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PART 1000


Part Coordinator
L. Malcolm Baker

1020 Quality Assurance .............................................................................................Michael F. Delaney

1040 Method Development and Evaluation ................................................................L. Malcolm Baker


Quality Assurance (1020) was revised to stay current with quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC)
requirements and to ensure that it is consistent with Sections 2020, 3020, 4020, 5020, and 6020.
Method Development and Evaluation (1040) includes additional bibliography items and information
on establishing universal acceptance criteria.

Reviewed by Standard Methods Committee, 2011. Editorial revisions, 2021.

1010 A. Scope and Application of Methods

The procedures described in Standard Methods for the Exam- Methods for analyzing bulk water-treatment chemicals are not
ination of Water and Wastewater are intended for use in analyzing included. American Water Works Association committees pre-
a wide range of waters, including surface water, ground water, pare and issue standards for water treatment chemicals.
saline water, domestic and industrial water supplies, cooling or Laboratories that desire to produce analytical results of known
circulating water, boiler water, boiler feed water, and treated and quality (i.e., results are demonstrated to be accurate within a spec-
untreated municipal and industrial wastewaters. In recognition of ified degree of uncertainty) should use established quality con-
the unity of the water, wastewater, and watershed management trol (QC) procedures consistently. Part 1000 provides a detailed
fields, the analytical methods are categorized based on constitu- overview of QC procedures used in the individual standard meth-
ent, not type of water. ods as prescribed throughout Standard Methods. Part 1000 also
An effort has been made to present methods that apply gener- addresses laboratory safety, sampling procedures, and method
ally. When alternative methods are necessary for samples of dif- development and validation. Material presented in Part 1000
ferent composition, the basis for selecting the most appropriate is not necessarily intended to be prescriptive nor to replace or
method is presented as clearly as possible. In specific instances supersede specific QC requirements given in individual sections
(e.g., samples with extreme concentrations or otherwise unusual of this book. Parts 2000 through 9000 contain sections describ-
compositions or characteristics), analysts may have to modify a ing QC practices specific to the methods in the respective parts;
method for it to be suitable. If so, they should plainly state the these practices are considered to be integral to the methods. Most
nature of the modification when reporting the results. individual methods contain explicit instructions to be followed
Certain procedures are intended for use with sludges and sed- for that method (either in general or for certain regulatory appli-
iments. Here again, the effort has been made to present methods cations).
with the widest possible application. However, these methods Similarly, the overview of topics covered in Part 1000 is not
may require modification or be inappropriate for chemical slud- intended to replace or be the sole basis for technical education
ges or slurries, or other samples with highly unusual composition. and training of analysts. Rather, the discussions are intended as
Most of the methods included here have been endorsed by reg- aids to augment and facilitate reliable use of the test procedures
ulators. Regulators may not accept procedures that were modified herein. Each section in Part 1000 contains references that can be
without formal approval. reviewed to gain more depth or details for topics of interest.

1010 B. Statistics

1. Normal Distribution summation procedure but with n equal to a finite number of

repeated measurements (10, 20, 30, etc.):
If a measurement is repeated many times under essentially
identical conditions, the results of each measurement (x) will x = (Σxi ) /n for estimated mean
be distributed randomly about a mean value (arithmetic aver-
age) because of uncontrollable or experimental uncertainty. If an
infinite number of such measurements were accumulated, then The standard deviation of the entire population measured is as
the individual values would be distributed in a curve similar to follows:
one of those shown in Figure 1010:1. Figure 1010:1A illustrates
the Gaussian (normal) distribution, which is described precisely σ = [Σ( xi − µ )2 /n]1/ 2
by the mean (µ) and the standard deviation (σ). The mean is sim-
ply the sum of all values (xi) divided by the number of values (n).
The empirical estimate of the sample standard deviation (s) is
as follows:
µ = (Σxi ) /n for entire population

s = [Σ( xi − x )2 / (n −1)]1/ 2
Because no measurements are repeated infinitely, it is only
possible to make an estimate of the mean (x–) using the same 1
1010 Introduction - B. Statistics

The standard deviation describes the fixed width (spread) of the

normal distribution using a fixed fraction of the measurements n t n t
that produce the curve. For example, 68.27% of normally distrib- 2 12.71 5 2.78
uted measurements lie within µ ± lσ, 95.45% are within µ ± 2σ, and 3 4.30 10 2.26
99.73% are within µ ± 3σ. When values are assigned to the ± σ 4 3.18 ∞ 1.96
multiples, they are called confidence limits, and the range between
them is called the confidence interval. For example, 10 ± 4 indicates Using t compensates for the tendency of a small number of
that the confidence limits are 6 and 14, and the confidence inter- values to underestimate uncertainty. For n > 15, it is common to
val ranges from 6 to 14. use t = 2 to estimate the 95% confidence interval.
Another useful statistic is the standard error of the mean Still another statistic is the relative standard deviation (σ/µ)
(σµ)—the standard deviation divided by the square root of the with its estimate (s /x ) , also known as the coefficient of variation
number of values (s/ n ) . This is an estimate of sampling accu- (CV), which commonly is expressed as a percentage. This statistic
racy; it implies that the mean of another sample from the same normalizes σ and sometimes facilitates direct comparisons among
population would have a mean within some multiple of σµ. As analyses involving a wide range of concentrations. For example, if
with σ, 68.27% of the measurements lie within µ ± 1σµ, 95.45% analyses at low concentrations yield a result of 10 ± 1.5 mg/L and
are within µ ± 2σµ, and 99.73% are within µ ± 3σ. In practice, at high concentrations yield a result of 100 ± 8 mg/L, the standard
a relatively small number of average values is available, so the deviations do not appear comparable. However, the percent relative
confidence intervals about the mean are expressed as: standard deviations are 100 (1.5/10) = 15% and 100 (8/100) = 8%,
indicating that the variability is not as great as it first appears.
 s  The mean, median, and mode for each curve in Figure 1010:1
x ± t  
 n  were calculated as follows:
1. Mean is the value at the 50th percentile level, or arithmetic
where t has the following values for 95% confidence intervals: average,

Figure 1010:1. Three types of frequency distribution curves—normal Gaussian (A), positively skewed (B), and negatively skewed (C)—
and their measures of central tendency: mean, median, and mode. Courtesy: L. Malcolm Baker. 2
1010 Introduction - B. Statistics

2. Mode is the value that appears most frequently, and Table 1010:1. Critical Values for 5% and 1% Tests of Discordancy for a
3. Median1 is estimated as follows: Single Outlier in a Normal Sample

Number of Critical Value

Median = 1 3 (2 × Mean + Mode) Measurements (n) 5% 1%
3 1.15 1.15
2. Log-Normal Distribution 4 1.46 1.49
5 1.67 1.75
6 1.82 1.94
In many cases, the results obtained from analyzing environmen-
7 1.94 2.10
tal samples are not normally distributed [i.e., a graph of the data
8 2.03 2.22
distribution is obviously skewed (see Figure 1010:1B and C)] so 9 2.11 2.32
the mode, median, and mean are distinctly different. To obtain a 10 2.18 2.41
nearly normal distribution, convert the measured variable results 12 2.29 2.55
to logarithms and then calculate x– and s. The antilogarithms of 14 2.37 2.66
x– and s are the estimates of geometric mean (x–g) and geometric 15 2.41 2.71
standard deviation (sg). The geometric mean is defined as: 16 2.44 2.75
18 2.50 2.82
20 2.56 2.88
xg = [Π( xi )]1/ n = antilog{1/n[Σ log( xi )]}
30 2.74 3.10
40 2.87 3.24
50 2.96 3.34
3. Least Square Curve Fitting 60 3.03 3.41
100 3.21 3.60
120 3.27 3.66
Calibration curve data can be fitted to a straight line or qua-
dratic curve by the least squares method, which is used to deter- Source: Barnet V, Lewis T. Outliers in statistical data, 3rd ed. New York (NY):
John Wiley & Sons; 1995.
mine the constants of the curve that the data points best fit. To do
this, choose the equation that best fits the data points and assume
that x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable instrument manufacturers or independent software vendors. For a
(i.e., use x to predict the value of y). The sum of the squares of the more detailed description of quadratic curve fitting, see the cited
differences between each actual data point and its predicted value references.
are minimized.
For a linear least squares fit of
 0.5
 
 [Σy 2 − a0Σy − a1Σxy − a2Σx 2 y]
y = mx + b r = 1 − 
  2 1  
 Σy − (Σy)2  
 
 n 
 
the slope (a1) and the y intercept1,2 (a0) are computed as follows:

(ΣxΣy /n − Σxy) 4. Rejecting Data

[(Σx )2 /n − Σx 2 ]
In a series of measurements, one or more results may differ
greatly from the others. Theoretically, no result should be arbi-
Σy − mΣx trarily rejected because it may indicate either a faulty technique
n (casting doubt on all results) or a true variant in the distribution.
In practice, it is permissible to reject the result of any analy-
The correlation coefficient1,2 (degree of fit) is: sis in which a known error occurred. In environmental studies,
extremely high and low concentrations of contaminants may indi-
 (ΣxΣy /n) − Σxy  0.5 cate either problematic or uncontaminated areas, so they should
r = m  

not be rejected arbitrarily.
2 2
 Σy − (Σy) /n  An objective test for outliers has been described.3 If a set of
data is ordered from low to high (xL, x2 … xH) and the mean and
The best fit is when r = 1. There is no fit when r = 0. For a standard deviation are calculated, then suspected high or low out-
quadratic least squares fit of liers can be tested via the following procedure. First, calculate the
statistic T using the discordancy test for outliers:
y = a2 x 2 + a1x + a0 ,
T = ( x H − x ) /s for a high value, or

the constants (a0, a1, and a2)1,2 must be calculated. Typically,

T = ( x − xL ) /s for a low value.
these calculations are performed using software provided by 3
1010 Introduction - C. Terminology

Second, compare T with the value in Table 1010:1 for either a 3. Barnett V, Lewis T. Outliers in statistical data, 3rd ed. New York
5% or 1% level of significance for the number of measurements (NY): John Wiley & Sons; 1995.
(n). If T is larger than that value, then xH or xL is an outlier. 4. NIST/SEMATECH eHandbook of Statistical Methods. Revised
Further information on statistical techniques is available else- 2012. National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Depart-
ment of Commerce.
5. Snedecor GW, Cochran WG. Statistical methods. Ames: Iowa State
University Press; 1980.
References 6. Verma SP, Quiroz-Ruiz A. Critical values for 22 discordancy test
variants for outliers in normal samples up to sizes 100, and appli-
1. Spiegel MR, Stephens LJ. 1998 Schaum’s Outline—theory and cations in science and engineering. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias
problems of statistics. New York (NY): McGraw-Hill; 1998. Geologicas. 2006:23(3):302–319.
2. LaFara RL. Computer methods for science and engineering. Rochelle
Park (NJ): Hayden Book Co.; 1973.

1010 C. Terminology

This section defines concepts, not regulatory terms. It is not or client specifications, or arbitrarily chosen based on a pre-
intended to be all-inclusive. ferred level of acceptable reliability.
Accuracy—estimate of how close a measured value is to the Examples of RLs typically used (besides the MDL) include:
true value; includes expressions for bias and precision. Level of quantitation (LOQ)/minimum quantifiable level
Analyte—the element, compound, or component being ana- (MQL)—the analyte concentration that produces a signal
lyzed. sufficiently stronger than the blank, such that it can be
Bias—consistent deviation of measured values from the true detected with a specified level of reliability during routine
value, caused by systematic errors in a procedure. operations. Typically, it is the concentration that produces a
Calibration check standard—standard used to determine an signal 10s above the reagent water blank signal, and should
instrument’s accuracy between recalibrations. have a defined precision and bias at that level.
Confidence coefficient—the probability (%) that a measure- Minimum reporting level (MRL)—the minimum concentra-
ment lies within the confidence interval (between the confidence tion that can be reported as a quantified value for a target
limits). analyte in a sample. This defined concentration is no lower
Confidence interval—set of possible values within which the than the concentration of the lowest calibration standard
true value lies with a specified level of probability. for that analyte and can only be used if acceptable QC cri-
Confidence limit—one of the boundary values defining the teria for this standard are met.
confidence interval. Duplicate sample—a second sample that is collected separately
Detection levels—various levels in use are: and is considered the representative companion to an original, pre-
Instrument detection level (IDL)—the constituent concentration viously collected, environmental sample (field duplicate sample).
that produces a signal greater than 5 times the instrument’s Also, a separate sample that is prepared in the laboratory for anal-
signal:noise ratio. The IDL is similar to the critical level and ysis to provide a second prepared portion of sample that is con-
criterion of detection, which is 1.645 times the s of blank sidered the representative companion to a sample that has already
analyses (where s is the estimate of standard deviation). been prepared for analysis (laboratory duplicate sample). A dupli-
Lower level of detection (LLD) [also called detection level and cate sample is a special-case replicate sample having one replicate
level of detection (LOD)]—the constituent concentration that is paired with the original sample. See replicate sample.
in reagent water that produces a signal 2(1.645)s above the Fortification—adding a known quantity of analyte to a sam-
mean of blank analyses. This establishes both Type I and ple or blank to increase the analyte concentration, usually for the
Type II errors at 5%. purpose of comparing to test result on the unfortified sample and
Method detection level (MDL)—the constituent concentra- estimating percent recovery or matrix effects on the test to assess
tion that, when processed through the entire method, pro- accuracy.
duces a signal that has 99% probability of being different Internal standard—a pure compound added to a sample extract
from the blank. For 7 replicates of the sample, the mean just before instrumental analysis to permit correction for in effi-
must be 3.14s above the blank result (where s is the stan- ciencies.
dard deviation of the 7 replicates). Compute MDL from Laboratory control standard—a standard usually certified by an
replicate measurements of samples spiked with analyte at outside agency that is used to measure the bias in a procedure. For
concentrations more than 1 to 5 times the estimated MDL. certain constituents and matrices, use National Institute of Stan-
The MDL will be larger than the LLD because typically 7 dards and Technology (NIST) or other national or international
or less replicates are used. Additionally, the MDL varies traceable sources (Standard Reference Materials), when available.
with matrix. Mean—the arithmetic average (the sum of measurements
Reporting level (RL)—the lowest quantified level within an divided by the number of items being summed) of a data set.
analytical method’s operational range deemed reliable Median—the middle value (odd count) or mean of the two mid-
enough, and therefore appropriate, for reporting by the dle values (even count) of a data set.
laboratory. RLs may be established by regulatory mandate Mode—the most frequent value in a data set. 4
1010 Introduction - D. Operations for Diluting and Concentrating Samples

Percentile—a value between 1 and 100 that indicates what per- typically performed within a relatively short amount of time so
centage of the data set is below the expressed value. that the analytical or measurement process is identical.
Precision (usually expressed as standard deviation)—a mea- Replicate sample—one or more separate samples that are col-
sure of the degree of agreement among replicate analyses of a lected to provide multiple sample portions that are considered the
sample. representative companions to an original environmental sample
Quality assessment—procedure for determining the quality that has been already collected (field replicate samples). Also,
of laboratory measurements via data from internal and external one or more separate samples that are prepared in the laboratory
quality control measures. for analysis to provide a multiple prepared sample portions that
Quality assurance—a definitive plan for laboratory operations are considered the representative companions to a sample already
that specifies the measures used to produce data with known pre- prepared for analysis (laboratory replicate samples).
cision and bias. Sample batch—the number of samples that are handled in com-
Quality control—set of measures used during an analytical mon and analyzed together in a relatively short amount of time
method to ensure that the process is within specified control using the same analytical or measurement process. The number
parameters. of samples in a sample batch is either defined by a method or an
Random error—the deviation in any step in an analytical SOP, or more commonly simply designated as no more than 20
procedure that can be treated by standard statistical techniques. samples analyzed at a time. Designating the number of samples
Random error is a major component of measurement error and in a sample batch establishes the group of samples that are associ-
uncertainty. ated with the accompanying quality control (QC) sample results.
Range—the difference of the largest and smallest values in a When the QC indicate that the analytical or measurement pro-
data set. cess is out control, this associated group of samples are subject to
Replicate—as an adjective refers to any number of additional potential qualification, invalidation, or reanalysis depending on
copies or representative instances of one original item, such as a the success and outcome of the corrective actions taken.
sample; as a noun refers to a replicate sample or replicate anal- Spike—see fortification.
ysis; as a verb (and pronounced slightly differently) replicate Surrogate standard—a pure compound added to a sample in
means to repeat a process to produce multiple versions of the the laboratory just before processing so a method’s overall effi-
same outcome, such as to perform replicate measurements or rep- ciency can be determined.
licate analyses. Type I error (also called alpha error)—the probability of deter-
Replicate analysis (or measurement)—one or more repetitions mining that a constituent is present when it actually is absent.
of an analysis or a measurement process with the intent to have Type II error (also called beta error)—the probability of not
the same outcome as an initial analysis or measurement that has detecting a constituent that actually is present.
already been performed. Replicate analyses or measurements are

1010 D. Operations for Diluting and Concentrating Samples

1. Adjusting Solution Volume Concentration of original aliquot =

concentrated aliquot concentration × concentration fraction
Analysts frequently must dilute or concentrate the amount of
an analyte in a standard or sample aliquot to within a range suit- where:
able for the analytical method used so that the analysis can be per-
formed with specified accuracy. The following equations enable Dilution fraction = original volume/adjusted volume,
analysts to compute the concentration of a diluted or concentrated Dilution factor = adjusted volume/original volume,
aliquot based on the original aliquot concentration and an appro- Concentration factor = original volume/adjusted volume, and
priate factor or fractional constant. (A factor in this context is the Concentration fraction = adjusted volume/original volume.
ratio of final adjusted volume to original volume.) They also can
compute the concentration of adjusted aliquot volume based on 2. Types of Dilutions
the original aliquot volume.
Several types of dilutions are used in Standard Methods proce-
Concentration of diluted aliquot = dures. Two of the most common volumetric techniques critical to
analytical chemistry results are:
original aliquot concentration × dilution fraction
a. Volumetric addition [a/(a + b)]: This method typically is
used to dilute microbiological samples and prepare reagents from
Concentration of original aliquot = concentrated reagents. It assumes that volumes a and b are addi-
diluted aliquot concentration × dilution factor tive (i.e., when a is combined with b in one container, the total
volume will equal a + b, which is not always the case). Most
Concentration of concentrated aliquot = aqueous-solution volumes are additive, but alcoholic solutions or
original aliquot concentration × concentration factor concentrated acid may be only partially volumetrically additive,
so be aware of potential problems when combining nonaqueous
solutions with aqueous diluents. 5
1010 Introduction - D. Operations for Diluting and Concentrating Samples

b. Volumetric dilution to a measured volume (a/c): This method is preferred when making dilutions of more than 2 or 3 orders of
is used to dilute an aliquot to a given volume via a pipet and vol- magnitude. Avoid trying to pipet quantities of less than 1.0 mL
umetric flask. It is the most accurate means of dilution, but when into large volumes (e.g., <1.0 mL into 100 or 1000 mL) to avoid
fortifying sample matrices, some error can be introduced if a large relative error propagation.
regular Class A volumetric flask is used. The error will be pro- Some biological test methods (e.g., biochemical oxygen
portional to the volumes of both spiking solution and flask. For demand or toxicity testing) may include dilution techniques that
the most accurate work, measure the unfortified sample aliquot in do not strictly conform to the preceding descriptions. For exam-
a 100-mL Cassia Class A volumetric flask to the 100-mL mark ple, such techniques may use continuous-flow dilutors and dilu-
(0.0 on the flask neck), and then pipet the volume of fortifying tions prepared directly in test equipment, where volumes are not
solution. Mix the solution and note the graduated volume on the necessarily prepared via Class A volumetric equipment. Follow
neck of the flask. The fortified solution’s true volume is equal to the method-specific dilution directions.
100 mL + graduated volume over 100 mL. The true total volume
is necessary when computing the dilution factor for the percent Bibliography
recovery of fortified analyte (LFM) in Sections 1020 B.12e and
4020 B.10a to obtain the most accurate analytical estimate of Niemela SI. Uncertainty of quantitative determinations derived by cul-
recovery. tivation of microorganisms; Publication J4/2003 MIKES. Helsinki,
Dilution factors for multiple volumetric dilutions are calculated Finland: Metrologia; 2003.
as the product of the individual dilutions. Generally, serial dilution

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: December 24, 2021 6
Quality Assurance

Reviewed by Standard Methods Editors and Part Coordinators, 2021. Joint Task Group: Christina Baker, Terry E. Baxter (co-chairs); Jennifer Best, Jennifer Calles, Devon
Morgan, Robin Parnell, Lisa Ramirez, Bob Shannon.

1020 A. Introduction
This section is a compilation of quality assurance (QA) and • standard operating testing discrepancies are
quality control (QC) procedures or requirements to which Stan- procedures (SOPs) for detected
dard Methods sections refer, especially those sections addressing each analytical method • procedures for permitted
chemical analyses. Radiochemical, toxicity, and microbiological • procedures for generating, exceptions to documented
analyses often rely on specific QA and QC requirements presented approving, and controlling policies
more completely in Sections 7020, 8020, and 9020, respectively. policies and procedures • procedures for system and
It is not the intent of this section to supersede specific require- • procedures for procuring performance audits and
ments outlined in the x020 sections of Parts 2000 through 10000, reference materials and reviews
or the specifications of individual methods. Verify the applicable supplies • procedures for assessing
method QC requirements by referring to the method being used, • procedures for procuring data precision and accuracy
the associated x020 section, and finally this section when not oth- subcontractors’ services and determining MDLs;
erwise specified. • internal QC activities • procedures for data
Quality assurance (QA) for laboratory operations is a pro- • procedures for calibrating, reduction, validation,
gram that specifies the planned and systematic measures and verifying, and maintaining and reporting;
activities required to produce defensible data with known pre- instrumentation and • procedures for archiving
cision and accuracy. Laboratories operating under accreditation equipment records
or certification from a national, state or other regional accredit- • data-verification practices, • procedures and systems
ing organization must include QA program elements specifically including inter-laboratory for controlling the testing
required for that accreditation or certification. Elements of the comparison and proficiency- environment
QA program are defined in a laboratory’s QA manual, written testing programs • procedures for dealing
procedures, work instructions, and records. The manual should • procedures for feedback and with complaints from
include a policy that defines the statistical level of confidence corrective actions whenever data users
used to express data precision and bias, as well as method detec-
tion levels (MDLs) and minimum reporting limits (MRLs). The Also, the QA manual defines the responsibility for, and frequency
overall system includes all QA policies and quality control (QC) of, management review and updates to the QA manual and asso-
processes needed to demonstrate the laboratory’s competence and ciated documents.
to ensure and document the quality of its analytical data. Quality On the title page, include approval signatures, revision num-
systems are essential for laboratories seeking accreditation under bers, approval date, and effective date. In the QA manual, include
state, federal, or international laboratory certification programs. a statement that the manual has been reviewed and determined to
QA includes both QC (1020 B) and quality assessment (1020 C). be appropriate for the scope, volume, and range of testing activi-
For information on evaluating data quality, see Section 1030. ties at the laboratory,2,3 as well as an indication that management
has committed to ensuring that the quality system defined in the
QA manual is implemented and followed at all times.
1. Quality Assurance Plan
The QA manual also should clearly specifies and documents
the managerial responsibility, authority, quality goals, objectives,
Establish a QA program and prepare a QA manual (or plan). The
and commitment to quality. Write the manual so it is clearly
QA manual and associated documents include the following items:1–5
understood and ensures that all laboratory personnel understand
their roles and responsibilities.
• cover sheet with approval • procedures for handling and
Implement and follow sample-tracking procedures, including
signatures receiving samples
legal chain-of-custody procedures (as required by data users), to
• quality policy statement • sample control and
ensure that chain of custody is maintained and documented for each
• organizational structure documentation procedures
sample. Institute procedures to trace a sample and its derivatives
• staff responsibilities • procedures for achieving
through all steps: from collection through analysis, reporting of
• document control traceable measurements;
final results, and sample disposal. Routinely practice adequate and
• analyst training and • major equipment,
complete documentation, which is critical to ensure that data are
performance requirements instrumentation, and
defensible, to meet laboratory accreditation/certification require-
• tests performed by the reference measurement
ments, and to ensure that all tests and samples are fully traceable.
laboratory standards used 1
1020 QUALITY ASSURANCE - A. Introduction

Standard operating procedures describe the analytical methods corrective actions, internal QC activities, performance audits, and
to be used in the laboratory in sufficient detail that a competent data assessments for precision and accuracy (bias) are discussed
analyst unfamiliar with a method can conduct a reliable review in 1020 B and C.
or obtain acceptable results. An SOP must address the following Data reduction, validation, and reporting are the final steps in
items2–4 when they are applicable to the method being described: the data-generation process. The data obtained from an analytical
instrument must first be subjected to the data-reduction processes
• title of referenced, • calibration and standardization described in the applicable SOP before the final result can be
consensus test method • details on the actual test obtained. In the QA manual or SOP, specify calculations and any
• sample matrix or matrices procedure, including sample correction factors, as well as the steps to be followed when gener-
• MDL or LOQ preparation ating the sample result. Also, specify all the data-validation steps
• scope and application • calculations to be followed before the final result is made available. Report
• summary of SOP • qualifications and results in standard units of mass, volume, or concentration, as
• definitions performance requirements specified in the method or SOP or as required by regulators or
• interferences for analysts (including clients. Report results below detection or quantitation levels in
• safety considerations number and type of accordance with the procedures prescribed in the specific SOP,
• waste management analyses) regulatory requirements, or general laboratory policy.
• apparatus, equipment, • data assessment/data A statement of uncertainty may be required with each result in
and supplies management specific SOPs, by specific clients, or by a regulatory authority.
• reagents and standards • references Uncertainty expression requires statistically relevant data, which
• sample collection, pres- • any tables, flowcharts, may be prescribed within a specific method. Refer to 1030 B for
ervation, shipment, and and validation or an overview and references on uncertainty.
storage requirements method-performance data See references and bibliography in this section for other use-
• specific QC practices, ful information and guidance on establishing a QA program and
frequency, acceptance developing an effective QA manual.
criteria, and required
corrective action if accep- References
tance criteria are not met
1. Guidance for quality assurance plans; EPA/240/R-02/009 (QA-G-5).
Washington DC: Office of Environmental Information, U.S. Envi-
At a minimum, validate a new SOP before use by first determin- ronmental Protection Agency; 2002.
ing the MDL and performing an initial demonstration of capa- 2. General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
laboratories; ISO/EIC/EN 17025. Geneva, Switzerland: International
bility using relevant regulatory guidelines. (NOTE: MDL does
Organization for Standardization; 2005.
not apply to biological, microbiological, radiological, and some 3. Guidance for the preparation of standard operating procedures
physical and chemical tests.) (SOPs) for quality-related documents; EPA/600/B-07/001 (QA/G-
Use and document preventive-maintenance procedures for 6). Washington DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 2007.
instrumentation and equipment. An effective preventive-maintenance 4. Manual for the certification of laboratories analyzing drinking water,
program reduces instrument malfunctions, maintains more con- 5th ed. EPA-815-R-05-004. Washington DC: U.S. Environmental
sistent calibration, is cost-effective, and reduces downtime. In the Protection Agency; 2005.
QA manual or appropriate SOP, include measurement traceabil- 5. Supplement to 5th edition of manual for certification of laborato-
ity to the International System of Units (SI) through a National ries analyzing drinking water; EPA 815-F-08-006. Cincinnati (OH):
Metrology Institute, such as the National Institute of Standards Office of Water, Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water, Techni-
cal Support Center, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 2008.
and Technology (NIST). Standard reference materials (SRMs) or
commercially available reference materials must be certified and
traceable to SI standards to establish the integrity of the laboratory Bibliography
calibration and measurement program. Formulate document-con-
trol procedures, which are essential to data defensibility, to cover Delfino JJ. Quality assurance in water and wastewater analysis laborato-
ries. Water Sew Works. 1977;124(7):79–84.
the entire process: document generation, approval, distribution,
Inhorn SL, ed. Quality assurance practices for health laboratories. Wash-
storage, recall, archiving, and disposal. Maintain logbooks for ington DC: American Public Health Association; 1978.
each test or procedure performed, with complete documentation U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. National Environmental Labo-
on preparation and analysis of each sample, including sample ratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) Notice of Conference and
identification, associated standards and QC samples, method ref- Availability of Standards. 1994. Fed. Reg. 59(231).
erence, date/time of preparation/analysis, analyst, weights and Good automated laboratory practices. Research Triangle Park (NC): U.S.
volumes used, results obtained, and any problems encountered. Environmental Protection Agency; 1995.
Keep logbooks that document maintenance and calibration for R101: General requirements for accreditation; A2LA. Gaithersburg
each instrument or piece of equipment. Calibration procedures, (MD): American Association for Laboratory Accreditation; 2014. 2
1020 QUALITY ASSURANCE - B. Quality Control

1020 B. Quality Control

Include in each analytical method or SOP the minimum from a proficiency testing (PT) sample provider on the inter-
required QC for each analysis. A good QC program consists of at laboratory PT studies and translate the data to percent recovery
least the following elements, as applicable: limits per analyte and method being used.
Also, verify that the method is sensitive enough to meet mea-
• initial demonstration of • laboratory-fortified matrix surement objectives for detection and quantitation by determining
capability (IDC) duplicate (also referred to the lower limit of the operational range.
• ongoing demonstration of as matrix spike duplicate)
capability or duplicate sample 2. Operational Range
• MDL determination • internal standard
• reagent blank (also referred • surrogate standard (for Before using a new instrument or instrumental method, deter-
to as method blank) organic analysis) or tracer mine its operational (calibration) range (upper and lower limits).
• laboratory-fortified blank (for radiochemistry) Use concentrations of standards for each analyte that provide
(LFB) [also referred to as • calibration increasing instrument response (linear, weighted, or second-order).
blank spike or laboratory • control charts Laboratories must define acceptance criteria for the operational
control sample (LCS)] • corrective action range in their QA plans.
• laboratory-fortified matrix • frequency of QC indicators
(also referred to as matrix • QC acceptance criteria 3. Ongoing Demonstration of Capability
spike) • definitions of a batch
The ongoing demonstration of capability, sometimes called a
laboratory control sample, laboratory control standard, QC check
Sections 1010 and 1030 describe calculations for evaluating sample, or laboratory-fortified blank, is used to ensure that the lab-
data quality. oratory remains in control while samples are analyzed and separates
laboratory performance from method performance on the sample
1. Initial Demonstration of Capability matrix. For initial calibration, the calibration must be verified by
comparing it to a second-source calibration standard solution. The
Each analyst in the laboratory should conduct an initial demon- laboratory control standard used for ongoing demonstration of
stration of capability (IDC) at least once before analyzing any capability generally can be either from the same source as the initial
sample to demonstrate proficiency in performing the method and calibration standard or from a separate source. Some methods may
obtaining acceptable results for each analyte. The IDC also is used require that both calibration and spiking solutions be verified with a
to demonstrate that the laboratory’s modifications to a method second (external) source. When verifying the initial calibration con-
produces results as precise and accurate as those produced by the trol solution, its concentration must be within 10% of the second
reference method. As a minimum, include a reagent blank and at source’s value. See 1020 B.6 below for further details on the LFB.
least 4 LFBs at a concentration between 10 times the MDL and Analyze QC check samples on at least a quarterly basis.
the midpoint of the calibration curve (or other level specified in
the method). Run the IDC after analyzing all required calibration 4. Method Detection Level Determination and Application
standards. Ensure that the reagent blank does not contain any ana-
lyte of interest at a concentration greater than half the MQL (or Before analyzing samples, determine the MDL for each ana-
other level specified in the method). Ensure that precision (per- lyte of interest and method to be used. Some test methods are not
cent relative standard deviation) and accuracy (percent recovery) amenable to MDL determinations; in such cases, follow the direc-
calculated for LFBs are within the acceptance criteria listed in the tions in each respective method to determine reporting levels.
method being used or generated by the laboratory (if there are no As a starting point for selecting the concentration to use when
established mandatory criteria). determining the MDL, use an estimate of 5 times the estimated
To establish laboratory-generated accuracy and precision lim- true detection level. Start by adding the known amount of constit-
its, calculate the upper and lower control limits from the mean uent to reagent water or sample matrix to achieve the desired con-
and standard deviation of percent recovery for at least 20 data centration. Prepare and analyze at least 7 portions of this solution
points: over a minimum 3-d period to ensure that the MDL determination
is more representative of routine measurements in the laboratory.
Upper control limit = Mean + 3(Standard deviation) The replicate measurements should be in the range of 1 to 5 times
the estimated MDL. Calculate the estimated standard deviation,
Lower control limit = Mean − 3(Standard deviation) s, of the 7 replicates, and from a table of one-sided t distribution,
select t for (7–1) = 6 degrees of freedom at the 99% confidence
Laboratory-generated acceptance criteria for the IDC (in the level. This value, 3.14, is then multiplied by s to calculate the
absence of established mandatory criteria) generally meets industry- spiked samples MDL or MDLS:
acceptable guidelines for percent recovery and percent relative
standard deviation (%RSD) criteria (e.g., 70% to 130% recovery MDLS = 3.14s
and 20% RSD). Another option is to obtain acceptance criteria 3
1020 QUALITY ASSURANCE - B. Quality Control

