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The bond between Indigenous people and the land is frequently

very spiritual and intricate. Character interactions with the

natural world, customs, or their perception of the land as a living
thing could all be examples of how this is portrayed in Skraeling.
The respectful coexistence of characters or their reliance on
animals for cultural practices and sustenance can also serve as
a means of depicting the interconnection with animals.The
transfer of oral traditions, storytelling, or other cultural practices
from elders to younger generations can be used as an example
of how Skraeling culture is transmitted across generations. This
preserves a comprehensive knowledge of the history and ideals
of the community.Perspectives on the environment are one area
where Indigenous and Western ways of knowing diverge. While
Western perspectives may be more inclined toward resource
extraction or exploitation, Indigenous perspectives frequently
emphasize harmony and reciprocity with nature.

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