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Davao Doctors College

General Malvar Street.

Davao City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

NRG402 Nursing Leadership and Management

Presented by:

Poliquit, Daphne Chan.; Romero, Shiela Mae.; Sabiwang, Meeruam.; Salazar,

Abigail.; Saldom, Jessa Mae.; Salikaya, Jona.; Sarguilla, Nieves Kaye.;

Sumapal, Rizma.; Tulang, Kathleen Jaeanne.;

Vasquez Irish Ann.;

BSN4- 14F

October 17, 2022


We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to everyone who
contributed to the success of this organization analysis.

We, the Group 47 and 48, want to express our sincere gratitude to the following:

To the program chair of the Nursing Department, Christine M. Fiel, RN, MN, LPT,
PhD for the ongoing assistance provided by a way to connect Davao Doctors College
Inc. and other healthcare facilities with the school.

To our RLE supervisor, Domingo T, So Jr, RN, MAN for polishing and building
our schedule for organizational analysis concept in the allocated school.

To sir, Francis Jann G. Fiel, RN, MN who served as both our clinical instructor
and mentor, we are grateful for the wealth of information and education he shared with
us. The opportunities he provided for us and his support in helping us to complete the
task and for being sympathetic to our academic deficiencies.

To our loved ones and friends who continuously supporting us financially and

Lastly, to our Almighty God Father for imparting his heavenly knowledge and
wisdom and guiding us through difficulties while we are working on our paper.


Title Page

I Organization as a System


A. Philosophy of the Organization

B. Formal Organization

B.1. Line Structure

B.2. Decision Making

B.3. Grouping Work Segment

B.4. Department Comprising the Organization

B.4.1. Department Heads

B.4.2. Number of Personnel in Every


B.4.3. Type of work being Performed

B.5. Interrelationship of Different Department

B.6. Communication Flow

C. Informal Organization

C.1 Goals/Objectives

C.2. Characteristics

II Analysis of Data

A. Analysis of the Organization Structure

A.1 Level of Management

A.1.1. Line and Staff Authority

A.2. Authority, Responsibility and


A.2.1 Centralization and Decentralization

A.3. Levels of Decision-Making

A.4. Differentiation of Activities

A.5. Span of Control

B. Channels of Communication

B.1. What is the usual direction of information


B.2. How is the downward communication


B.3. How accurate is the upward


C. Is there an informal organization resisting the

informal one?

III Nurses Role in the Organization

A. Philosophy of the Department

B. Responsibilities and Goals

B.1. Patient Care Management

B.2. Operation Management

B.3. Human Resource Management

C. Environment Influences affecting the nurse’s


C.1. Internal Influences

C.2. External Influences

IV Davao Doctors College

Organizational Chart

V References

An organization represents a group of people involved in pursuing a defined

goal. It can be understood as a social system that encompasses all formal human

relationships. The organization demonstrates the division of work among employees

and the alignment of tasks with the ultimate goals of the company.

Organizations can be formal or informal. The organizational structure helps

determine the position of each employee and the distribution of tasks for each

individual. An organizational chart is a diagram that visually conveys the internal

structure of a company by detailing the roles, responsibilities, and relationships among

individuals within an entity. Organizational charts are alternatively referred to as "org

charts" (Chen, 2021). Types of organizational charts include hierarchical, flat, or matrix.

Hierarchical organizational chart is the most common model showing the highest-

ranking individuals above the chart, and the lower-ranking individuals below them. An

institution can have a good organizational chart, but problems can still arise from it and

can also create internal conflict. Problems such as lack of proper relaying of

communication or lack of proper communication and lack of personnel assigned in a

particular department. With problems that might arise, organizational charts must be

updated because of staffing changes.

Organizational analysis focuses on maintaining an effective workforce through

the design and structure of an organization, as well as the relationships and behaviors

of individuals within the organization. Organizational analysis is a process that can help

detect possible problems and is a tool for improving an organization's management

The Group 47 and 48 of BSN14-F students of Davao Doctor’s College Inc.

scrutinized an organizational analysis of Davao Doctors College Inc. which is located at

General Malvar Street, Davao City.

The study focused on analyzing and establishing the organizational structure

of Davao Doctors College Inc., including how they established departmentalization and

division of work and to provide information defining the managerial authority,

responsibility, and accountability of every individual.


Davao Doctors College Inc. was founded in 1975 by a group of doctors. This

school institution was initially only known as a nursing school. However, during 1981, an

average of 100% passed nursing exams for seven consecutive years, inspiring the

school administration to open more courses and improve school facilities. The other

courses offered are BS Physiotherapy, BS Radiologic Technology, Doctorate in

Optometry, BS Psychology, BS Pharmacy, Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science,

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy, Bachelor of Hospitality Management with a

specialization in Hotel and Restaurant, Bachelor of Biology, Bachelor of Tourism and

Management, and BS Entrepreneurship. The nursing program of this institution is

accredited to Level IV by the Accreditation Commission of the Philippine Association of

Colleges and Universities (PACUCOA). This school institution was the first PACUCOA

accredited nursing school with the highest standard.


