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Ashish Kumar(20EEAEC003)

Experiment: 4
Simulate the transmitter and receiver for 16-QAM. Plot
the signal and signal constellation diagram. Plot the
average probability of symbol error as a function of SNR
Eb/No, where Eb is the transmitted energy per bit and
No/2 is the double sided power spectral density of
additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) with zero mean.

close all;
%%%% Serial To Parallel and 2-to-4 Level Converter %%%%
o1=[]; o2=[]; for i=1:4:64
sp = dec2bin(i:i+3, 4) - '0'; % Serial to Parallel 4-bit Register
I = sp(1);
Id = sp(2);
Q = sp(3);
Qd = sp(4);

% Assigning Amplitude levels for I-channel

if I == 0
o1 = [o1 -3]; % if input is 00, output is -3
o1 = [o1 1]; % if input is 10, output is 1

% Assigning Amplitude levels for Q-channel

if Q == 0
o2 = [o2 -3]; % if input is 00, output is -3
o2 = [o2 1]; % if input is 10, output is 1
end end

%%%% Oscillator and Balanced Modulator %%%% fc = 500; % Carrier

Frequency fs = 20000; % Sampling Frequency t = 1:100; % Duration of
Signal s = []; for i = 1:1:16 % Modulation (multiplication with
carrier signals cos and
Ac = o1(i); As = o2(i); s1 =
Ac * cos(2 * pi * (fc / fs) * t);
s2 = As * sin(2 * pi * (fc / fs) * t);
s = [s (s1 + s2)]; end
plot(s) % 's' denotes the transmitted signal
title('16QAM Modulated Signal', 'FontSize', 14) xlim([0
%%%% AWGN Addition While Passing Through The Channel %%%%
SNR_dB = 10; % Set the desired signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in dB SNR_linear
= 10^(SNR_dB / 10); % Convert SNR from dB to linear scale noise_power =
var(s) / SNR_linear; % Calculate the noise power based on SNR noise =
Ashish Kumar(20EEAEC003)

sqrt(noise_power) * randn(size(s)); % Generate Gaussian noise r = s +

noise; % Add noise to the signal
figure(2) % Received Signal SNR is 10 dB
plot(r) % received signal is denoted by 'r'
title('Transmitted Signal With Additive Noise After Passing Through The
Channel', 'FontSize', 14);


ss1 = []; ss2 = [];
rs1 = 2 * cos(2 * pi * (fc / fs) * t); % Sin and Cos generation by
Local Oscillator rs2 = 2 * sin(2 * pi * (fc / fs) * t); for i =
1:100:1600 % Demodulation of Received Signal ss1 = [ss1 rs1 .* r(1,
i:i+99)]; % for Ichannel ss2 = [ss2 rs2 .* r(1, i:i+99)]; % for
Q-channel end

%%%% Low-Pass Filtering %%%%

wn = 2 * (fc / fs); % Cut-off Frequency is 500 Hz
[b1, a1] = butter(1, wn, 'low'); % Butterworth filter of Order 1
[b2, a2] = butter(1, wn, 'low'); fo1 =
filter(b1, a1, ss1); % Filtering fo2 =
filter(b2, a2, ss2);
plot(fo1, 'linewidth', 1.5)
title('I-Channel After Passing Through Low Pass Butterworth Filter of Order
2', 'FontSize', 14);
plot(fo2, 'linewidth', 1.5)
title('Q-Channel After Passing Through Low Pass Butterworth Filter of Order
2', 'FontSize', 14);

%%%% Thresholding and Phase Detection %%%%

ro1 = []; ro2 = [];
for i = 1:100:1600 % Calculating Average values over an interval of 100
for I-channel ff1 = fo1(1, i:i+99); l1 = length(ff1); sum1
= sum(ff1); av1 = sum1 / l1; ro1 = [ro1 av1]; end
for i = 1:100:1600 % Calculating Average values over an interval of 100
for Q-channel ff2 = fo2(1, i:i+99); l2 = length(ff2); sum2
= sum(ff2); av2 = sum2 / l2; ro2 = [ro2 av2]; end

%%%% Amplitude Detection and Generation of Demodulated Data %%%%

oo1 = round(ro1); oo2 = round(ro2); op = [];

% Re-assigning bits with respect to amplitude levels

for i = 1:16 % Demodulation by Amplitude Detection
if oo1(i) == -3
op = [op 0 0]; % if amplitude of I-channel is -3, output is 00
op = [op 1 0]; % if amplitude of I-channel is 1, output is 10
if oo2(i) == -3
op = [op 0 0]; % if amplitude of Q-channel is -3, output is 00
op = [op 1 0]; % if amplitude of Q-channel is 1, output is 10
end end figure(5); subplot(2, 1, 1); plot(s, 'linewidth', 2)
Ashish Kumar(20EEAEC003)

title('Input Data Stream', 'FontSize', 14);

xlim([0 1610]); ylim([-4 4]);
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(op, 'linewidth', 2)
title('Demodulated Output Data (Same As Input)', 'FontSize', 14);
ylim([-4 4]); xlim([0 65]);

%%%% Generation of Constellation Diagram for Transmitted Data and

Received Data%%%% xo1 = o1; yo2 = o2; xoo1 = ro1; yoo2 = ro2;
plot(xo1, yo2, 'hk', 'linewidth', 4); % plot of original symbols hold
plot(xoo1, yoo2, 'Or', 'linewidth', 4); % plot of received symbols
legend('Transmitted Data', 'Received Data');
x = line([-5 5], [-2 -2], 'linewidth', 4); % Horizontal Lines
on Constellation Diagram text(-1.9, 3.7, 'x=-2', 'FontSize', 14);
x1 = line([-5 5], [0 0], 'linewidth', 4); text(0.1, 3.7, 'x=0',
'FontSize', 14); x2 = line([-5 5], [2 2], 'linewidth', 4);
text(2.1, 3.7, 'x=2', 'FontSize', 14);
y = line([-2 -2], [-15 15], 'linewidth', 4); % Vertical Lines
on Constellation Diagram text(-3.9, -1.8, 'y=-2', 'FontSize', 14);
y1 = line([0 0], [-15 15], 'linewidth', 4); text(-3.9, 0.2, 'y=0',
'FontSize', 14); y2 = line([2 2], [-15 15], 'linewidth', 4); text(-
3.9, 2.2, 'y=2', 'FontSize', 14);
title('Constellation Diagram for Transmitted and Received Data',
14); xlim([-4
4]); ylim([-4
4]); Output:
Ashish Kumar(20EEAEC003)
Ashish Kumar(20EEAEC003)

Result: Simulate the transmitter and receiver for 16-QAM. Plot the signal
and signal constellation diagram. Plot the average probability of symbol
error as a function of SNR Eb/No, where Eb is the transmitted energy per bit
and No/2 is the double sided power spectral density of additive white
Gaussian noise (AWGN) with zero mean.

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