Ideally, estimate s using pooled data from several analysts • Report results below the MDL as “not detected” (ND).
rather than data from one analyst (if the laboratory routinely has • Report results between the MDL and MQL (MRL, LOQ,
multiple analysts running a given test method). etc.) with qualification for the quantified value given.
The pooled estimate of s, which is defined here as Spooled, is • Report results above the MQL with a value (and its associ-
a weighted average of the individual analysts’ s. Spooled is cal- ated uncertainty if required).
culated from the deviations from the mean of each analyst’s
data subset squared, which are then summed, divided by the 5. Reagent Blank
appropriate number of degrees of freedom, and the square root
determined. Using Spooled to calculate multiple-analyst standard A reagent blank (method blank) consists of reagent water (see
deviation allows each analyst’s error and bias to affect the final Section 1080) and all reagents (including preservatives) that nor-
result only as much as they have contributed to that result.1 mally are in contact with a sample during the entire analytical
procedure. The reagent blank is used to determine whether, and
S pooled = the extent to which, reagents and the preparative analytical steps
contribute to measurement uncertainty. As a minimum, include
 N1 N2 N3 1/ 2 one reagent blank with each sample set (batch) or on a 5% basis,
 
 ∑ ( Xi − X1 ) + ∑ ( Xi − X2 ) + ∑ ( Xi − X3 ) + 
2 2 2
i =1  whichever is more frequent. Analyze a blank after the daily
 j =1 k =1 
  calibration standard and after highly contaminated samples if
 N1 + N 2 + N 3 − N t  carryover is suspected. Evaluate reagent blank results for contam-
 
  ination. If unacceptable contamination is present in the reagent
 
blank, identify and eliminate the source. Typically, sample results
are suspect if analytes in the reagent blank are greater than the
where Nt is the number of analysts whose data are being used to
MQL. Samples analyzed with a contaminated blank must be
compute the pooled standard deviation.
re-prepared and reanalyzed. Refer to the method being used for
Perform MDL determinations iteratively. If the calculated
specific reagent-blank acceptance criteria. General guidelines for
MDL is not within a factor of l0 of the known addition, repeat
qualifying sample results with regard to reagent blank quality are
determinations at a more suitable concentration. Ideally, con-
as follows:
duct MDL determinations or verifications at least annually or
• If the reagent blank is less than the MDL and sample results
on an ongoing basis (or other specified frequency) for each
are greater than the MQL, then no qualification is required.
analyte, major matrix category, and method in use at the labo-
• If the reagent blank is greater than the MDL but less than
ratory. Perform or verify MDL determination for each analyst
the MQL and sample results are greater than the MQL, then
and instrument, as well as whenever significant modification to
qualify the results to indicate that analyte was detected in the
the method’s instrument or operating conditions also modifies
reagent blank.
detection or chemistry. Include all sample-preparation steps in
• If the reagent blank is greater than the MQL, further correc-
the MDL determination.
tive action and qualification is required.
Alternatively, or when required, analyze an additional 7 blank
samples based on the procedure outlined by the US Environmen-
tal Protection Agency.2 In addition to calculating the MDLS, cal- 6. Laboratory-Fortified Blank/Laboratory Control Standard
culate the MDL based on the blanks, or MDLb, as follows.
If none of the method blanks give a numerical result (positive A laboratory-fortified blank [laboratory control standard
or negative), then MDLb is not applicable, and MDL = MDLS. If (LCS)] is a reagent water sample (with associated preservatives)
some blanks give numerical results, then MDLb equals the high- to which a known concentration of the analytes of interest has
est method blank result. If all of the method blanks give numeri- been added. An LFB is used to evaluate laboratory performance
cal results, calculate MDLb as and analyte recovery in a blank matrix. Its concentration should
be high enough to be measured precisely, but not high enough
to be irrelevant to measured environmental concentrations. Pref-
MDL b = X + 3.14Sb
erably, rotate LFB concentrations to cover different parts of the
calibration range. As a minimum, include one LFB with each
where: sample set (batch) or on a 5% basis, whichever is more frequent.
X = mean of blank results (set negative mean values to 0), and (The definition of a batch is typically method-specific.) Process
Sb = sample standard deviation of the blank results. the LFB through all sample preparation and analysis steps. Use
an added concentration of at least 10 times the MDL/MRL, less
The MDL is the greater of the two results obtained from the than or equal to the midpoint of the calibration curve, or level
MDLS and MDLb calculations. specified in the method. A low-level LFB fortified at 2 to 5 times
When analyzing greater than 7 samples for determining the the detection limit (MDL) can be used as a check for false nega-
MDLS and MDLb, correct the critical t-distribution value from tives and for MDL/MRL verification. Control limits for low-level
3.14 using the Student t-distribution table for 99% confidence LFB may be variable, depending on the method, but are typically
(one tail) and n – 1 degrees of freedom. expected to be 50% to 150%. Ideally, the LFB concentration
Generally, apply the MDL to reporting sample results as should be less than the MCL (if the contaminant has an MCL).
follows (unless there are regulatory or client constraints to the Depending on the method’s specific requirements, prepare the
contrary): addition solution from either the same reference source used for 4
1020 QUALITY ASSURANCE - B. Quality Control

calibration or from an independent source. Evaluate the LFB for If LFM duplicate results are out of control, then take corrective
percent recovery of the added analytes by comparing the results action to rectify the matrix effect, use another method, use the
to the method-specified limits, control charts, or other approved method of standard addition, or flag the data if reported. If dupli-
criteria. If LFB results are out of control, take corrective action, cate results are out of control, then re-prepare and reanalyze the
including re-preparation and re-analysis of associated samples if sample and take additional corrective action, as needed. When the
required. Use LFB results to evaluate batch performance, calcu- value of one or both duplicate samples is less than or equal to 5
late recovery limits, and plot control charts (see 1020 B.13). times the MRL, the laboratory may use the MRL as the control
limit, and the duplicate results are not used. Refer to the method
7. Laboratory-Fortified Matrix being used for specific acceptance criteria for LFM duplicates or
duplicate samples until the laboratory develops statistically valid,
A laboratory-fortified matrix (LFM) is an additional portion of laboratory-specific performance criteria. If the method being
a sample to which a known amount of the analytes of interest are used does not provide limits, calculate preliminary limits from
added before sample preparation. Some analytes are not appro- the IDC. Base sample batch acceptance on results of LFB analy-
priate for LFM analysis. See the tables in Sections 2020, 4020, ses rather than LFM duplicates alone, because the LFM sample
5020, 6020, 7020, and specific methods for guidance on when an matrix may interfere with method performance.
LFM is relevant.
The LFM is used to evaluate analyte recovery in a sample 9. Internal Standard
matrix. If an LFM is feasible and the method does not specify
LFM frequency requirements, then include at least one LFM Internal standards are used for organic analyses by gas chro-
with each sample set (batch) or on a 5% basis, whichever is more matography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), high-performance
frequent. Add a concentration that is at least 10 times the MDL/ liquid chromatography (HPLC), liquid chromatography/mass
MRL, less than or equal to the midpoint of the calibration curve, spectrometry (LC/MS), some GC analyses, some ion chroma-
or method-specified level to the selected samples. To allow ana- tography (IC) analyses, and some metals analyses by inductively
lysts to separate the matrix’s effect from laboratory performance, coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). An internal stan-
use the same concentration as for the LFB. Prepare the LFM from dard is a unique analyte included in each standard and added
the same reference source used for the LFB/LCS. If the sample to each sample or sample extract/digestate just before sample
contains no detectable analyte of interest or when the analyte level analysis. Internal standards must mimic the analytes of interest
is unknown but expected to be near the LOQ, adjust the LFM con- and not interfere with the analysis. Choose an internal standard
centration to more than 5 times the LOQ to ensure that the selected whose retention time or mass spectrum is separate from the ana-
sample’s level does not adversely affect recovery. If the sample lytes of interest and that elutes in a representative area of the
is known or expected to contain the analyte of interest, then add chromatogram. Internal standards are used to monitor reten-
approximately as much analyte to the LFM sample as the con- tion time, calculate relative response, or quantify the analytes
centration expected to be found in the known sample. Evaluate of interest in each sample, sample extract, or sample digestate.
the results obtained for LFMs for accuracy or percent recovery. When quantifying by the internal standard method, measure
If LFM results are out of control, then take corrective action to all analyte responses relative to this internal standard, unless
rectify the matrix effect, use another method, use the method of interference is suspected. If internal standard results are out of
standard addition, or flag the data if reported. Refer to the method control, take corrective action, including re-analysis if required.
being used for specific acceptance criteria for LFMs until the labo- Refer to the method being used for specific internal standards
ratory develops statistically valid, laboratory-specific performance and their acceptance criteria.
criteria. Base sample batch acceptance on results of LFB analy-
ses rather than LFMs alone, because the LFM sample matrix may 10. Surrogates, Tracers, and Carriers
interfere with method performance.
Surrogates, tracers, and carriers are used to evaluate method
8. Duplicate Sample and Laboratory-Fortified Matrix performance in each sample. Surrogates are used for organic
Duplicate analyses; tracers and carriers are used for radiochemistry analy-
ses. A surrogate standard is a known amount of a unique com-
Duplicate samples are analyzed randomly to assess precision pound added to each sample before extraction. Surrogates mimic
on an ongoing basis. If an analyte is rarely detected in a matrix the analytes of interest and are compounds unlikely to be found
type, use an LFM duplicate. An LFM duplicate is a second portion in environmental samples (e.g., fluorinated compounds or stable,
of the sample described in 1020 B.7 to which a known amount of isotopically labeled analogs of the analytes of interest). Tracers
the analytes of interest are added before sample preparation. If generally are different isotopes of the analyte or element of inter-
sufficient sample volume is collected, this second portion of sam- est that are measured based on their characteristic radioactive
ple is added and processed in the same way as the LFM. If there emissions. Carriers generally are stable isotopes of the element
is not enough sample for an LFM duplicate, then use a portion being determined, or analogs thereof, that are measured by chem-
of a different sample (duplicate) to gather data on precision. As ical or physical means (e.g. gravimetrically or spectroscopically).
a minimum, include one duplicate sample or one LFM duplicate Surrogates and tracers are introduced to samples before extraction
with each sample set (batch) or on a 5% basis, whichever is more to monitor extraction efficiency and percent recovery in each sam-
frequent, and process it independently through the entire sam- ple. If surrogate or tracer results are out of control, then take cor-
ple preparation and analysis. Evaluate LFM duplicate results for rective action, including re-preparation and reanalysis if required.
precision and accuracy (precision alone for duplicate samples). Refer to a specific SOP for surrogates, tracers, or carriers and their 5
1020 QUALITY ASSURANCE - B. Quality Control

respective acceptance criteria until the laboratory develops statis- c. Calibration verification: In calibration verification, ana-
tically valid, laboratory-specific performance criteria. lysts periodically use a calibration standard to confirm that
instrument performance has not changed significantly since
11. Calibration Curves initial calibration. Base this verification on time (e.g., every
12 h) or on the number of samples analyzed (e.g., after every
For tests that use calibration curves, the following guidance is 10 samples). Verify calibration by analyzing one standard at a
relevant. concentration near or at the midpoint of the calibration range.
a. Instrument calibration: Perform instrument maintenance and Evaluate the calibration- verification analysis based either on
calibration according to method or instrument manual instruc- allowable deviations from the values obtained in the initial cal-
tions. Conduct instrument performance according to method or ibration or from specific points on the calibration curve. If the
SOP instructions. calibration verification is out of control, then take corrective
b. Initial calibration: Perform initial calibration using at least action, including reanalysis of any affected samples. Refer to
3 concentrations of standards for linear curves, at least 5 concen- the method being used for the frequency of and acceptance cri-
trations of standards for nonlinear curves, or as specified by the teria for calibration verification.
method being used. Set the lowest standard concentration at the
reporting limit or, if applicable and the QC at the lowest standard 12. QC Calculations
is met, the reporting limit becomes the lowest standard concen-
tration. The highest concentration standard defines the upper end The following is a compilation of equations frequently used in
of the calibration range. Ensure that the calibration range encom- QC calculations.
passes the analytical concentration values expected in samples or a. Initial calibrations:
required dilutions. Choose calibration standard concentrations Relative response factor (RRF):
with no more than one order of magnitude between concentrations.
A variety of calibration functions may be appropriate: response Ax Cis
factor (RF) for internal standard calibration, calibration fac- RRF ( x ) = ×
Ais C x
tor (CF) for external standard calibration, or calibration curve.
Calibration curves may be linear through the origin, linear not
through the origin, or nonlinear through or not through the origin. where:
Some nonlinear functions can be linearized by using mathemati- RRF = relative response factor,
cal transformations of the data (e.g., log transformation). A = peak area or height of characteristic ion measured,
If using response factors or calibration factors, the calculated C = concentration,
%RSD for each analyte of interest must be less than the method- is = internal standard, and
specified value. When using response factors (e.g., for GC/MS x = analyte of interest.
analysis), evaluate the instrument’s performance or sensitivity
for the analyte of interest against minimum acceptance values for Response factor (RF):
response factors. Refer to the method being used for the calibra-
tion procedure and acceptance criteria on the response or calibra- A
RF ( x ) = x
tion factors for each analyte. Cx
If linear regression is used, many methods continue to specify
a minimum correlation coefficient for evaluating the quality of where:
the calibration model (y = mx + b). If the minimum correlation
coefficient is not specified, then the minimum value is 0.995. RF = response factor,
Compare each calibration point to the curve by recalculating its A = peak area or height,
concentration. If any recalculated concentration is not within the C = concentration, and
method’s acceptance criteria, identify the source of any outlier x = analyte of interest.
and correct before sample quantitation. Alternatively, a method’s Calibration factor (CF):
calibration can be judged against a reference method by measuring
the method’s calibration linearity or %RSD among the response
Peak area (or height) of standards
factors at each calibration level or concentration.3 Additional CF =
alternative approaches have emerged where some methods may mass injected
evaluate either linear or nonlinear calibration quality using spec-
ifications for relative error (RE) or percent relative standard error Relative standard deviation (RSD, %):
Use an initial calibration with any of the above functions s
(response factor, calibration factor, or calibration curve) to quan- RSD (%) = ×100
titate the analytes of interest in samples. Use calibration verifi-
cation (see ¶ c below) only for initial calibration checks, not for
sample quantitation, unless otherwise specified by the method n
(x − x )
being used. Perform initial calibration when the instrument is set
s= ∑ (in −1)
i =1
up and whenever calibration-verification criteria are not met. 6
1020 QUALITY ASSURANCE - B. Quality Control

where: S2 = signal for unfortified portion,

V1 = volume of standard addition (L), and
s = standard deviation,
V2 = volume of sample portion used for method of standard addition (L).
n = total number of values,
xi = each individual value used to calculate mean, and
x– = mean of n values. 13. Control Charts

b. Calibration verification: Control charts present a graphical record of quality7 by display-

Percent difference (D, %) for response factor: ing QC results over time to demonstrate statistical control of an
analytical process and to detect apparent changes in the analytical
RFi − RFc process that may erode such control.8 These charts are essential
%D = × 100 QC tools for tests that use accuracy and precision QC measures.
Computer-generated and -maintained lists or databases with QC
values, limits, and trending may be used as an alternative to plot-
where: ting control charts.
— Control charts for batch QC are often based on a single QC
RFi = average RF or RRF from initial calibration, and
RFc = relative RF or RRF from calibration verification standard. result per batch, and decisions on whether to accept or reject that
batch may depend on this one result. This special case is referred
Percent difference (D, %) for values: to as control charts for individuals because the rational subgroup
size is 1. When the distribution of QC data is markedly asymmet-
true value − found value rical (e.g., method blanks), use control charts for individuals with
%D = ×100
true value caution.8
Two types of control charts commonly used in laboratories are:
c. Percent recovery (% Recovery) for Laboratory-fortified accuracy (means) charts for QC samples and precision (range)
blank (laboratory control sample): charts for replicate or duplicate analyses.
a. Accuracy (means) chart: The accuracy chart for QC sam-
ples (e.g., reagent blanks, LCSs, calibration check standards,
found value
% Recovery = ×100 LFBs, LFMs, and surrogates) is constructed from the average and
true value standard deviation of a specified number of measurements of the
analyte of interest (Figure 1020:1). The accuracy chart includes
d. Percent recovery (% Recovery) for Surrogates: upper and lower warning levels (WLs) and upper and lower con-
trol levels (CLs). Common practice is to use ±2s and ±3s limits
quantity measured for the WL and CL, respectively, where s represents the standard
% Recovery = ×100
quantity added deviation of a finite sample set (see 1010 B.1). These calculated
limits should not exceed those required in the method. The value
e. Percent recovery (% Recovery) for Laboratory-fortified for s is the average standard deviation derived from a series of
matrix (LFM) sample (matrix spike sample): trial runs performed before establishing a control chart. Ideally,
conduct at least 7 trials using the same number of measurements
per trial as anticipated when using the control chart. Set up an
 LFM conc ×(spike vol + sample vol) − 
  accuracy chart by using either the calculated values for mean and
 (sample conc× sampple vol )  standard deviation or else the percent recovery. (Percent recov-
% Recovery =   ×1100

 spike solution conc × spike vol  ery is necessary if the concentration varies.) Construct a chart
  for each analytical method. Construct matrix-specific QC charts
 
separately for each matrix. Ideally, to provide the greatest benefit
to the laboratory and enable the earliest possible detection of an
f. Duplicate sample: out-of-control condition, enter results on the chart each time the
Relative percent difference (RPD, %):6 QC sample is analyzed. It is advisable to recalculate the initial
estimate of s when the number of trials reaches 20 to 50 results.
sample result − duplicate result b. Precision (range) chart: The precision chart also is con-
RPD (%) = ×100
(sample result − duplicate result ) / 2 structed from the average and standard deviation of a specified
number of measurements [e.g., %RSD or relative percent differ-
ence (RPD)] for replicate or duplicate analyses of the analyte of
g. Method of standard additions:
interest. If the standard deviation of the method is known, use the
factors from Table 1020:1 to construct the central line and WLs
S2 ×V1 ×C and CLs as in Figure 1020:2. The standard deviation (s) value
Sample concentration (mg/L) =
(S1 − S2 )×V2 used with the factors from Table 1020:1 is the arithmetic aver-
age of the individual standard deviations used in the trials derived
where: from stated or measured values for reference materials. The num-
ber of measurements (n) used to determine the estimated standard
C = concentration of the standard solution (mg/L), deviation (s) is specified in Table 2020:1 relative to statistical
S1 = signal for fortified portion, 7
1020 QUALITY ASSURANCE - B. Quality Control

Figure 1020:1. Control charts for means.

confidence limits of 95% for WLs and 99% for CLs. Perfect Note: When computed lower CL or lower WL values are negative,
agreement between replicates or duplicates results in a difference record the value as zero because the range value, R, is positive by
of zero when the values are subtracted, so the baseline on the definition.
chart is zero. Therefore for precision charts, only upper WLs and A precision chart is rather simple when duplicate analyses of a
upper CLs are meaningful. The standard deviation is converted standard are used (Figure 1020:2). For duplicate analyses of sam-
to the range so analysts need only subtract the two results to plot ples, the plot appears to be different because of variations in sam-
the value on the precision chart. The mean range is computed as: ple concentration. If a constant RSD in the concentration range
– –
of interest is assumed, then R, D4R, etc., may be computed as
R = d2 s above for several concentrations, a smooth curve drawn through
the points obtained, and an acceptable range for duplicates deter-
mined (Figure 1020:3). A separate table, as suggested below the
the upper CL as figure, will be needed to track precision over time.
More commonly, the range can be expressed as a function of
CL = R + 3s ( R ) = D4 R RSD (coefficient of variation). The range can be normalized by
dividing by the average. Determine the mean range for the pairs
analyzed by
and the upper WL as

R = (ΣRi ) /n
WL = R + 2s ( R ) = R + 2 / 3 D4 R − R )

R = mean range
d2 = factor to convert s to the mean range (1.128 for duplicates, as
given in Table 1020:1),
s(R) = standard deviation of the range, and
D4 = factor to convert mean range to CL (3.267 for duplicates, as
given in Table 1020:1).

Table 1020:1: Factors for Computing Lines on Range Control Charts

Number of Factor for Central Factor for Control
Observations (n) Line (d2) Limits (D4)
2 1.128 3.267
3 1.693 2.575
4 2.059 2.282
5 2.326 2.114
6 2.534 2.004 Figure 1020:2. Duplicate analyses of a standard. 8
1020 QUALITY ASSURANCE - B. Quality Control

Figure 1020:5. Means control chart with out-of-control data (upper


whereas only 1 out of 100 on average would exceed the CLs.

There are a number of “rules” (e.g., Western Electric) that may
be used to examine control-chart data for trends and other appar-
ent out-of-control changes in method performance.8 The tradeoff
is between missing a change in method performance (false neg-
ative) versus investigating and acting on an apparent change in
method performance when nothing had actually changed (false
Figure 1020:3. Range chart for variable concentrations. positive). The choice of rules to evaluate control charts should
balance the risk between false positives and false negatives in
– – method performance; this choice also may be influenced by the
Then draw lines on the chart at R + 2SR and R + 3SR and, for rules available in the software or statistical package used to ana-
each duplicate analysis, calculate normalized range and enter the lyze control charts. The following are typical guidelines, based on
result on the chart (Figure 1020:4). these statistical parameters (Figure 1020:5):
c. Chart analyses: If the WLs are at the 95% confidence level, • Control limit—If one measurement exceeds a CL, repeat the
then an average of 1 out of 20 points would exceed that limit, analysis immediately. If the repeat measurement is within the
CL, continue analyses; if it exceeds the CL, discontinue anal-
yses and correct the problem.
• Warning limit—If 2 out of 3 successive points exceed a WL,
analyze another sample. If the next point is within the WL,
continue analyses; if the next point exceeds the WL, evaluate
potential bias and correct the problem.
• Standard deviation—If 4 out of 5 successive points exceed
1s, or are in decreasing or increasing order, analyze another
sample. If the next point is less than 1s, or changes the order,
continue analyses; otherwise, discontinue analyses and cor-
rect the problem.
• Trending—If 7 successive samples are on the same side of the
central line, discontinue the analyses and correct the problem.
The above considerations apply when the conditions are either
above or below the central line, but not on both sides (e.g., 4 of 5
values must exceed either +1s or –1s). After correcting the prob-
lem, reanalyze the samples analyzed between the last in-control
measurement and the out-of-control one.
Another important function of the control chart is assessing
improvements in method precision. If measurements never or
rarely exceed the WL in the accuracy and precision charts,
Figure 1020:4. Range chart for variable ranges. 9
1020 QUALITY ASSURANCE - B. Quality Control

Table 1020:2. Example Data Qualifiers re-prepare calibration standards, recalibrate, or both, and
Symbol Explanation reanalyze affected samples.
• If an LFB fails, analyze another LFB.
B Analyte found in reagent blank. Indicates possible reagent • If a second LFB fails, check an independent reference
or background contamination.
material. If the second source is acceptable, re-prepare and
E Estimated reported value exceeded calibration range.
reanalyze affected samples.
J Reported value is an estimate because concentration is less
than reporting limit or because certain QC criteria were
• If an LFM fails, check the LFB. If the LFB is acceptable, then
not met. qualify the data for the LFM sample, use another method, or
N Organic constituents tentatively identified. Confirmation use the method of standard addition.
is needed. • If an LFM and associated LFB fail, re-prepare and reanalyze
PND Precision not determined. the affected samples.
R Sample results rejected because of gross deficiencies in • If a reagent blank fails, analyze another reagent blank.
QC or method performance. Resampling and/or • If second reagent blank fails, re-prepare and reanalyze the
re-analysis is necessary. affected sample(s).
RND Recovery not determined. • If a surrogate or internal standard known addition fails and
U Compound was analyzed for, but not detected. there are no calculation or reporting errors, re-prepare and
reanalyze the affected samples.
If data qualifiers are used to qualify samples not meeting QC
recalculate the WL and CL using the 10 to 20 most recent data requirements, the data may or may not be usable for the intended
points. Trends in precision can be detected sooner if running purposes. It is the laboratory’s responsibility to provide the client
averages of 10 to 20 are kept. Trends indicate systematic error; or end-user of the data with sufficient information to determine
random error is revealed by random exceedance of WLs or CLs. the usability of qualified data.

14. QC Evaluation for Small Sample Sizes References

Small sample sizes (e.g., for field blanks and duplicate sam- 1. Skoog DA, West DM, Holler FJ, Crouch SR. Fundamentals of ana-
ples) may not be suitable for QC evaluation with control charts. lytical chemistry, 10th ed. Boston (MA): Cengage Learning; 2022.
QC evaluation techniques for small sample sizes are discussed 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2016. Changes to method
elsewhere.5 detection limit (MDL) procedure, III.H. In: Clean Water Act Methods
Update Rule for the analysis of effluent. 40 CFR 136. https://www.
15. Corrective Action
3. Solution to analytical chemistry problems with Clean Water Act
Methods; EPA 821-R-07-002. Washington DC: U.S. Environmental
QC data that are outside the acceptance limits or exhibit a trend Protection Agency; 2007.
are evidence of unacceptable error in the analytical process. Take 4. Guide for Quality Control Charts; ANSI/ASQC B1-1996. Washing-
corrective action promptly to determine and eliminate the source ton DC; American National Standards Institute, American Society of
of the error. Do not report data until the cause of the problem is Quality Control; 1996.
identified and either corrected or qualified (Table 1020:2). Qual- 5. Wise SA, Fair DC. Chapter 15. In: Innovative control charting: prac-
ifying data does not eliminate the need to take corrective actions, tical SPC solutions for today’s manufacturing environment. Milwau-
but allows analysts to report data of known quality when it is kee, WI: American Society for Quality; 1977.
6. National functional guidelines for inorganic superfund data review;
either impossible or impractical to reanalyze the samples. Main-
EPA-540/R-13-001. Washington DC: Office of Emergency and
tain records of all out-of-control events, determined causes, and Remedial Response, Contract Laboratory Program, U.S. Environ-
corrective action taken. The goal of corrective action is not only to mental Protection Agency; 2010.
eliminate such events, but also to reduce repetition of the causes. 7. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Method modifications and
Corrective action begins with analysts being responsible for analytical requirements. 40 CFR, Part 136.6. [accessed 12 November
knowing when the analytical process is out of control. Initiate 2021].
corrective action when a QC check exceeds acceptance limits or part-136/section-136.6
exhibits trending, and report an out-of-control event (e.g., QC out- 8. Method 8000D. Determinative chromatographic separations. Revi-
liers, hold-time failures, loss of sample, equipment malfunctions, sion 5, Hazardous waste test methods, SW-846. Washington DC:
and evidence of sample contamination) to supervisors. Recom- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; March 2018.
mended corrective actions for unacceptable QC data are as follows:
• Check the data for calculation or transcription error. Correct Bibliography
results if an error occurred.
• Determine whether a sample was prepared and analyzed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Quality Assurance/Quality Con-
according to the approved method and SOP. If not, prepare trol guidance for removal activities, sampling QA/QC plan and data
validation procedures, Interim Final; EPA-540/G-90/004. Washington
and analyze again.
DC; 1990.
• Check calibration standards against an independent stan-
dard or reference material. If the calibration standards fail, 10
1020 QUALITY ASSURANCE - C. Quality Assessment

1020 C. Quality Assessment

Quality assessment is the process used to ensure that QC Table 1020:3. Example Audit of a Soil Analysis Procedure
measures are being performed as required and to determine the Procedure Comment Remarks
quality of the laboratory’s data. It includes proficiency samples, 1. Sample entered into logbook Yes Lab number assigned
laboratory comparison samples, and performance audits. These 2. Sample weighed Yes Dry weight
are applied to test the precision, accuracy, and detection limits of 3. Drying procedure followed No Maintenance of oven not done
the methods in use, and to assess adherence to SOP requirements. 4. a. Balance calibrated Yes once per year
b. Cleaned and zero adjusted Yes Weekly
1. Laboratory Check Samples (Internal Proficiency) 5. Sample ground Yes To pass 50 mesh
6. Ball mill cleaned Yes Should be after each sample
Evaluate the proficiency for each analyte and method in use 7. Etc.
by periodically analyzing laboratory check samples. To deter-
mine each method’s percent recovery, use either check samples
containing known amounts of the analytes of interest supplied
by an outside organization or else blind additions prepared inde- any issues revealed by different facets of the review. Quality sys-
pendently in the laboratory. tems audits should be conducted by qualified auditors who are
In general, method performance is established before a method knowledgeable about the section or analysis being audited. Audit
is used to generate usable data; acceptable percent recovery con- all major elements of the quality system at least annually. Qual-
sists of values that fall within the established acceptance range. ity system audits may be conducted internally or externally; both
For example, if the acceptable range of recovery for a substance types should occur on a regularly scheduled basis and should be
is 85% to 115%, then analysts are expected to achieve a recovery handled properly to protect confidentiality. Internal audits are
within that range on all laboratory check samples and to take cor- used for self-evaluation and improvement. External audits are
rective action if results are outside it. used for accreditation, education on client requirements, and
approval of the data’s end use. Corrective actions should be taken
2. Laboratory Comparison Samples on all audit findings and their effectiveness reviewed at or before
the next scheduled audit.
A good QA program requires participation in periodic inter-
and intra-laboratory comparison studies. Commercial and some 5. Management Review
governmental programs supply laboratory comparison samples
containing one or more constituents in various matrices. For rou- Review and revision of the quality system is vital to its main-
tine procedures, semi-annual analyses are customary. If failures tenance and effectiveness. Conducted at least annually by labo-
occur, take corrective action and analyze laboratory check sam- ratory managers, this review should assess the effectiveness of
ples more frequently until acceptable performance is achieved. the quality system and corrective action implementation, and
should include internal and external audit results, performance
3. Compliance Audits evaluation sample results, input from end user complaints, and
corrective actions. This periodic review and revision is vital to
Compliance audits are conducted to evaluate whether the lab- the maintenance and implementation of an effective laboratory
oratory meets the applicable SOP or consensus-method require- quality system.
ments that the laboratory claims to follow. Compliance audits can
be conducted by internal or external parties. A checklist can be Bibliography
used to document how a sample is treated from time of receipt to
final reporting of the result. For example, Table 1020:3 provides a Jarvis AM, Siu L. Environmental radioactivity laboratory intercompari-
partial list of audit items for a hypothetical analytical procedure. son studies program; EPA-600/4-81-004. Las Vegas (NV): U.S. Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency; 1981.
The goal of compliance audits is to detect any deviations from
International Organization for Standardization. 2005. General Require-
the SOP or consensus method so corrective actions can be taken. ments for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories;
ISO/IEC 17025. Geneva, Switzerland.
4. Laboratory Quality Systems Audits ASTM D2777-13. Standard practice for determination of precision and
bias of applicable test methods of Committee D19 on Water. West
A quality systems-audit program is designed and conducted to Conshohocken (PA): ASTM International; 2013.
review all elements of the laboratory quality system and address

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: December 22, 2021 11
Data Quality

Reviewed by Standard Methods Committee, 2011. Editorial revisions, 2021. Joint Task Group: 20th Edition—Kenneth E. Osborn (chair), Paul W. Britton, Robert D. Gibbons,
James M. Gindelberger, Nancy E. Grams, Lawrence H. Keith, Ann E. Rosecrance, Robert K. Wyeth.