The school of choice of future healthcare professionals


To provide our clients with healthcare education of the highest order; our employees
with a rewarding and fruitful working environment; our partners with mutually beneficial
relationships; and, our stockholders with a viable and sustainable enterprise.


I. Organization as a System

The organization can be understood as a social system which comprises all

formal human relationships. An organization is a system made up of components that
work together to achieve an overall goal and shows a division of work among
employees and alignment of task towards the ultimate goal of the organization.

A. Philosophy of the Organization

An organizational philosophy describes how you operate, what you offer to meet
your goals. It is an explanation of the systems of beliefs that determine how a mission or
a purpose is to be achieved. An organization’s philosophy states the beliefs, concepts
and principles of an organization.

The Philosophy of Davao Doctors College Inc. is capsulized by the phrase

“Aestimamus Vitam”, Latin for “We Value Life”. It is an affirmation of the school’s belief
that is valuable which is why it has devoted itself to healthcare wellness education.

B. Formal Organization

Are design to achieve specific goals through the collaborative work of their
members. The rely on division of labor and hierarchies of power and authority to ensure
that work is done consistently and efficiently. Within a formal organization, each job or
position has clearly defined responsibilities, roles, duties and authorities to whom it

1. Line Structure

An organizational structure is a system used to define hierarchies within an

organization. Identify each position, its function, and where it reports within the
organization and helps to determine the position of every employee, as well as the task
allocation of each individual. This structure is developed to determined how the
organization operates and to help the organization achieve its goals to enable future
growth. The structure is represented by an organizational chart.

Davao Doctors College Inc. has a formal organizational structure. This structure
has unbroken lines between positions indicating the official chain of command, formal
pathways of communication, and authority. In the level management of Davao Doctors
College, the Board of Trustees and the President/CEO both of them belong to the top-
level management. The Board of Trustees communicates directly with the organization's
President/CEO. Their functions differ as the Board of Trustees serves as the ultimate
policy-maker and manages an organization's overall operations while the
President/CEO directly manages the different heads of departments. From the
President/CEO connects to the middle managements, which in this case are the
different college deans, the Vice President for Basic Education, Extension and
Administration, Deans, and Group Heads for Academic Support and Services, as the
middle management, followed by the Program heads of every program as the first-line

2. Decision Making Process

Decision-making is an important part of creating a smooth relationship between

managers and subordinates to achieve common organizational goals. It also an
important process of selecting the best action of solution from a set of choices. An
organization can work together to form their opinions and recommendations to make a
final decision that can produce a positive or successful outcome.

Davao Doctors College Inc. used a combination of centralized and decentralized

forms of decision-making. In centralized decision-making, the board of Trustees are the
ones who set boundaries, approve and disapprove, plan, implement protocols or
policies, they are the ones accountable for the organization's overall decisions. Board of
Trustees do the major decisions, after deciding the Board of Trustees, they relay it to
the President/CEO, and the President/CEO is the one responsible for relaying it to the
middle managements (Vice President for Basic Education, Extension and
Administration; Dean for College of General Education, Management and Sciences;
Dean for College of Allied Health Sciences; Group Heads for Academic Support and
Services) in a form of memo, then the middle managements are the one responsible for
relaying to the first line managements (Program heads), then the first line managements
are the ones responsible for relaying it to the other personnel of their program.

In decentralized decision-making, like for instance, the Clinical Instructors have

decided to buy some equipment for the students of the Nursing Program, they will
convey it to Program head of the Nursing department, then the Program head is the one
responsible for conveying it to the Dean for College of Allied Health Sciences, the Dean
is the one responsible for conveying it to the President/CEO, the President/CEO is the
one responsible for conveying it to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees are the
ones who will decide if the concern or request of the Clinical Instructors is really
necessary for the students of the nursing department and if it fits in the budget of the
organization. This form of decision-making helps to solve minor problems and also
helps personnel exercise their right to be heard by management. Furthermore, their
involvement in the organization serves as a pathway for a collaborative effort to bring
about better policy changes, and is observed in dealing with minor problems within their

3. Group of Work Segment

Division of work is the process of breaking up tasks or work into smaller,

interrelated sub-tasks, thereby creating efficiencies and positive effects of specialization
(Economic Online, 2021). All personnel are an essential part of the organization. Each
employee must perform and function in accordance with the job description to which
they are assigned.

According to Ma’am Christine M. Fiel, RN, MN, LPT, PhD, in Davao Doctors
College Inc., the division of work among personnel is according to their specific
functions, abilities and skills. The organization has two main divisions, the teaching
department and the non-teaching department. Under each division, members perform
specific functions and responsibilities, and departments work as a coordinated whole.
The non-teaching department has 12 subdivisions; namely; Library, Registrar,
Finance, Guidance, Clinic, Information Technology, Admission, Generals Services,
Human Resources Management, Student

b.4. Different departments comprising the organization

A department is a distinct functional area with its own organizational structure

inside an entity. Typically, each department has its own director and operating budget.
Cost centers, revenue centers, or investment centers are possible classifications for
departments. The accounting department, the production department, and the sales
department are a few examples of departments. ("Department definition — Accounting
Tools," 2022)

Davao Doctors College has five (5) departments enclosed with two (2) executive
councils and three (3) academic councils. As for the executive council it is composed of
the Vice President for Basic Education, Extension and Administration and the Director
for Finance. On the other hand, the academic council embodied the College of General
Education, Management and Sciences, College of Allied Health Sciences, and the
Academic Support Services.

