172] provides a set has been raised [176], but to the authors knowledge a research
of reference texts regarding authenticity, CH and 3D reproductions based comparison between the sustainability of digitally aided res-
and reconstructions. Taking all of these guidelines in consideration, torations and traditional treatments, has not yet been published.
the decision-making process remains the same, with the only diffe-
rence that the execution can now include the possibility to use 3D 5.5. Required work and costs
technologies during treatment. In this regard, multi- and interdis-
ciplinary work [100,119] and critical evaluation [114] are essential The required work and precise costs are difficult to anticipate.
to ensure a qualitative result. Comparing with other projects can be helpful, but it should be kept
Provided with documentation on the object’s original state the in mind that dependency on the available equipment and skills of
authors actively choose for 3D technologies because of the various persons involved is high. It was argued by the respondents that
virtual reconstruction possibilities. These options can include vir- employing 3D technologies is costly and time consuming, while
tual anastylosis [51,103] and digital simulations [79,111,120] next many of the case studies advocate the cost [69,76,81,106] and
to 3D modelling options such as reconstructing complex shapes time saving aspects [69,70,81,87]. In addition, experienced users
[69,81,90,113], copying [68,99,112], mirroring [82,93,106,108], often state that the employed virtual methods are more efficient
scaling [72,99], accurate fitting on the fracture surfaces [102,104] [68,71,76,83] and less labour intensive [89,90,105,116], compa-
and usage of the 3D model as an alternative for moulding and red to traditional treatments. For example, a low-cost method can
casting [68,76,94]. Virtual reconstruction also allows performing be found in a low-cost 3D printing process, such as FDM, which
multiple copies, iterations and hypotheses [75,76,94,101] and functions as an intermediary mould to cast the reconstruction in
reproduction for future restorations [67,72]. These reconstruction a chosen material [87]. If 3D technologies are only occasionally
possibilities have the advantage of using the 3D model itself as a needed, outsourcing can be more time and cost effective [119].
source of documentation [87,113,114] and they can make it pos- Alternatively, buying the equipment can be considered in case of
sible to objectively reconstruct lost parts, exclude the unwittingly frequent use. A pilot project can provide insights to estimate the
subjective interpretation of the restorer, and therefore maintaining work and costs for the available resources. An example is set by
the authenticity [99]. Moreover, 3D technologies are often chosen Echavarria et al. [76], who compares direct versus indirect use of 3D
by the authors because they can make impossible restorations pos- printed ornamental mouldings with regards to expertise, surface
sible, such as fragile [79,87,98] or complex [81,90,107] objects, or quality, material, time and costs. These arguments pro 3D techno-
projects which would be costly and time consuming without the logies, along with some solutions, are presented in Fig. 8.
aid of 3D technologies [69,70,73,76].
The decision-making of the case studies, often mention 5.6. Managing and storage of data
the principles of reversibility [72,74,110,114], retractability or
recognisability [73,91,99,106], compatibility [72,73,103] and the Principle 5 of the London Charter prescribes the necessity to
advantage of limiting contact with the object [103,114]. The use foresee strategies for long-term sustainability of the digital files.
of 3D technologies as a less invasive method, which induces less Principle 4 extends this to all of the documentation, whether it
risk for (parts of) the object is a frequently stated argument concerns analogue or digital media [2]. Moreover, Principle 7 of
[70,72,73,75,98,103,106,111]. Furthermore, the work often does the Seville Principles, on scientific transparency mentions that all
not have to be done in situ, because the reconstruction process “paradata and metadata should be clear, concise and easily avai-
happens in a virtual environment [78,102]. It has also been argued lable” [3]. In the ICOMOS Principles for the recording of monuments,

L. Acke et al. Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

Fig. 8. One of the seven mind maps to assist the restorer in decision-making when considering 3D technologies.