1030 A. Introduction

An analytical laboratory’s role is to produce measurement- more uncertain. Frequently, reporting tools (e.g., detection or
based data that is technically valid, legally defensible, and of quantitation limits) are used to establish a lower concentration
known quality. All measurements contain error, which may be limit for reporting data that incorporate statistical uncertainty.
systematic (unvarying magnitude) or random (varying magnitude Laboratory data may be used for regulatory monitoring, envi-
and equal probability of being positive or negative). A method’s ronmental decision-making, and process control. The procedures
analytical performance is defined by its unique combination of used to extract information for different purposes vary and may
systematic and random errors.1 Quality assurance is a program be diametrically opposed. For example, a regulatory monitoring
designed to make the measurement process as reliable as possi- measurement that is below detection level may be appropriately
ble. Quality control (QC) procedures are activities designed to qualified because the uncertainty of the measurement is relatively
identify and determine sources of error. large and may preclude a statistically sound decision. However,
data collected over time may be treated by statistical analyses to
1. Measures of Quality Control provide a statistically sound decision even if many of the values
are below nominal detection levels.2
Two routine indicators of measurement quality that analysts
use to assess a method’s validity are precision (random error) 3. The Analyst’s Responsibility
and bias (systematic error). Precision indicates the extent to
which repeated measurements agree. A measurement’s precision The analyst must understand the QC measures and how to apply
is acceptable if its random errors are low. Accuracy indicates the them to the data quality objectives (DQOs) of process control, reg-
proximity of a measurement to its true value. A measurement is ulatory monitoring, and environmental field studies. The DQOs
acceptably accurate when both systematic and random errors are must be clearly defined and detailed before sample analysis begins
low. QC results outside acceptance limits (which are set by data so the data will be technically correct and legally defensible.
quality objectives) are evidence that a method may be out of con-
trol because of determinant errors (e.g., contaminated reagents or References
degraded standards).
1. Youden WJ. Statistical manual of the Association of Official Analyt-
2. Measurement Error and Data Use ical Chemists. Arlington (VA): AOAC International; 1984.
2. Osborn K, Rosecrance A. You can’t compute with less-thans: cen-
Random and systematic measurement errors make laboratory soring data restricts its use. In: Water Environment Federation
Solutions. Alexandria (VA): Water Environment Federation; 1995,
data less reliable. As a measured value decreases, its relative error
Volume 2, Issue 1, p. 6–7.
(e.g., relative standard deviation) may increase, making its validity

1030 B. Measurement Uncertainty

1. Introduction an uncertainty expression.1,2 This section concerns defining, com-

puting, reporting, interpreting, and expressing U.
Even when obtained with the greatest possible care, every mea-
surement has errors that are unknown and unknowable. These 2. Error
errors collectively result in what is called measurement uncer-
tainty. Reporting uncertainty with each measurement—to the A measurement can be related to the additive relationship between
extent that it is identified and estimated—is good practice and the unknown true value and the unknown measurement error.
may spare users from making unwarranted or risky decisions
based on a measurement alone. M =T + E
Measurement error (E) is the deviation of the measurement
(M) from the true value (T). Measurement uncertainty (U) is the
state of knowledge about this deviation, and may be defined as Because E is unknown, M is uncertain. Sometimes, a true value
may be treated as known (e.g., T* may be a published reference 1
1030 DATA QUALITY - B. Measurement Uncertainty

value, a traceable value, or a consensus value) for convenience or part of bias, by definition) and the traditional standard deviation
because the method that produced T* has less bias or variation (σE). In other words, about 95% of Z will lie within the interval
than the one that produced M. For example, based on the average µ ± 2σE. So if there is no bias and E is independent and normally
of many measurements, a vessel might be thought to contain distributed, then M ± 2σE would be a suitable way to report a
T* = 50 µg/L of salt in water. A subsample may then be routinely measurement and its uncertainty. (Normal probability tables and
measured, resulting in a reported concentration of M = 51 µg/L. statistical software give the proportions of the normal distribution
The actual concentration may be T = 49.9 µg/L, resulting in E = and thus the percent confidence gained that an observation is con-
51 – 49.9 = 1.1 µg/L. tained within ±kσE for any value of scalar k.)
To generalize the nature of uncertainty, E may be negligible or However, σE usually is unknown and must be estimated by
large in absolute terms (i.e., the original units) or relative terms the sample standard deviation (sE), which is based on multiple
(i.e., unitless, E ÷ T, or E ÷ T*). The acceptability of an abso- observations and statistical estimation. In this case, scalar k is not
lute error’s magnitude depends on its intended use. For exam- chosen based on the normal distribution but rather on the Student
ple, an absolute error of 1.1 µg/L may be inconsequential for an t distribution, taking into account the number of degrees of free-
application in which any concentration over 30 µg/L is sufficient. dom associated with sE.
However, as a precision-measurement standard (e.g., for pharma- Systematic error (B) is the nonrandom component; it typically
ceutical ingredients), an absolute error of 1.1 µg/L could be too is equated with bias and can include outright mistakes (analyst
large. blunders) and lack of control (drifts, fluctuations, etc.).3 In this
section, the terms systematic error and bias are intended to be
3. Uncertainty used interchangeably.
Often B is more difficult to estimate and make useful than
The reported measurement uncertainty contains the actual Z. Knowledge about bias is likely to be hard to obtain; once
measurement error with a stated level of confidence. For example, obtained, it is likely to be exploited to make the measurement
if M ± U is presented as a 95% confidence interval, then approxi- less biased or repeated (an appropriate response). If bias is known
mately 95% of the time, E will fall within the range of ±U. exactly (or nearly so), the user can subtract it from M to reduce
total measurement error.
4. Bias If bias is unknown (i.e., could be one of a wide but unknown
distribution of plausible values), users may adopt a worst-case
Bias (systematic error) is the signed (+ or –) deviation between approach and report an extreme value, retest, or simply ignore
the average measured value and the true value as the number bias altogether. For example, historical data may indicate that
of averaged measurements tends toward infinity and the related interlaboratory biases are significant or that QC measurements
uncertainty tends toward zero. For example, the reason a 49.9- of standards shift every time a measurement system is cleaned.
µg/L salt solution (T) is thought to be 50 µg/L (T*) could be a Without traceable standards, it is difficult for laboratory person-
bias (B = 0.1 µg/L). The “leftover” error (1.1 – 0.1 = 1.0 µg/L) is nel to be aware of the potential problem.
the random component (stochastic error) that changes with each The recommended practice for many methods is to conduct
measurement. routine QA/QC measurements on a suite of internal standards.
The bias is fixed and may be related to the method used to Plot measurements on control charts, and when an out-of-control
produce T*. Usually, a recognized method is used to produce or condition occurs, recalibrate the system with traceable standards.
certify a traceable standard—a sample with a certificate stating This permits the laboratory to publish a boundary on bias—
the accepted true value (T*). This method may be either the best assuming that the measurement system’s underlying behavior is
or most widely accepted method available, chosen because of its somewhat predictable and that changes between QA/QC sam-
minimal bias and stochastic error. Such a traceable standard may pling are acceptably small (e.g., slow drifts and small shifts).
be purchased from a standards organization [e.g., National Insti- Many analytical methods are not amenable to the use of internal
tute of Standards and Technology (NIST)]. standards in each sample, and external standards and calibration
standards must be relied on for an entire set of samples in an
analytical run.
5. Bias and Random Variation

6. Repeatability, Reproducibility, and Sources of Bias and

Both E and U can be split into two components:

E=Z +B a. Sources and measurement: The sources of bias and variabil-

ity include sampling error; sample preparation; interference by
where: matrix or other measurement quantities and qualities; variations
Z = random error, and in calibration error; software errors; counting statistics; an ana-
B = systematic error. lyst’s deviations from the method; instrument differences (e.g.,
chamber volume, voltage level); environmental changes (tem-
Random error (Z) is the component that changes from one perature, humidity, ambient light, etc.); contamination of sample
measurement to the next under certain conditions. It is assumed or equipment (e.g., carryover and ambient contamination); vari-
to be independent and to have a distribution—typically Gaussian ations in the purity of standards, reagents, or reagent water; sta-
(normal distribution). The normal distribution of Z is character- bility and age of standards and reagents, as well as the sample,
ized by a mean (µ) of zero (because any nonzero component is analyte, or matrix; and warm-up or cool-down effects (tendency 2
1030 DATA QUALITY - B. Measurement Uncertainty

to drift over time). The simplest strategy for estimating bias is for a particular analyte and matrix, only 6 report usable mea-
to measure a traceable (known) standard and then compute the surements. It is hard to know how representative these 6 are—
difference between M and T*: especially after a poststudy ranking and exclusion process—and
whether the Bs of the 20 are normally distributed (probably not
M − T* = B + Z discernible from 6 measurements, even if they are representative).
It may be more appropriate to treat each factor with few known
The uncertainty in this case is assumed to be small, although values (e.g., laboratories) as fixed factors, which have fixed effects.
in practice there may be situations in which this assumption is In other words, each laboratory, analyst, instrument, or day has a
inappropriate. If random uncertainty (Z) is negligible (i.e., Z ≈ different bias, but its distribution is assumed to be unknown (or
0), then M – T* will provide an estimate of bias (B). If Z is not unknowable), so a small number of sample specimen measure-
negligible, it can be observed and quantified by repeatedly mea- ments cannot be used to estimate distribution parameters, partic-
suring the same test specimen (if the measurement process is not ularly standard deviation. For example, assuming that variables
destructive). This may be part of a QA/QC procedure. are random, normally distributed, and have a mean of zero may
b. Repeatability: Repeatability (also called intrinsic measure- be inappropriate in an interlaboratory round-robin study. Every
ment variability) is the smallest amount of variation that remains laboratory has some B, but it is difficult to characterize because
in a measurement system when repeatedly measuring the same of laboratory anonymity or the small number of laboratories con-
sample specimen, such as when splitting a sample into replicate tributing usable data.
specimens for measurement, while preventing controllable sources Because of these concerns about assumptions and the potential
of variability from affecting results. It is quantified by the repeat- ambiguity of its definition, do not report reproducibility unless it
ability standard deviation (σRPT), which can be obtained by pool- is accompanied with the study design, a list of known sources of
ing sample standard deviations of measurements from J specimens: B and Z, and notes on which sources varied.

7. Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility, and the

1 J 2 Measurement Capability Study
σ RPT = ∑ (σRPT ,i )
J i=1
The Gage repeatability and reproducibility (Gage R&R)
approach combines repeatability and reproducibility.4 It treats
Repeatability is considered an approximate lower boundary to all factors (including B) as random and is based on the simplest
the standard deviation experienced in practice. The repeatabil- nontrivial model (i.e., a model containing at least one non-zero
ity standard deviation sometimes is used to compute uncertainty variable):
intervals (±U) (referred to as ultimate instrument variability)
based on the Student t distribution (±U = ±ksRPT).
Common sense and experience demonstrate that repeatability Z = Z RPT + Z L
is an overly optimistic estimate of uncertainty for routine mea-
surements, which are subject to many sources of bias and vari- where:
ability that are intentionally eliminated or restrained during a ZRPT = normally distributed random variable with mean equal to zero
repeatability study. The uncertainty in both B and Z are greater in and variance equal to sRPT2, and
routine measurements. ZL = normally distributed random variable with mean equal to zero and
c. Reproducibility: Reproducibility is the variation in a mea- with the variance of the factor (e.g., interlaboratory) biases, sL2.
surement system that occurs when repeatedly measuring a sample
specimen while allowing (or requiring) selected sources of B or The overall measurement variation then is quantified by
Z to affect results. It is quantified by the reproducibility standard
deviation (σRPD), accompanied by a list of known applicable
σE = σ RPD = σ RPT2 + σL2
sources of B and Z, and notes on which sources varied.
Barring statistical variation (i.e., variation in estimates of vari-
ability, such as the noisiness in sample standard deviations), σRPD Estimates for σRPT and σRPD usually are obtained by conduct-
is always greater than σRPT because it has more components. ing a nested designed study and analyzing the components of the
Typically, one or more of the following varies in a reproduc- results’ variance. This approach can be generalized to reflect good
ibility study: instrument, analyst, laboratory, or day. Preferably, practice in conducting experiments. The following measurement
design a study tailored to the particular measurement system (see capability study (MCS) procedure is recommended. The goal is
1030 B.7). If the number of sample specimen measurements vary, not necessarily to quantify the contribution of every source of B
compute the σRPD separately for each sample specimen, then and Z, but rather to study those considered important via system-
pool the homogeneous results. Treat factors that vary as random atic error budgeting.
factors and assume they are independent normal random variables When performing an MCS to assess U via systematic error
with a mean of zero. However, this assumption can often be chal- budgeting, begin by identifying sources of B and Z that affect E.
lenged if the number of sample specimen measurements and pos- This can be done with a cause-and-effect diagram—perhaps with
sibly the target populations are small (even identical). There may source categories of equipment, analyst, method (procedure and
be doubt as to whether the results are representative. of the target algorithm), material (aspects of test specimens), and environment.
population. Suppose, for example, that out of 20 laboratories (or Select sources of error to study either empirically or theoreti-
analysts or instruments) that perform tandem mass spectrometry cally. Typically, select and study sources that are influential, that 3
1030 DATA QUALITY - B. Measurement Uncertainty

can be varied during the MCS, and that cannot be eliminated f. Random effects study: This is the nested MCS and variance
during routine measurement. Select models for the sources. Treat components analysis described in 1030 B.7.
sources of B as fixed factors, and sources of Z as random factors. g. Passive empirical (QA/QC data): An even more empirical
Design and conduct the study, allowing (or requiring) the and passive approach is to rely solely on QA/QC or similar data.
selected sources to contribute to measurement error. Analyze the The estimated standard deviation of sample measurements taken
data graphically and statistically [e.g., by regression analysis, over many days by different analysts using different equipment
analysis of variance (ANOVA), or variance components analy- (perhaps in different laboratories) can provide a useful indication
sis]. Identify and possibly eliminate outliers (observations with of U.
responses that are far out of line with the general pattern of the
data), and leverage points (observations that exert high, perhaps 9. Uncertainty Statements
undue influence).
Refine the models, if necessary (e.g., based on residual anal- Ideally, measurements should be reported with an uncertainty
ysis), and draw inferences for future measurements. For random statement (and its basis). Develop uncertainty statements as fol-
effects, this probably is a confidence interval; for fixed effects, it lows.4–9
may be a table of estimated Bs. With the help of data users, experts on the measurement sys-
tem’s principles and use, and experts on sampling contexts, gener-
8. Other Assessments of Measurement Uncertainty ate a cause-and-effect diagram for E that identifies and prioritizes
sources of B and Z (factors). Consult the literature quantifying
The following procedures for assessing measurement uncer- B and Z. If needed, conduct one or more MCSs—incorporating
tainty are discussed below in order of increasing empiricism. the sources considered most important—to provide “snapshot”
a. Exact theoretical: Some measurement methods are closely estimates of B and Z (sometimes Gage R&R studies may be suf-
tied to exact first-principles models of physics or chemistry. For ficient).
example, measurement systems that count or track the position Institute a QA/QC program in which analysts routinely mea-
and velocity of atomic particles can have exact formulas for sure traceable or internal standards and plot the results on X and
uncertainty based on the particles’ known theoretical behavior. R control charts (or equivalent charts). React to out-of-control
b. Delta method (law of propagation of uncertainty): If a result signals on these charts (e.g., recalibrate using traceable standards
can be expressed as a function of input variables with known error when the mean control chart shows a statistically significant
distributions, then sometimes the distribution of such results can change). Use the control charts, relevant literature, and the MCSs
be computed exactly. to develop uncertainty statements that involve both B and Z.
c. Linearized: The delta method’s mathematics may be diffi-
cult, so a linearized form of M = T + E may be used instead. It References
involves a first-order Taylor series expansion about key variables
that influence E: 1. Youden WJ. Enduring values. Technometrics 1972;14(1):1–11.
2. Henrion M, Fischhoff B. Assessing uncertainty in physical constant.
( M + δM ) = T + δM /δG1 + δM /δG2 + δM /δG3 +  Amer J Phys. 1986;54(9):791–798.
3. Currie L. 1995. Nomenclature in evaluation of analytical methods
including detection and quantification capabilities (IUPAC Recom-
for sources G1, G2, G3, etc. of B and Z that are continuous vari- mendations 1995). Pure Appl Chem. 1995;67(10):1699–1723.
ables (or can be represented by continuous variables). The distri- 4. Mandel J. Evaluation and control of measurements. New York (NY):
bution of this expression may be simpler to determine because it Marcel Dekker; 1991.
involves the linear combination of scalar multiples of the random 5. Taylor BN, Kuyatt CE. Guidelines for evaluating and expressing
variables. the uncertainty of NIST measurement results, technical note 1297.
Gaithersburg (MD): National Institute of Standards and Technology,
d. Simulation: The delta method also is used to conduct com-
puter simulations. If the distributions of Es in input variables are 6. International Standards Organization. ISO/IEC Guide 983.2008, Part
known or can be approximated, then a computer simulation (e.g., 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement. Geneva
Monte Carlo) can empirically obtain the distribution of Es in the (Switzerland): International Standards Organization; 2008.
result. It typically generates 1 to 10 000 sets of random deviates 7. Kocherlakota N, Obenauf R, Thomas R. A statistical approach to
(each set has one random deviate per variable) and computes and reporting uncertainty on certified values of chemical reference mate-
archives M. The archived distribution is an empirical characteri- rials for trace metal analysis. Spectroscopy. 2002;17(9):20–32.
zation of U in M. 8. Guedens WJ, Yperman J, Mullens J, Pauwels EJ, Van Poucke LC,
e. Sensitivity study (designed experiment): If the identities and Pauwels EJ. Statistical analysis of errors: a practical approach for
distributions of B and Z sources are known, and the sources are an undergraduate chemistry lab—Part 1: The concepts. J Chem Ed.
continuous factors but the functional relationship between them
9. Guedens WJ, Yperman J, Mullens J, Pauwels EJ, Van Poucke LC,
and M is unknown, then analysts can conduct an empirical sen- Pauwels EJ. Statistical analysis of errors: a practical approach for
sitivity study (i.e., MCS) to estimate the low-order coefficients an undergraduate chemistry lab—Part 2. Some worked examples. J
(δM/δG) for any factor G. This produces a Taylor series approx- Chem Ed. 1993;70(10):838.
imation of δM, which can be used to estimate the distribution of
δM, as in paragraph c above. 4
1030 DATA QUALITY - C. Method Detection Level

1030 C. Method Detection Level

1. Introduction

Detection levels are controversial, principally because terms

are inadequately defined and often confused. For example, the
terms instrument detection level (IDL) and method detection level
(MDL) are often incorrectly used interchangeably. Most analysts
agree, however, that a detection level is the smallest amount of a
substance that can be detected above the noise in a procedure and
within a stated confidence level. Confidence levels are set so the
probabilities of both Type I errors (false detection) and Type II
errors (false nondetection) are acceptably small. Use of the term
detection limit has been avoided herein to prevent confusion with
regulatory usage of the term.
Currently, there are several types of detection levels—IDL,
MDL, lower level of detection (LLD), and level (or limit) of
quantitation (LOQ)—each with a defined purpose (Section
1010 C). The relationship among them is approximately IDL:LL-
D:MDL:LOQ = 1:2:4:10. (Occasionally, analysts use the IDL as
Figure 1030:1. Detection level relationship.
a guide for determining the MDL.)

2. Determining Detection Levels PQL, which is about 3 to 5 times larger than the MDL, is a practi-
cal and routinely achievable detection level with a relatively high
An operating analytical instrument usually produces a signal level of certainty that any reported value is reliable.
even when no sample is present (e.g., electronic noise) or when Numerous other definitions of detection and quantitation levels
a blank is being analyzed (e.g., molecular noise). Because any have recently been evaluated and are still under discussion.2,3 In
QA program requires frequent analysis of blanks, the mean and addition, a few terms are in use as de facto specific reporting lev-
standard deviation of this background signal become well known; els (RLs). These include MDL, PQL, minimum quantifiable level
the blank signal can become very precise (i.e., the Gaussian curve (MQL), and minimum reporting level (MRL). These may be in
of the blank distribution becomes very narrow). The instrument use in various sections of Standard Methods and are included in
detection level is the constituent concentration that produces a the glossary in Section 1010 C.
signal greater than 3 standard deviations of the mean noise level
or that can be determined by injecting a standard into the instru- 3. Description of Levels
ment to produce a signal that is 5 times the signal-to-noise ratio.
The IDL is useful for estimating the constituent concentration Figure 1030:1 illustrates the detection levels discussed above.
(amount) in an extract needed to produce a signal to permit calcu- In this figure, it is assumed that the signals from an analytical
lating an estimated MDL. instrument are distributed normally and can be represented by
The lower level of detection is the amount of constituent that a normal (Gaussian) curve.4 The curve labeled B represents the
produces a detectable signal in 99% of trials. Determine the LLD background or blank signal distribution. As shown, the distribu-
by analyzing multiple samples of a standard at near-zero concen- tion of blank signals is nearly as broad as for the other distribu-
trations (no more than 5 times the IDL). Determine the standard tions (i.e., σB = σI = σL). As blank analyses continue, this curve
deviation (s) by the usual method. To reduce the probability of a becomes narrower because of increased degrees of freedom.
Type I error to 5%, multiply s by 1.645 (from a cumulative normal The curve labeled I represents the IDL. Its average value is
probability table). To also reduce the probability of a Type II error located kσB units distant from the blank curve, and k represents
to 5%, multiply s by 3.290 instead. For example, if 20 determina- the value of t (from the one-sided t distribution) that corresponds
tions of a low-level standard yield an s of 6 µg/L, then the LLD is to the confidence level chosen to describe instrument perfor-
3.29 × 6 = 20 µg/L.1 mance. For a 95% level and n = 14, k = 1.782; for a 99% limit,
The MDL differs from the LLD in that samples containing the k = 2.68. The overlap of the B and I curves indicates the probabil-
constituent of interest are processed through the complete analyt- ity of a Type II error.
ical method. MDLs are larger than LLDs because of extraction The curve labeled L represents the LLD. Because only a finite num-
efficiency and extract concentration factors. The procedure for ber of determinations is used to calculate IDL and LLD, the curves are
determining MDLs is outlined in Section 1020 B.4. similar to the blank, only broader, so it is reasonable to choose σI =
Although LOQ is useful in a laboratory, the practical quantita- σL. Therefore, LLD is kσI + kσL = 2σL from the blank curve.
tion level (or limit) (PQL) is considered the lowest level achiev-
able among laboratories within specified limits during routine References
laboratory operations. The PQL is significant because different
laboratories produce different MDLs even when using the same 1. ASTM D4210-89. Standard practice for intralaboratory quality
analytical procedures, instruments, and sample matrices. The control procedures and a discussion on reporting low-level data, 5
1030 DATA QUALITY - D. Data Quality Objectives

designation. Philadelphia (PA): American Society for Testing and 3. Martin JJ, Winslow SD, Munch DJ. A new approach to drinking-wa-
Materials; 1996. ter-quality data: Lowest-concentration minimum reporting level.
2. Report of the Federal Advisory Committee on Detection and Quanti- Environ Sci Technol. 2007;41(3):677–681.
tation Approaches and Uses in Clean Water Act Programs. Washing- 4. Oppenheimer J, Trussell R. Detection limits in water quality anal-
ton DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 2007. ysis. In: Proceedings of the Water Quality Technology Conference,
1984 Dec 2–5, Denver, CO. Denver (CO): American Water Works
Association; 1984, p. 213.

1030 D. Data Quality Objectives

1. Introduction c. Identifying inputs: Identify the information needed to make

the necessary decision. Inputs may include measurements (e.g.,
Data quality objectives are systematic planning tools based on of physical and chemical characteristics), data sources (histori-
the scientific method. They are used to develop data-collection cal), applicable action levels, or health effects concerns.
designs and to establish specific criteria for the quality of data Identify and list the sources of information (e.g., previous data,
to be collected. The process helps planners identify decision-making historical records, regulatory guidance, professional judgment,
points for data-collection activities, determine the decisions to scientific literature, and new data). Evaluate qualitatively whether
be made based on the data collected, and identify the criteria to any existing data are appropriate for the study; such data will be
be used for making each decision. This process documents the evaluated quantitatively later. Identify the information needed to
criteria for defensible decision-making before an environmental establish the action level. Define the basis for setting action lev-
data-collection activity begins. els. The actions may be based on regulatory thresholds or stan-
dards or may be derived from issue-specific considerations (e.g.,
2. Procedure risk analysis). Determine only the criteria that will be used to
set the numerical value; the actual numerical action level will be
The DQO process is composed of the following steps.1 determined later.
a. Stating the issue: Sometimes the reason for performing anal- Confirm that the appropriate measurement methods exist to
yses is straightforward (e.g., to comply with a permit or other reg- provide the necessary data (i.e., that there are analytical methods
ulatory requirement). Sometimes it is far more subjective (e.g., to for the parameters or contaminants of interest and that they are
gather data to support remedial decisions or to track changes in appropriate for the matrix to be sampled). Consider the poten-
effluent quality resulting from process changes). A clear statement tial for matrix interferences, given the samples and analytical
of the reason for the analyses is integral to establishing appropriate methods involved. Ensure that the method’s limits (e.g., detec-
DQOs. This should include a statement that defines the intended use tion level, quantitation level, reporting level) are appropriate for
of the data (to determine permit compliance, to support decisions on both the matrix (e.g., drinking water, wastewater, groundwater,
whether additional process changes are necessary, etc.). leachate, soil, sediment, hazardous waste) and the parameter to
b. Identifying possible decisions and actions: Initially, express be measured. Ensure that a laboratory is available to perform the
the principal study question. For example: Is the level of contami- analyses; determine its capacity, turnaround time, data product,
nant A in environmental medium B higher than regulatory level C? and cost. Include this information as input to the decision-making
This example is relatively straightforward, but other questions may process.
be more complex. For example: How is aquatic life affected by d. Identifying study limits: Identify both the geographical area
publicly owned treatment works discharges into receiving waters? and time frame to which the decision will apply. Also, define the
Phrase such a question as several questions that might then be used scale of decision-making. Identify the smallest, most appropriate
to develop several decisions. Organize these questions in order of subsets of the total population for which decisions will be made.
the consensus priority of all participating parties. These subsets could be based on spatial or temporal boundaries.
Identify alternative actions—including “no action”—that could For example, while the spatial boundary may be a 300-acre site,
result from the various possible answers to the principal study samples may be collected from, and decisions made for, each
questions. In the first example above, if the contaminant level in 50-ft square of a grid of such squares drawn on a site map. Also,
the environmental medium is higher than the regulatory level, while the issue’s temporal boundary may be the duration of a
then some cleanup or treatment action may be indicated. If it is storm event, samples may be collected at, and decisions made
lower, the alternative may be “no action,” or the study team may for, 2-h increments during that event. This type of study might
wish to evaluate other environmental media and their regulatory result in a decision to construct a stormwater bypass structure that
levels. would carry the first flow, which might contain the highest nutri-
Finally, combine the principal study question with alternative ent load but would not necessarily carry peak flow.
actions to create a decision statement. For the first example, the Identify any practical constraints on data collection. Identify
decision statement might be: “Determine whether the mean level any logistical issues that might interfere with data collection,
of contaminant A in environmental medium B exceeds regulatory including seasonal conditions, daily variations, meteorological
level C and requires remediation.” A multi-tiered decision state- conditions, access conditions, availability of personnel, time,
ment might then state: “… if not, determine whether the maxi- equipment, project budget, regulatory limits, appropriate analyti-
mum level of contaminant A in environmental medium D exceeds cal methods, matrix interferences, detection limits, reporting lim-
regulatory level E and requires remediation.” its, site access limitations, and expertise. 6
1030 DATA QUALITY - D. Data Quality Objectives

e. Developing a decision rule: Define the parameter of interest, of that amount [e.g., the amount of a specific wavelength of light
specify an action level, and integrate outputs from the previous steps absorbed by a sample, the change in conductivity of a solution
into one statement that describes a logical basis for choosing among containing the analyte, or the amount of an analyte (in a gaseous
alternative actions. A decision rule may be worded as follows, sub- or ionized form) that passes through a membrane].
stituting case-specific information for the italicized words: Use data to choose between one condition of the environ-
ment [the null hypothesis (H0)] and an alternative condition
“If the factor of interest within the scale of decision-making [the alternative hypothesis (Ha)]. A decision error occurs when
is greater than the action level, then take alternative action the decision-maker rejects the null hypothesis when it is true
A; otherwise take alternative action B.” (false-positive decision error) or fails to reject the null hypothesis
when it is false (false-negative decision error). (Note that these
The factor of interest is a descriptive measure (e.g., an instan- definitions are not the same as false-positive or false-negative
taneous value, a mean, a median, or a proportion) that specifies instrument readings, where similar terms commonly are used by
the characteristic (e.g., calcium level in water, PCB level in soil, laboratory or field personnel to describe a fault in a single result.
radon level in air) that the decision-maker would like to know False-positive and false-negative decision errors are defined in
about the statistical population affected by the potential decision the context of hypothesis testing, where the terms are defined
(e.g., rivers or streams within a specific watershed, the specified with respect to the null hypothesis.)
depth of soil within a site boundary, or in basements or crawl- The null hypothesis usually is treated as the baseline condi-
spaces within a metropolitan area). tion presumed to be true in the absence of strong evidence to the
The scale of decision-making is the smallest, most appropri- contrary. Either condition may be selected as the null hypothesis,
ate subset for which separate decisions will be made (e.g., each but if the null hypothesis is chosen carefully, it can guard against
stream segment each square of a grid identified on a site map, making the decision error that the decision-maker considers to
each section of township X, or range Y of county Z). have the more undesirable consequences.
The action level is the value of the parameter of interest that Although the possibility of a decision error can never be totally
provides the criterion for choosing among alternative actions eliminated, it can be controlled by various means, including col-
(e.g., a stream standard to protect aquatic life, a published regula- lecting a large number of samples (to control sampling design
tory standard, or a health-effects-related level). error), analyzing individual samples several times, or using more
Alternative action A is preferred if the action level is exceeded precise laboratory methods (to control measurement error). Better
(e.g., initiate nonpoint-source controls, initiate soil cleanup to a sampling designs also can be developed to collect data that more
specified depth, or distribute technical information to property accurately represent the population of interest. Every study uses
owners). Noncompliance with the action level is the alternative a different method to control decision errors, depending on the
hypothesis. (Either alternative action can be labeled A without source of the largest components of total decision error in the data
making the decision rule any less valid.) set and the ease of reducing such components.
Alternative action B is preferred if the action level is not Reducing the probability of making decision errors generally
exceeded (e.g., continue routine monitoring, leave the soil in increases study costs. In many cases, however, it is not necessary
place, or provide a summary of the data-collection activity to to control decision error within very small limits to meet the deci-
potential developers). Compliance with the action level is the null sion-maker’s needs. If the consequences of decision errors are
hypothesis that is generally the no-action alternative or baseline minor, a reasonable decision could be based on relatively crude
condition. (Either alternative action can be labeled B without data. On the other hand, if the consequences of decision errors
making the decision rule any less valid.) are severe, the decision-maker can control sampling design and
f. Specifying limits on decision errors: Establish the decision- measurements within very small error limits.
error limits that the decision-maker will tolerate. Use these limits to Data quality is judged based on such factors as precision, bias,
establish performance goals for designing the data-collection activ- representativeness, completeness, and comparability. Precision,
ity. Base limits on the consequences of making a wrong decision. bias, and completeness can be applied to the measurement system
Decision-makers are interested in knowing the true state of (field and laboratory). Most analytical laboratories have systems
some feature of the environment. Environmental data can only be to quantify these factors. Laboratory precision can be estimated
an estimate of this true state, so decisions are based on environ- by analyzing laboratory replicates. Laboratory bias can be esti-
mental data that are in some degree of error. The goal is to develop mated by analyzing standards, known additions, and performance
a data-collection design that reduces the chances of making a evaluation (PE) samples. There is no common system in place
decision error to a level that is acceptable to the decision-maker. to estimate field bias. Field and laboratory completeness can be
Sources of uncertainty include sample design error and measure- estimated by comparing the number of analytical results provided
ment error; when combined, they represent the total study error. by the laboratory with the number of analytical results specified
Sample design error is the error inherent in using a portion of a in the sample design. Laboratory representativeness and compa-
population to represent the whole population. It is impractical, for rability involve the analytical method used and the laboratory’s
example, to measure and record the concentration of an analyte performance compared to those of other laboratories (PE studies),
at every point in a stream continuously. Instead, measure analyte which are not commonly quantified.
concentration at well-defined locations and time intervals to rep- Precision, bias, representativeness, completeness, and compa-
resent this analyte concentration continuum. rability can be applied to the sample design. Precision indicates
Measurement error is the error inherent in the measurement the extent to which a sample design reflects the total population.
process. A measurement system does not measure, on a molecular Bias indicates the accuracy with which a sample design reflects
level, the amount of an analyte in a sample. It measures an indicator the total population. Representativeness indicates the extent to 7
1030 DATA QUALITY - E. Checking Analyses’ Correctness

which the sample design is representative of the total population. • A statistical model that describes the relationship of the mea-
Completeness indicates the extent to which the sample design sured value to the “true” value (the model often describes the
reflects the complete population. Comparability indicates the components of error or bias believed to exist in the measured
similarity of the sample design to other sample designs for similar value), and
situations. Usually, none of these are measured. • A cost function that relates the number of samples to the total
Although data-quality factors provide some insight into sample cost of sampling and analysis.
measurement errors, they do not indicate sample design errors. Select the optimal sample size that satisfies the DQOs for each
These errors are additive, so if precision were ±90%, bias were data-collection design alternative. Using the above mathemati-
±90%, and representativeness were ±90%, the combined uncer- cal expressions, calculate the optimal sample size that satisfies
tainty could be up to ±27%. DQOs. If no design meets the limits on decision errors within the
Because most errors are unquantifiable, a study usually is budget or other constraints, relax one or more constraints by, for
designed to balance acceptable decision errors with acceptable example, increasing the sampling and analysis budget, increas-
study cost. ing the width of the uncertainty region, increasing the tolerable
g. Optimizing the design for collection: Identify the most decision-error rates, relaxing other project constraints (e.g., the
resource-effective design for the study that achieves DQOs. schedule), or changing the boundaries. It may be possible to
Use statistical techniques to develop alternative data-collec- reduce sampling and analysis costs by changing or eliminating
tion designs and evaluate their efficiency in meeting DQOs. To subgroups that require separate decisions.
develop the optimal study design, it may be necessary to work Select the most resource-effective data-collection design that
through this step more than once after revisiting previous steps satisfies all DQOs and document the operational details and the-
of the process. oretical assumptions of the selected design in the sampling and
Review DQO outputs and existing environmental data, develop analysis plan.
general data-collection design alternatives, and formulate the
mathematical expressions needed to solve the design issue for References
each data-collection design alternative. Develop the following 3
mathematical expressions: 1. Guidance on systematic planning using the data quality objectives
• A method for testing the statistical hypothesis and a sample size process (EPA QA/G-4) EPA/240/B-06/001. Washington DC: Office
formula that corresponds to the method (e.g., Student t test), of Environmental Information, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 2006.