Angelica L. Torres

Vice President for Basic Education, Extension and Administration

Number of personnel:

Job Description:

Under the direction of the President, the Vice President for Basic Education, Extension
and Administration, serves as the chief academic/non-academic officer of the group
head for senior high school, entrepreneurship, physical plant and business office,
training and non-degree programs, recruitment and hiring, community extension and
lastly, the technical/vocational programs.

Duties and Responsibilities:

● Serves as the officer in charge of selecting faculty and recommending candidates
for employment to the President or CEO;

● Collaborates with the teaching staff to establish the educational program,

maintaining standards and evaluation of teachers among other things;

● Works well with community organizations, educational institutions, businesses,

industries, governments, and legislative bodies to form alliances that lead to
better services for students and the community;

● Provides academic leadership and vision that is innovative and effective in the
areas of basic skills, transfer, vocational development, and non-academic
programs; and

● Trains, supervises, evaluates, and directs the work of assigned personnel;

● Completes other duties as assigned by the President/CEO.

Virginia N. Magdolot

Director for Finance

Number of personnel:

Job Description:

The long-term financial health and expansion of the business are the
responsibility of the director of finance. They create plans for making money, supervise
accounting activities, produce precise data on where money is spent inside the
company, and enhance or modify present procedures to boost productivity. The Director
of Finance embodied the accounting, purchasing, payroll and the budgeting of the

Duties and Responsibilities:

● Supervises the work of the accountant, bookkeeper, cashier, payroll, clerk and
accounting clerk;
● Checks the accuracy of the students’ assessment by year and course;

● In-charge of planning, directing, and controlling all organizational financial


● Analyzing and reporting on financial performance; and

● Support major stakeholders on all business reviews, oversee numerous

departments' and divisions' budgets, and estimate upcoming requirements
utilizing a long-term planning approach in order to make wise choices that
improve organizational effectiveness.

Rommy Nalang

Dean, College of General Education, Management and Sciences

Number of personnel:

Job Description:

The creation of new programs, the revision of current programs, the assessment
of programs and faculty, the preparation and management of budgets, the gathering of
data and the use of that data to make programmatic decisions, the planning and
scheduling of courses and staff are among the major responsibilities. The associate
dean is expected to collaborate with all staff members and to represent the college in
discussions about general education, management and sciences. His span of control
includes General Education, Biology, Psychology, Hospitality and Management, and
Tourism Management.

Duties and Responsibilities:

● Provides for and promotes sound instructional and curricular planning on a

semester, annual, and long-range basis for assigned general education;

● Takes part in and supports initiatives that improve teaching and assist the
division in achieving yearly goals and objectives that are a component of
strategic planning;

● Supervises the formulation of the semester's academic schedule;

● Supervises faculty members in assigned general education; and

● Communicates actions and decisions of the board of trustees and administration

to instructional personnel.

Dr. Erlyn Jessie Dy

Dean, College of Allied Health Sciences

Number of personnel:

Job Description:

The Dean of College of Allied Health Sciences is responsible for providing

leadership to programs including Radiologic Technology, Physical Therapy, Doctor of
Optometry, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Science, Nursing,
Master of Arts in Nursing, and Master of Science in Radiologic Technology. By serving
as the administrator, she is responsible for providing district-wide leadership,
supervision, guidance and direction for instructional programs, courses, services, faculty
and staff.

Duties and Responsibilities:

● Provide direction and oversees administration for teachers, employees, and

programs in the field of workforce professional training for careers in Allied
Health Sciences subjects;

● Assesses and guarantees quality across all the participation of professors and
staff in support of the district's educational initiatives, such as program
development, program evaluation, curriculum, and articulation efforts, evaluation
of student learning outcomes, and initiatives related to learning in colleges;
program preparation needs assessments intended to pinpoint unmet educational
requirements in students and suggest fresh efforts educating students to become
lifelong learners;
● Oversees divisional culture on a daily basis to maintain a learner-centered
environment at all levels; acts as a spokesperson for matters relating to allied
health sciences; promptly addresses student complaints and issues; and
explains and applies policies and procedures; serves as a liaison between the
division and local communities in matters relating to instruction and foster
educational partnerships within local communities; and

● Participates in a variety of college committees, advisory boards, and task forces

and, as necessary, represents the college in local, regional, and state events.

Dr. Estela R. Dequito

Group Head, Academic Support Services

Number of personnel:

Job Description:

In order to design individualized interventions to increase student achievement,

the director of academic support will assess tutoring and other instructional assistance
programming that is offered to students and faculty. She will also track student
outcomes. With the goal of raising retention and completion rates, this role will
collaborate with Academic Support Center, teachers, department heads, and deans to
offer services and instructional support. Her span of control includes Registrar, General
Laboratories, Guidance Center, Student Personnel Services, Library, and Management
Information Center.

