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Moy Evo T*em Don

Jone Iock tilt Som

@ murd ond wnite nomes.

Wotch us! We're n'loving!
..,J*{f...'s Eood ot junrping. !-.{e's reotLy gneot!
Amd [ook! ............'s hoppinE on squore murmhen 8!
".."'s no[ter skoting! She's Eolmg roulnd ond round.
Amd wotch.......".... skippimg in oL,0r rnew ptoyg;nound.
..".'s Eood of doncfing! One, two, tha'ee"
And there's ..... F.{e's funny! [-.{e's ctinnhinE oun tnee!
....'s very good of nulnmInrg. [-{e nuns o[[ doy! l
Bq.nt.. .. tikes woLking (onrd to[king) with F'rer hest fniemd,
Junlp, hop, skote, skip,
donce, cLirmb or"
We qt[ {,ove movinE onld hovlng [ots of fun!

@ fir',U the letters to spel.l. the rnissing moving word!

@ fl.ook ond reod qnd write.

Exornptes T[re boy wlth the rodio is weoning.......+..U#*ry."1..?Ifl
Which nurnber is the girt"s foot on now? I
Comptete the sentences. Write 1n2,3,4 or 5 words"
1 The boy in the oronge jocket is .....
2 At the front of the picture yoLr con see..
Answer the questions. Write 1,2,3,4 on 5 words.
3 One girt is skipping. Whot colour ore her trousers?
4 Whot's the girt with the red boltoon doing?
Now write one sentence obout the picture.

@ About you! Soy ond write onswers.

Who do you ptov with in your ptoyground? I ptoy with ..
Is your ployground big or smolt? It's ...
Whot ore you good ot? I'm good ot

Tet[ me obout your friend.

Whot's your friend's nqme? My friend's nome is
How otd is your friend? My friend is ...........,
Whot's your friend good ot?


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