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Socialist Republic of VietNam

Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Group Meeting
Class section: K59N2
Subject: Speaking
Group: 8
I.Date, location
1.Date: 8:30 November 1, 2023
2.Location: Library 4th floor
II.Meeting Content
Number of participants: 4/4
Members evaluate and comment on the word did (previous leader had sent the word to
 Discuss reach a consensus discussion content : Talk about types of environmental
 Assignment of work, presentation slides and memorize lines to record videos.
3.The end of meeting
Evaluation meetings: meetings pretty good, everybody actively participates, funky.

HaNoi, November 1, 2023

Secretary Team Leader
Nhi Ngan
Nguyen Phuong Nhi Le Thu Ngan
Interviewer: Hello everyone. As we have known, environmental pollution has become
one of the pressing problems all over the world, capturing public attention. It refers to the
contamination of the natural environment by various pollutants, which can have
detrimental effects on ecosystems, human health, and the overall balance of nature.
Today, we will interview some people about the problem.

Interviewer: So we will talk to Air first. How was the pollution in the past and does it
change in the current time?

Air: In the past, the air was fresh and airy, but now it is no longer like that. Humans have
destroyed it so horribly that it is impossible to rebuild as it was before. A record number
of more than 6000 cities in 117 countries are now monitoring air quality but their
residents are still breathing dangerous levels of fine particles and nitrogen dioxide.

Interviewer: Is there any example for it?

Air: The Indonesia city of Jakarta has continuously ranked in the list of the 10 most air
polluted cities globally since May 2023. The city of Lahore in Pakistan is the most
polluted city in the world in 2022, the second most polluted after Lahore is Hoà Điền city
of China...And recently VietNam is also in the top of the most polluted countries in the
world, typically Hà Nội city in Cầu Giấy area. According to WHO, almost the entire
world air pollution (98%) is breathing polluted air.

Interviewer: I see. What do you think about what makes the causes of air pollution?

Air : The main cause of air pollution is human production activities, vehicles, waste
collecting and treatment activities. They emit toxic gases such as CO, CO2, SO2, VOCs,
etc, causing widespread air pollution.

Interviewer: That is indeed very sad. If this continues to happen, what are the
consequences of this action?
Air: People living in air polluted areas for a long time may suffer from respiratory
diseases such as allergies, pneumonia,...more dangerous than increasing the risk of
disease about heart disease, cancer, etc. According to the EU, more than 5 hundred
thousand people died from air pollution in 2021 and this number is constantly increasing.
Not only does it affect humans, but air pollution also produces a large amount of very
toxic fluorine gas that is harmful to many plant species. They will not have enough
oxygen for photosynthesis, causing the ability to transpirate to decrease, causing serious
damage. The disease is more prevalent.

Interviewer: Does the environment have to suffer the same consequence?

Air : Of course. They also cause many extreme weather and climate changes such as acid
rain, greenhouse effect, global warming, melting ice…
Interviewer: Do you have solutions for this?

Air: To prevent pollution from these sources, we have programs for businesses, cities,
nonprofits, and communities that address a range of environmental problems, including
air quality like using public transports, recycle and reuse, plant and care for trees, use less
energy, etc.

Interviewer: Alright, thank you for the interview. We will move on next to the Water
expert. What do you think about the cause of your pollution?

Water: There are two sources of this pollution: natural pollution and man-made pollution.
First, we will talk about nature.
 Some natural phenomena such as: Rainstorms, melting snow, erosion, volcanic
eruptions or land freezing, which will bring many toxic substances to the water . (For
example: The historic earthquake in Japan in 2011 swept a lot of radioactive
substances into rivers and seas).
• After the organisms die, their bodies gradually decompose and seep into the
water , causing pollution.
• Sometimes, populations of certain organisms naturally multiply excessively,
causing that area to have a sudden decrease in oxygen content and mass recession (For
example: red tide phenomenon).
• After the floods, water suddenly became scarce because it stirred up dirt in the
ditches. Many toxins from agriculture and industry are mixed with the currents . From
there it flows into the sea or seeps into the groundwater.

Interviewer: Then what about the others?

Water: Well, human production and living activities are mainly the cause of water
pollution in Vietnam and the world. The effects are not only continuous but also
increasing with more intense pollution levels.
 First of all, it is caused from careless activities of individuals and industries . The
wastewater after use and from industrial production facilities such as factories and
plants is not classified and treated, but it directly poured into rivers, lakes, etc …
which turns the water into black and smells extremely unpleasant.
 Secondly, the pollution can be from agricultural industry. Excessive use of plant
protection agents, pesticides or chemical fertilizers leads to excess. Not only are
they costly, but they also seep into the ground, causing long-term consequences. In
addition, the livestock farming process also produces a certain amount of waste.

Interviewer: What about the consequences? Does it affect anything?

Water: Human health and economy will be affected by the water pollution.
- According to statistics, each year, up to 9,000 people die when tobacco is polluted, and
100,000 cases of cancer are discovered each year. The main cause of this is the use of
tobacco. When contaminated with harmful bacteria from human and animal waste, it can
cause cholera, polio and typhoid. Some studies have shown that people who use arsenic-
contaminated water for drinking, they can get skin cancer. People infected with thread for
a long time can suffer from physical and neurological diseases, ammonium, nitrate, and
nitrite contamination causing green skin disease and anemia. If exposed to sulfur for a
long time, people can suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. Sodium exposure causes
cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.
- Moreover, pollution in my environment can harm the economy because it can be costly
to treat and prevent pollution.

Interviewer: Thank you for showing your opinions about this problems. We will talk to
Soil element, the last element we will interview today. So tell us how you feel about the
current situation.
Soil: Soil pollution refers to the contamination of soil with harmful substances, such as
chemicals, heavy metals, and pesticides, which degrade its quality and fertility. This
pollution can occur due to various activities, including industrial waste disposal, agricultural
practices, and improper waste management.

Interviewer: Can you tell us more details about what causes it?

Soil: Im gladly to tell. First, Industrial activities release toxic chemicals into the soil
through improper waste disposal or leakage from storage tanks. Agricultural practices
also contribute to soil pollution through the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides that
seep into the ground. Additionally, urbanization leads to increased soil pollution due to
construction activities and improper waste management.

Interviewer: That’s really concerning. I assume that the effects are quite destructive,
aren’t they?

Soil: You can say so.

- One of the major concerns associated with soil pollution is its impact on agriculture.
Contaminated soil affects agricultural productivity by reducing crop yields and quality.
This not only threatens food security but also impacts farmers' livelihoods
 Polluted soil can contaminate groundwater sources, leading to waterborne diseases
in humans who consume this water
 Toxic substances in the soil can enter the food chain through plants or animals,
posing a risk to human health.
 Soil pollution disrupts ecosystems by killing beneficial microorganisms and
insects essential for maintaining healthy soils. This loss of biodiversity has long-
term consequences for overall ecosystem stability.

Interviewer: What do you think about what we should do to overcome this problem?

Soil: To combat soil pollution effectively, it is essential to adopt sustainable agricultural

practices that minimize chemical inputs and promote organic farming methods.
hazardous substances from being disposed of improperly.
Interviewer: Thank you for the interview.
e Revolving around types of environmental pollution: soil pollution, water pollution and air
pollution. 3 Environment corresponds to 3 experts and 1 interviewer asking questions for
the experts to answer around their environmental pollution problem. Each type of
environmental pollution mentions the causes, evidence of polluted places, data...,
consequences and solutions to reduce environmental pollution are given...

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