Duties and Responsibilities:

● Help students reinforce academic concepts both online and in person, conduct
research on the most recent learning assistance techniques and instructional

● Develop and implement evaluation tools to gauge student benefits and utilization
of Academic Support Centers; create statistics and reports to show program
● Within the Academic Support Centers, recruits, manages, trains, motivates, and
evaluates part-time professionals and staff;

● Make use of the institution's early warning system to make sure the most
vulnerable students are receiving the right kind of support for their academic

● Create content-specific programming and support materials in collaboration with

the teachers;

● Plan, implement, and supervise an embedded tutoring model; lead professionals

in the development and delivery of customized supplemental instruction
programming; and

● Additional tasks as needed.

b.5 Interrelationships of different departments

The ability to provide safe, cost-effective communication and high-quality care to

patients is the ultimate goal of health care organizations and almost impossible without
qualified management and communication advice (Zastocki, 2015). The ability to
communicate within the various medical departments is the most difficult skill that
requires good communication skills, but some people with such skills struggle. Good
communication includes the coordination necessary to create effective relationships
between different departments that promote the common goal of doing their jobs well.
Interrelationships exist when each department has strong relationships with other
departments within the organization. Departments should be in close contact with each
other. Each department has its own set of goals, but these goals really help the
organization in effectively communicating which features are achieving the ultimate

Normally, an organization's structure consists of various departments. There

must be connections between the various departments. In order to accomplish the
many objectives as well as the tasks and obligations, there should be harmony within
each department. In addition, the general nature of employee relations for the entire
business becomes apparent when one considers the structure of an organization as a
whole. Other divisions serve the entire company, which implies they provide assistance
to the other departments. They have more extensive connections with other
departments. Having excellent relationships with other departments and coordinating
with coworkers can be difficult for many people since it often calls for solid
communication skills, which not everyone is naturally blessed with.

Overall organizational structure of Davao Doctors College performs efficiently

and effectively, each department's functions are interrelated and connected with those
of other departments. By enabling a streamlined procedure without overlapping
functions and improving effective working connections, the cohesive and coherent
workflow enhances the collective effort of the services. According to the chair of the
nursing program, there is no communication breakdown with other departments
because they always hold frequent meetings involving teamwork, community outreach,
and other allied programs. Additionally, the contact between the two deans of the CAHS
and CGEMS always makes the communication medium visible.

b.6. Communication

At all levels of an organization, effective communication is a key component in

preserving good, long-lasting working relationships. When working remotely and
handling unexpected situations, this is especially true. Employers who make an
investment in providing the open channels of communication is can be quickly develop
employee trust that which will be boost he production, productivity and the morale in
general. Communication is necessary at every institution with a sizable big population,
such as a higher school, in order to carry out these administrative and managerial
principles. From a different angle, it seems that communication is more important than
the majority of the other aspects. The significance of communication in schools cannot
be overstated because it keeps all parties informed of what is going on, including how
lessons are delivered, learning objectives are accomplished, and instructions are given.
Four-dimensional communication is used at Davao Doctors College. Downward
communication is the most typical kind, and it is believed to follow the formal chain of
command inside the organization from the higher to the lower level. The Board of
Trustees (BOT), which directs the executive council to act upon its proposals, is the
source of downward communication at Davao Doctors College. The implementation of
policies, rules and regulations, memos, as well as the assessment of the department's
performance, all frequently involve this kind of communication. Oral or written
communication may be used to convey the message, however formal written
communication is used most often.

In downward communication from the manager to the level of management, this

is the fundamental route of communication. By delivering instructions and providing the
information needed by the subordinates to complete their tasks and connect their efforts
to the organization's goal, the institution, and especially the top-level managers,
primarily guides and aids in coordinating the actions of various levels of hierarchy.





The president communicates with through

monthly meetings. Visits to all departments, post
memos, and bulletins using the phone


Giving employees their voice in upward communication paves the route for their
motivation and satisfaction. Through suggestion boxes and reviews, this institution
promotes upward communication. Despite being a sizable organization, Davao Doctors
College has well-organized departments and a fair distribution of responsibilities, which
makes communication efficient and effective. The flow of communication is orderly and





Writing a formal letter that must be signed by the

Nursing Clinical Coordinator and Program Chair
upwards until the letter is received by the President is
the only way for students' complaints from the nursing
department to be heard by higher authority.


The sharing of knowledge between personnel who are on the same

organizational level. The most usual objective of this communication flow is to promote
teamwork or task coordination. It is much simpler to get in touch with this person via
lateral communication. When two people who are equally placed in the administrative
hierarchy, or two subordinates who report to the same boss, directly speak with one
another, this is known as horizontal communication, also referred to as lateral





c. Informal Organization
Informal organization is defined as the network of social connections and
personal formed in the workplace. It is a well-known fact that the informal organization is
coexist with formal organization and usually it occurs automatically. Even though these
formal principles do not bind these, the formal organization is still considering as them
an essential component.

