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Sins, major and minor

The Major Sins

1. Associating anything with Allah

2. Showing disrespect to parents
3. Murder
4. Practicing magic
5. Abandoning salah (ritual Prayer)
6. Not paying zakah
7. Not fasting during the month of Ramadan without excuse
8. Not performing Hajj, while being able to do so
9. Severing relations with relatives
10.Committing adultery or fornication
11.Committing sodomy
12.Dealing in riba (interest)
13.Wrongfully consuming the property of an orphan
14.Lying about Allah or His Messenger
15.Running away from the battlefield
16.Deceiving the people that one rules and being unjust to them
17.Being proud and arrogant
18.Bearing false witness
19.Drinking alcohol
21.Falsely accusing chaste women (i.e. of committing fornication or adultery)
22.Stealing from the spoils of war
24.Committing highway robbery
25.Making false oath
26.Committing oppression
27.Earning ill-gotten gain.
28.Consuming what is unlawful.
29. Committing suicide
30.Lying frequently
31.Judging unjustly
32.Giving and accepting a bribe
33.Imitating the opposite sex (in dress, behavior, and the like)
34.Allowing one’s wife, daughters, etc. to display their beauty to men or conduct
illicit sexual relations
35.Marrying a divorced woman in order to make her lawful for her ex-husband to
remarry her after he irrevocably divorced her
36.Not protecting oneself or one's clothes from being contaminated with urine or
37.Showing off
38.Learning knowledge of the religion for the sake of this world and withholding
that knowledge (i.e., not teaching people)
39.Betraying a trust
40.Recounting favors
41.Denying Allah's Decree
42.Listening to people's private conversations
43.Carrying gossip
45.Breaking contracts
46.Treating others wrongfully
47.Offending one's neighbor, family, Muslims, people and having an arrogant
48.Offending pious people
49.Wearing silk and gold (this is for men only)
50.Slaughtering an animal that has been dedicated to anyone other than Allah
51.To knowingly ascribe one's paternity to a man other than one's biological father
52.Arguing and disputing violently
53.Withholding excess water
54.Giving short weight or measure
55.Feeling secure from Allah's Plan
56.Persistently missing Friday Prayer without any excuse
57.Usurping the rights of the heir through bequests (to others)
58.Deceiving and plotting evil
59.Spying for the enemy of the Muslims against Muslim's interest
60.Cursing or insulting any of the Companions of the Prophet

Minor sins

1. Not lowering your gaze to look at forbidden things.

2. Watching erotic scenes or pornography
3. Flirting
4. Cursing
5. Bulling
6. Imitating non believers
7. Wasting time on watching or reading useless material
8. Listening to unadvisable music/songs
9. Talking excessively about things which do not concern us
10.Having bad thoughts and much suspicion about others
11.Keeping an eye on other faults
12.Thinking high of oneself in piety or knowledge, expecting others to honor you
and listen to you when you speak
13.Being rude to elders and harsh on children and shouting at others
14.Casting a deaf year to religious advice
15.Entering somebody’s house without permission
16.Get mad when host refused to meet you if you went without appointment
17.Acting on information /spreading without proper investigation
18.Not intervening to reconcile /make settlement between two Muslims involved
in quarrel.
19.Ridicule people
20.Insulting each other and calling each other by offensive nicknames
21.Assuming negative assumptions about others
22.Too much curiosity about other people’s affairs
23.Envious about other people
24.Not patient over what befalls you
25.Not enjoin what is right and forbidding what is wrong
26.Not wearing hijab.
27.Wearing revealing dresses by men or women
28.Women wearing cologne in mix gathering.
29.Not replying to salam of your Muslim brother/sister.
30.Not writing any agreement on paper with witnessesas mentioned in Surah

Those I have to look at daily

From the kabair

1. Being proud and arrogant

2. Showing off
3. Carrying gossip
4. Treating others wrongfully
5. Offending one's neighbor, family, Muslims, people and having an arrogant
6. Offending pious people
7. Repeating not lowering your gaze to look at forbidden things.

From the saghair

1. Watching erotic scenes or pornography

2. Casting a deaf year to religious advice
3. Having bad thoughts and much suspicion about others
4. Keeping an eye on other faults
5. Being harsh on children and shouting at others
6. Acting on information /spreading without proper investigation
7. Too much curiosity about other people’s affairs
8. Envious about other people

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