1030 E. Checking Analyses’ Correctness

The following procedures for checking analyses’ correctness Σ cations − Σ anions

% difference = 100 ×
apply specifically to water samples with relatively complete Σ cations + Σ anions
analyses [e.g., pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS),
and major anionic and cationic constituents that indicate general The typical criteria for acceptance are as follows:
water quality].1 These checks do not require additional laboratory
analyses. Three involve calculating TDS and conductivity from
measured constituents. Sum the concentrations of constituents (in Anion Sum (meq/L) Acceptable Difference
milligrams per liter) as follows to calculate TDS: 0–3.0 ±0.2 meq/L
3.0–10.0 ±2%
Total dissolved solids = 0.6 (alkalinity) + Na + + K + 10.0–800 5%

+Ca 2+ + Mg2+ + Cl− + SO24− + SiO32− + NO3− + F−

2. Measured TDS = Calculated TDS
The measured TDS concentration is expected to be larger
Alkalinity = measured as combined carbonate and bicarbonate alka- than the calculated one because the calculation may not include
linity as CaCO3 in samples with pH between 5 and 9. a significant contributor.2 If the measured value is smaller, then
(Note: If the pH is less than 9.0, the hydroxyl ionic con-
both the higher ion sum and measured value are suspect, and
ductance is insignificant. If the pH is more than 5.0, the
the sample should be re-analyzed. If the measured TDS concen-
hydrogen ionic conductance is insignificant.)
tration is more than 20% higher than the calculated one, then
Calculate electrical conductivity using the procedure in Section the low ion sum is suspect, and selected constituents should be
2510 B. re-analyzed.
The acceptable ratio is as follows:3
1. Anion-Cation Balance
measured TDS
1.0 < < 1.2
The anion and cation sums (expressed as milliequivalents per calculated TDS
liter) must balance because all potable waters are electrically neu-
tral.2 The test is based on the percentage difference: 8
1030 DATA QUALITY - E. Checking Analyses’ Correctness

3. Measured EC = Calculated EC nitrite) may be present. If poorly dissociated calcium and sulfate
ions are present, the TDS may be as high as 0.8 times the EC.
If the calculated electrical conductivity (EC) is larger than the The acceptable criterion is as follows:
measured EC value, re-analyze the higher anion or cation analysis
sum. If it is smaller, re-analyze the lower anion or cation analysis calculated TDS/conductivity ratio range = 0.55 − 0.7
The acceptable ratio is as follows:3
6. Measured TDS-to-EC Ratio

calculated EC A measured TDS-to-EC ratio between 0.55 and 0.7 is accept-

0.9 < < 1.1
measured EC able. If it is outside these limits, then either measured TDS or
measured conductivity is suspect and must be re-analyzed.
4. Measured EC and Ion Sums More complete expositions of the above QC checks have been
Both the anion and cation sums should be approximately 1/100
of the measured EC value. If either sum does not meet this crite- References
rion, then it is suspect; re-analyze the sample.
The acceptable criteria for the anion or cation sum (expressed 1. Rossum JR. Checking the accuracy of water analyses through the use
as milliequivalents per liter) are as follows: of conductivity. J Amer Water Works Assoc. 1975;67(4):204–205.
2. Friedman LC, Erdmann DE. Quality assurance practices for the
chemical and biological analyses of water and fluvial sediments;
100 × anion (or cation) sum, meq/L = (0.9 − 1.1) EC
Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the U.S. Geolog-
ical Survey. Washington DC: U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Govern-
5. Calculated TDS-to-EC Ratio ment Printing Office; 1982, Book 5, Chapter A6.
3. Oppenheimer J, Eaton AD. Quality control in mineral analysis. In:
Proceedings of the Water Quality Technology Conference, 1985 Dec
If the ratio of calculated TDS to conductivity is less than 0.55, 8–11, Houston, TX. Denver (CO): American Water Works Associa-
then the lower ion sum is suspect and must be re-analyzed. If the tion; 1986, p. 15.
ratio is more than 0.7, then the higher anion or cation analysis 4. Oppenheimer J. Laboratory quality control—inorganic and organic.
sum is suspect and must be re-analyzed. If the lower anion or cat- In: Proceedings of the Water Quality Technology Conference, 1986
ion analysis sum does not change after re-analysis, a significant Nov 16–20, Portland, OR. Denver (CO): American Water Works
concentration of an unmeasured constituent (e.g., ammonia or Association; 1986, p. 23.

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: July 2, 2021 9
Method Development and Evaluation

Reviewed by Standard Methods Committee, 2014. Editorial revisions, 2021. Joint Task Group: L. Malcolm Baker.

1040 A. Introduction

Although standardized test methods are available from many The guidance provided in this section is generalized and slanted
nationally recognized sources, there may be occasions when they toward chemical analyses in most cases. Bioassays, taxonomic
cannot be used or when no standard method exists for a particular classification, and microbiology testing frequently demand addi-
constituent or characteristic. Therefore, method development may tional or alternative considerations during development and val-
be required. Method development is the set of experimental pro- idation. In some cases, these may be spelled out in other parts of
cedures devised for measuring a known amount of a constituent this compendium (e.g. Parts 8000, 9000, 10000) or from other
in various matrices, in the case of chemical analyses; or a known publications or regulatory authorities.
characteristic (e.g., biological or toxicological) of various matrices.

1040 B. Method Validation

Whether an entirely new method is developed by accepted 2. Analysis of Unknown Samples

research procedures or an existing method is modified to meet
special requirements, validation by a 3-step process is required: This step in the method-validation procedure requires the anal-
determination of single-operator precision and bias, analysis of ysis of independently prepared standards whose value is unknown
independently prepared unknown samples, and determination of to the analyst. Analyze each unknown in replicate by following the
method ruggedness. Universal acceptance criteria are difficult to standard operating procedure for the method. The mean amount
establish and may vary by test type (e.g., chemical, microbiolog- recovered must be within 3 standard deviations (s) of the stan-
ical, toxicological), matrix, intended use, and regulatory author- dard’s mean value but preferably within 2 s.
ity. It is therefore necessary to establish these criteria during the Obtain the unknowns from other personnel in the analyst’s lab-
method-development stage and apply them in the design of vali- oratory using either purchased analytical-grade reagents or stan-
dation efforts. The single-operator characteristics may be a good dards traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology
place to begin evaluating and establishing these criteria. (NIST). If available for the particular constituent, performance
evaluation samples from accredited proficiency test (PT) provid-
1. Single-Operator Characteristics ers are also recommended.

This part of the validation procedure requires determining 3. Method Ruggedness

detection and reporting levels as in Section 1020 B.4 and 1030 C,
applicable analytical range, the method’s bias (i.e., its systematic A test of the method’s ruggedness (i.e., stability of the result
error), the precision obtainable by a single operator (i.e., the ran- produced when steps in the method are varied) is the final valida-
dom error introduced in using the method), matrix effects, and tion step. It is especially important to determine this characteristic
interferences. To make these determinations, analyze at least 7 if the method will be proposed as a standard or reference method.
but preferably 10 or more portions of a standard at each of several A properly conducted ruggedness test points out those procedural
concentrations in each matrix that may be used. Use one concen- steps in which rigor is critical and those in which some leeway is
tration at, or slightly above, the detection limit and one relatively permissible.
high so the range of concentrations for which the method is appli- The Association of Official Analytical Chemists1 has suggested
cable can be specified. a method for this test in which 8 separate analyses can be used to
The use of several concentrations to determine bias and preci- determine the effect of varying 7 different steps in an analytical
sion will reveal the form of the relationship between these method procedure. To illustrate, suppose the effect of changing the factors
characteristics and the substance’s concentration, the substance’s in Table 1040:2 is to be determined. To make the determination,
characteristic toxicity, or the biological factor of interest. This denote the nominal factors by capital letters A through G and the
relationship may be constant, linear, or curvilinear and is a sig- variations by the corresponding lower-case letters. Then set up a
nificant characteristic of the method that should be explained table of the factors (Table 1040:3).
clearly. Table 1040:1 shows the calculation of precision and bias If Combination 1 is analyzed, the result will be s. If Combina-
for a single concentration in a single matrix from 8 replicate anal- tion 2 is analyzed, the result will be t, and so on until all 8 com-
yses of a standard with a known concentration of 1.30 mg/L. binations have been analyzed. To determine the effect of varying 1

Table 1040:1. Precision and Bias for a Single Concentration in a Single Table 1040:3. Factor Matrix for Method Ruggedness Determination
Result (mg/L) Difference (1.30 ) Squared Difference Factor value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.23 –0.07 0.0049 A or a A A A A a a a a
1.21 –0.09 0.0081 B or b B B b b B B b b
1.30 0.0 0.0 C or c C C C c C c C c
1.59 0.29 0.0841 D or d D D d d d d D D
1.57 0.27 0.0729 E or e E E E e e E e E
1.21 –0.09 0.0081 F or f F F f F F f f F
1.53 0.23 0.0529 G or g G g g G g G G g
1.25 –0.05 0.0025
Result s t u v w x y z
Sum = 0.49 = 0.2335
n =8 Source: Youden WJ, Steiner EH. Statistical Manual of the AOAC. Washington
n DC: Association of Official Analytical Chemists; 1975.
Bias 0.49 mg /L
= ∑ (difference)i /n = = 0.06 mg /L
i =1
An explanation of each step, with additional techniques and
2 examples, has been published.4 Because the number of anal-
= ∑ (difference)i / (n −1) = 0.2335
(8 −1)
= 0.18 mg /L
yses can be very large, the calculations become complex and
Precisiona i =1
This is similar to the calculation for standard deviation.
a familiarity with basic statistics is necessary. A listing of stan-
dard, reference, and equivalent methods for water analysis is
a factor, find the 4 results where the factor was nominal (all caps)
and the 4 where it was varied (all lower case) and compare the References
averages of the 2 groups. For example, to compare the effect of
changing C to c, use results (s + u + w + y)/4 and (t + v + x + 1. Youden WJ, Steiner EH. Statistical Manual of AOAC. Washington
z)/4. Calculate all 7 pairs to get 7 differences, which can then be DC: Association of Official Analytical Chemists; 1975.
ranked to reveal those with a significant effect on the results. If 2. Williams LR. Harmonization of biological testing methodology:
there is no outstanding difference, calculate the average and stan- a performance based approach in aquatic toxicology and hazard
dard deviation of the 8 results s through z. The standard deviation assessment. 8th Symp. ASTM STP 891, Bahner RC, Hansen DJ, eds.
is a realistic estimate of the method’s precision. This design tests Philadelphia (PA): ASTM International, 1985.
main effects, not interactions. 3. Natrella MG. Experimental statistics. Washington DC: National
Bureau of Standards Handbook 91, 1963.
4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Guidelines for establish-
4. Equivalency Testing ing method equivalency to standard methods; Rep. 600/X-83-037.
Las Vegas (NV): Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory;
After a new method has been validated by the procedures listed 1983.
above, it may be necessary to test the method for equivalency to 5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Guidelines establishing test
standard methods, unless none exist. This requires analyzing at procedures for the analysis of pollutants under the Clean Water Act.
least 3 concentrations by both the alternate and standard methods. Final rule. 1994. 40 CFR Part 136; Fed Reg. 59:20:4504.
If the range of concentration is very broad, test more concentra-
tions. Once an initial set of analyses (5 or more) has been made at Bibliography
each chosen concentration, apply the following statistical steps:2
1.  Test the distribution of data for normality and transform Huber L. Validation of computerized analytical systems. Buffalo Grove
the data if necessary (Section 1010 B). (IL): Interpharm Press, Inc.; 1995.
2.  Select an appropriate sample size based on an estimate of Parkany M. Use of recovery factors in trace analysis. Cambridge (UK):
the standard deviation.3 Royal Society of Chemistry; 1996.
Huber L. Validation and qualification in analytical laboratories. Buffalo
3. Test the variances of the 2 methods using the F-ratio statistic.
Grove (IL): Interpharm Press, Inc.; 1999.
4.  Test the average values of the 2 methods using a Student Thompson M, Ellison SLR, Fajgelj A, Willetts P, Wood R. Harmonised
t statistic. guidelines for the use of recovery information in analytical measure-
ment. Pure Appl Chem. 1999;71(2):337–348.
Table 1040:2. Variations in Factors for Method Ruggedness Aboul-Enein HY, Stefan R, Baiulescu G. Quality and reliability in analyt-
Determination ical chemistry. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 2000.
Fajgelj A, Ambrus A. Principles and practices of method validation.
Factor Nominal Variation
Cambridge (UK): Royal Society of Chemistry; 2000.
Mixing time 10 min 12 min Huber L. A Primer: Good laboratory practice and current good manufac-
Portion size 5g 10 g turing practice. Deutschland GmbH, Waldbronn (Germany): Agilent
Acid concentration 1M 1.1 M Technologies; 2000.
Heat to 100 °C 95 °C National Institute of Standards and Technology. The NIST Reference
Hold heat for 5 min 10 min on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty; 2002 [accessed 2020 June 15].
Stirring yes no
pH adjust 6.0 6.5 2
1040 METHOD DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION - C. Collaborative Multilaboratory Testing

Thompson M, Ellison SLR, Wood R. Harmonized guidelines for sin- Cacuci DG. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis - Theory, Vol 1. Boca
gle-laboratory validation of methods of analysis (IUPAC technical Raton (FL): CRC Press, 2003.
report). Pure Appl Chem. 2002;74(5):835–855. Egli H, Dassenakis M, Garelick H, van Grieken R, Peijnenburg WJGM,
Huber L. Validation of computerized analytical and networked systems. Klasinc L, Kördel W, Priest N, Tavares T. Minimum requirements for
Denver (CO): Interpharm Press, Inc.; 2002. reporting analytical data for environmental samples. Pure Appl Chem.
Barrentine L. Concepts for R & R Studies, 2nd ed. Milwaukee (WI): ASQ 2003;75(8):1097–1106.
Quality Press; 2003.

1040 C. Collaborative Multilaboratory Testing

After a new or modified method has been developed and val- r > 1 (30 /P )
idated, it is appropriate to determine whether the method should
be made a standard method. The procedure to convert a method where:
into a standard method is the collaborative multilaboratory test.1
r = number of replicates and
In this test, multiple laboratories collaborate by using the same
P = the product of several variables.
standard operating procedure to analyze a select number of sam-
ples to determine the method’s bias and precision, as would occur The minimum number of replicates is 3. As an example, if 3
in normal practice. levels of a substance will be analyzed by single operators in 6
In planning for a collaborative multilaboratory test, consider laboratories on a single apparatus, then P is calculated as follows:
the following factors: a precisely written standard operating pro-
cedure, the number of variables to be tested, the number of lev- P = 3 × 1 × 6 × 1 = 18
els to be tested, and the number of replicates required. Because
method precision is estimated by the standard deviation, which
and the number of replicates is
itself is the result of many sources of variation, the variables that
affect standard deviation must be tested. These may include the
laboratory, operator, apparatus, and concentration range. r > 1 (30 /18) > 2.7 or r = 3.

1. Variables 3. Example of a Collaborative Multilaboratory Test

Test at least the following variables: Send each of 5 laboratories 4 concentrations of a compound
a. Laboratory: Involve at least 3 different laboratories, although (4.3, 11.6, 23.4, and 32.7 mg/L) with instructions to analyze in
more are desirable to provide a better estimate of the standard triplicate using the procedure provided. Tabulate results as shown
deviation. Note: Some standards organizations require at least in Table 1040:4 (the results for only one concentration are shown).
8 laboratories for collaborative testing. Each collaborating lab- Because there are no obviously aberrant values (use the method in
oratory and analyst should demonstrate proficiency with the new Section 1010 B.4 to reject outliers), use all the data.
method before interlaboratory data are generated in a multilabo-
ratory study.
b. Apparatus: Because model and manufacturer differences can
Table 1040:4. Sample Collaborative Multilaboratory Test Results
be sources of error, analyze at least 2 replicates of each concen-
tration per laboratory. Deviation
c. Operators: To determine overall precision, involve at least 6 Result Experimental From From Grand
analysts (no more than 2 from each laboratory). Laboratory (mg/L) x±s Known Average
d. Levels: If the method development has indicated that the
1 32.7 34.7 ± 1.8 2.0 1.7
relative standard deviation is constant, test 3 levels covering the
range of the method. If it is not constant, use more levels spread 36.3
uniformly over the operating range. If developing a new method 2 32.6 33.3 ± 0.6 0.6 0.3
to compare to an existing standard, use the number of levels equiv- 33.7
alent to the existing method’s calibration range and requirements. 33.6
If matrix effects are suspected, conduct the test evaluation in 3 30.6 31.2 ± 1.0 –1.5 –1.8
each medium for which the method was developed. If this is not 30.6
feasible, use appropriate grades of reagent water as long as this 32.4
is stipulated in the resulting statement of method characteristics. 4 32.6 33.0 ± 0.8 0.3 0
Results are reported as being matrix-specific for the types of 32.5
matrices to which the method is purportedly applicable. 33.9
5 32.4 32.9 ± 0.5 0.1 0.2–0.1
2. Number of Replicates 33.4
Calculate the number of replicates after the number of variables (Σx)/n = 33 S = 1.5 Σ = –0.1
to be tested has been determined by using the formula: s = 1.5 3
1040 METHOD DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION - C. Collaborative Multilaboratory Testing

Table 1040:5. Method Precision and Bias As noted in Table 1040:4, the sum of the deviations from the
Known Amount CV (% Standard known value for the laboratories was 1.3, so the average deviation
Amount (mg/L) Detected (mg/L) Deviation) Bias (%) (bias) was 1.3/5 = 0.26, rounded to 0.3, which is the same as the
difference between the grand average and the known value.
4.3 4.8 12.5 11.5
For all 4 unknowns in this test, the percentage results indicated
11.6 12.2 10.2 5.6
increasing bias and decreasing precision as the concentration
23.4 23.8 5.4 1.9
decreased. Therefore, to describe the method in a formal state-
32.7 33 4.5 0.9
ment, the precision would be given by a straight line with the
CV = coefficient of variation; CV% = (standard deviation/grand average) × 100 formula y = mx + b; where y is the relative standard deviation, m
is the slope of the line, x is the concentration, and b is the relative
Calculate the average and standard deviation for each labora- standard deviation at concentration 0. The values found from the
tory; use all 15 results to calculate a grand average and standard collaborative test are shown in Table 1040:5.
deviation. The difference between the average of each laboratory and These results indicate that the method is acceptable. However,
the grand average reveals any significant bias, such as that shown for concentrations of less than about 10 mg/L require greater care in
Laboratories 1 and 3. The difference between the grand average analysis.
and the known value is the method bias (e.g., 33.0 – 32.7 = 0.3 mg/L,
or 0.9%). The relative standard deviation of the grand average Reference
(1.5 mg/L) is 4.5%, which is the method precision, and the s for
each laboratory is the single-operator precision. 1. Youden WJ, Steiner EH. Statistical Manual of the AOAC. Washing-
ton DC: Association of Official Analytical Chemists; 1975.

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: July 21, 2021 4
Expression Of Results

Reviewed by Standard Methods Committee, 2021. Joint Task Group: Christina Baker, Terry E. Baxter.

1050 A. Units
Standard Methods uses the International System of Units (SI).1 ppm by weight mg/L
Quantities of mass and volume resulting from measurements and % by weight = =
10 000 10 000 × ρ
analyses are used to calculate and report concentrations of chemi-
cal and physical constituents in water. Concentration values must
be reported using a unit of expression that is appropriate for the where ρ is the density of the sample solution or solid mixture
intended use of the data and within an appropriate value range for being measured, in kilograms per liter (use of 1 kg/L = 1 g/mL =
the unit expression used. For example, a typical unit expression 1000 kg/m3 to approximate water density is typical).
for concentration is milligrams per liter (mg/L) where numerical Weight per unit weight (w/w) is defined as mass of analyte per
values range from 0.1 to 999.9 mg/L. If the concentration value is total (wet) mass of solution or mixture. In some cases, the weight
less than 0.1, it is customary to express the concentration as micro- fraction results may be reported with regard to the total dry mass
grams per liter (μg/L) and if greater than 999.9, then express as rather than total wet mass. The units are multiples of (g analyte/kg
grams per liter (g/L), with the numerical values adjusted accord- dry). This is referred to as “dry-weight basis”; report the concen-
ingly. Record and report all measured and analytical results to the tration of total solids at the same time.
proper number of significant figures (see 1050 B). b. Other concentration units: To obtain mass concentrations,
the analyst may have to compute intermediate results in terms of
mass, moles, volume, or equivalent. The most commonly used
1. Radioactivity
intermediate forms are defined as follows:
1) Mass fraction—analyte mass divided by the total mass of the
For information on reporting radiological results, see Section
solution or mixture, expressed as kg/kg;
7020 D.
2) Volume fraction—analyte volume divided by total volume of
sample where measurements are at equal pressure and tempera-
2. Concentration Units ture, expressed as L/L;
3) Mole fraction—number of moles of analyte per total moles
a. Mass concentrations: Mass concentrations can be expressed in solution;
in terms of mass/volume (m/v) and mass/mass (m/m).2 Those 4) Molar concentration (molarity)—number of moles of
commonly used in Standard Methods are listed in Table 1050:1. analyte contained in 1 L solution, designated by M;
Most analysis results are reported in terms of w/v, but some 5) Molal concentration (molality)—number of moles of analyte
may be expressed in terms of w/w. Since analyses usually are dissolved in 1 kg solvent;
performed for analytes in solution it may be necessary to report 6) Normality—number of equivalents (see ¶ c below) of solute
results in reference terms other than solution volume, such as (i.e., the substance) dissolved and diluted to a 1‑L volume and
milligrams per kilogram, parts per million, or percent by weight. designated by N. Also see paragraph d below.
These terms are computed for a given analyte as follows: c. Equivalent weight and equivalent concentration:
The equivalent weight of an analyte, whether it be a compound,
mg/L ion, or element is defined as the weight (in grams) of the sub-
ppm by weight = mg/kg =
ρ stance that yields 1 gram-atom of hydrogen or its chemical equiv-
alent. A gram-atom is equal to the atomic weight of a substance
expressed in grams, which is also the weight of 1 mole of the
substance. For example, 1 gram-atom of hydrogen ion (H+) is
1.008 grams, which is also the weight of 1 mole of H+. Equivalent
Table 1050:1. Commonly Used Expressions of Concentration
weight is determined by the following equation.
Unit of Expression
Proportion Value w/v w/w v/v MW
Equivalent weight (equiv. wt .) =
- N Eq
Parts per hundred (%) 10 2 g/dL g/100 g mL/dL
Parts per thousand (‰) 10 3 g/L g/kg mL/L
Parts per million (ppm) -
10 6 mg/L mg/kg mL/L In this equation the unit expression for equivalent weight is
Parts per billion (ppb) 10 9 mg/L mg/kg nL/L
Parts per trillion (ppt) -
10 12 ng/L ng/Kg pL/L (g/mol)/(equivalents/mol) = g/equivalent 1
1050 Expression Of Results - A. Units

which refers to the weight of a substance that represents 1 equiv- In this reaction, since H2CO3 yields only 1 H+, the value
alent in a particular reaction. The MW is the molecular or for- of NEq = 1. The equivalent weight of NaHCO3 is also calculated
mula weight of a substance and is equal to the sum of the atomic using a value of NEq = 1.
weights for each element multiplied by the number of each ele- Likewise, the following neutralization reaction involving
ment in the substance’s molecular or chemical formula, and NEq H3PO4 (phosphoric acid) and NaOH yields only 1 H+ from
is a positive value (commonly referred to as the number of equiv- H3PO4:
alents or equivalent number) that is defined depending on the
type of chemical reaction involved. The units of MW are g/g-mol H3PO 4 + NaOH → NaH 2 PO 4 + H 2 O
(often expressed simply as g/mol), and the units of NEq may be
expressed as equivalents/g-mol (or similarly, simply as equiva-
lents/mol). The equivalent weights of H3PO4 and NaH2PO4 must both be
1) Neutralization reactions3—The equivalent weight of an acid calculated using the value of NEq = 1. When a base has a multi-
in a neutralization reaction is the weight of acid that yields 1 mole valent cation that would associate with enough hydroxyl groups
of hydrogen ion, or rather 1.008 g of H+. In the case of a base in a to balance the valence of that cation, the value of NEq is equal to
neutralization reaction, 1 mole of hydroxide ion would react with the number of those OH- groups yielded to react with the number
and be chemically equivalent to 1 mole of H+, thus the equivalent of H+ yielded from the acid involved. For example, NEq = 3 for
weight of the base is the weight of the base that will yield 1 mole both for both Al(OH)3 and AlCl3 in the following neutralization
or 17g of OH-. For example, a 1 molar solution of hydrochloric reaction:
acid (HCl) yields 1 mole of H+ and thus for HCl the value of
Neq = 1. The equivalent weight of HCl is calculated as the molec- 3HCl + Al(OH)3 → AlCl3 + 3H 2 O
ular weight of HCl (1.008 + 35.45 = 36.46) divided by NEq = 1.
2) Precipitation and complexation reactions—The equivalent
36.46 g/mol weight of a substance in precipitation and complexation reactions
Equiv.wt. of HCl = = 36.46 g/equivalent is determined by the ionic charge or oxidation state of the sub-
1 equivalent/mol
stance or substance group that is involved in the ion-combining
reaction and reacts with a univalent ionic charge (positive or neg-
Similarly, 1 mole of sodium hydroxide yields 1 mole of OH-
ative) equivalent to 1 H+. Thus, the value of NEq for a substance
and for NaOH, NEq = 1, and the equivalent weight of NaOH
in precipitation and complexation reactions is the number of that
(22.98976928 + 15.999 + 1.008 = 39.997) is calculated by,
substance’s positive or negative ionic charge or oxidation state.
For example, the following precipitation reaction between barium
39.997 g/mol chloride (BaCl2) and sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) to form the barium
Equiv. wt. of NaOH = = 39.997 g/equivalent
1 equivalent/mol sulfate (BaSO4) precipitate and sodium chloride (NaCl) involves
the ion-combining chemical equilibrium reaction between the
Since a 1 mole solution of H2SO4, a strong acid, yields 2 moles ionized forms of both substances:
of H+ in a neutralization reaction, NEq = 2 for H2SO4 when both
H+ dissociate. Thus, when the neutralization reaction causes the BaCl2 + Na 2SO 4 → BaSO4 + 2NaCl
acid to completely dissociate, the equivalent weight of H2SO4 is
calculated as the molecular weight divided by NEq = 2.
The oxidation state of barium in the BaCl2 is 2+. Each mole of
The following reactions are some examples of neutralization
BaCl2 that goes into solution forms 1 mole of Ba2+ and 2 moles
reactions involving strong acids and bases.
of Cl-. Thus, the Ba2+ and the 2 Cl- both have an ion combining
power equivalent to 2 H+ and BaCl2 in this example has a value of
H 2SO 4 + 2NaOH → Na 2SO 4 + 2H 2 O NEq = 2. The equivalent weight of BaCl2 is calculated as follows:
H 2SO 4 + Ba(OH)2 → BaSO 4 + 2H 2 O
208.23 g/mol
HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H 2 O Equiv. wt. of BaCl2 = = 104.12 g/equivalent
2 equivalents/mol
HCl + KOH → KCl + H 2 O
Similarly, and considering the equivalent ion-combining
HBr + KOH → KBr + H 2 O
power, the equivalent weights of Na2SO4, BaSO4, and NaCl are
2HBr + Ba(OH)2 → BaBr2 + 2H 2 O calculated as:

