Root of Islam and The Reason Behind Sectarianism

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Root of Islam and the Reason behind Sectarianism

Root of Islam:-
Root of Islam exists within the book of Almighty Allah (the Quran), the Hadiths of the Last
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the path followed by colleagues of the Last Prophet (PBUH).
The Holy Quran is the speech of Almighty Allah and the Hadiths of the Last Prophet (PBUH) is
the explanation of the Holy Quran.
Here I will give arguments from the Holy Quran and Hadiths of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to
prove the fact that root of Islam exists within the teachings of the Holy Quran and Hadiths of the
Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Almighty Allah says,
“Say, “Obey Allah and the Messenger.” But if they turn away – then indeed, Allah does not like
the disbelievers.” (Surah e Aal e Imran-32)
On the other place, Almighty Allah says,
“Oh you who have believed, obey Allah and the Messenger and those in authority among you.
And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in
Allah and the Last Day. That is the best (way) and best in result.” (Al Nisa-59)
As the Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in His Last Sermon,
“I am leaving behind myself such a thing that if you will tightly stretch it (i.e. follow strictly),
you will never leave the straight path (i.e. you’ll never be off track), and that thing is the Book of
Almighty Allah (i.e. the Holy Quran).”
On another location, the Last Prophet said that,
“Anyone from you who will be alive (after me) will find many controversies. Therefore, it is
necessary for you that you have to follow my path and my colleagues’ path, attached to both of
them and clutch them tightly. And avoid to make new paths because every new path is Biddah
and every Biddah is off track.” (Abu Dawood Hadith No. 4207)
On the basis of arguments mentioned above, everyone should be cleared about the root of Islam.
Anything other than the Quran and the sayings of the Last Prophet (PBUH) cannot be considered
as Islam. The path of colleagues of the Last Prophet (PBUH) is also considered as Islam because
they followed the Holy Quran and the Sayings of the Last Prophet (PBUH) in the real sense.
They are a perfect example of Believers. It should be clear that when there happens a
controversy among Muslims, they should contemplate on the Holy Quran and the Hadiths of the
Holy Prophets, they must not obey their will. If they will follow their own will, they will be
cursed by Almighty Allah and their abode will be fire of Jahannam. We should also follow those
people who took the message of Islam towards us. The Islamic scholars should be respected, if
they follow the root of Islam.
The Reason behind Sectarianism:-
What is sectarianism in religion? It is basically defined as the excessive devotion to a particular
sect which is perverted from the original teachings of the religion.
Allah clearly rebuffs divisions among the Muslims in the Holy Quran, stating: “strongly hold fast
on the rope of Allah, and not yet divided among sects.”
In Islam, the sectarianism started when the scholars and followers deviated from the teachings of
the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet (PBUH). They followed their own will and left the root of
Islam. They will be cursed by Almighty Allah and their abode will be fire of Jahannam. It is need
of the hour that we should avoid sectarianism and should strictly follow the root of Islam.
Sectarianism poured very dangerous impacts on the Muslim Ummah. Muslims started
humiliating and fighting with each other instead of fighting with the real enemies of Islam like
Jews, Christians and Idolaters. It spreads like ulcer in the Muslims and they started spoiling each
other. The Muslims divided due to this ulcer. The non-believers availed this opportunity and
poured oil on this fire by using corrupt Muslim scholars.
Abdullah ibn e Sabah was a Jewish, he entered to Muslims behaving an Islamic scholar to
decompress wrong beliefs in Muslim Ummah. Brothers, this is just one example which I am
mentioning in this article, we have so many examples of the scholars which is used by the non-
believers intentionally and unintentionally. We cannot know the mind and heart of any person,
but thanks to Almighty Allah, we have a standard to judge our own mind and heart. We should
judge ourselves to avoid deviance.
Basically, Islam is only one and there is not place of sect in Islam. We have to contemplate on
the Holy Quran and the Hadiths of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). As Allah says in the Holy Quran,
“And We have certainly made the Quran easy for remembrance, so is there any who will
remember?” (Surat-ul-Qamar-40) So it is very easy to get guidance from the Holy Quran, we just
need a bit effort. It was the path of old nations which are destroyed by Almighty Allah that they
never tried to contemplate on the miracle of the prophets of Allah. We should get deterrent from
those nations and should follow straight path and limitations prescribed by Allah and His
Prophet. It is better for us.
If we will not get deterrent from the teachings of Holy Quran and the Hadiths of Holy Prophet,
we will be a cursed by Allah like the others nations. We should not use the progress of non-
believers as an argument of their success. As Almighty Allah says, “And We certainly chose
them by knowledge over (all) the worlds.” (Surat-ud-Dukhaan-32) If we are progressed that is
not an argument of our success in the Last Day, we should try to find the right path on every step
of life.
Some scholars think that it is very difficult to get guidance from the Holy Quran, unfortunately
this attitude is very wrong. We should pray to Allah for shoeing us the straight path. And straight
path lies in the Holy Quran and the Hadiths of the Last Prophet (PBUH).

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