An informal structure with a leader and other members is typical in an

organization. However, there are varying levels of accountability and authority within
this kind of organizational structure. Additionally, it receives no acknowledgment from
the principal structure of an institution. A group that exists but is not officially recognized
by the school is an informal organization.

According to the program chair for the nursing program in our interview, Davao
Doctors College has an informal organization called UNION that is made up of
employees whose participation is not required by the organization; anyone may join, but
those employees who have a position in the school cannot join the union because it
would be a conflict of interest. All members of the union are regular employees, and we
all know that all employees with roles should be on the administrative side. Although it is
permitted at school, this unofficial organization is not a part of it. For the goal of
socialization, informal groups are formed, enabling staff members to interact freely,
collaborate, and finish the duties assigned to them.

c.1. Goals/Objectives

The objectives of an informal organization are for its members to engage freely,
cooperated and complete the tasks that are allocated to the. These objectives include
the following:

1. This to improve the organization and a dedication to achieving its formal goal
by promoting the social and cultural values
2. To treat people with respect, establish excellent communication with the
workforce and to create lasting relationships.
3. To look out for welfare of the employees
4. To protect the employees by exploitation of management.
5. Helping employees to solve problems will enhance morale, cultivate positive
attitudes, and improve reactions to unforeseen events.
6. To support employees who have undergone organization evaluations

c.2 Characteristics

The traits of informal organization include the ones listed below.

 It is to treat people as individuals

 There are no written policies or procedures
 It is acceptable for individuals to be a part of multiple informal groups at once.
 A group with a leader and members that has changing lines of authority and



Analysis of the organizational Structure

A.1. Level of Management

Is the coordination and administration of tasks to achieve a goal? Such

administration activities include setting the organization’s strategy and coordinating the
efforts of staff to accomplish these objectives through the application of available
resources. Management can also refer to the seniority structure of staff members within
an organization. To be an effective manager, you’ll need to develop a set of skills,
including planning, communication, organization and leadership. You will also need
extensive knowledge of the company’s goals and how to direct employees, sales and
other operations to accomplish them. (Herrity,2022).

There are 3 levels in the ranking order of an establishment and they are top-level
management, middle-level management, and lower-level management. The top-level
management consists of a board of directors, the CEO, and/or the managing director
make up this entity. The senior management oversees an organization's goals and
policies and is the ultimate source of authority. It spends more time coordinating and
planning tasks. The middle-level management are responsible to the top management
for the functioning of their department. They devote more time to organizational and
directional functions. The Lower level of Management is responsible for overseeing the
everyday work of individual employees or staff members and providing them with
direction on their work.

Davao Doctors College employs these three levels of management. The top-level
management composed of The Board of Trustees, issues necessary instructions for
preparation of department budgets, procedures, schedules etc., they are the one who
will approve orders and other recommendations needed by the institutions. Then next is
the middle-level which composed of the

A.1.1. Line and Staff Authority

Authority vertical differentiation, or the construction of a hierarchy of managers,

is central to management. It helps to envision this in a diagram, where top management
should be at the top, in charge of the entire company. Middle managers are in the
middle, serving as a link between certain work groups and senior management. Lower-
level managers oversee functional specialists and projects while being task- or process-
oriented. In Davao Doctors College the top-level management consists of the Board of
trustees, the Chairman and the President. They are the one who will give approval and
give order to the middle level management who consist of the Executive Council and
Academic Council and then followed by the low-level management which are the
Teaching Supervisors and Non-Teaching Personnel.

A.2. Authority, Responsibility and Accountability


When someone has power, they can command others, give them directives, and
demand compliance from a group of people. The definition of authority includes both the
ability to make choices on behalf of the organization and the ability to issue instructions
and be obeyed. In Davao Doctors College those who are in a higher level of
management which are the Board of Trustees are usually the ones who mostly have the
authority to make decisions. The higher level after deciding the decisions will give the
order or memorandum to the middle level management which is composed of the
Executives Council and Academic council will facilitate the memorandum to the lower-
level management. And those who are in the low level of management are the one who
will implement it, which are the teaching personnel and non-teaching personnel, which
are the Teaching Supervisors and Non-Teaching supervisors.


Every organization has its own duties, and ensuring that they function well and
provide benefits to citizens requires a reasoned approach. In Davao Doctors College,
they divided the responsibility according to the levels. They are the Level I, Level II,
Level III, and Level IV Supervisors their only task is only on their level only. And then
they have a Coordinator whose scope is only year level 2, 3, and 4, the Clinical
coordinator she processes all the affiliation schedules for duties in the hospital.