HCN + NaOH → NaCN + H 2 O

142.04 g/mol
Equiv. wt. of Na 2SO 4 = = 71.02 g/equivalent
2 equivalents/mol
In some cases, the neutralization reaction may involve a weak
acid or may not result in complete dissociation. An example
233.38 g/mol
acid-base neutralization reaction involving carbonic acid, a weak Equiv. wt. of BaSO 4 = = 116.69 g/equivalent
2 equivalents/mol
diprotic acid, is as follows:

H 2 CO3 + NaOH → NaHCO3 + H 2 O 2
1050 Expression Of Results - A. Units

58.44 g/mol that the number of electron moles transferred be determined for
Equiv. wt. of NaCl = = 58.44 g/equivalent each mole of substance that is oxidized or reduced. This can be
1 equivalent/mol
done using equations for a balanced oxidation-reduction reac-
tion and its half-reactions. For example, the oxidation-reduction
Some reactions involve ions or molecules (called ligands)
between sodium oxalate (Na2C2O4) and potassium permanganate
that can complex with and stabilize a metal ion, thereby keep-
(KMnO4) is represented by the following overall balanced reac-
ing it in solution. Calculating the equivalent weight of substances
tion and the oxidation and reduction half-reactions.
involved in these types of reactions is also dependent on ionic
Overall balanced oxidation reaction:
charge or oxidation state. The cyanide ion (CN-) is an ion com-
monly used to form metal complexes in metal plating processes.
One example of a complexation reaction is the formation of a 5Na 2 C2 O 4 + 2KMnO 4 + 8H 2SO 4 → 5Na 2SO 4 + 2MnSO4 +
silver cyanide complex: K 2SO 4 + 10CO2 + 8H 2 O

AgNO3 + 2KCN → AG(CN)− + Oxidation half-reaction:

2 + KNO3 + K

The oxidation state of Ag in this reaction is 1+ and would have 5Na 2 C2 O 4 + 5H 2SO 4 → 5Na 2SO 4 + 10CO2 + 10H+ +10e−
the equivalent ion combining power of 1 H+. The ionic charge of
the nitrate ion is 1- and would also react with the equivalent of 1 Reduction half-reaction:
H+. Thus, the equivalent weight for AgNO3 would be calculated
using NEq = 1 as follows:
2KMnO 4 + 3H 2SO 4 + 10H+ + 10e− → 2MnSO 4 + K 2SO 4 + 8H 2 O
169.872 g/mol
Equiv. wt. of AgNO3 = = 169.872 g/equivalent Ten e- are lost from the 5 Na2C2O4 during the oxidation of
1 equivalent/mol
oxalate (C2O42-) to carbon dioxide (CO2) and 10 e- are gained
by 2 KMnO4 during the reduction of Mn(VII) to Mn(II). Thus, in
Similarly, the Ag(CN)2- complex formed has an ionic charge of
this oxidation-reduction reaction the value of NEq for Na2C2O4
1- that would react with the equivalent of 1H+ so NEq would equal
is calculated as:
1 and the equivalent weight of Ag(CN)2- would be calculated as:

(10 mole e− )×(1 equivalent/e− mole) 2 equivalents

159.904 g/mol N Eq for Na 2 C2 O 4 = =
Equiv. wt. of Ag(CN)2− = = 159.904 g/equivalent (5 mole Na 2 C2 O 4 ) mole Na 2 C2 O 4
1 equivalent/mol

A second complexation reaction example involves nickel sul- and the value of NEq for KMnO4 is calculated as:
fate (NiSO4) and potassium cyanide (KCN) to form the nickel
cyanide complex, Ni(CN)42-, by the following reaction: (10 mole e− )×(1 equivalent/e− mole) 5 equivalents
N Eq for KMnO 4 = =
(2 mole KMnO 4 ) mole KMnO 4
NiSO 4 + 4KCN → Ni(CN)42− + K 2SO 4 + 2K +
Finally, the equivalent weights of these compounds are then
Since nickel in the NiSO4 has an oxidation state of 2+, the calculated as follows:
value of NEq is 2. The nickel in Ni(CN)42- also has an oxidation
state of 2+ and the overall ionic charge of Ni(CN)42- is 2-, so here 133.998 g/mol
Equiv. wt. of Na 2 C2 O 4 = = 66.999 or 67 g/equivalent
too the value of NEq is 2. The equivalent weights of NiSO4 and 2 equivalents/mol
Ni(CN)42- would be calculated as:
154.75 g/mol
Equiv. wt. of NiSO 4 = = 77.38 g/equivalent
2 equivalents/mol 158.032 g/mol
Equiv. wt. of KMnO 4 = = 31.606 g/equivalent
5 equivalents/mol
4) Equivalent concentration—The unit expression, m ­ illigram-
2− 162.765 g/mol equivalents per liter, or milliequivalents per liter (mequiv/L), can
Equiv. wt. of Ni(CN)4 = = 81.383 g/equivalent
2 equivalents/mol be valuable for making analytical and water-treatment calculations
and for checking analyses by anion-cation balance. To convert a
3) Oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions—The equivalent substance’s concentration from mg/L to mequiv/L simply requires
weight of a substance in an oxidation-reduction reaction is the knowing the equivalent weight of that substance. For example, a
weight that is either oxidized or reduced by the transfer of 1 mole sample that contains 8 mg/L of divalent magnesium cation (Mg2+;
of electrons (1 e-) , or rather 1 equivalent = 1 e- transferred. The MW = 24.305; NEq = 2; and equiv. wt. = 12.153 g/equivalent)
first step in calculating the equivalent weight, however, requires would have the following mequiv/L concentration: 3
1050 Expression Of Results - A. Units

Table 1050:2. Density of Water Free from Dissolved Atmospheric Gases, at a Pressure of 101.325 Pa

Temperature Density of Water at Given Temperature (kg/m3)

(°C per t86) .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9
0 999.8426 8493 8558 8622 8683 8743 8801 8857 8912 8964
1 999.9015 9065 9112 9158 9202 9244 9284 9323 9360 9395
2 999.9429 9461 9491 9519 9546 9571 9595 9616 9636 9655
3 999.9672 9687 9700 9712 9722 9731 9738 9743 9747 9749
4 999.9750 9748 9746 9742 9736 9728 9719 9709 9696 9683
5 999.9668 9651 9632 9612 9591 9568 9544 9518 9490 9461
6 999.9430 9398 9365 9330 9293 9255 9216 9175 9132 9088
7 999.9043 8996 8948 8898 8847 8794 8740 8684 8627 8569
8 999.8509 8448 8385 8321 8256 8189 8121 8051 7980 7908
9 999.7834 7759 7682 7604 7525 7444 7362 7279 7194 7108
10 999.7021 6932 6842 6751 6658 6564 6468 6372 6274 6174
11 999.6074 5972 5869 5764 5658 5551 5443 5333 5222 5110
12 999.4996 4882 4766 4648 4530 4410 4289 4167 4043 3918
13 999.3792 3665 3536 3407 3276 3143 3010 2875 2740 2602
14 999.2464 2325 2184 2042 1899 1755 1609 1463 1315 1166
15 999.1016 0864 0712 0558 0403 0247 0090 9932a 9772a 9612a
16 998.9450 9287 9123 8957 8791 8623 8455 8285 8114 7942
17 998.7769 7595 7419 7243 7065 6886 6706 6525 6343 6160
18 998.5976 5790 5604 5416 5228 5038 4847 4655 4462 4268
19 998.4073 3877 3680 3481 3282 3081 2880 2677 2474 2269
20 998.2063 1856 1649 1440 1230 1019 0807 0594 0380 0164
21 997.9948 9731 9513 9294 9073 8852 8630 8406 8182 7957
22 997.7730 7503 7275 7045 6815 6584 6351 6118 5883 5648
23 997.5412 5174 4936 4697 4456 4215 3973 3730 3485 3240
24 997.2994 2747 2499 2250 2000 1749 1497 1244 0990 0735
25 997.0480 0223 9965a 9707a 9447a 9186a 8925a 8663a 8399a 8135a
26 996.7870 7604 7337 7069 6800 6530 6259 5987 5714 5441
27 996.5166 4891 4615 4337 4059 3780 3500 3219 2938 2655
28 996.2371 2087 1801 1515 1228 0940 0651 0361 0070 9778a,b
29 995.9486 9192 8898 8603 8306 8009 7712 7413 7113 6813
30 995.6511 6209 5906 5602 5297 4991 4685 4377 4069 3760
31 995.3450 3139 2827 2514 2201 1887 1572 1255 0939 0621
32 995.0302 9983a 9663a 9342a 9020a 8697a 8373a 8049a 7724a 7397a
33 994.7071 6743 6414 6085 5755 5423 5092 4759 4425 4091
34 994.3756 3420 3083 2745 2407 2068 1728 1387 1045 0703
35 994.0359 0015 9671a 9325a 8978a 8631a 8283a 7934a 7585a 7234a
36 993.6883 6531 6178 5825 5470 5115 4759 4403 4045 3687
37 993.3328 2968 2607 2246 1884 1521 1157 0793 0428 0062
38 992.9695 9328 8960 8591 8221 7850 7479 7107 6735 6361
39 992.5987 5612 5236 4860 4483 4105 3726 3347 2966 2586
40 992.2204
The leading figure decreases by 1.0.
t68 represents temperature, according to International Practical Temperature Scale 1968.
Source: Marsh KN, ed. Recommended reference materials for the realization of physicochemical properties. Oxford, (UK): Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1987.

mequiv Mg2+ 8 mg Mg2+ /L

Table 1050:3 contains conversion factors to either convert from
= mg/L to mequiv/L or from mequiv/L to mg/L for many of the
L  24.305 g Mg2+ /mole Mg2+ 1000 mg  equiv. 
   more common cations and anions found in water.
 2+  1000 mequiv 
 2 equiv/mole Mg  g   d. Normality: Normality, as defined in paragraph b6 above,
0.658 mequiv Mg2+ may be calculated as follows:
(weight of substance/liter of solution)
Normality =
or since the gram to milligram and equivalent to milliequivalent (equivalent weight of substance)
conversion values cancel one another, this calculation can be (weight of substance/liter of solution)
written simply as; =
(weight of substance/equivalent)
mequiv Mg2+ 8 mg Mg2+ / L 0.658 mequiv Mg2+ L
= =
L 12.153 mg/mequiv L 4
1050 Expression Of Results - A. Units

Table 1050:3. Conversion Factorsa (mg/L – mequiv/L)

Ion (Cation) mequiv/L = mg/LX mg/L = mequiv/LX Ion (Anion) mequiv/L = mg/LX mg/L = mequiv/LX
Al3+ 0.111 2 8.994 BO2 0.023 36 42.81
B3+ 0.277 5 3.604 Br 0.012 52 79.90
Ba2+ 0.014 56 68.66 Cl 0.028 21 35.45
Ca2+ 0.049 90 20.04 CO32 0.033 33 30.00
Cr3+ 0.057 70 17.33 CrO42 0.017 24 58.00
F 0.052 64 19.00
Cu2+ 0.031 47 31.77 HCO3 0.016 39 61.02
Fe2+ 0.035 81 27.92 HPO4 0.020 84 47.99
Fe3+ 0.053 72 18.62 H2PO4 0.010 31 96.99
H+ 0.992 1 1.008 HS 0.030 24 33.07
K+ 0.025 58 39.10 HSO3 0.012 33 81.07
HSO4 0.010 30 97.07
Li+ 0.1441 1 6.941 I 0.007 880 126.9
Mg2+ 0.082 29 12.15 NO2 0.021 74 46.01
Mn2+ 0.036 40 27.47 NO3 0.016 13 62.00
Mn4+ 0.072 81 13.73 OH 0.058 80 17.01
Na+ 0.043 50 22.99 PO43 0.031 59 31.66
NH4+ 0.055 44 18.04 S 0.062 37 16.03
Pb2+ 0.009 653 103.6 SiO32 0.026 29 38.04
Sr2+ 0.022 83 43.81 SO32 0.024 98 40.03
Zn2+ 0.030 59 32.70 SO42 0.020 82 48.03
Factors are based on ion charge and not on redox reactions that may be possible for certain of these ions. Cations and anions are listed separately in alphabetical order.

The normality concept allows substances to be compared with In this case, when the potassium permanganate molarity and
one another stoichiometrically through the relationship. volume, and the sodium oxalate molarity are known, the compa-
rable sodium oxalate volume for this oxidation-reduction reaction
V1N1 = V2 N 2 can be calculated from the following:

where: 5M1
V2 = V1
2 M2
V = volume, mL or L
N = Normality
1, 2 = compound 1 or 2

If one knows the values of 3 of the variables, then the fourth 3. The p-function
can be computed.
There is a trend to move from the normality4 concept because of Concentrations can be reported in the form of p functions
possible ambiguities in determining normalities. These ambiguities (e.g., pH).
arise because a substance being compared might have more than The p function is a logarithmic transformation of data that pro-
one computed normality concentration (e.g., potassium cyanide vides a convenient way to represent and express small values such
when it reacts with silver ion) and still be in the same concentration. as the concentration of ions that may typically vary over a large
The above equation relating volume and normality of one range of values. The pX concept is defined5,6 in terms of analyte
substance to those of another can be written using the following activity, rather than concentration, as follows:
equation in terms of molarity:
pX = −log(a x )
N Eq1V1M1 = N Eq 2V2 M2
where: ax = activity of analyte X in solution.
NEq = equivalent number and Activity coefficients relate activity to concentration:
M = molarity of substance in solution.

This relationship can be used to compute molarities or volumes pX = −log(c x γ x /c o )

of reagents being compared with one another. For example, the
above equation could be reduced to the following for the potas-
sium permanganate (1) and sodium oxalate (2) oxidation-reduc-
tion reaction. cx = molar concentration of x (mol/L)
gx = activity coefficient, dimensionless
5V1M1 = 2V2 M2 c° = molar concentration at standard state (mol/L) 5
1050 Expression Of Results - A. Units

With the development of electrode measurement technology, The ionic strength of the solution is
pH and other p functions have become more commonly used,
especially for very low concentrations of analytes. However, the
I = 1/ 2∑ ci zi 2
electrode measures only activity, ax, and not concentration, cx,
directly. I = 1/ 2 (Ck + )(1)2 + (CcI − )(1)2 + (C H + )(1)2 + (COH − )(1)2 
The Debye-Hückel equation provides a way to estimate the  
activity coefficients in low-ionic-strength solutions of 0.001 M
or less. This equation,3,7–9 which relates concentration to activity The hydrogen ion and the hydroxyl ion concentrations
coefficient, is: (estimated to be about 10-7 mole/L) are insignificant in this
example. Thus,
Azi2 I 1/ 2
− log γ i = I = 1 2 [(0.1)(1)2 + (0.1)(1)2 ] = 0.1 mol/L
1 + BσI 1/ 2

where: Using the computed I and the values from Tables 1050:4 and
1050:5 for s (900 pm), A(0.5092), and B(0.003286 pm-1), the
gi = analyte ion activity coefficient,
Debye-Huckel equation yields
Zi = charge on ion species,
I = ionic strength of all the ions in solution = 1 2 å ci zi (mol/L),

σ = radius of ionic atmosphere, picometers (pm; see Table −(0.5092) (1)2 (0.1)0.5
log γ H + = = −0.08321
1050:4 for values), and 1 + (0.003286) (900) (0.1)0.5
A, B = Debye-Hückel equation constants (see Table 1050:5 for val-
ues given by temperature and molar or molal concentration).

γ H + = 0.8256
Compute the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution of pure
water with sufficient potassium chloride to make it 0.1 M. The
measured pH is 6.98 at 25 °C.

Table 1050:4. Effective Hydrated Radius for Common Ions

Ion Size, σ
Type and Charge of Ion Ion picometer, pm
Inorganic, ±1 H+ 900
Li+ 600
- - - - - -
Na+, CdCl+, ClO2 , IO3 , HCO3 , H2PO4 , HSO3 , H2AsO4 , Co(NH3)4(NO2)2+ 450, 400
- - - - - - - - - -
OH , F , SCN , OCN , HS , ClO3 , ClO4 , BrO3 , IO4 , MnO4 350
- - - - - -
K , Cl , Br , I , CN , NO2 , NO3
Rb+, Cs +, NH4+, Tl+, Ag+ 250
Inorganic, ±2 Mg2+, Be2+ 800
Ca2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Sn2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Ni2+, Co2+ 600
- - -
Sr2+, Ba2+, Cd2+, Hg2+, S2 , S2O42 , WO42 500
2- 2- 2-
Pb , CO3 , SO3 , MoO4 , Co(NH3)5C12+, Fe(CN)5NO2+
- - - - - - -
Hg22+, SO42 , S2O32 , S2O62 , S2O82 , SeO42 , CrO42 , HPO42 400
Inorganic, ±3 Al , Fe , Cr , Sc +, Y , In , lanthanides
3+ 3+ 3+ 3 3+ 3+ a
- -
PO43 , Fe(CN)63 , Cr(NH3)63+, Co(NH3)63+, Co(NH3)5H2O3+ 400
Inorganic, ±4 Th , Zr , Ce , Sn4+
4+ 4+ 4+
Fe(CN)64 500
- -
Organic, ±1 HCOO , H2citrate , CH3NH3+, (CH3)2NH2+ 350
NH3 CH2COOH, (CH3)3NH+, C2H5NH3+
- - -
CH3COO , CH2CICOO , (CH3)4N+, (C2H5)2NH2+, NH2CH2COO 450
- -
CHCI2COO , CCI3COO , ((C2H5)3NH , (C3H7)NH + 3+
- - - - - -
(C2H5)4N+, (C3H7)2NH2+
- -
[OC6H2(NO3)3] , (C3H7)3NH+, CH3OC6H4COO 700
(C6H5)2CHCOO , (C3H7)4N +
- -
Organic, ±2 (COO)22 , Hcitrate2 450
2- - -
H2C(COO)2 , (CH2COO)22 , (CHOHCOO)22 500
- - -
C6H4(coo)22 , H2C(CH2COO)22 , CH2CH2COO22 600
2- 2- -
[OOC(CH2)5COO] , [OOC(CH2)6COO] , Congo red anion2 700
Organic, ±3 Citrate 500
Elements 57–71 in the periodic table.
Data from Kielland J. Individual activity coefficients of ions in aqueous solutions. J Amer Chem Soc. 1937;59(9):1675–1678. 6
1050 Expression Of Results - A. Units

Table 1050:5. Values of A and B from 0 to 100 °C for Debye-Hückel Equation

- -
A (Abs. Units) in Terms of A′ (Abs. Units) in Terms of B (cm 1 × 108) in Terms of B′ (cm 1 × 108) in Terms
Temperature (°C) unit Volume of Solution Unit Weight of Solvent Unit Volume of Solution of Unit Weight of Solvent
  0 0.4883 0.4883 0.3241 0.3241
  5 0.4921 0.4921 0.3249 0.3249
10 0.4961 0.4960 0.3258 0.3258
15 0.5002 0.5000 0.3267 0.3266
18 0.5028 0.5025 0.3273 0.3271
20 0.5046 0.5042 0.3276 0.3273
25 0.5092 0.5085 0.3286 0.3281
30 0.5141 0.5130 0.3297 0.3290
35 0.5190 0.5175 0.3307 0.3297
40 0.5241 0.5221 0.3318 0.3305
45 0.5296 0.5270 0.3330 0.3314
50 0.5351 0.5319 0.3341 0.3321
55 0.5410 0.5371 0.3353 0.3329
60 0.5471 0.5425 0.3366 0.3338
65 0.5534 0.5480 0.3379 0.3346
70 0.5599 0.5537 0.3392 0.3354
75 0.5668 0.5596 0.3406 0.3363
80 0.5739 0.5658 0.3420 0.3372
85 0.5814 0.5722 0.3434 0.3380
90 0.5891 0.5788 0.3450 0.3390
95 0.5972 0.5857 0.3466 0.3399
100 0.6056 0.5929 0.3482 0.3409
Source: Manov GG, Bates RG, Hamer WJ, Acree SF. Values of the constants in the Debye-Hückel equation for activity coefficients. J Amer Chem Soc. 1943;65(9):1765–1767.

Since stoichiometric factors. Examples are: alkalinity or acidity

reported as CaCO3, total hardness as CaCO3, magnesium hard-
pH = −log a H + ness as CaCO3, ammonia as nitrogen, nitrate as nitrogen, nitrite
as nitrogen, and phosphate as phosphorus.
These stoichiometric factors provide for taking the analysis
at the measured pH of 6.98, the hydrogen ion activity, data in the form analyzed first, dividing the mass concentration
by the analyte’s formula weight, and multiplying by the formula
aH + = 10−6.98 = 1.047 ×10−7 mol/L weight of the reported substance desired. For example,

Then the hydrogen ion concentration, mg Cl− formula weight of sodium chloride
mg/L chloride as NaCl= ×
L formula weight of chlorine
( a H + ) (c H + )
cH + = Be sure that the formula weights of the substance to be reported
γ H+
and of the analyte include the same number of atoms of the com-
mon element.
(1.047×10−7 ) (1.0 mol/L) Some analyses involve multiple reactions. For example, listed
cH + = = 1.268×10−7 mol/L
0.8256 below are the reactions involved in the Winkler determination.10

Note that the hydrogen ion concentration is about 21% greater 2MnSO 4 + 4KOH → 2Mn(OH)2 + 2K 2SO 4
than was indicated by the hydrogen activity given by the pH elec- 2Mn(OH)2 + O2 → 2MnO(OH)2
trode. As previously stated, this is because the electrode measures
2MnO(OH)2 + 4KI + 4H 2SO 4 → 2I 2 + 2MnSO4 + 2K 2SO 4 + 6H 2 O
only activity, ax, but not concentration, cx, directly.
The same type of computation can be made for determining 2I 2 + 4Na 2S2 O3 → 4NaI + 2Na 2S4 O6
the ionic concentration from the measured electrode activity for
fluoride, silver, and other substances. This is important if the true The first reaction results in the formation of 2 moles manga-
concentration of the ion is to be determined. nese hydroxide [Mn(OH)2] from 2 moles of manganese sulfate
[MnSO4]. In the second reaction, the 2 moles of Mn(OH)2 react
4. Stoichiometric Factors with and consume 1 mole of dissolved oxygen [O2] to form 2
moles of manganese oxide hydroxide [MnO(OH)2]. In the third
Some analyses are reported as concentrations of other sub- reaction, 4 moles of potassium iodine [KI] dissociate and provide
stances. Conversion factors to accomplish this are called 4 moles of iodide [I-] that react with the 2 moles of MnO(OH)2 to 7
1050 Expression Of Results - A. Units

form 2 moles of elemental iodine [I2]. Finally, in the fourth reac- only a 200-mL sample portion (the fourth reaction of the above
tion, 4 moles of sodium thiosulfate [Na2S2O3] in the titrant react sequence). In this case, 200 mL of a sample containing 1 mg/L
with the 2 moles of I2. These stoichiometric reactions can be used of dissolved oxygen would only contain 0.2 L × 1 mg/L = 0.2 mg
to determine the analytical relationship between the titrant and of dissolved oxygen, so the 1 mL of the titrant calculated above
the analyte being sought so that a practical titrant for the analysis would actually deliver more Na2S2O3 than needed to complete
can be designed. the fourth reaction. The correct titrant concentration needed to
The stoichiometry between the analyte, O2, and the titrant, deliver the amount of Na2S2O3 in 1 mL so that it would still cor-
Na2S2O3, for this reaction sequence can be represented as fol- respond to 1 mg/L of dissolved oxygen when titrating a 200-mL
lows. sample would be calculated as being 0.2 of the initial titrant
concentration, as shown here.
 1 mole O2  2 mole MnO(OH)  4 mole I−  2 mole I 2 
  2 
  
 2 mole MnO(OH)   0.125 mole Na 2S2 O3  0.025 mole Na 2S2 O3

2  4 mole I−
 2 mole I 2  4 mole Na 2S2O3  0.2 ×
 = = 0.025 M Na 2S2 O3
L  L

When reduced to represent only the stoichiometric relation- The Na2S2O3 titrant used in method 4500-O C was designed
ship between the O2 analyte and the Na2S2O3 titrant, this simply using this rationale and the stoichiometric relationships presented
becomes, in the 4-reaction sequence of the Winkler determination of dis-
solved oxygen.
 1 mole O   0.25 mole O 
 2   2  5. Molality
 4 mole Na S O  or 1 mole Na S O 
 2 2 3  2 2 3
It is sometimes convenient to relate molality to molarity. That
Thus, 1 mole of Na2S2O3 titrant in the fourth reaction is stoi- relationship is as follows.11
chiometrically equivalent to 0.25 moles of dissolved oxygen.
When designing a titrant, the practicality of the titrant vol- 1000 ρm
ume used and its molar relationship to the mass of analyte being M=
(1000 + WB m)
measured is perhaps the most important consideration. A typi-
cal convention followed is that 1 mL of the titrant is equal 1 mg
of the analyte. Thus, for the Winkler determination the moles of
Na2S2O3 titrant required to quantify 1 mg of O2 is determined as M = Molarity (mol solute/L solution)
follows. ρ = density of solution (g/cm3 = g solution/mL solution)
m = molality (mol solute/kg solvent)
 32 g O  WB = molecular mass of solute (g solute/mol solute)
(0.25 mole O2 )  2  ≡ 8g O ≡ 1 mole Na S O
 mole O2  2 2 2 3
The molality in terms of molarity is given as

or m=
1000 M
1000ρ − M( WB )
1 g O2 º 0.125 mole Na 2S2 O3
Many electrochemical measurements are made in terms of
and thus, molality rather than molarity.

1 mg O2 º 0.000125 mole Na 2S2 O3 References

1. The International System of Units (SI), 9th ed. Sevres (France):

To deliver 0.000125 mole of Na2S2O3 in 1 mL of titrant, the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures; 2019.
concentration needed for the titrant solution would be calculated 2. Cohen ER, Cvitas T, Frey JG, Holstrom B, Kuchitsu K, Marquardt
as follows. R, Mills I, Pavese F, Quack M, Stohner J, et al, eds. Quantities, units
and symbols in physical chemistry, 3rd ed. Cambridge (UK): Royal
Society of Chemistry; 2007.
 0.000125 mole Na 2S2 O3 1000 mL  0.125 mole Na S O
   = 2 2 3 3. Marsh KN, ed. Recommended reference materials for the realization
 mL  L  L
of physicochemical properties. Oxford (UK): Blackwell Scientific
= 0.125 M Na 2S2 O3 Publications; 1987.
4. Ayres GH. Quantitative chemical analysis. New York (NY): Harper
& Row Publishers; 1958.
In a 1 liter sample having 1 mg of dissolved oxygen, 1 mL 5. Kenner CT, Busch KW. Quantitative analysis. New York (NY):
of the above titrant would correspond to 1 mg/L of dissolved Harper & Row Publishers; 1979.
oxygen. However, the Winkler determination of dissolved oxy- 6. IUPAC Gold Book. Nic M, Jirat J, Kosata B, eds [release 2.3.3b
gen is based on fixing the oxygen in a 300-mL sample (the published 27 March 2017; accessed 8 November 2021]. https://gold-
first three reactions of the above sequence) and then analyzing 8
1050 Expression Of Results - B. Significant Figures

7. Harris DC. Quantitative chemical analysis. New York (NY): W.H. 10. Sawyer CN, McCarty PL, Parkin GF. Chemistry for environmental
Freeman & Co.; 1982. engineering, 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 1994.
8. Skoog DA, West DM. Fundamentals of analytical chemistry, 3rd ed. 11. Lide DR. Handbook of chemistry and physics online. Boca Raton,
New York (NY): Holt, Rinehart & Winston; 1976. (FL): CRC Press, Inc.; 2005.
9. Manov GG, Bates RG, Hamer WJ, Acree SF. Values of the constants
in the Debye-Hückel equation for activity coefficients. J Amer Chem

1050 B. Significant Figures

1. Reporting Requirements not be consistent with the normal expression of results and might
be confusing. In most other cases, there will be no doubt as to the
To avoid ambiguity in reporting results or in presenting direc- sense in which the digit 0 is used. It is obvious that the zeros are
tions for a procedure, it is customary to use significant figures. significant in such numbers as 104 and 40.08. In a number written
All digits in a reported result are expected to be known defi- as 5.000, it is understood that all the zeros are significant, or else
nitely, except for the last digit, which may be in doubt. Such a the number could have been rounded off to 5.00, 5.0, or 5, which-
number is said to contain only significant figures. If more than a ever was appropriate. Whenever a zero is ambiguous, it is advis-
single doubtful digit is reported, the extra digit or digits are not able to accompany the result with an estimate of its uncertainty.
significant. This is an important distinction. Extra digits should Sometimes, significant zeros are dropped without good cause.
be carried in calculation (see 1050 B.2). If an analytical result is If a buret is read as “23.60 mL,” it should be so recorded, and not
reported as 75.6 mg/L, the quality control should demonstrate the as “23.6 mL.” The first number indicates that the analyst took the
certainty of the 75, but imprecision may result in uncertainty as trouble to estimate the second decimal place; “23.6 mL” would
to whether the .6 should be .5 or .7, or even .4 or .8. If the mea- indicate an imprecise reading of the buret.
surement uncertainty were known from previous work to be more
than 1.0 mg/L, the result should be rounded to 76 mg/L before 4. Standard Deviation
reporting it. On the other hand, if the method was so accurate that
measurement uncertainty was less than 0.1 mg/L then an addi- Suppose that a set of measured results is normally distributed
tional place to the right of the decimal should have been included with a standard deviation of 100 mg/L and that the calculated
and the analyst should not have rounded it off to 75.6 mg/L. mean value turns out to be 1450 mg/L. Then, 1450 mg/L is the
Report only such figures as are justified by the precision of best estimate available for this particular measurement, and from
the work. Do not follow the common practice of requiring that a Bayesian point of view, there would about a 31% overall chance
quantities listed in a column have the same number of figures to that the true value was either lower than 1400 or higher than 1500,
the right of the decimal point. and it does not make sense to round the 1450 value to 1400.
When reporting numbers in the form x ± y, always state whether
2. Rounding y represents standard deviation, standard error, confidence limit,
or an estimate of maximum bias. Standard deviations and stan-
When performing calculations, complete all computations dard errors should be reported with the sample size (n) and an
before rounding the results. Repeated rounding can result in extra digit, in comparison to the measured value reported, because
changing the value of a reported result. For example, taking the they are calculated from variances and are a square root value (see
measured value of 77.46 and rounding to 3 significant figures 1050 B.5). When interpreting a quantity such as 1480 ± 40, be
yields 77.5. If the latter number were rounded a second time to aware that this notation seldom indicates a belief that the true
2 significant figures, the result would be 78. This is clearly a dif- value lies only within the range from 1440 to 1520 with equal
ferent result from rounding the original value of 77.46 to a value probability; instead, the probability is simply more concentrated
of 77 having 2 significant figures. near the central value (1480).

