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6 Performing Fault Analysis in PSS/E

7.6.1 Selecting Faults

The user selects the faults to be simulated using the Fault>Solve and report network with
unbalances (SCMU/SCOP)... option shown in Initiation Selection of Unbalanced Faults. This
will open the Multiple Simultaneous Unbalances dialog shown in Multiple Simultaneous
Unbalances Dialog.

Figure 7-19. Initiation Selection of Unbalanced Faults

The dialog is divided into three main areas. The first is a series of tabs; one for each type of
unbalance. Selection of a tab will open the appropriate data selection menus for the type of
fault selected and provide a Select check box for the user to confirm selection of the

re 7-20. Multiple Simultaneous Unbalances Dialog
The second area is at the right hand end of the dialog where the status of selections is shown.
This enables the user to see which unbalances have been selected, which have been disabled
by previous selections and which selections remain available.

The third area, in the lower let of the dialog, (see Selection of DC, FACTS and Transformer
Impedance Correction Treatment) facilitates the selection of treatment for DC lines and
FACTS devices and of the transformer impedance correction in the zero sequence (see
Detailed Fault Calculation Models for DC Lines and FACTS Devices).

Figure 7-21. Selection of DC, FACTS and Transformer Impedance Correction Treatment

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