Means that all employees are responsible for their actions, behaviors,
performance and decisions. In Davao Doctors College, Top-level management are
responsible for the establishment's development and maintenance. They look into the
environment and how it relates to the school. Middle managers spend more time on
organizational and directing tasks than upper management since they are responsible
to top-level management for the operation of their department. They are responsible for
carrying out and controlling the processes and strategies developed by the senior
A.2.1. Centralization and Decentralization

Centralization is a form of organizational structure where the decision-making

capability rests with the top management. In a centralized organization, the top
management sets rules and procedures which are then communicated to the lower-
level employees, who are expected to carry out the same without questioning the
authority. (Cooper,2019)

According to Cooper (2019), Decentralization is a business structure in which the

decision-making is made at various levels of the organization. Typically, decentralized
organizations are divided into smaller segments or groups in order to make it easier to
measure the performance of the organization and the individuals within each of the sub-
groups. In Davao Doctors College, the organization uses the centralization process for
major concerns and issues like, social media controversies involving the name of the
school, and other issues involving the name of the school etc., while using the
decentralization process for minor concerns and issues like student personal character
issues, low process payment in school, attitude of students towards teacher,
posting/ranting in social media etc.

Levels of Decision Making

Decision making is a choice of action made with intension to accomplish
organizational or managerial objectives or goals can be referred to as a decision.
Making decision is a constant and essential managing, to assure the achievement of
organization, decision is made at every level of management.

In Centralized decision-making an organizational structure in which the decisions

are made at the top levels. They retain decision making authority and slightly delegate it
to the lower levels. This structure is crucial for rational decision making, the managers
at lower level have to execute the decision made by the top levels. (Nasrudin, 2022)

Decentralized decision-making distributes the power to make decision. Decisions

are approved by those at the lower levels, and then report it to those in upper levels.
Decentralized organizational structures are frequently used in merging industries since
it is simpler to move individuals’ different roles and change their responsibilities.

In Davao Doctors College used both centralization and Decentralization decision

making. It really depends upon the situation. Like in leadership style if the situation
requires centralization decision making then it has to be, and the same thing in
Decentralization. There are some situations that does not required centralization.
However, in the department the clinical instructor still has no authority to inform student
without consulting the higher ups, the decisions, what to do, necessary things and other
things that the clinical instructor cannot answer its need to consult the supervisor. It is
really depended on the situation.

Differentiation of Activities
The Davao Doctors College, Inc. in terms of qualification to properly assign each
clinical instructor. The Nursing Department assigned each clinical instructor based on
their specialization; align with their skills, and the educational background. The duty of
clinical instructors depending on the levels they were assigned. Each level has different

Span of Control
The Number of individuals a supervisor in a certain firm that can effectively and
efficiently manage. What is the ideal span of control being a question asked in
organizations frequently for all the organization. Assessing the scope of control is a
good heath check. Organization can easily identify potential areas for improvement or
issue areas by focusing the spans. (Danha, 2022) in Davao Doctors’ College, the
organization is controlled by the board of trustees. And the boundary of its program is
within the program.

B. Channels of Communication
Communication channels are an essential component of organizational
administration activity in the modern era. A communication channel is a type of media
that allows messages to be sent and received. The channels can flow downward from
superiors to subordinates, upward from subordinates to superiors, or across and to staff
members at the same centralized level of authority. Emails, websites, letters, face-to-
face meetings, videoconferences, and phone conversations are examples of channels.

One way to ensure the effectiveness of communication channels is to properly

assess the opportunity for feedback as well as the complexity, which is the content and
depth of the message. In particular, face-to-face communication is the richest form of
communication medium. This mode of communication enables all parties involved to
provide immediate feedback.

Good communication is a useful and important skill to have in any situation or

environment that involves interacting with other humans. According to Importance of
Communication Channels in Business (2017), the benefits of effective communication
include understanding, education, empowerment, and respect. Individuals are motivated
to perform at their best optimum level of productivity and performance when they are
provided with information to become more knowledgeable. Subsequently, if the
organization and its employees can maintain an effective communication flow with one
another, they will feel valued and knowledgeable, allowing the company to expand their
virtual work forces.

b.1 What is the usual direction of information flow?

Davao Doctors College, Inc., utilizes the upward and downward systematic flow
of communication.

To allow maximum effectiveness of communication, the school holds meetings

through zoom every once in a while. This meeting consists of personnel in every
department along with their supervisors and department heads to discuss specifics on
certain topics, distribution of information, share ideas, as well as talk through problems
they may have encountered in the workplace or raise any concerns they might have. In
addition to virtual meetings, each department has its own group chat on Facebook for
When information comes from the top-level and is distributed to the mid-level
management then to the low-level management, eventually making its way down to the
employees, it is referred to as downward communication. This flow happens when the
Board of Trustees of Davao Doctors College need information to be disseminated
throughout the entire school. Downward communication practices delegation of

In upward communication, concerns and ideas can be raised from the workers to
low-level management, such as their supervisors to the program chairs, who then relay
the information to mid-level management then eventually to top-level management.
Workers from all departments can express their needs through this type of
communication, resulting in a positive organizational environment.

b.2 How is downward communication accepted?

Downward communication is a type of information flow that takes place when top
management and leadership share instructions with employees working at lower levels
of the organization (Information Flow: Analysis and Types of Information Flow, 2019). It
is a characteristic of companies and organizations that adhere strictly to hierarchical

It is accepted by many organizations because it helps in establishing official

discipline, increases employee efficiency by providing appropriate guidance, and this
type of communication fosters good interpersonal and inter-group relationships.