groups of buildings and sites [177], guidelines are given regarding it to be a more efficient or easier method [68,71,76,83]. These
the recording of CH, including the archiving of the stable materials, research goals highlight the authors’ preferences in choosing 3D
in this case stable digital file formats, on which the recording has technologies over traditional approaches, based upon the avai-
been made. In the case studies little mention has been made regar- lable resources or personal skills. However, similar to traditional
ding the archiving or digital preservation of the used digital files. restoration methodologies, critical evaluation of the results is of
Hernández-Muñoz et al. [87] uploaded their result to Sketchfab and paramount importance, and the final results will depend upon the
Beentjes et al. [72] has anticipated the rapid evolvement of techno- skills of the restorer and/or the person responsible for the digital
logy data by moulding the 3D printed reconstructions and casting tasks [114]. Inferior results are therefore not necessarily caused by
it, to preserve the used data in a stable manner. The casts were pla- the employed methods, but often by a combination of the human
ced inside the restored sculpture, along with two CD’s, one with the and digital resources involved. It is therefore crucial to have a clear
treatment report and one with a copy of the 3D models. and mutual understanding of the project and its goal when outsour-
Similar to the respondents concerns, Tsiafaki and Michailidou cing the digital tasks. On the other hand, if the virtual restoration
[178] mention research challenges such as longevity, compatibi- happens in house, it is important to understand the specifications
lity, accessibility, updating and rapid evolvement. The transience of the employed materials, equipment and software [119].
of data is discussed by Koller et al. [174] and briefly by Jeffrey A solution to deal with possible inferior results is to apply a
[173]. Data storage not only includes archiving, but also long-term hybrid approach in which traditional techniques are combined with
curating and this aspect should be considered before starting a virtual methods and can as such influence the final result. By for
project. Furthermore, Tsiafaki and Michailidou [178] suggest clo- example incorporating a retouching strategy in the design process,
ser collaboration between IT and archaeologists (and by extension it is possible to apply a traditional finishing and as such mimic a
other CH experts) and the Archaeology Data Service/Digital Anti- traditional approach [85,114]. Similarly to comparing work and
quity has disclosed Guides to Good Practice, including a guide on 3D costs involved, a pilot project can be valid for estimating virtual
models in Archaeology [179] to inform the CH expert on this topic. or hybrid reconstructions [75,76]. In this regard Brown [99] repor-
Next to the advantages and the importance of digital preservation, ted their concerns about 3D scanning a porcelain fountain and the
Niven and Richards [180] mention that metadata on the digital files glaze which would not allow the scanner to capture the subtle-
should include documentation on who made the files, what are ties of detailing in the original object. By 3D printing a portion of
the files and when, where and how they were made. Furthermore, the scan, they could visually compare the same original section
the Guides to Good Practice includes metadata specifications for on the fountain and noticed no loss of details. Zhang et al. [81]
common 3D scanning techniques such as structured light scanning verified the digitally manufactured reconstruction, next to a tra-
[181], laser scanning [182] and photogrammetry [183]. ditional approach, by a couple of experts and non-experts. Virtual
In perspective of long-term preservation, the rapid evolvement reconstructions also allow for digital simulations, which can pro-
of technologies is certainly a cause of concern. However, new tech- vide insights on improvements of the virtual restoration and after
nologies can also mean new opportunities [79,104]. Short term which a mock-up or draft print can be used to visually evaluate the
future perspectives may include improvements in technical spe- reconstruction, before final production [111,120].
cifications, improvement of 3D printing material stability or novel
printing materials and enabling low-cost and easy-to-use aspects
6. Conclusion
of the techniques.
Lastly, managing big data files during the process of virtual res- In order to provide insights on the application of 3D techno-
toration is a common issue. Some practical solutions can be found logies in objects conservation and restoration, a state of the art
in reducing file sizes, by reducing the amount of polygons in the was presented on the use of 3D models in conservation and res-
3D model. A high reduction can be executed for temporary work toration work. A survey was set up with the objective to research
files, while a small reduction might be necessary to seek a compro- the point of view, experience and concerns of the restorer on the
mise between workability and minimal impact on the resolution application of 3D technologies in restoration projects. For the prac-
of the 3D model. Another option is to combine high and low poly tical application, a literature study was conducted to find all of the
models during the process of digital modelling and reconstruction peer and non peer-reviewed literature on how 3D technologies can
[79]. If possible, upgrading your computer to adequate specifica- assist restoration cases for loss compensation. The survey showed
tions [68,77,87,110] might be the best solution, taking in account a positive trend towards 3D technologies; the respondents think
the tasks that will be performed on the computer. 3D technologies can be useful in restoration work and almost half
of the respondents has had experience with either 3D scanning,
5.7. Digital vs traditional results digital modelling or digital manufacturing. However, the survey
also pointed out the fact that there are still serious concerns in
In the documented case studies, 3D technologies were used for the application of 3D technologies. The most common concern is
goals such as making more accurate reconstructions [81,94], brin- the uncertainty about the suitability of the 3D printing materials.
ging back the aesthetic harmony or morphology [73,99], improving The required prior knowledge, the applicability, ethical considera-
previous reconstructions [90,95] or because the authors believe tions, required work and costs, managing and storage of data, and

L. Acke et al. Journal of Cultural Heritage 49 (2021) 272–288

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amount of concerns expressed by the respondents show a lack of imaging sensors in industry, cultural heritage, medicine, and criminal inves-
tigation, Sensors. 9 (2009) 568–601,
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