3. Ambiguous Zeros 5. Calculations

The digit 0 may record a measured value of zero or it may serve As a starting point, round off the results of any calculation
merely as a spacer to locate the decimal point. If the result of a in which several numbers are multiplied and divided to as few
sulfate determination is reported as 420 mg/L, the report recipient significant figures as are present in the factor with the fewest
may be in doubt whether the zero is significant or not, because significant figures.1 However, several potential reasons to modify
the zero cannot be deleted. If an analyst calculates a total resi- that guideline are noted below.
due of 1146 mg/L, but realizes that the 4 is somewhat doubtful Example: Assume that the following calculation must be made
and that therefore the 6 has no significance, the answer should be to obtain the results of an analysis:
rounded off and reported as 1150 mg/L, but here, too, the report
recipient will not know whether the zero is significant. Although 56 ´ 0.003 462 ´ 43.22
the number could be expressed as a power of 10 (e.g., 11.5 × 102
or 1.15 × 103), this form is not used generally because it would 9
1050 Expression Of Results - B. Significant Figures

A 10-place calculator yields an answer of “4.975 740 998.” If

the number 56 is an exact number (a count or a mathematical con- (standard error) of a mean of N numbers is only 1/ N as large
stant such as π), it has no error associated with it and is considered as the standard deviation of the individual numbers (or “popu-
to have unlimited significant figures. In that case, round off the lation”). Thus a mean of 100 numbers like d.dd is known to a
result of the calculation to 4.976 because other numbers have only precision of d.ddd. Even if fewer values than 100 are averaged,
4 significant figures. However, if 56 is an approximate measure- showing an extra digit may be justifiable. Because variances are
ment with uncertainly associated beyond the second figure, round averages of squared deviations, they too are more precise than
off the result to “5.0” because 56 has only two significant figures. individual deviations. Therefore, reporting variances with an
When numbers are added or subtracted, the number that has extra digit or two is often justifiable.
the least precision in its last significant digit limits the number The guidelines in the prior paragraph refer only to final reported
of places that can justifiably be carried in the sum or difference. values. When performing any series of mathematical or statistical
Example: calculations, do not round measurements or other numbers until
The following numbers are to be added: the very end of the analysis. Keep 2 or 3 extra digits for all inter-
mediate calculations, to reduce round-off errors, which can be
6. General Arithmetic Functions
4886 In analytical calculations, it may be necessary to use functions
4927.915 other than simple arithmetic, such as logarithmic, exponential, or
trigonometric functions. A detailed treatment of significant fig-
The number “4886” is the least precise number (decimal place) ures in such cases is available.2
and the sum is rounded to 4928. In this case, it is acceptable
(although not encouraged using today’s computing technology) 7. Molar Mass Calculations
to modify the calculation guideline by rounding each number in
the sum to one or more digits beyond the least precise significant The calculation of a compound’s molar mass from its chemi-
digit to then add the following numbers: cal formula uses the atomic weight for each element. The atomic
weight values commonly found in either the recommended or
   0.0 conventional tables, however, are not natural constants but are
  12.0 instead the weighted average of an element’s stable and long-lived
   4.0 radioactive isotopes and are calculated as the sum of the products
  25.9 of the relative atomic mass and the fraction of each isotope for
4886 that element.3,4 In 2009 the IUAPAC Commission on Isotopic
4927.9 Abundance and Atomic Weights began publishing recommended
tables that included atomic weight intervals and for precise work,
Again, when rounding this result to the precision of the least the value and uncertainty of an atomic weight is considered based
precise number in the sum, the sum is rounded to 4928. on the element’s isotope in a particular sample.
Some calculators or computers round off numbers by a differ- Many users are not concerned with the level of detail in the
ent rule that tends to bias results toward the larger digit in the last recommended tables and the atomic weights obtained from con-
significant figure. Before using such a device, determine which ventional tables that report values to either 4 or 5 digits of signif-
rounding techniques are programmed and if an incorrect rounding icance are adequate. The number of significant digits for values
method is being used, reprogram to follow the correct rounding reported in atomic weight tables refers to the number of digits
method. If it is not possible to reprogram, take unrounded num- to the right of the decimal that are justified by the uncertainty
ber and manually round off using the correct scientific roundoff of the measurement. It should be pointed out, however, that the
method. decision to report atomic weights in conventional tables to either
Interpret the guidelines in the foregoing paragraph flexibly. For 4 or 5 digits is one of convenience, and the significant digits to
example, consider a series of measurements of variables u, v, and be reported for calculated results involving atomic weights are
w, and a derived variable y = uv/w that is calculated for each case. not explained.3.4 The decision regarding the number of significant
Suppose measurements give y = 9.90972 and y = 10.11389 for digits to report generally falls upon the user or user group and can
two cases with similar measured values. According to the guide- be a source of confusion. Three different rules guide the number
lines, the first y should be rounded to 9.91; the final digit here is of significant digits to use when reporting calculated molar mass
about 0.1% of the overall result. For comparable precision, round values.5
the y value for the second case to 10.11 (not 10.1) because the Rule 1. Use all 4 (or 5) digits in atomic weights from a con-
fourth digit is also about 0.1% of the number. To generalize, more ventional table and report the calculated molar mass to the 4th
significant digits should at times be provided for quantities hav- (or 5th) significant digit. Rule 1 is the simplest and perhaps
ing 1, 2, or 3 (say) as leading digits than for quantities beginning most frequently used approach, and as such has become broadly
with 7, 8, or 9. considered acceptable. It is appropriate for reasonably accurate
Flexibility is also needed for the average of several numbers. elementary work, but is not recommended for professional-level
Where N is the number of observations, the standard deviation work. 10
1050 Expression Of Results - C. Other Considerations

Rule 2. Use all the significant digits from a recommended table References
of atomic weights and calculate each term of the molar mass.
Report the final result to the number of decimal places of the term 1. Standard practice for using significant digits for test data to deter-
with the fewest decimal places. If any terms have no decimal mine conformance with specifications; E29-93. West Conshohocken
places, then report the result with the same significant figures of (PA): ASTM International; 1993.
the term having the least significant figures. Rule 2 is considered 2. Graham DM. Significant figure rules for general arithmetic func-
tions. J Chem Ed. 1989;66(7):573.
more appropriate and is recommended for professional-level
3. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Atomic weights
work such as that in this compendium of methods. of the elements, 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure Appl Chem.
Rule 3. This rule involves expressing the uncertainty of results 2013;88(3):265–291.
and is used when very accurate calculation work is performed. 4. Coplen TB, Meyers F, Holden NE. Atomic weights: time to review
This rule, which can be found described elsewhere,5 is not nec- our table. Chem Views. 2016;21(3):201600015.
essary for routine professional-level analytical chemistry work. 5. Svensson C. How many digits should we use in formula or molar
mass calculations? J Chem Ed. 2004;81(6):827–829.

1050 C. Other Considerations

1. Scientific and Engineering Notation Include other information such as temperature of pH measure-
ment, temperature of drying, and temperature of conductance
Scientific notation is defined by placing a number, n, in the measurement. Other conditions, such as total metals or dissolved
format metals, are defined by filtration method.
Although reporting the concentration of an analyte should
always be done as specified in an individual method of analysis,
n = Q ×10r
Table 1050:6 gives examples of a number of analytes that may
be found expressed in other terms. Include complete information
where: on the analyte, because many times the data may be used in other
databases. The user may not always be able to assume the chem-
Q = mantissa from 1 to 9.999, and ical form or special physical conditions under which the analyte
r = integer exponent. was analyzed and reported.
Engineering notation1,2 is defined by placing the number, n, in
the format Table 1050:6. Examples of Alternative Expressions for Some Analytical
n = P ×103t Analyte Units Possible Reporting Nomenclature
Alkalinity mg/L mg/L as CaCO3 or mg/L as HCO3
where: Ammonia, mg/L mg/L as N or mg/L as NH3
P = mantissa from 1 to 999.999, and un-ionized
3t = exponent in integer multiples of 3. Ammonium mg/L mg/L as N or mg/L as NH4+
Bicarbonate mg/L mg/L as HCO3 or mg/L as CaCO3
Engineering notation is a convenient form for reporting results Calcium mg/L mg/L as Ca or mg/L as CaCO3
when using SI units. It allows easy selection of the proper SI pre- Carbonate mg/L mg/L as CO32 or mg/L as CaCO3
fix name. Conductivity ms/m mS/m at 25 °C or mS/m at t °C
Hydrogen sulfide mg/L mg/L as H2S or mg/L as S2
2. Specifying Analyte Nomenclature Magnesium mg/L mg/L as Mg2+ or mg/L as CaCO3
Nitrate mg/L mg/L as N or mg/L as NO3
When reporting the concentration of an analyte, include not Nitrite mg/L mg/L as N or mg/L as NO2
only the name of the analyte but its equivalent if the concentration PCB mg/L mg/L as PCB or mg/L as decachlorobiphenyl
units are in terms of the equivalent. A report giving only the ana- or mg/L as Aroclor mixture
lyte name is assumed to include only that chemical entity. pH — pH at 25 °C or pH at t °C
Silicon mg/L mg/L as Si or mg/L as SiO2
Chemical equivalents such as nitrate nitrogen are used to ease
Sulfide mg/L mg/L as S or mg/L as H2S
accounting of nitrogen chemical forms by allowing them to be
Total dissolved mg/L mg/L at 180 °C or mg/L at t °C
added. In the case of organic nitrogen, the analyst may not know
the exact organic form of nitrogen analyzed, so for convenience Uranium mg/L mg/L as U or mg/L as U3O8
the compound is reported in terms of nitrogen rather than the pCi/L pCi/L as natural isotopic abundance or
actual organic compound. pCi/L as specified isotopic abundance
Other concepts such as alkalinity are expressed in terms of Zinc mg/L mg/L Zn as total or mg/L Zn as dissolved
calcium carbonate because the true form is not always known. mg/kg mg Zn/kg wet or mg Zn/kg dry 11
1050 Expression Of Results - C. Other Considerations

3. Propagation of Error References

Frequently, an analytical procedure consists of a number of 1. Texas Instruments. Personal programming. Dallas (TX): Texas
steps in which one measurement is used in computing another Instruments; 1977.
measurement. Each measurement has an associated error. The 2. Hewlett Packard. Advanced scientific calculator; Owner’s Manual,
greater the number of measurements used to obtain a computed HP-28S. 4th ed. Corvallis (OR): Hewlett Packard Co.; 1988.
3. Harris DC. Quantitative chemical analysis. New York (NY): W.H.
result, the greater the possible associated error. This process is
Freeman & Co.; 1982.
known as propagation of error.3 When errors are compounded, 4. Scarborough JG. Numerical mathematical analysis, 3rd ed. Baltimore
they usually increase, but never decrease. (MD): Johns Hopkins Press; 1955.
In the propagation of error, we are considering the value of 5. Guedens WJ, Yperman J, Mullens J, VanPoucke LC, Pauwels EJ.
the measurement as well as its associated uncertainty. All mea- Statistical analysis of errors: A practical approach for an undergradu-
surements have an associated value of uncertainty. The only ate chemistry lab. Part I. The concepts. J Chem Edu. 1993;70(9):776.
measurements that have no uncertainty are numbers of events 6. Guedens WJ, Yperman J, Mullens J, Van Poucke LC, Pauwels EJ.
(counts), when properly defined, and mathematical constants. Statistical analysis of errors: A practical approach for an undergrad-
Further information on propagation of error is available uate chemistry lab. Part 2. Some worked examples. J Chem Edu.
elsewhere,4–6 and Section 1030 presents information on types and 1993;70(10):838.
sources of error.

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: January 3, 2022 12
Collection and Preservation of Samples

Reviewed by Standard Methods Committee, 2011. Editorial revisions, 2021. 2011 revisions by L. Malcom Baker, Rodger B. Baird, Nilda B. Cox, Andrew D. Eaton. Joint Task
Group: 20th Edition—Lawrence H. Keith (chair), Clifford G. Annis, Gary L. DeKock, Carleton P. Edmunds, Scott J. Mickelson, Mark Wyzalek.

1060 A. Introduction

The result of any testing method can be no better than the sam- Fill sample containers that are clean and free of contaminants
ple on which it is performed. However, it is beyond the scope of directly with the sample. Do not prerinse the container with
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater sample because this results in the loss of any pre-added preser-
to specify detailed procedures for the collection of all samples vative and sometimes can bias results high when certain sample
because of varied purposes and analytical procedures. Detailed components adhere to the sides of the container. Depending on
information may be presented in specific methods and that infor- the determinations to be performed, fill the container full (most
mation is to be followed when available. This section presents organic compound determinations) or leave space for aeration,
general considerations for the collection and preservation of sam- mixing, etc. (microbiological and inorganic analyses). If a bottle
ples applicable primarily to chemical analyses. See appropriate already contains preservative, take care not to overfill the bottle,
sections for samples to be used in toxicity testing (Section 8020) as preservative may be lost or diluted. Except when sampling for
and microbiological (Sections 9020 and 9060), biological (Part the analysis of volatile organic compounds or radon, leave an air
10 000), and radiological (Section 7010) examinations. space of at least 1% of the container’s volume to allow for thermal
The objective of sampling is to collect a portion of material expansion during shipment, or as may otherwise be required by a
small enough in volume to be transported conveniently and yet method to ensure proper mixing (by inverting or shaking) before
large enough for analytical purposes while still accurately rep- sample withdrawal for analysis.
resenting the material being sampled. This objective implies that Special precautions (discussed below) are necessary for sam-
the relative proportions or concentrations of all pertinent compo- ples containing organic compounds and trace metals. Because
nents are the same in the samples as in the material being sampled many constituents may be present at low concentrations (micro-
and that the samples are handled in such a way that no significant grams or nanograms per liter), they may be totally or partially lost
changes in composition occur before the tests are made. or easily contaminated when proper sampling and preservation
Frequently, the objective of sampling and testing is to demon- procedures are not followed.
strate whether continuing compliance with specific regulatory Composite samples can be obtained by collecting over a
requirements has been achieved. Samples are presented to the period of time, depth, or at many different sampling points. The
laboratory for specific determinations, with the sampler being details of collection vary with local conditions, so specific rec-
responsible for collecting a valid and representative sample. ommendations are not universally applicable. Sometimes it is
Because of the increasing importance placed on verifying the more informative to analyze numerous separate samples instead
accuracy and representativeness of data, greater emphasis is of one composite so variability, maxima, and minima can be
placed on proper sample collection, tracking, and preservation determined.
techniques. Often, laboratory personnel help plan a sampling Because of the inherent instability of certain properties and
program in consultation with the user of the test results. Such compounds, composite sampling for some analytes is not recom-
consultation is essential to ensure selected samples and analytical mended where quantitative values are desired (examples include
methods provide a sound and valid basis for answering the ques- oil and grease, acidity, alkalinity, carbon dioxide, chlorine residual,
tions that prompted the sampling and that meet regulatory and iodine, hexavalent chromium, nitrite, volatile organic compounds,
project-specific requirements. radon-222, dissolved oxygen, ozone, temperature, and pH). In
This section addresses the collection and preservation of water certain cases, such as when a composite sample is required by a
and wastewater samples; the general principles also apply to the regulatory agency, the composite sample is refrigerated through-
sampling of solid or semisolid matrices. out the collection process to limit the instabilities of a compound
and its properties.
1. General Requirements Sample carefully so that analytical results are as representative
as possible of the actual sample composition. Important factors
Obtain a sample that meets the requirements of the sampling affecting results are the presence of suspended matter or turbid-
program, and handle it so it does not deteriorate or become con- ity, the method chosen for removing a sample from its container,
taminated or compromised before it is analyzed. and the physical and chemical changes brought about by storage
Ensure that all sampling equipment is clean and quality-assured or aeration. Detailed procedures are essential when processing
before use. Always use sample containers that are clean and free (blending, sieving, filtering) samples to be analyzed for trace con-
of contaminants. Bake all bottles to be used for organic-analysis stituents, especially metals and organic compounds. Some deter-
sampling at 450 °C. minations can be invalidated by contamination during processing. 1

Treat each sample individually with regard to the substances to be drawdown, if this determines the zones from which the well is
determined, the amount and nature of turbidity present, and other supplied. Record the purging rate and drawdown, if necessary. By
conditions that may influence the results. using methods with minimal drawdown, purging volumes can be
Carefully consider the technique for collecting a representative reduced significantly.
sample and define it in the sampling plan. For metals, it often When samples are collected from a river or stream, observed
is appropriate to collect both a filtered and an unfiltered sample results may vary with depth, stream flow, and distance from each
to differentiate between total and dissolved metals present in the shore. Selection of the number and distribution of sites at which
matrix. Be aware that some metals may partially sorb to filters. samples should be collected depends on study objectives, stream
Beforehand, determine the acid requirements to bring the pH to characteristics, available equipment, and other factors. If equip-
< 2 on a separate sample for each sample location and type. Add ment is available, take an integrated sample from top to bottom
this same amount of acid to the samples collected at the location in the middle of the main channel of the stream or from side to
and of the same type. Use ultrapure acid preservative to prevent side at mid-depth. If only grab or catch samples can be collected,
contamination. Be sure that the dilution caused by acidifying is preferably take them at various points of equal distance across the
negligible or sufficiently reproducible for a dilution correction stream; if only one sample can be collected, take it in the middle
factor. When filtered samples are collected, filter them in the of the main channel of the stream and at mid-depth. Integrated
field, if possible, or at the point of collection before preservation samples are described further in 1060 B.1c.
with acid. Filter samples in a laboratory-controlled environment Rivers, streams, lakes, and reservoirs are subject to consider-
if field conditions could cause error or contamination. In this able variations from normal causes (e.g., seasonal stratification,
case, filter as soon as possible after returning these samples to the diurnal variations, rainfall, runoff, and wind). Choose the location,
laboratory. Often, slight turbidity can be tolerated if experience depth, and frequency of sampling depending on local conditions
shows that it causes no interference in gravimetric or volumetric and the purpose of the investigation.
tests and that its influence can be corrected in colorimetric tests, Use the following examples for general guidance. Avoid areas of
where it has potentially the greatest interfering effect. Sample excessive turbulence because of potential loss of volatile constitu-
collector must state whether or not the sample has been filtered. ents and potential presence of denser-than-air toxic vapors. Avoid
Make a record of every sample collected and identify every bottle sampling at weirs, if possible, because such locations tend to favor
with a unique sample number, preferably by attaching an appropri- retrieval of lighter-than-water immiscible compounds. Generally,
ately inscribed tag or label. Document sufficient information to pro- collect samples beneath the surface in quiescent areas and open
vide positive sample identification at a later date, including the unique the sampling container below the surface with the mouth directed
sample identification number, the name of the sample collector, the toward the current to avoid collecting surface scum unless oil and
date, hour, exact location, and, if possible, sample type (e.g., grab or grease is a constituent of interest; then collect water at the surface.
composite) and any other data that may be needed for correlation, If composite samples are required, take measures to prevent the
such as water temperature, weather conditions, water level, stream loss of sample constituents during compositing. If samples will be
flow, and post-collection conditions. If all pertinent information does analyzed for organic constituents, refrigerate composited portions.
not fit on a label or attached tag, record the information in a bound Do not composite samples for VOC analysis because some of the
sample log book at the sampling site at the time of sample collection. components will be lost through volatilization.
Use waterproof ink to record all information (preferably with black,
nonsolvent-based ink). Fix sampling points by detailed description 2. Safety Considerations
in the sampling plan, by maps, or with the aid of stakes, buoys, or
landmarks in a manner that will permit their identification by other Because sample constituents may be toxic, take adequate pre-
persons without reliance on memory or personal guidance. Global cautions during sampling and sample handling. Toxic substances
positioning systems (GPS) also can supply accurate sampling posi- can enter through the skin and eyes and, in the case of vapors,
tion data. Particularly when sample results are expected to be involved also through the lungs. Ingestion can occur via direct contact of
in litigation, use formal chain-of-custody procedures (see 1060 B.2), toxic materials with foods or by adsorption of vapors onto foods.
which trace sample history from collection to final reporting. Precautions may be limited to wearing gloves or may include cov-
Before collecting samples from distribution systems, flush lines eralls, aprons, or other protective apparel. Often, the degree of
with 3 to 5 pipe volumes (or until water is being drawn from the protection provided by chemical protective clothing (CPC) is spe-
main source) to obtain a representative sample from the supply, cific for different manufacturers and their product models1; verify
taking into account the volume of the pipe to be flushed and the that the clothing chosen offers adequate protection. Always wear
flow velocity. If the distribution system volume is unavailable, eye protection (e.g., safety glasses with side shields or goggles).
flush with tap fully open for at least 2 to 3 min before sampling. An When toxic vapors may be present, sample only in well-ventilated
exception to these guidelines (i.e., collecting a first-draw sample) is areas, or use an appropriate respirator or self-contained breathing
when information on areas of reduced or restricted flow is desired apparatus. In a laboratory, open sample containers in a fume hood.
or when samples for lead in drinking water are being collected. Never have food in the laboratory, near samples, or near sampling
Although well-pumping protocols depend on the objectives locations. Always wash hands thoroughly before handling food.2
of an investigation and other factors, such as well characteristics Always prohibit eating, drinking, or smoking near samples,
and available equipment, a general rule is to collect samples from sampling locations, and in the laboratory. Keep sparks, flames,
wells only after the well has been purged sufficiently (usually and excessive heat sources away from samples and sampling
with 3 to 10 well volumes) to ensure that the sample represents locations. If flammable compounds are suspected or known to
the groundwater. Purging stagnant water is critical. Sometimes it be present and samples will be refrigerated, use only specially
is necessary to pump at a specified rate to achieve a characteristic designed explosion-proof refrigerators.2 2

Collect samples safely, avoiding situations that may lead to References

accidents. When in doubt as to the level of safety precautions
needed, consult a knowledgeable industrial hygienist or safety 1. Forsberg K, Keith LH. Instant Gloves and CPC Database. Austin
professional. Samples with radioactive contaminants may require (TX): Instant Reference Sources, Inc.; 1998.
other safety considerations; consult a health physicist. 2. Water Pollution Control Federation. Removal of hazardous wastes
Label adequately any sample known or suspected to be haz- in wastewater facilities—halogenated organics; manual of practice
FD-11. Alexandria (VA): Water Pollution Control Federation; 1986.
ardous because of flammability, corrosivity, toxicity, oxidizing
chemicals, or radioactivity, so appropriate precautions can be
taken during sample handling, storage, and disposal.

1060 B. Collection of Samples

1. Types of Samples at regular time intervals. Flow-proportional composites are col-

lected by continuous pumping at a rate proportional to the flow,
a. Grab samples: Grab samples are single samples collected at by mixing equal volumes of water collected at time intervals that
a specific spot at a site over a short period of time (typically sec- are inversely proportional to the volume of flow, or by mixing
onds or minutes). Thus, they represent a “snapshot” in both space volumes of water proportional to the flow collected during or at
and time of a sampling area. Discrete grab samples are collected regular time intervals.
from a single selected location, depth, and time. Depth-integrated Advantages of composite samples include reduced costs of
grab samples are collected over a predetermined area (integrated analyzing a large number of samples, more representative sam-
for a horizontal spatial representation) or the entire depth of a ples of heterogeneous matrices, and larger sample sizes when
water column (integrated for a vertical spatial representation), at amounts of test samples are limited. Disadvantages of compos-
a selected location and time in a given body of water. ite samples include a loss of analyte relationships in individual
A grab sample represents the composition of its source only samples, the potential dilution of analytes below detection levels,
at the time and place of collection. However, when a source is increased potential analytical interferences, and an increased pos-
known to be relatively constant in composition over an extended sibility of analyte interactions. In addition, the use of composite
period of time or over substantial distances in all directions, then samples may reduce the number of samples analyzed below the
the sample may represent a longer time period or a spatially required statistical need for specified data quality objectives or
larger volume than the specific time and location at which it was project-specific objectives.
collected. In such circumstances, a source may be represented Do not use composite samples with components or charac-
adequately by single grab samples. Examples of this condition teristics subject to significant and unavoidable changes during
include protected groundwater supplies, water supplies receiv- storage. Analyze individual samples as soon as possible after col-
ing conventional treatment, and some well-mixed surface waters. lection and preferably at the sampling point. Examples are dis-
Rarely can wastewater streams, rivers, large lakes, shorelines, solved gases, residual chlorine, soluble sulfide, temperature, and
estuaries, and groundwater plumes be considered as being tempo- pH. Changes in components, such as dissolved oxygen or carbon
rally or spatially represented by single grab samples. dioxide, pH, or temperature, may produce secondary changes in
When a source is known to vary with time, grab samples col- certain inorganic constituents such as iron, manganese, alkalin-
lected at suitable intervals and analyzed separately can document ity, or hardness. Some organic analytes also may be changed by
the extent, frequency, and duration of these variations. Choose changes in the foregoing components. Use time-composite sam-
sampling intervals on the basis of the expected frequency of ples only for determining components that can be demonstrated
changes, which may vary from 5 min to 1 h or more. Seasonal to remain unchanged under the conditions of sample collection,
variations in natural systems may necessitate sampling over preservation, and storage.
months. When the source composition varies in space (i.e., from Collect individual portions in a wide-mouth bottle every hour (in
location to location) rather than time, collect samples from appro- some cases, every half hour or even every 5 min) and mix at the end
priate locations that meet the objectives of the study (for example, of the sampling period or combine in a single bottle as collected. If
upstream and downstream from a point source). preservatives are used, add them to the sample bottle initially so all
The same principles apply to sampling wastewater sludges, portions of the composite are preserved as soon as collected.
sludge banks, and muds, although these matrices are not specifically Automatic sampling devices are available; however, do not use
addressed in this section. Take every possible precaution to obtain them unless the sample is preserved as described below. Com-
a representative sample or one conforming to a sampling program. posite samplers running for extended periods (weeks to months)
b. Composite samples: Composite samples should provide a should undergo routine cleaning of containers and sample lines to
more representative sampling of heterogeneous matrices in which minimize sample growth and deposits.
the concentration of the analytes of interest may vary over short c. Integrated (discharge-weighted) samples: For certain pur-
periods of time and/or space. Composite samples can be obtained poses, the information needed is best provided by analyzing
by combining portions of multiple grab samples or by using spe- mixtures of grab samples collected from different points simul-
cially designed automatic sampling devices. Sequential (time) taneously, or as nearly so as possible, using discharge-weighted
composite samples are collected by using continuous, constant methods such as equal-width increment (EWI) or equal dis-
sample pumping or by mixing equal water volumes collected charge-increment (EDI) procedures and equipment. An example 3

of the need for integrated sampling occurs in a river or stream the following in the log book: purpose of sampling; location of sam-
that varies in composition across its width and depth. To evaluate pling point; name and address of field contact; producer of material
average composition or total loading, use a mixture of samples being sampled and address (if different from location); type of sam-
representing various points in the cross-section, in proportion to ple; and method, date, and time of preservation. If the sample is
their relative flows. The need for integrated samples also may exist wastewater, identify the process producing the waste stream. Also
if combined treatment is proposed for several separate wastewater provide suspected sample composition, including concentrations;
streams, the interaction of which may have a significant effect on number and volume of samples taken; description of sampling
treatability or even on composition. Mathematical prediction of point and sampling method; date and time of collection; collector’s
the interactions among chemical components may be inaccurate sample identification numbers; sample distribution and manner of
or impossible to perform, and testing a suitable integrated sample transport; references such as maps or photographs of the sampling
may provide more useful information. site; field observations and measurements; and signatures of per-
Both lakes and reservoirs show spatial variations of composi- sonnel responsible for observations. Because sampling situations
tion (depth and horizontal location). However, there are condi- vary widely, it is essential to record sufficient information to recon-
tions under which neither total nor average results are especially struct the sampling event without reliance on the collector’s mem-
useful, but local variations are more important. In such cases, ory. Protect the log book and keep it in a safe place.
examine samples separately (i.e., do not integrate them). d. Chain-of-custody record: Fill out a chain-of-custody record to
Preparation of integrated samples usually requires equipment accompany each sample or group of samples. The record includes
designed to collect a sample water uniformly across the depth the following information: sample number; signature of collector;
profile. Knowledge of the volume, movement, and composition of date, time, and address of collection; sample type; sample preser-
the various parts of the water being sampled usually is required. vation requirements; signatures of persons involved in the chain of
Collecting integrated samples is a complicated and specialized possession; and inclusive dates and times of possession.
process that must be described adequately in a sampling plan. e. Sample analysis request sheet: The sample analysis request
sheet accompanies samples to the laboratory. The collector com-
2. Chain-of-Custody Procedures pletes the field portion of the form, which includes most of the per-
tinent information noted in the log book. The laboratory portion of
The process of tracing the possession and handling of a sample the form is to be completed by laboratory personnel and includes:
from the time of collection through analysis and final disposition name of person receiving the sample, laboratory sample number,
is referred to as the sample’s chain of custody. Properly designed date of sample receipt, condition of each sample (if it is cold or
and executed chain-of-custody forms document the sample integ- warm, whether the container is full or not, color, if more than one
rity and that proper handling has occurred from sample collection phase is present, etc.), and determinations to be performed.
to data reporting. Sample chain of custody is required to demon- f. Sample delivery to the laboratory: Deliver the samples to the
strate sample control when the data are to be used for regulation laboratory as soon as practicable after collection, typically within
or litigation. Where litigation is not involved, chain-of-custody 2 d. If shorter sample holding times are required, make special
procedures are useful for routine control of samples and provide arrangements to ensure timely delivery to the laboratory. If sam-
documentation for quality assurances reviews. ples are shipped by a commercial carrier, include the waybill num-
A sample is considered to be under a person’s custody if it is ber in the sample custody documentation. Ensure that samples are
in the individual’s physical possession, in the individual’s sight, accompanied by a completed chain-of-custody record and a sample
secured and tamper-proofed by that individual, or secured in an analysis request sheet. Deliver the samples to the sample custodian.
area restricted to authorized personnel. The following procedures g. Receipt and logging of sample: In the laboratory, the sample
summarize the major aspects of chain of custody. More detailed custodian inspects the condition and seal of the sample and rec-
discussions are available.1,2 onciles label information and seal against the chain-of-custody
a. Sample labels (including bar-code labels): Use labels to record before the sample is accepted for analysis. After accep-
prevent sample misidentification. Gummed paper labels or tags tance, the custodian assigns a laboratory number, logs the sample
generally are adequate. Include at least the following information: in the laboratory log book or computerized laboratory informa-
a unique sample number, sample type, name of collector, date and tion management system, and stores it in a secured storage room
time of collection, place of collection, and sample preservative. or cabinet or refrigerator at the specified temperature until it is
Also include date and time of preservation for comparison to date assigned to an analyst.
and time of collection. Affix tags or self-adhesive labels to sample h. Assignment of sample for analysis: The laboratory supervi-
containers before, or at the time of, sample collection. sor usually assigns the sample for analysis. Once the sample is in
b. Sample seals: Use sample seals to detect unauthorized tamper- the laboratory, the supervisor or analyst is responsible for its care
ing with samples up to the time of analysis. Use self-adhesive paper and custody.
seals that include at least the following information: sample num- i. Disposal: Hold samples for the prescribed amount of time
ber (identical with number on sample label), collector’s name, and for the project or until the data have been reviewed and accepted.
date and time of sampling. Plastic shrink seals also may be used. Document the disposition of samples. Dispose of samples in
Attach a seal so that it must be broken to open the sample con- accordance with local, state, and U.S. EPA approved methods.
tainer or the sample shipping container (e.g., a cooler). Affix the
seal to the container before the sample leaves the custody of sam- 3. Sampling Methods
pling personnel.
c. Field log book: Record all information pertinent to a field a. Manual sampling: Manual sampling involves minimal
survey or sampling in a bound log book. As a minimum, include equipment but may be unduly costly and time-consuming for 4

routine or large-scale sampling programs. It requires trained field 5. Number of Samples