In Davao Doctors College, Inc., the employees make use of downward

communication by abiding by the policies, rules, and regulations the higher-ups come
up with. When the Board of Trustees constructs new policies or changes that need to be
reinforced, they take a majority vote. Based on what the majority decides, that said
policy or change will then be communicated to the President down and all through the
lower levels of management, the department heads. Moreover, responsibilities are
distributed by supervisors in each level particularly in the Nursing Program. The
program chairs and supervisors then assign tasks per clinical instructors within that

b.3 How accurate is upward communication?

Upward communication is a type of communication in which information flows

upward from the lower levels of the hierarchy to the higher levels (Upward
Communication – Definition, Types, Advantages, 2021). Upward communication is
accurate when the clinical instructors can offer constructive opinions and ideas to their
superiors such as the supervisors up to their program chairs. Before the highest level of
management can make a decision, they must have all of the relevant information and
details, which they obtain by communicating with the employees. Higher-level
instructions can be confirmed through feedback from its employers, ensuring that the
message has been understood.

In Davao Doctors College, Inc., problems or concerns that the employees may have can
be raised to the department head. In the nursing department, any issues or ideas are
handled by the supervisors to the program chair through formal writing and sending it
through emails. From the Program chair, it is then taken up to higher management
which is the department heads to the President and through the Board of Trustees.
Though the clinical instructors do not have direct communication with the higher-ups,
they can still communicate with the Program chair and supervisors to the area assigned.

C. Is there an informal organization resisting the informal one?

Informal Organization is small informal groups that are taken from the formal
organization in Davao doctors College, there is no existing informal Organization that
opposes the formal one.


Philosophy of the Department


Is our Supreme Being, Creator of the Universe and everything therein. He

created man in his own image and likeness; thus, man has intrinsic dignity and worth
regardless of his educational, economic, political and social status.


Is a biophysical being capable of self-care for the development of physical,

psychological, interpersonal and social aspect of human functioning. He has a
hierarchy of human needs that must be met and activities of daily living that must be
performed to attain the highest level of health potential and health actualization.


Is every man’s fundamental need as well as responsibility? It is a state of

wholeness or integrity of a human being free of disease and able to use one’s powers
to the fullest without giving undue burden to others.


Is a science and art aimed to place a person in the best condition for nature to
restore or preserve health. It has knowledge, skills and attitudes capable of fulfilling
the fundamental rights to health and to improve quality of life. It is accomplished
through human-to-human relationship, utilizing nursing process and critical thinking. It
conducts and participates in research and utilizes research findings.

Nursing education

Is concerned with providing the students situations and opportunities to

develop physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, professionally equipping them with
the knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes necessary to meet their own needs and
problems and that of their clients with globally accepted competence and quality. It is
achieved by utilizing related concepts, theories and principles rather than isolated


Is composed of individuals, families, and communities working together for the

attainment of common aims and protection. There is a relationship between the
society and profession where society is the supplier of nursing manpower as well as
the consumer of nursing services. Society assists in the education of student nurses
using its resources throughout the profession.

B. Responsibilities and Goals

The primary focus of community health and nursing services is a variety of

priorities for community health, including nursing care. Their roles and responsibilities
are divided into three major areas, Patient Care Management, Operational
Management, and the Human Resources Management

B.1 Patient and Care Management

Patient Care is a system that enrolls or allocates people to treatments along the
health and sickness spectrum. The management of long-term chronic diseases,
utilization reviews, event focus, wellness checks, and regular screenings are all
included in this, Programs for care management improve results for managed care
organizations by lowering the demand for medical services.

The Nursing student of Davao Doctors College Inc. has knowledge in the
practice of nursing, also they are independent critical thinking skills in the care of the
clients through the utilization of the nursing process, participating in health and welfare
initiatives in the community and at the school, displaying a strong sense of responsibility
in adopting leadership roles and task, and the student gives their patient extra attention
while repressing or putting aside their own needs if they are in the clinical setting.
B.2 Operational Management

In all cases nurses has a huge broad of workload at the hospital. They provide
different kinds of services not just at the hospital but also in different variety of settings.
As they provide holistic approach, nurses have a lot of contribution in our society as well
into humanity.

Operation management compromises decision making as it needs to have a

concrete plan to meet the desired goals.

The Nursing program chair has a various responsibility she is the one who
propose plans for the organization that should be approve by the dean and then to the
higher ups of the institution. The level supervisors transmit the plans to all the clinical
instructors as imposed and directed by the Program Chair. This person has the
authority to command and disseminate the schedule of the organizations to all the
Clinical Instructors.

The clinical Instructors provides all clinical activities and working of all student
nurses and gives effective instructions, assessment and guidance during clinical
rotations, they are the one who evaluates the strength and weaknesses of every
student. In making decisions for the organization, the nursing management team are all
involve in planning and making decisions.

B.3 Human Resource Management

In an organization people are important as they are the one who do the work and
things that must be done according to their specialized task. Manpower satisfies the
needs of work as they have a duty to manage workforce productivity. Human resource
incorporates the hiring and recruitment of an organization.

