Tut 2

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MTL506 - Complex Analysis

Tutorial Sheet - 2

S = {(x, y, u) ∈ R3 : x2 + y2 + u2 = 1}

1. For the following points in C find the corresponding points on the S: 1 + i, 3 + 2i.

2. Which subsets of S correspond to real and imaginary axes in C.

3. Consider two antipodal points (x, y, u) and (−x, −y, −u) on the sphere S. Show that
their stereographic projections z and w are related by zw = −1.

4. Show that we may identify, by stereographic projection, the complex plane with the
sphere x2 + y 2 + (u − 1/2)2 = (1/2)2 .

5. Let z ∈ C such that |z| < 1. What is limn→∞ z n ? If |z| > 1, does limn→∞ z n exists?
Give an argument for both the cases.
z n −1
6. For |z| =
̸ 1, show that the following limit exists: f (z) = limn→∞ z n +1 . Is it possible to
define f (z) for |z| = 1 in such a way to make it continuous?

7. Let z = reiθ , w = Reiϕ , 0 ≤ r < R. For a fixed w find : limr→R Re( w+z
w−z ).

8. Check if the following functions can be prescribed a value at z = 0, so that they become
continuous: f (z) = |z|z , f (z) = |z|−1
, f (z) = zz .
z n P∞
9. Find the radius of convergence of the following power series: ∞ n n
n=1 nn , n=0 2 (z−3) ,
P∞ 2n n P∞ n! n P∞ n n n
P ∞ n!
P ∞ z 2n
n=0 n! z , n=0 nn z , n=0 (1 + (−1) ) z , n=0 z , n=1 5n
P∞ n
n )(z − 2)n ,
P ∞ (2z−i) P ∞ n2 z n , a ∈ C.
n=0 (n + 2 n=0 3n+1 , n=0 a
P∞ z n
10. Find all z such that the series n=1 n converges.

11. Let ∞
P n
P∞ n
n=1 an z and n=1 bn z be two power series with radius of convergence r and s,
P∞ What can nbe said Pabout the radius of convergence of the following power
∞ n
series: n=1 (an + bn )z and n=1 an bn z .

12. Show that for |z| < 1, the series ∞ n 1

n=0 z converges P to the function z−1 . Subsequently,
∞ n
using this, find out the function given by the series n=0 nz in B(0, 1).

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