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Imagine a world where people are consumed by a destructive obsession, a habit that promises

excitement and thrill but delivers only despair and ruin.

So, what exactly is the negative gambling on people?

Let me tell you the negative of gambling on people is that it can exploit vulnerable individuals and
lead to harmful consequences such as financial ruin, strained relationships, as well as stress anxiety
and depression if gambling becomes a problem. Gambling can become an addiction, just like drugs
or alcohol, if you use it compulsively or feel out of control.

For example, when your relationships don’t work out anymore you might feel very emotional and
can lead to depression which end up can making you lost your life.

Gambling can also be a risk in your life So how can gambling be a risk in your life?

There’s a very high risk when you decided to gambling you’ll lost everything what I mean is by losing
your friend and family your job and your house soon after and losing all your saving as well and it
could also take a very high risk of leading you to serious mantle health or leading you to death It’s
very important to stay away from all of those gambling specially when you have a family to take care

As I mention Gambling also can affect the person around you and affect your relationships or
friendships the question is How may Gambling affected the person around us and our relationships
or friendships with anyone?

Gambling will make you look bad if you’re very addicted to it you’ll lose your friend trust or anyone
trust since you gambling They might look down on you and does not give you respect at all they’ll
also spread rumour about you and that can lead to you losing your friend and losing the person you
love since you get so addicted to gambling and did not have time for your family or other person
around you.

And how can gambling Affected your brain?

Gambling can affected your brain such as affecting your knowledge affecting your mind set and it
can affected your brain cell and can lead us to death affecting your mind set is like affecting the thing
inside you without your mind set you wouldn’t be able to think well and can also lead us to craziness.
Lastly it could affect our memory for example after gambling for along time your brain might have
some damage on it and it could damage your memory and you’ll try to remember it back but it’ll
damaged a little by a little because of how hard you try to memorize it there’s 50/50 chance that you
could memorize it back.

And gambling could also affected our everyday activities and everyone might ask How will gambling
affected our everyday activities?

After wasting a lot of hour and minutes on gambling you might affect your everyday activities like you
forgot to do the housework or hang out with friend or play your favourite sport you’ll know how
addicted it is when you enter the stage of gambling even though you remember the activities your
going to do you also met an optical which is you will be very tired and frustrated to even do your
everyday activities.

So have anyone died from gambling?

The answer is yes According to the World Health Organization there has been one million suicides
each year and five percent are related to compulsive gambling. Suicides happen when they suffer a
large amount of loss so they think that’s the only choice to end it.

And lastly there’s also a way of cure the addiction of gambling as well you probably wondering How
could a person so addicted to gambling can cure themselves?Let me tell you How and It’s very simple
but it’ll take sometime to manage to get the addiction off firstly you should find someone you trust
or someone you have your hope in that you think he/she can help you and tell them the whole story
about it, It might not work very early but its take time to be able to be normal again. Secondly Get all
your focus and considerate on yourself more than other don’t take other negative energy with you
think of positive and you soon will succeed it. Thirdly don’t waste your time just sitting and think will
the strategy work or not. Take action immediately Just don’t question it just do it.

Lastly don’t think about it’s too late to rebuild yourself just don’t worry about it, it’s not too late for
anyone else to rebuild themselves you’re not alone that you think of giving up but one advice is
never given up keep pushing forward until you succeed it if you needed a little rest just do it but
don’t waited too long take action immediately when you feel ready.

In conclusion: The negative of gambling on people is very serious now a day but our community
seems to not care enough about the person is gambling and dealing with their whole life situation
and their mantle health right now I think our community need to step up and take action ,gave
motivation toward the gambler and advice to them to stop them from gambling and stop the suicide
to prevent them from ending their own life again I think our community should take matter to our
hand right now..

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