In Davao Doctors College at nursing department, they have 18 full time

Instructors and 59-part timers. Davao doctor’s college hire clinical instructors, in nursing
he/she must be a graduate of nursing and must be a registered nurse with Master’s
degree, they will assign according to their specializations that are align with their skill or


In an organization continuous process of improvement must be asses by their

effectiveness and efficiency in terms of performance. The Program Chair doesn’t have
enough manpower to run the program in each level by that she can have her nurse
management team.


Since the organization need to be effective and have a workload productivity it must be
determine by appropriate activities and workload. The organization must be organized
to utilize specific service objectives and goals.

C. Environmental Influences affecting the Nurse’s Work

C.1 External

An individual's capacity for dynamic performance at work is significantly

impacted by external influences. These are the following factors.


A person’s motivation to work efficiently and up to their level of optimum functioning

can be unified, promotes, and motivated by providing a comfortable and comfortable
and safe workplace. A comfortable and appropriate work environment can encourage
someone to be more productive and provide quality service.


As a professional, having good principles and maintaining a healthy working

relationship with co-workers will result in conventional tandem to achieve a specific
goal. Failure to achieve this ideal may cause misunderstanding and conflict, which will
have a negative impact on their career.

C.2 Internal

Internal factors come from within the person. It arises because the person is
having difficulty on how to balance his work. A good example of this is knowledge and

Knowledge and Skills

As professional, knowledge and skills are needed that is applied in their work in order
to deliver quality services. We don’t just depend on our own knowledge and skills;
training and other workshops are needed in order to increase our learning and develop
our expertise. Lack of knowledge and skills can affect their performance in their roles
and functions as part of the institution



Board of Trustees
Dr. Rizalina M. Pangan
Mr. Celso Bernard G. Lopez
Internal Auditor

Corporate Secretary

Prof. Miguel D. Soledad

Education President and CEO

Ms. Angelica L.
Torres Ms. Virginia
Vice President for Basic Dr. Erlyn Jessie Dy N. Magdolot
Education, Extension Mr. Rommy Dr. Estela R.
Dean, College of Allied Health Director for
and Administration Nalang Dequito Finance
Dean, College of Sciences
Group Head,
General Education,
Management and
Academic Support
Dr. Cathleen Dr. Leonila P. Felizarte Services
Program Chair Accounting
Mae R.
Radiologic Technology
Group Head
Mohammad U. Mr. Oliver Lim Ms. Camila L.
Basic Education
Nalang, MPA Program Chair Likit Purchasing
Program Chair Physical Therapy
General Education Program
Mr. Janreve Supervisor of Mr. Arnold
Odango Dr. Erlyn B. Hipolito
Laboratories T. Delos
Program Chair Dr. Cindy Grace Program Chair
Abas Santos
Education Optometry Program
Program Payroll In-
Program Chair Guidance Center Charge
OIC, Program Biology Program
Chair Ms. Camelia R. Boquia
Entrepreneurship Program Chair
Program Mr. Alan C.
Ms. Charisma Occupational Therapy Purchasing
Salutillo Evangelista
Program Student Support
Program Chair
Psychology Program
Ms. Charity Redaniel Services Head
Program Chair Student Personnel
Pharmacy Program Services

Ms. Hazel Ms. Larra B. Rosete

Ivonne Kato- Program Chair
Caingles Master
Medical of Science
Laboratory in
Science Library
Program Chair Radiologic Technology
Hospitality and
Tourism Management Christine M. Fiel, PhD RN MN
Mr. Raffy E. Tatel
Program Management Information
Program Chair
Systems Head
Nursing Program
The Davao Doctors College Inc. organizational chart is a line structure type; this
structure has unbroken lines. The Board of Trustees and the President/CEO belong to
the top level management, the Board of Trustees are the ones who makes policies and
manages an organization' overall operations, while the President/CEO directly manages
the middle managements or the different heads of departments, the Vice President for
Basic Education, Extension and Administration; Dean for College of General Education,
Management and Sciences; Dean for College of Allied Health Sciences; and Group
Heads for Academic Support and Services. The department heads directly manage the
first-line managements or the lower managements, Program heads. Vice President for
Basic Education, Extension and Administration directly manages the program heads of
Entrepreneurship, Group Head for Senior High School, Physical Plant and Business
Office, Training and Non-Degree Programs, Recruitment and Hiring, Community
Extension, and Technical/Vocational Programs. The Dean for College of General
Education, Management and Sciences directly manages the Program heads of General
Education, Biology, Psychology, Hospitality Management, and Tourism Management.
The Dean for College of Allied Health Sciences directly manages the Program Heads of
Radiologic Technology, Physical Therapy, Doctor of Optometry, Occupational Therapy,
Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Science, Nursing, Master of Arts in Nursing, and Master
of Science in Radiologic technology. The Group Head for Academic Support Services
directly manages the Heads of Registrar, General Laboratories, Guidance Center,
Student Personnel Services, Library, and Manages Information System. The Director for
Finance directly manages the heads of Accounting, Purchasing, Payroll and Budgeting.
Internal Auditor
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Corporate Secretary


































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