technicians and is often necessary for regulatory and research
investigations for which critical appraisal of field conditions and Because of variability from analytical and sampling proce-
complex sample-collection techniques are essential. Manually dures (i.e., population variability), a single sample is insuffi-
collect certain samples, such as waters containing oil and grease. cient to reach any reasonable desired level of confidence. If an
b. Automatic sampling: Automatic samplers can eliminate overall standard deviation (i.e., the standard deviation of com-
human errors in manual sampling, can reduce labor costs, may bined sampling and analysis) is known, the required number of
provide the means for more frequent sampling,3 and are used samples for a mobile matrix, such as water, may be estimated
increasingly. Be sure that the automatic sampler does not con- as follows:4
taminate the sample. For example, plastic components may be
incompatible with certain organic compounds that are soluble in
 ts 2
the plastic parts or that can be contaminated (e.g., from phthalate N ≥  
U 
esters) by contact with them. If sample constituents are generally
known, contact the manufacturer of an automatic sampler regard-
ing potential incompatibility of plastic components. where:
Program an automatic sampler in accordance with sampling
N = number of samples,
needs. Carefully match pump speeds and tubing sizes to the type t = Student t test statistic for a given confidence level,
of sample to be collected. s = overall standard deviation, and
c. Sorbent sampling: The use of solid sorbents, particularly U = acceptable level of uncertainty.
membrane-type disks, is becoming more frequent. These methods
offer rapid, inexpensive sampling if the analytes of interest can be To assist in calculations, use curves such as those in Figure 1060:1.
adsorbed and desorbed efficiently and the water matrix is free of As an example, if s is 0.5 mg/L, U is ± 0.2 mg/L, and a 95% confi-
particulates that plug the sorbent. dence level is desired, approximately 25 to 30 samples must be taken.
The above equation assumes that total error (population vari-
4. Sample Containers ability) is known. Total variability consists of all sources of
variability, including the distribution of the analytes of interest
The type of sample container used is of utmost importance. Test within the sampling site; collection, preservation, preparation,
sample containers and document that they are free of analytes of
interest, especially when sampling and analyzing for very low ana-
lyte levels. Containers typically are made of plastic or glass, but
one material may be preferred over the other. For example, silica,
sodium, and boron may be leached from soft glass, but not plas-
tic, and trace levels of some pesticides and metals may sorb onto
the walls of glass containers.4 Thus, hard glass containers (Pyrex
or equivalent) are preferred. For samples containing organic com-
pounds, do not use plastic containers except those made of fluori-
nated polymers, such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).3
Some sample analytes may dissolve (be absorbed) into the
walls of plastic containers; similarly, contaminants from plastic
containers may leach into samples. Avoid plastics wherever pos-
sible because of potential contamination from phthalate esters.
Container failure due to the breakdown of the plastic is possible.
Therefore, use glass containers for all organics analyses, such as
volatile organics, semivolatile organics, pesticides, PCBs, and oil
and grease. Some analytes (e.g., bromine-containing compounds
and some pesticides, and polynuclear aromatic compounds) are
light-sensitive; collect them in amber-colored glass containers
to minimize photodegradation. Container caps, typically plastic,
also can be a problem. Do not use caps with paper liners. Use foil
or PTFE liners but be aware that metal liners can contaminate
samples collected for metals analysis, and they may also react
with the sample if it is acidic or alkaline. Serum vials with PTFE-
lined rubber or plastic septa are useful.
In rare situations, it may be necessary to use sample contain-
ers not specifically prepared for use, or otherwise unsuitable for
the particular situation; thoroughly document these deviations.
Documentation should include type and source of container and Figure 1060:1. Approximate number of samples required in estimating
the preparation technique (e.g., acid washed with reagent water a mean concentration. Source: Methods for the examination of waters
rinse). For QA purposes, the inclusion of a bottle blank may be and associated materials: general principles of sampling and accuracy of
necessary. results. London, England: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1980. 5
1060 COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION OF SAMPLES - C. Sample Storage and Preservation

and analysis of samples; and data handling and reporting. In sim- where:
pler terms, error (variability) can be divided into sampling and
α = (1 - desired confidence level) and
analysis components. Sampling error due to population variabil- Y = frequency to detect (<10%).
ity (including heterogeneous distribution of analytes in the envi-
ronmental matrix) usually is much larger than analytical error If the frequency that is desirable to detect is more than 10%,
components. Unfortunately, sampling error usually is not avail- iterative solution of a binomial equation is necessary.5,8
able and the analyst is left with only the published error of the
measurement system (typically obtained by using a reagent water 6. Sample Volumes
matrix under the best analytical conditions).
More accurate equations are available.5 These are based on the Collect a 1-L sample for most physical and chemical analyses. For
Z distribution for determining the number of samples needed to certain determinations, larger samples may be necessary. Table
estimate a mean concentration when variability is estimated in 1060:1 lists general guidance for volumes ordinarily required for
absolute terms using the standard deviation. The coefficient of analyses, but it is strongly recommended that the laboratory staff
variation [relative standard deviation (RSD)] is used when vari- who conduct the analyses also be consulted to verify the analyti-
ability is estimated in relative terms. cal needs of sampling procedures as they pertain to the goals and
The number of random samples to be collected at a site can be data quality objective of an investigation.
influenced partly by the method that will be used. The values for Do not use samples from the same container for multiple testing
SD or RSD may be obtained from each of the methods or in the requirements (e.g., organic, inorganic, radiological, bacteriological,
literature.6 However, calculations of estimated numbers of sam- and microscopic examinations) because methods of collecting and
ples needed based only on this information will result in underes- handling are different for each type of test. Always collect enough
timated numbers of samples because only the analytical variances sample volume in the appropriate container in order to comply with
are considered and the typically larger variances from the sam- sample handling, storage, and preservation requirements.
pling operations are not included. Preferably, determine and use
SDs or RSDs from overall sampling and analysis operations. References
For estimates of numbers of samples needed for systematic
sampling (e.g., drilling wells for sampling groundwater or for 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Test methods for evaluating
systematically sampling large water bodies, such as lakes), equa- solid waste: physical/chemical methods, 3rd ed.; Pub. No. SW-846.
tions are available7 that relate number of samples to shape of grid, Washington DC: Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response,
area covered, and space between nodes of grid. The grid spacing U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 1986.
is a complex calculation that depends on the size and shape of any 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. NEIC policies and pro-
contaminated spot (such as a groundwater plume) to be identified, cedures; EPA-330/9/78/001/-R (rev. 1982). Washington DC: U.S.
in addition to the geometric shape of the sampling grid. Environmental Protection Agency, 1982.
3. Water Pollution Control Federation. Removal of hazardous wastes
See individual methods for types and numbers of quality
in wastewater facilities—halogenated organics; Manual of Practice
assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) samples [e.g., for nor- FD-11. Alexandria (VA): Water Pollution Control Federation; 1986.
mal-level (procedural) or low-level (contamination) bias or for 4. Methods for the examination of waters and associated materials:
precision] involving sampling or laboratory analysis (either over- general principles of sampling and accuracy of results. London,
all or individually). Estimates of numbers of QC samples needed England: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office; 1980.
to achieve specified confidence levels also can be calculated. 5. Keith LH, Patton GL, Lewis DL, Edwards PG. Determining numbers
Rates of false positives (type I error) and false negatives (type and kinds of analytical samples, Chapter 1. In: Principles of envi-
II error) are useful parameters for estimating required numbers ronmental sampling, 2nd ed. Washington DC: American Chemical
of QC samples. A false positive is the incorrect conclusion that Society; 1996 (ACS Professional Reference Book).
an analyte is present when it is absent. A false negative is the 6. Keith LH. Compilation of EPA’s sampling and analysis methods, 2nd
ed. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 1996.
incorrect conclusion that an analyte is absent when it is present.
7. Gilbert RO. Statistical methods for environmental pollution monitor-
If the frequency of false positives or false negatives desired to be ing. New York (NY): Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1987.
detected is less than 10%, then 8. Grant EL, Leavenworth RS. Statistical quality control, 6th ed. New
York (NY): McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 1988.
ln α
ln (1 − Y )

1060 C. Sample Storage and Preservation

Complete and unequivocal preservation of samples, whether 1. Sample Storage before Analysis
domestic wastewater, industrial wastes, or natural waters, is a
practical impossibility because complete stability for every con- a. Nature of sample changes: Some determinations are more
stituent never can be achieved. At best, preservation techniques affected by sample storage than others. Certain cations are sub-
only retard chemical and biological changes that inevitably con- ject to loss by adsorption to, or ion exchange with, the walls of
tinue after sample collection. glass containers. These include aluminum, cadmium, chromium, 6
1060 COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION OF SAMPLES - C. Sample Storage and Preservation

Table 1060:1. Summary of Special Sampling and Handling Requirementsa

Sample Size Sample Maximum Storage
Determination Container (mL) Type Preservationb Recommended Regulatoryc
Acidity P, G(B), FP 100 g Cool to ≤ 6°C 24 h 14 d
Alkalinity P, G, FP 200 g Cool to ≤ 6°C 24 h 14 d
BOD P, G, FP 1000 g, c Cool to ≤ 6°C 6h 48 h
Boron FP (PTFE), G 1000 g, c HNO3 to pH < 2 28 d 6 months
Bromide P, G, FP 100 g, c None required 28 d 28 d
Carbon (organic G(B), P, FP 100 g, c Analyze immediately or cool to ≤ 6°C; 7d 28 d
and total) and add HCl, H3PO4, or H2SO4 to pH
Carbon dioxide P, G 100 g Analyze immediately 15 min N.S.
COD P, G, FP 100 g, c Analyze as soon as possible, or add 7d 28 d
H2SO4 to pH < 2; Cool to ≤ 6 °C
Chloride P, G, FP 50 g, c None required N.S. 28 d
Chlorine (total P, G 500 g Analyze immediately 15 min 0.25 h
and residual)
Chlorine dioxide P, G 500 g Analyze immediately 15 min N.S.
Chlorophyll P, G (amber) 500 g Unfiltered, dark, 48 h; 28 d if algae N.S.
≤ 6 °C. Filtered, removed from
dark, –20 °C (Do not water having pH >
store in frost-free freezer) 6 onto glass fiber
filter, placed in
airtight plastic bags
and frozen
Color P, G, FP 500 g, c Cool to ≤ 6 °C 24 h 48 h
Specific P, G, FP 500 g, c Cool to ≤ 6 °C 28 d 28 d
Total P, G, FP 100 g Add NaOH to pH 12 for SDWA 48 h 14 d; 24 h if
compliance and pH 11 for all other >50 mg/L
samples. if sample is to be stored. sulfide
Cool to ≤ 6 °C in dark. Remove present
interferences according to method
specific instructions
 Amenable to P, G, FP 500 g Remove interferences according to 48 h 14 d; 24 h if
chlorination method specific instructions; add >50 mg/L
NaOH to pH 11 and cool to ≤ 6 °C sulfide
Free P, G, FP 100 g Remove interferences according to 48 h 14 d
method specific instructions; add
NaOH to pH 11 and cool to ≤ 6 °C
 Weak and P, G, FP 100 g Add NaOH to pH 12 for SDWA compliance 48 h 14 d; 24 h if
dissociable and pH 11 for all other samples. If >50 mg/L
(WAD) sample is to be stored, cool to ≤ 6 °C in sulfide
dark. Remove interferences according to present
method specific instructions
Fluoride P 100 g, c None required 28 d 28 d
Hardness P, G, FP 100 g, c Add HNO3 or H2SO4 to pH < 2 6 months 6 months
Hydrogen peroxide P, G 50 g Analyze immediately 10 min after collection
Iodine P, G 500 g Analyze immediately 15 min. N.S.
Metals P(A), G(A), 1000 g, c For dissolved metals filter immediately; 6 months 6 months
FP(A) add HNO3 to pH < 2
Chromium VI P(A), G(A), 250 g Cool to ≤ 6 °C, pH 9.3–9.7, ammonium 28 d 28 d
FP(A) sulfate buffer preservative as specified
in method 3500-Cr to extend to 28 d HT
Copper by –a _ g, c _ _
Ferrous iron P(A), G(A), 500 g Add 2 ml conc HCL to aliquot. Add 20 mL 15 min
FP(A) phenanthroline solution and 10 mL
NH2C2H3O2 to 50 mL portion of
acidified sample. Analyze immediately 7
1060 COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION OF SAMPLES - C. Sample Storage and Preservation

Table 1060:1. Continued

Sample Size Smple Maximum Storage
Determination Container (mL) Type Preservationb Recommended Regulatoryc
Mercury P(A), G(A), 500 g, c Add HNO3 to pH < 2, Cool ≤ 6 °C 28 d 28 d
Ammonia P, G, FP 500 g, c Analyze as soon as possible or add 7d 28 d
H2SO4 to pH < 2. Cool to 6 °C
Nitrate P, G, FP 100 g, c Analyze as soon as possible; cool to 48 h 48 h (14 d for
≤ 6 °C chlorinated
Nitrate + nitrite P, G, FP 200 g, c Add H2SO4 to pH < 2; cool to ≤ 6 °C 48 h 28 d
Nitrite P, G, FP 100 g, c Analyze as soon as possible; cool to none 48 h
≤ 6 °C
Organic, Kjeldahl P, G, FP 500 g, c Cool to ≤ 6 °C. Add H2SO4 to pH < 2 7d 28 d
Total P, G. FP 100 g, c Cool to ≤ 6 °C, add H2SO4, or HCl to 7d 28 d
pH ≤ 2
Odor G 500 g Analyze as soon as possible; cool ≤ 6 °C 6h 24 h (EPA
Oil and Grease G (wide-mouth 1000 g Add HCl or H2SO4 to pH < 2, Cool to 28 d 28 d
calibrated) ≤ 6 °C
Organic Compounds
MBAS P, G, FP 250 g, c Cool to ≤ 6 °C 48 h 48 h
Pesticidesa G(S, PTFE-lined 1000 g, c Cool to ≤ 6 °C. Add 1000 mg/L ascorbic 7d 7 d until
cap) acid if residual chlorine present (0.008% extraction;
sodium thiosulfate in CFR 136) 40 d after
Phenols (5530) G 500 g Cool to ≤ 6 °C. Add H2SO4 to pH < 2 See footnotea 28 d until
2 d after
Phenols (6420) G (PTFE-lined 1000 g. c Cool to ≤ 6 °C. add 0.008% sodium 7d 7 d until
cap) thiosulfate if chlorine is present extraction;
40 d after
 Purgeablesa G (PTFE-lined 2 x 40 g Cool, ≤ 6 °C; add HCl to pH < 2; add 7d 14 d
(purge and trap) cap) 1000 mg/L ascorbic acid if residual
chlorine present (0.008% sodium
thiosulfate in CFR 136)
 Base/neutrals G(S, amber) 1000 g, c Cool to ≤ 6 °C; add 0.008% sodium 7d 7 d until
and acids thiosulfate in CFR 136 if chlorine is extraction;
present 40 d after
Oxygen G-, P-BOD bottle 300 g
Electrode Analyze immediately 15 min 15 min
Winkler Titration may be delayed after 8h 8h
Ozone G 1000 g Analyze immediately 15 min N.S.
Peracetic acid G, P 50 g Analyze immediately 10 min after
pH P, G 50 g Analyze immediately 15 min 15 min
Phosphate G(A) 100 g For dissolved phosphate filter 48 h 48 h
immediately. Cool to ≤ 6 °C
Phosphorus, total P, G, FP 100 g, c Add H2SO4 to pH < 2 and cool to ≤ 6 °C 28 d 28 d
Salinity G (wax seal) 240 g Analyze immediately or use wax seal 6 months N.S.
Silica FP (PTFE), G 200 g, c Cool to ≤ 6 °C; do not freeze 28 d 28 d
(quartz) 8
1060 COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION OF SAMPLES - C. Sample Storage and Preservation

Table 1060:1. Continued

Sample Size Smple Maximum Storage
Determination Container (mL) Type Preservationb Recommended Regulatoryc
Sludge digester gas G, gas bottle — g — N.S.
Solids1 P, G 200 g, c Cool to ≤ 6 °C 7d 2–7 d; see
reference 1
Sulfate P, G, FP 100 g, c Cool to ≤ 6 °C 28 d 28 d
Sulfide P, G, FP 100 g, c Cool to ≤ 6 °C. Add 4 drops of 2 N zinc 48 h 7d
acetate per 100 mL. Add NaOH to pH
Temperature P, G, FP — g Analyze immediately 15 min 0.25 h

Turbidity P, G, FP 100 g, c Analyze same day. Store in dark up to 24 h. 24 h 48 h

Cool to ≤ 6 °C
Abbreviations: c = composite; g = grab; G = glass; G(A) or P(A) = rinsed with 1 + 1 HNO3; G(B) = glass, borosilicate; G(S) = glass, rinsed with organic solvents or baked; FP
= fluoropolymer (PTFE); N.S. = not stated in cited reference; P = plastic (polyethylene or equivalent).
For determinations not listed, use glass or plastic containers; preferably refrigerate during storage and analyze as soon as possible.
Cool = storage at, > 0 oC, ≤ 6 °C (above freezing point of water); in the dark; analyze immediately = analyze usually within 15 min of sample collection.
See reference 2 for possible differences regarding container and preservation requirements.
Note 1: Some drinking water (DW) and treated wastewater (WW) matrices may be subject to positive interference as a result of preservation. If such interference is demonstra-
ble, samples should be analyzed as soon as possible without preservation. Do not hold for more than 15 minutes without demonstrating that cyanide (CN) is stable for longer
periods in a specific matrix.
Note 2: This table is intended for guidance only. If there is a discrepancy between this table and the method, the information in the current method takes precedence.
If performing the method for compliance purposes, be aware that alternative preservation and holding-time requirements may exist. If so, the regulatory require-
ments should be used.
1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2007. 40 CFR Part 136, Table II.
2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1992. Rules and Regulations. 40 CFR Parts 100–149.

copper, iron, lead, manganese, silver, and zinc, which are best nitrogen and phosphorus cycles are examples of biological influ-
collected in a separate clean bottle and acidified with nitric acid ences on sample composition.
to a pH below 2.0 to minimize precipitation and adsorption on Zero headspace is important in the preservation of samples
container walls. Also, some organics may be subject to loss by with volatile organic compounds and radon. Avoid a loss of vol-
adsorption to the walls of glass containers. atile materials by collecting samples in a completely filled con-
Temperature changes quickly; pH may change significantly in a tainer. Achieve this by carefully filling a bottle so the top of the
matter of minutes; dissolved gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide) may meniscus is above the top of the bottle rim. It is important to avoid
be lost. Because changes in such basic water quality properties spillage or air entrapment if preservatives, such as HCl or ascor-
may occur quickly, determine temperature, reduction-oxidation bic acid, have already been added to the bottle. After capping or
potential, and dissolved gases in situ and pH, specific conduc- sealing the bottle, check for air bubbles by inverting and gently
tance, turbidity, and alkalinity immediately after sample collec- tapping it; if one or more air bubbles are observed then, if prac-
tion. Many organic compounds are sensitive to changes in pH and tical, discard the sample and repeat, refilling the bottle with the
temperature resulting in reduced concentrations during storage. new sample until no air bubbles are observed (this cannot be done
Changes in the pH-alkalinity-carbon dioxide balance may if bottle contained preservatives before it was filled).
cause calcium carbonate to precipitate, decreasing the values for Serum vials with septum caps are particularly useful in that a
calcium and total hardness. sample portion for analysis can be taken through the cap by using
Iron and manganese are readily soluble in their lower oxida- a syringe,1 although the effect of pressure reduction in the head-
tion states but relatively insoluble in their higher oxidation states; space must be considered. Pulling a sample into a syringe under
therefore, these cations may precipitate or they may dissolve from vacuum can result in low bias data for volatile compounds and the
a sediment, depending on the redox potential of the sample. Micro- resulting headspace precludes taking further subsamples.
biological activity may affect the nitrate-nitrite-ammonia content, b. Time interval between collection and analysis: In general,
phenol or BOD concentration, or the reduction of sulfate to sulfide. the shorter the time that elapses between the collection of a sam-
Residual chlorine is reduced to chloride. Sulfide, sulfite, ferrous ple and its analysis, the more reliable are the analytical results.
iron, iodide, and cyanide may be lost through oxidation. Color, For certain constituents and physical values, immediate analysis
odor, and turbidity may increase, decrease, or change in quality. in the field is required. For composited samples, it is common
Sodium, silica, and boron may be leached from the glass container. practice to use the time at the end of composite collection as the
Hexavalent chromium may be reduced to trivalent chromium. sample-collection time.
The biological activity in a sample may change the oxidation Check with the analyzing laboratory to determine how much
state of some constituents. Soluble constituents may be converted elapsed time may be allowed between sample collection and anal-
to organically bound materials in cell structures, or cell lysis may ysis. This depends on the character of the sample and the stability
result in release of cellular material into solution. The well-known of the target analytes under storage conditions. Many regulatory 9
1060 COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION OF SAMPLES - C. Sample Storage and Preservation

methods limit the elapsed time between sample collection and preservative for samples collected for chemical analysis because
analysis (see Table 1060:1). Changes caused by growth of it affects many of the target analytes.
microorganisms are greatly retarded by keeping the sample at a Preservation methods are relatively limited and are intended
low temperature (<6 °C but above freezing). When the interval generally to retard biological action, retard hydrolysis of
between sample collection and analysis is long enough to produce chemical compounds and complexes, and reduce volatility of
changes in either the concentration or physical state of the con- constituents.
stituent to be measured, follow the preservation practices given Preservation methods are limited to pH control, chemical addi-
in Table 1060:1. Record the time elapsed between sampling and tion, the use of amber and opaque bottles, refrigeration, filtration,
analysis, and which preservative, if any, was added. and freezing. Table 1060:1 lists preservation methods by constit-
uent. See Section 7010 B for sample collection and preservation
2. Preservation Techniques requirements for radionuclides.
The foregoing discussion is by no means exhaustive and com-
To minimize the potential for volatilization or biodegradation prehensive. Clearly, it is impossible to prescribe absolute rules for
between sampling and analysis, keep samples as cool as possible preventing all possible changes. Additional advice will be found
without freezing. Preferably pack samples in crushed or cubed in the discussions under individual determinations, but to a large
ice or commercial ice substitutes before shipment. Avoid using degree, the dependability of an analytical determination rests
dry ice because it will freeze samples and may cause glass con- on the experience and good judgment of the person collecting
tainers to break. Dry ice also may effect a pH change in samples. the sample. Numbers of samples required for confidence levels
Keep composite samples cool with ice or a refrigeration system in data quality objectives, however, rely on statistical equations,
set at ≤6 °C during compositing. Analyze samples as quickly as such as those discussed earlier.
possible on arrival at the laboratory. If immediate analysis is not
possible, preferably store at ≤6 °C.1 Reference
No single method of preservation is entirely satisfactory;
choose the preservative with due regard to the determinations 1. Water Pollution Control Federation. Removal of hazardous wastes
to be made. Use chemical preservatives only when they do not in wastewater facilities—halogenated organics; Manual of Practice
interfere with the analysis being made. When they are used, add FD-11. Alexandria (VA): Water Pollution Control Federation; 1986.
them to the sample bottle initially so all sample portions are
preserved as soon as collected. Because a preservation method Bibliography
for one determination may interfere with another one, samples
for multiple determinations may need to be split and preserved Keith LH. Principles of environmental sampling, 2nd ed. Washington
separately. All preservation methods may be inadequate when DC: American Chemical Society; 1996 (ACS Professional Reference
applied to suspended matter. Do not use formaldehyde as a Book).

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: May 20, 2021 10
Reagent Water

Reviewed by Standard Methods Committee, 2011. Editorial revisions, 2021.

1080 A. Introduction

One of the most important aspects of analysis is preparing osmosis, distillation, deionization, or ultrafiltration and ultravi-
the reagent water used for blanks and reagents. Reagent water olet irradiation can produce reagent water. Keep in mind, how-
is water with no detectable concentration of the compound or ever, that improperly operated or maintained water purification
element to be analyzed (i.e., it is below the analytical method’s systems may add rather than remove contaminants.
detection level). Reagent water should also be free of substances This section provides general guidelines for preparing reagent
that interfere with analytical methods. However, its overall qual- water. Table 1080:1 lists commonly available water purifica-
ity (concentrations of organic, inorganic, and biological constitu- tion processes and the major classes of contaminants that they
ents) depends on the water’s intended uses. remove. For details on preparing water for microbiological tests,
Use any method to prepare reagent water that meets the appli- see Section 9020 B.4d.
cable quality requirements. Various combinations of reverse

1080 B. Methods for Preparing Reagent-Grade Water

1. Distillation operating pressure that will be used to prepare reagent water. Set
the water-production rate to make the most economical use of feed-
Distillation is the process of heating a liquid until it boils, cap- water without compromising permeate (reagent water) quality.
turing and cooling the resultant hot vapors, and collecting the Pretreatment steps (e.g., filtration) may be needed to minimize
condensed vapors. Laboratory-grade distilled water should be membrane fouling (due to colloids or particulates) and degra-
generated in a still made of all-borosilicate glass, fused quartz, dation (due to chlorine, iron, and other oxidizing compounds).
tin, or titanium. To remove ammonia, distill from an acid solu- Also, the membrane modules need to be backwashed periodically
tion. Remove CO2 by boiling the water for 15 min and cooling to clean the surface of the membranes. If using a commercially
rapidly to room temperature; exclude atmospheric CO2 by using available reverse osmosis system, follow the manufacturer’s
a tube containing soda lime or a commercially available CO2- instructions for quality control (QC) and maintenance.
removing agent (e.g., Ascarite II).
Impurities may leach into water from its container during boil- 3. Ion Exchange
ing. Also, freshly replaced filters, cartridges, and resins initially
can release impurities. Pretreat feedwater and maintain a still In an ion exchange process, water passes through a reactor con-
periodically to minimize scale formation. A demineralization pre- taining negatively charged (anionic), positively charged (cationic)
treatment using reverse osmosis or ion exchange may be required resins, or both. Targeted ions in the water are substituted with spe-
if the feedwater contains significant concentrations of calcium, cific ions on the resins (ones acceptable in treated water systems),
magnesium, and bicarbonate ions. thereby purifying the water. To prepare deionized water, direct
feedwater through a mixed-bed ion exchanger, which contains
2. Reverse Osmosis both strong anion and strong cation resins. Proper bed sizing is
critical to resin performance. Be sure the bed’s length-to-diameter
During reverse osmosis, water is forced under pressure through ratio is in accordance with the maximum process flow rate to
a semipermeable membrane, thereby removing some dissolved ensure that optimal face velocities are not exceeded and that
constituents and suspended impurities. The resultant reagent residence time is sufficient.
water quality depends on both feedwater quality and the type and If the system does not generate reagent water continuously,
condition of membranes used. recirculate the water through the ion exchanger. If resin regen-
Reverse osmosis membranes are available in both spiral-wound eration is economically attractive, use separate anion and cat-
and hollow-fiber configurations. The choice depends on the feed- ion resin beds, and position the anion exchanger downstream of
water’s characteristics and fouling potential. Obtain rejection data the cation exchanger to remove leachates from the cation resin.
for feedwater contaminants (levels of salt and impurities that will If the feedwater contains significant quantities of organic mat-
pass through the membranes compared to feedwater levels) at the ter, remove the organics first to minimize the potential for resin 1
1080 REAGENT WATER - C. Reagent Water Quality

Table 1080:1. Water Purification Processes

Major Classes of Contaminants
Dissolved Dissolved Dissolved Pyrogens/
Process Ionized Salts Ionized Gases Organics Particulates Bacteria Endotoxins
Distillation G-Ea P G E E E
Deionization E E P P P P
Reverse osmosis Gb P G E E E
Carbon adsorption P Pc G-Ed P P P
Filtration P P P E E P
Ultrafiltration P P Ge E E E
Ultraviolet oxidation P P G-Ef P Gg P
E = excellent (capable of complete or near total removal), G = good (capable of removing large percentages), P = poor (little or no
The resistivity of water purified via distillation is an order of magnitude less than that in water produced via deionization, mainly
due to the presence of CO2 and sometimes H2S, NH3, and other ionized gases (if present in feedwater).
The resistivity of dissolved ionized solids in product water depends on original feedwater resistivity.
Activated carbon removes chlorine via adsorption.
When used with other purification processes, special grades of activated carbon and other synthetic adsorbents are excellent at re-
moving organic contaminants. Their use, however, is targeted toward specific compounds and applications.
Ultrafilters reduce specific feedwater organic contaminants based on the membrane’s rated molecular weight cut-off.
185-nm UV oxidation (batch process) removes trace organic contaminants effectively when used as post-treatment. Feedwater
makeup plays a critical role in their performance.
Although 254-nm UV sterilizers do not physically remove bacteria, they may have bactericidal or bacteriostatic capabilities limit-
ed by intensity, contact time, and flow rate.
With permission from National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Studies. The complete current standard may be obtained from
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.

fouling. Organics can be removed via prefiltration, distillation, to the solubility of the organics in water and the adsorption pro-
reverse osmosis, or adsorption. If using commercially prepared cess may be inadequate for removing low-molecular-weight, polar
resin columns, follow supplier’s recommendations for monitoring compounds. Performance differences among activated carbons are
QC of reagent water from specific equipment. attributable to the raw materials and activation procedures. Even
with an optimal activated carbon, proper performance will not be
4. Adsorption attained unless the column is sized to provide required face veloc-
ity and residence time at the maximum process flow rate. If using
In adsorption, water is fed into a reactor filled with an adsorbent commercial sorbent systems, follow the supplier’s recommended
material (typically, granular activated carbon, although some res- flow and QC steps.
ins and other manufactured adsorbents are used in specific appli- Using activated carbon may adversely affect the reagent water’s
cations). Chlorine and other organic impurities are drawn from resistivity. This effect may be controlled via reverse osmosis,
the water to the surface of the adsorbent. How well the process mixed resins, or special adsorbents. To minimize organic contam-
works depends on the organic contaminants involved, the activated ination, use mixtures of polishing resins with special carbons and
carbon’s physical characteristics, and the operating conditions. In additional treatment steps (e.g., reverse osmosis, natural carbons,
general, organics-adsorption efficiency is inversely proportional ultraviolet oxidation, or ultrafiltration).

1080 C. Reagent Water Quality

1. Quality Guidelines distillation, deionization, or reverse osmosis of feedwa-

ter followed by mixed-bed deionization and membrane
Guidelines for reagent water vary with the intended use.1 Table filtration (0.2-mm pore). It also could be prepared via
1080:2 lists some characteristics of various qualities of reagent reverse osmosis followed by carbon adsorption and
water. In general, deionization.
• low-quality reagent water has a minimum resistivity of 0.1 More detailed reagent water specifications are available.1-3
megohm-cm at 25 °C. It may be used to wash glassware, Mixed-bed deionizers typically add small amounts of organic
rinse glassware (as a preliminary step), and as a source to matter to water, especially if the beds are fresh, so determine
produce higher-grade waters; reagent water quality immediately after preparation. Its resistivity
• medium-quality reagent water typically is produced via (measured in-line) should be >10 megohm-cm at 25 °C. How-
distillation or deionization, with a resistivity >1 megohm-cm ever, resistivity measurements do not detect organics or nonion-
at 25 °C; and ized contaminants, nor accurately assess ionic contaminants at
• high-quality reagent water has a minimum resistivity the microgram-per-liter level.
of 10 megohms-cm at 25 °C. It typically is prepared via 2
1080 REAGENT WATER - C. Reagent Water Quality

Table 1080:2. Reagent Water Specifications the water from contamination (e.g., PTFE and glass for organics
Quality Parameter High Medium Low analysis or plastics for metals).
Resistivity, megohm-cm at 25 °C >10 >1 > 0.1
Conductivity, mmho/cm at 25 °C < 0.1 <1 <10
SiO2 (mg/L) < 0.05 < 0.1 <1
1. ASTM D-1193-06(2018). Standard specification for reagent water.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards; Vol 11.01. West Conshohocken
(PA): ASTM International; 2006.
The pH of high- or medium-quality water cannot be measured
2. ISO 3696:1987 (confirmed 2018). Water for analytical laboratory
accurately without contaminating the water, so measure other use: specification and test methods. Geneva, Switzerland: Interna-
constituents required for individual tests. tional Organization for Standardization; 1987.
High-quality water cannot be stored without degrading signifi- 3. CLSI GP40 (confirmed June 16, 2018). Preparation and testing of
cantly. Medium-quality water may be stored, but keep storage reagent water in the clinical laboratory: approved guidelines. 4th ed.
time to a minimum and make sure the quality remains consis- Annapolis Junction (MD): Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute;
tent with the intended use. Only store it in materials that protect 2006.

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: May 11, 2021 3
Laboratory Occupational Health and Safety

Reviewed by Standard Methods Committee, 2010. Editorial revisions, 2021. Joint Task Group: 20th Edition—Albert A. Liabastre (chair), Daniel F. Bender, R. Wayne Jackson,
Michael C. Nichols, James H. Scott.

1090 A. Introduction

1. General Discussion 2) The supervisor or designee (or both) has primary responsi-
bility for the LH&S program in his or her work group.
A safe and healthful workplace is the responsibility of the 3) The biological hygiene officer (BHO) has the responsibility to
organization, the laboratory manager, the supervisory personnel • work with managers, supervisors, and other employees to
and, finally, the laboratory personnel themselves. All laboratory develop and implement appropriate biological hygiene poli-
employees must make every effort to protect themselves and their cies and practices;
co-workers by conscientiously adhering to the health and safety • monitor procurement, use, and disposal of biological agents
program that has been developed and documented specifically for used in the laboratory;
their laboratory. The information provided in 1090 is intended • see that appropriate audits are conducted and that records are
only as general principles to consider and not intended to replace maintained;
federal, state, or local regulatory requirements in the United • know the current legal requirements concerning working
States or regulatory requirements applicable in other countries. with biological agents; and
When developing a health and safety program, the organization • seek ways to improve the biological hygiene program.
and personnel responsible for maintaining the safety program 4) The chemical hygiene officer (CHO) has the same respon-
must be aware of all applicable regulations and should consult sibilities as the biological hygiene officer, but with respect to
with professionals having experience in each area of safety. chemicals, and also is responsible for helping supervisors (proj-
ect directors) develop precautions and adequate facilities, and for
2. Organizing for Safety keeping safety data sheets (SDSs) available for review.
5) The radiological hygiene officer (RHO), referred to as radi-
a. Overall program: The responsibility for establishing and ation safety officer in most regulatory language, has the same
enforcing a laboratory health and safety (LH&S) program ulti- responsibilities as the chemical hygiene officer, but with respect
mately rests with the laboratory director. The LH&S program to radiological chemicals and exposure.
must, at the minimum, address protecting oneself from the haz- 6) The laboratory supervisor or designee has overall responsi-
ards of working with biological (1090 H), chemical (1090 J), and bility for chemical hygiene in the laboratory, including responsi-
radiological (1090 I) agents. Such a program is a necessary com- bility for
ponent of an overall laboratory quality system that provides for • ensuring that workers know and follow the chemical hygiene
the health and safety of the entire laboratory staff. As a part of the rules, that protective equipment is available and in working
quality system, all aspects of the LH&S program must be fully order, and that appropriate training has been provided;
documented. Laboratory personnel must be trained. The LH&S • performing regular, formal chemical hygiene and house-
program must be fully implemented and its application audited keeping inspections, including routine inspections of emer-
periodically. Appropriate records of all activities must be kept gency equipment, and maintenance of appropriate records;
to document performance, meet appropriate regulatory require- • knowing the current legal requirements concerning regulated
ments, and document the status of the LH&S program. substances;
In the United States, the minimum standard of practice for • specifying the required levels of protective apparel and
health and safety activities is detailed in government documents.1,2 equipment needed to perform the work; and
When required or appropriate, each laboratory appoints a chemi- • ensuring that facilities and training for use of any material
cal hygiene officer (CHO), a biological hygiene officer (BHO), a being ordered are adequate.
radiological hygiene officer (RHO), and if appropriate or desired, 7) The project director (or a director of a specific operation) has
a LH&S committee. The CHO, the committee, and laboratory primary responsibility for biological, chemical, and radiological
management must develop, document, and implement a written hygiene procedures as appropriate for all operations under his or
laboratory hygiene plan (LHP), or chemical hygiene plan (CHP). her control.
b. Specific responsibilities: Specific responsibilities applicable 8) The laboratory worker has the responsibility for planning
at various levels within the organization are as follows: and conducting each operation in accordance with the institu-
1) The chief executive officer (CEO) has ultimate responsi- tional chemical hygiene, biological hygiene, and radiological
bility for LH&S in the organization and, with other managers hygiene procedures, and for developing good personal chemical,
and supervisors, must provide continuous support for the LH&S biological, and radiological hygiene habits.
program. 1

3. Records ment and when a new hazardous substance is introduced into the
workplace. Personnel have a right to know what hazardous mate-
Maintain records of all accidents including near-misses, med- rials are present, the specific hazards created by those materials,
ical care audits, inspections, and training for specified time peri- and the required procedures to protect themselves against these
ods that depend on the nature of the requirement. Keep records hazards. The hazard communication standard2 requires informa-
on standardized report forms containing sufficient information to tion and training on SDSs, labeling, chemical inventory of all haz-
enable an investigator to determine who was involved, what hap- ardous substances in the workplace, and informing contractors of
pened, when and where it happened, and what injuries or expo- hazardous substances.
sures, if any, resulted. Most importantly, these records provide a Training dealing with health and safety techniques and work
basis for formulating appropriate corrective actions when war- practices requires a concerted effort by management and must be
ranted. The standard of practice for LH&S activities requires that conducted on a routine basis by competent, qualified individuals
a log (record) be kept of those accidents causing major disability. to be effective. Records of training must be maintained.
Record not only all accidents, but also near-misses, to permit the
full evaluation of safety program effectiveness. Maintain a file References
detailing all of the recommendations for the LH&S program.
1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Laboratory Stan-
4. Information and Training dard. Occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals in laboratories.
29 CFR 1910.1450.
2. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Hazard Communi-
The standard of practice for hazard communication or right-
cation. 29 CFR 1910.1200.
to-know requires that employees be notified about hazards in the
Laboratory personnel must be under the direct supervision and Bibliography
regular observation of a technically qualified individual who must
Dux JP, Stalzer RF. Managing safety in the chemical laboratory. New
have knowledge of the hazards present, their health effects, and
York (NY): Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Inc.; 1988.
related emergency procedures. The supervisor must educate labo- Furr AK, ed. CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, 3rd ed. Boca Raton
ratory personnel in safe work practices at the time of initial assign- (FL): CRC Press, Inc.; 1990.

1090 B. Safe Laboratory Practices

Use the information, rules, work practices, and procedures dis- b. Exhaust ventilation: Do not smell or taste chemicals. Vent
cussed below for essentially all laboratory work with chemicals. any apparatus that may discharge toxic chemicals (vacuum
pumps, distillation columns, etc.) into local exhaust devices.
1. General Rules c. Glove boxes: Inspect gloves and test glove boxes before use.
d. Cold and warm rooms: Do not allow the release of toxic
a. Accidents and spills: substances in cold rooms and warm rooms, because these rooms
1) Eye contact—Promptly flush eyes with water for a pro- usually have no provisions for exhausting contaminants.
longed period (minimum of 15 min) and seek immediate medical e. Use and choice of chemicals: Use only those chemicals for
attention. which the quality of the available ventilation system is appropriate.
2) Ingestion— Call emergency services or a local poison con- f. Eating, smoking, and related activities: DO NOT eat, drink,
trol center for instructions, as first aid is dependent on the sub- smoke, chew gum, or apply cosmetics in areas where laboratory
stance ingested. chemicals are present. Always wash hands before leaving the lab-
3) Skin contact—Promptly flush affected area with water for oratory to conduct these activities.
approximately 15 min and remove any contaminated clothing. If g. Food storage: DO NOT store, handle, or consume food or
symptoms persist after washing, seek medical attention. beverages in storage areas, refrigerators, or glassware and utensils
4) Clean-up—Promptly clean up spills, using appropriate pro- that also are used for laboratory operations.
tective apparel and equipment and proper disposal procedures. h. Equipment and glassware: Handle and store laboratory
5) Working alone—Avoid working alone in a building; do not glassware with care to avoid damage. Do not use damaged glass-
work alone in a laboratory if the procedures to be conducted are ware. Use extra care with Dewar flasks and other evacuated glass
hazardous. apparatus; shield or wrap them to contain chemicals and frag-
b. Vigilance: Be alert to unsafe conditions and see that they are ments should implosion occur. Use equipment for its designed
corrected when detected. purpose only.
i. Washing: Wash areas of exposed skin well before leaving the
2. Work Practices/Rules laboratory.
j. Horseplay: Do no practical jokes or other behavior that might
a. Work habits: Develop and encourage safe habits, avoid confuse, startle, or distract another worker.
unnecessary exposure to chemicals by any route, and avoid work- k. Mouth suction: Do not use mouth suction for pipetting or
ing alone whenever possible. starting a siphon. 2

l. Personal protective equipment: Do not wear personal pro- or air flow. Provide at least an 8-cm space around all items used
tective clothing or equipment in nonlaboratory areas. Remove in hoods, and ensure that they are at least 15 cm from the front
laboratory coats immediately on significant contamination with of the hood.
hazardous materials.
m. Personal apparel: Confine long hair and loose clothing. 5. Waste Disposal
Wear shoes at all times in the laboratory but do not wear sandals,
open-back, or open-toe shoes. Ensure that the plan for each laboratory operation includes
n. Personal housekeeping: Keep work area clean and unclut- plans and training for waste disposal. Deposit chemical waste in
tered, with chemicals and equipment properly labeled and stored. appropriately labeled receptacles and follow all other waste dis-
Clean up work area on completion of an operation or at the end posal procedures of the Chemical Hygiene Plan (see 1090 J). Do
of each day. not discharge any of the following contaminants to the sewer:
o. Unattended operations: Leave lights on, place an appropri- • concentrated acids or bases;
ate sign on the door, and provide for containment of toxic sub- • highly toxic, malodorous, or lachrymatory substances;
stances in the event of failure of a utility service (such as cooling • substances that might interfere with the biological activity of
water) to an unattended operation. wastewater treatment plants; and
• substances that may create fire or explosion hazards, cause
3. Personal Protective Equipment structural damage, or obstruct flow.
For further information on waste disposal, see Section 1100.
Carefully plan a program addressing the need for, use of, and
training with personal protective equipment. A program such as 6. Working with Chemicals of Moderate Chronic or High
this provides information and advice about hazards, developing Acute Toxicity
appropriate protective procedures, and proper positioning of
equipment before beginning any new operations. Examples of chemicals having moderate toxicity from chronic
a. Eye protection: All persons, including visitors, must wear exposure or high toxicity from an acute exposure include diiso-
appropriate eye protection where chemicals are stored or handled. propyl-fluorophosphate, hydrofluoric acid, hydrogen sulfide, and
Avoid wearing contact lenses in the laboratory unless necessary. hydrogen cyanide. The following rules supplement the rules listed
If contact lenses are worn, inform the laboratory supervisor so previously for routine laboratory operations. Their purpose is to
that special precautions can be taken. minimize exposure to these and other toxic substances by any
b. Skin protection: Wear appropriate gloves when the poten- exposure route using all reasonable precautions that are available.
tial for contact with toxic chemicals exists. Inspect gloves before The following precautions are appropriate for these chemicals
each use, wash them before removal, and replace periodically. Do when used in significant quantities.
not pick up the telephone, touch the door knob, or other common a. Location: Use and store these substances only in areas of
items while wearing gloves. restricted access with special warning signs. Always use a hood
c. Respiratory protection: Use appropriate respiratory equip- that has been evaluated to confirm adequate performance with a
ment when engineering controls are unable to maintain air con- face velocity of at least 24 m/min, or other containment device,
taminant concentrations below the action levels [i.e., one half the for procedures that may result in the generation of aerosols or
permissible exposure limit (PEL)1 or threshold limit value (TLV)2 vapors containing the substance. Trap released vapors to prevent
(levels below which no irreversible health effects are expected]. their discharge with the hood exhaust.
When work practices may cause routine exposures that exceed b. Personal protection: Always avoid skin contact by using
the PEL or TLV, respiratory protection is required to prevent gloves, long sleeves, and other protective apparel as appropriate.
overexposure to hazardous chemicals. If respirators are used or Always wash hands and arms immediately after working with
provided in the laboratory then the LH&S standard of practice these materials.
requires that a complete respiratory protection plan (RPP) be in c. Records: Maintain records of the amounts of these materials
place. The minimum requirements for an RPP meeting the LH&S on hand, the date opened, and the date discarded for each con-
standard of practice are published.1 Periodically inspect respira- tainer of chemicals.
tors before use and check for proper fit. d. Prevention of spills and accidents: Be prepared for accidents
d. Other protective equipment: Provide and use any other pro- and spills.
tective equipment and/or apparel as appropriate. Ensure that at least 2 people are present at all times if using a
compound that is highly toxic or of unknown toxicity.
4. Engineering Controls Store breakable containers of these substances in chemically
resistant trays. Also work and mount apparatus above such trays
Fume hoods: Use the hood for operations that might result in or cover work and storage surfaces with removable, absorbent,
the release of toxic chemical vapors or dust. As a rule of thumb, plastic-backed paper. If a major spill occurs outside the hood,
use a hood or other local ventilation device when working with evacuate the area; ensure that cleanup personnel wear suitable
any appreciably volatile substance with a TLV of less than 50 ppm. protective apparel and equipment.
Confirm that hood performance is adequate before use. Open the e. Waste: Thoroughly decontaminate or incinerate contami-
hood minimally during work. Keep the hood door closed at all nated clothing or shoes. If possible, chemically decontaminate by
times except when adjustments in the hood are being made. Keep chemical conversion. Store contaminated waste in closed, suit-
stored materials in hoods to a minimum, and do not block vents ably labeled, impervious containers (for liquids, in glass or plastic
bottles half-filled with vermiculite). 3

7. Working with Chemicals of High Chronic Toxicity are all serious hazards that may result from incorrect use of electrical
devices. Ground all electrical equipment or use double-insulated
Examples of chemicals that are highly toxic from chronic expo- equipment. Use ground fault interrupter circuit breakers to the
sure when they are used in quantities above a few milligrams, or maximum extent possible. Do not locate electrical receptacles
a few grams, depending on the substance, include dimethyl mer- inside fume hoods, and do not use equipment near volatile flamma-
cury, nickel carbonyl, benzo(a)pyrene, N-nitrosodiethylamine, ble solvents. Use approved safety refrigerators. Disconnect elec-
and other substances with high carcinogenic potency. The fol- trical equipment from the power supply before service or repair is
lowing rules supplement the rules listed previously for routine attempted and never bypass safety interlocks. Attempting to repair
laboratory operations. equipment using employees not thoroughly acquainted with elec-
a. Access: Conduct all transfers and work with these substances trical principles may present particularly dangerous situations.
in a controlled area (i.e., a restricted-access hood, glove box, or b. Non-ionizing radiation: Non-ionizing radiation, also called
portion of a laboratory) designated for the use of highly toxic electromagnetic radiation, is generally considered to be the radio
substances, for which all people with access are aware of the sub- frequency region of the radiation spectrum. For the purposes of
stances being used and necessary precautions. dealing with personal exposures in laboratories, it also includes
b. Approvals: Prepare a plan for the use and disposal of these the microwave frequency region. Typical laboratory exposures to
materials and obtain the approval of the laboratory supervisor. non-ionizing radiation usually include ultraviolet, visible, infra-
c. Non-contamination/decontamination: Protect vacuum pumps red, and microwave radiation.
against contamination by scrubbers or HEPA filters and vent them For normal environmental conditions and for incident electro-
into the hood. Decontaminate vacuum pumps or other contami- magnetic energy of frequencies from 10 megahertz to 100 giga-
nated equipment, including glassware, in the hood before remov- hertz, the radiation protection guide is 10 milliwatts/centimeters
ing them from the controlled area. Decontaminate the controlled squared (mW/cm2). The radiation protection applies whether the
area before routine work is resumed. radiation is continuous or intermittent. This means a power den-
d. Exiting: On leaving a controlled area, remove any protective sity of 10 mW/cm2 for periods of 0.1 h or more, or an energy
apparel (place it in an appropriately labeled container), and thor- density of 1 mW-h/cm2 during any 0.1-h period. These recom-
oughly wash hands, forearms, face, and neck. mendations apply to both whole-body irradiation and partial body
e. Housekeeping: Use a wet mop or a vacuum cleaner equipped irradiation.
with a HEPA filter. Do not dry sweep if the toxic substance is a Ultraviolet radiation (UV) and lasers are used frequently. With
dry powder. properly constructed and operated instruments, it is not a signifi-
f. Medical surveillance: If using toxicologically significant cant hazard but can be harmful when used for controlling micro-
quantities of such a substance on a regular basis (e.g., 3 times per organisms in laboratory rooms or for sterilizing objects.
week), consult a qualified physician about desirability of regular When using devices that generate or use non-ionizing radiation,
medical surveillance. observe the following precautions: Wear safety glasses or goggles
g. Records: Keep accurate records of the amounts of these sub- with solid side pieces whenever there is a possibility of expo-
stances stored and used, the dates of use, and names of users. sure to harmful (UV) radiation. Provide proper shielding (shiny
h. Signs and labels: Ensure that the controlled area is conspic- metal surfaces reflect this energy). Shut off all these devices (UV
uously marked with warning and restricted access signs and that lamps) when not in use. Post warning signs and install indicator
all containers of these substances are appropriately labeled with lights to serve as a constant reminder when these types of devices
identity and warning labels. are in use (UV lamps).
i. Spills: Ensure that contingency plans, equipment, and mate- c. Mechanical: Shield or guard drive belts, pulleys, chain driv-
rials to minimize exposures of people and property are available ers, rotating shafts, and other types of mechanical power trans-
in case of accident. mission apparatus. Laboratory equipment requiring this guarding
j. Storage: Store containers of these chemicals only in a venti- includes vacuum pumps, mixers, blenders, and grinders.
lated, limited-access area. Shield portable power tools. Guard equipment such as centri-
k. Glove boxes: For a negative-pressure glove box, ensure that fuges, which have high-speed revolving parts, against outwardly
the ventilation rate is at least 2 volume changes per hour and the flying parts. Securely fasten equipment that has a tendency to
pressure drop is at least 1.3 cm of water. For a positive-pressure vibrate (e.g., centrifuges and air compressors) to prevent the ten-
glove box, thoroughly check for leaks before each use. In either dency to shift location, and locate them away from bottles and other
case, trap the exit gases or filter them through a HEPA filter and items that may fall from shelves or benches because of the vibration.
then release them into the hood. d. Compressed gases: Gas cylinders may explode or be pro-
l. Waste: Ensure that containers of contaminated waste (includ- pelled if improperly handled or damaged. Leaking cylinders may
ing washings from contaminated flasks) are transferred from the also present an explosion hazard if the contents are flammable or
controlled area in a secondary container under the supervision of a health hazard if the leaking contents are toxic. A leaking cylin-
authorized personnel. der may lead to death by suffocation if the contents are inert gases
and the breathable air has been displaced. The Compressed Gas
8. Physical Hazards Association has published procedures governing the use and stor-
age of compressed gases. Transfer gas cylinders only with carts,
a. Electrical: Ensure that electrical wiring, connections, and hand trucks, or dollies. Secure gas cylinders properly during stor-
apparatus conform to the requirement of the latest National Elec- age, transport, and use, and leave valve safety covers on cylinders
trical Code in the US or codes that are applicable to your locale during storage and transport. Avoid the use of adapters or cou-
or country. Fire, explosion, power outages, and electrical shocks plers with compressed gas. Properly identify cylinder contents. 4

9. Chemical Hazards thoroughly flush the contaminated area with water and seek medi-
cal attention if irritation persists. Do not wear contaminated clothing
a. General precautions: Chemical injuries may be external or until after it has been cleaned thoroughly. Leather items (e.g., belts
internal. External injuries may result from skin exposure to caus- and shoes) retain acids even after rinsing with water and may cause
tic or corrosive substances such as acids, bases, or reactive salts. severe burns if worn. If eye contact is made, immediately flush both
Take care to prevent accidents, such as splashes and container eyes for at least 15 min with an eye wash and seek medical attention.
spills. Internal injuries may result from the toxic or corrosive c. Perchloric acid and other highly reactive chemicals: Con-
effects of substances absorbed by the body. These internal injuries centrated perchloric acid reacts violently or explosively on con-
may result from inhalation, skin contact, or ingestion. tact with organic material and may form explosive heavy metal
Tables 1090:1, 1090:2, and 1090:3 list PELs, TLVs, and short- perchlorates. Do not use perchloric acid and organic reagents
term exposure limits and ceilings for some chemical materials spec- (particularly volatile solvents) in the same fume hood. In addition
ified in Standard Methods, as given in various published sources.1–8 to explosive hazards, perchloric acid produces severe burns of
The PEL values reported in these tables are in some instances the skin, eyes, or respiratory tract. Preferably provide a dedicated
higher than the levels that some nations believe to be appropriate. perchloric acid hood. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for
Because the health and safety program should be driven by meet- proper cleaning, because exhaust ducts become coated with per-
ing best industrial hygiene practice, always use the lowest recom- chlorate salts and must be washed down regularly.
mended exposure values when protecting human health. Use extreme caution when storing and handling highly reactive
In addition, pay careful attention to equipment corrosion caused chemicals, such as strong oxidizers. Improper storage can pro-
by contact with corrosive chemicals or vapors that ultimately may mote heat evolution and explosion. Do not store strong oxidizers
lead to safety hazards from equipment failure. and reducers in close proximity.
b. Inorganic acids and bases: Many inorganic acids and bases d. Organic solvents and reagents: Most solvents specified in
have PELs and TLVs. Table 1090:1 presents PELs (based on US Standard Methods have PELs or TLVs or both, as well as short-
standards), TLVs, and short-term exposure limits and ceilings for term exposure limits or ceilings for workplace exposures (see
some inorganic chemicals specified in Standard Methods. These Table 1090:2).
PELs and TLVs indicate the maximum air concentration to which Many organic reagents, unlike most organic solvents, do not
workers may be exposed. Fumes of these acids and bases are have PELs, TLVs, or short-term exposure limits and ceilings, but
severe eye and respiratory system irritants. Liquid or solid acids this does not mean that they are less hazardous. Table 1090:3 con-
and bases can quickly cause severe burns of the skin and eyes. tains PELs, TLVs, or short-term exposure limits and ceilings for
When acids are heated to increase the rate of digestion of organic some reagents specified in Standard Methods.
materials, they pose a significantly greater hazard because fumes Some compounds are suspected carcinogens and should be
are produced and the hot acid reacts very quickly with the skin. treated with extreme caution. These compounds include solvents
Store acids and bases separately in well-ventilated areas and and reagents, such as benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform,
away from volatile organic and oxidizable materials. Use contain- dioxane, perchloroethylene, and benzidine. Lists of chemicals with
ers (rubber or plastic buckets) to transport acids and bases. special hazardous characteristics are available from the Occupa-
Work with strong acids and bases only in a properly function- tional Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute
ing chemical fume hood. Slowly add acids and bases to water (with for Occupational Safety and Health. In the United States, the lists of
constant stirring) to avoid spattering. If skin contact is made, regulated carcinogens and of chemicals having substantial evidence

Table 1090:1. Permissible Exposure Limits, Threshold Limit Values, Short-Term Exposure Limits, and
Ceilings for Some Inorganic Chemicals Specified in Standard Methods
Compound CAS No. Ceiling (C) (mg/m3)
Chromic acid and chromatesb,c (as CrO3) 7440-47-3 0.1/0.05
Chromium, soluble chromic, chromous salts (as Cr) 7440-47-3 0.5/0.5
Chromium metal and insoluble salts 7440-47-3 1/0.5
Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0 7.5(C)/7.5 (C)
Hydrogen peroxide 7722-84-1 1.4/1.4
Leadc 7439-92-1 —/0.15
Mercuryb,d 7439-97-6 0.1/0.05
Nitric acid 7697-37-2 5/5.2, 10 (S)
Phosphoric acid 7664-38-2 1/1, 3 (S)
Potassium hydroxide 1310-58-3 —/2 (C)
Silver (metal and soluble compounds, as Ag) 7440-22-4 0.01/0.1 metal,
0.01 soluble as Ag
Sodium azide 26628-22-8 —/0.29 (C)
Sodium hydroxide 1310-73-2 2(C)/2 (C)
Sulfuric acid 7664-93-9 1/1, 3 (S)
Short-term exposure limit. See 29 CFR 1910.1028.
(Suspect) carcinogen.
Substance has a Biological Exposure Index (BEI).
Skin hazard. 5

Table 1090:2. Permissible Exposure Limits, Threshold Limit Values, Short-Term Exposure Limits, and Ceilings for Organic Solvents Specified
in Standard Methods
Compound Chemical Abstract No. CAS No. PEL/TLV STEL (S)a or Ceiling (C), ppm (v/v)
Acetic acid 64-19-7 10/10, 15 (S)
Acetone 67-64-1 1000/750, 1000 (S)
Acetonitrile 75-05-8 40/40, 60 (S)
Benzeneb,c 71-43-2 10, 25 (C), 50 peak 10 min/8 h/10
n-Butyl alcohold 71-36-3 100/50 (C)
tert-Butyl alcohol 75-65-0 100/100, 150 (S)
Carbon disulfidec 75-15-0 20, 30 (C), 100 peak 30 min/8 h/10
Carbon tetrachlorideb,d 56-23-5 10, 25, 200 peak 5 min/4 h/5
Chloroformb 67-66-3 50 (C)/10
Cyclohexanoned 108-94-1 50/50
Dioxaned (diethylene dioxide) 123-91-1 100/25
Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 400/400
Ethyl alcohol 64-17-5 1000/1000
Ethyl ether (diethyl ether) 60-29-7 400/400, 500 (S)
Ethylene glycol 107-21-1 –/50 (C)
n-Hexanec 110-54-3 100/50
Isoamyl alcohol (primary and secondary) 123-51-3 100/100, 125 (S)
Isobutyl alcohol 78-83-1 100/50
Isopropyl alcohol 67-63-0 400/400, 500 (S)
Isopropyl ether 108-20-3 500/250, 310 (S)
Methyl alcohold 67-56-1 200/200, 250 (S)
2-Methoxyethanold (methyl cellosolve) 109-86-4 25/5
Methylene chlorideb 75-09-2 500, 1000 (C), 2000 peak 5 min/2 h/50
Pentane 109-66-0 1000/600, 750 (S)
Perchloroethylene†‡ (tetrachloroethylene) 127-18-4 100, 200 (C), 300 peak 5 min/3 h/50, 200 (S)
n-Propyl alcohol§ 71-23-8 200/200, 250 (S)
Pyridine 110-86-1 5/5
Toluenec,d 108-88-3 200, 300 (C), 500 peak 10 min/8 h/50
Xylenesc (o-, m-, p-isomers) 1330-20-7 100/100, 150 (S)
(95-47-6, 108-38-3, 106-42-3)
Short-term exposure limit. See 29 CFR 1910.1028.
(Suspect) carcinogen.
Substance has a Biological Exposure Index (BEI).
Skin hazard.

of carcinogenicity are especially important. Developing and follow- with caution because they are poisons, and avoid contact with the
ing laboratory handling procedures for compounds on such author- skin. Wear gloves and protective clothing. The chlorinated com-
itative lists should substantially reduce the potential for exposures. pounds present much the same hazards as the chlorinated solvents
Solvents used in the laboratory usually fall into several major (narcosis and damage to the central nervous system and liver).
categories: alcohols, chlorinated compounds, and hydrocarbons. Proper labeling for the compound, including a date for disposal
Exposure to each of these classes of compounds can have a vari- based on the manufacturer’s recommendations, permits tracking
ety of health effects. Alcohols, in general, are intoxicants, capable chemical usage and disposal of outdated chemicals.
of causing irritation of the mucous membranes and drowsiness.
Chlorinated hydrocarbons cause narcosis and damage to the cen- References
tral nervous system and liver. Hydrocarbons, similar to alcohols
and chlorinated compounds, are skin irritants and may cause der- 1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Respiratory protec-
matitis after prolonged skin exposure. Because of the volatility of tion. 29 CFR 1910.134.
these compounds, hazardous vapor concentrations can occur (fire 2. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.
or explosion hazard). Proper ventilation is essential. Threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents
Most organic reagents used in this manual fall into 4 major and biological exposure indices. Cincinnati (OH): ACIGH; 1992.
categories: 3. U.S. Public Health Service. Annual Report on Carcinogens. Wash-
ington DC: National Toxicology Program, Department of Health &
• acids,
Human Services, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1980.
• halogenated compounds, 4. International Agency for Research on Cancer. IARC monographs on
• dyes and indicators, and the identification of carcinogenic hazards to humans. World Health
• pesticides. Organization.
Most organic acids have irritant properties. They are predomi- 5. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Occupational
nantly solids from which aerosols may be produced. Dyes and Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. NIOSH/OSHA-NIOSH Pub.
indicators also present an aerosol problem. Handle pesticides No. 85-123. Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office; 1985. 6
1090 LABORATORY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY - C. Laboratory Facility and Fixed Equipment

Table 1090:3. Permissible Exposure Limits, Threshold Limit Values, Short-Term Exposure Limits, and/or
Ceilings for Some of the Reagents Specified in Standard Methods
Compound CAS No. Ceiling (C) ppm (v/v)
2-Aminoethanol (ethanolamine) 141-43-5 3/3, 6 (S)
Benzidineb,c 92-87-5 Confirmed human carcinogen1
Benzyl chloride 100-44-7 1/1
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 75/10
Diethanolamine 111-42-2 —/3
Naphthalene 91-20-3 10/10, 15 (S)
Oxalic acid 144-62-7 1/1 mg/m3
Phenolc 108-95-2 5/5
2-Chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine (nitrapyrin) 1929-82-4
Total dust 15/10 mg/m3
Respirable fraction 5/—mg/m3
Short-term exposure limit. See 29 CFR 1910.1028.
(Suspect) carcinogen.
Skin hazard.
1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Respiratory protection. 29 CFR 1910.134.

6. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Preven- Committee on Hazardous Substances in the Laboratory. Prudent practices
tion. Washington DC: Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Sub- for handling hazardous chemicals in laboratories. Washington DC:
stances. U.S. Government Printing Office; 1993. National Academies Press; 1981.
7. Sax NI. Dangerous properties of industrial materials. New York (NY): Committee on Hazardous Substances in the Laboratory. Prudent practices
Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1989. for disposal of chemicals from laboratories. Washington DC: National
8. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control. 1990. Academies Press, 1983.
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards; DHHS (NIOSH) Pub. Compressed Gas Association, Inc. Handbook of Compressed Gases. New
No. 90-117, U.S. Government Printing Off., Washington, D.C. York (NY): Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.; 1990.
Furr AK, ed. CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, 3rd ed. Boca Raton
Bibliography (FL): CRC Press, Inc.; 1990.
Threshold limit values. Cincinnati (OH): American Conference of Gov-
ernmental Industrial Hygienists, 1992.
Sliney D. Safety with lasers and other optical sources: a comprehensive
handbook. New York (NY): Plenum Press; 1980.

1090 C. Laboratory Facility and Fixed Equipment

1. Facility Design from exposure to toxic substances used during the working day.
The system should direct air flow into the laboratory from non-
The laboratory facility must have laboratory areas and then exhaust the air directly to the exterior of
• a general ventilation system with air intakes and exhausts the building in a manner that prevents its re-entry.
located to avoid intake of contaminated air, 2) Laboratory fume hoods—As a minimum, provide at least 1
• well-ventilated stockrooms or storerooms, linear meter of hood space per worker if workers spend most of
• laboratory hoods and sinks, their time working with chemicals or if they work with chemical
• miscellaneous safety equipment including eyewash foun- substances with PELs or TLVs less than 100 ppm. Equip each
tains and safety showers, and hood with a continuous monitoring device to allow the conve-
• arrangements for the disposal of wastes and samples in accor- nient confirmation of adequate hood performance before each
dance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations. use. If this is not possible, avoid work with substances with PELs
or TLVs less than 100 ppm or with unknown toxicity, or provide
2. Facility and Fixed Equipment Maintenance other types of local ventilation devices.
3) Other local ventilation devices—Provide ventilated chemical
Maintain facilities and equipment with scheduled maintenance and biological cabinets, canopy hoods and instrument snorkels, or
and continual surveillance to ensure proper operation. Give spe- work station snorkels, as needed. Many local ventilation devices
cial attention to the adequacy of ventilation systems. require a separate exhaust duct, as do canopy hoods and snorkels.
a. Facility ventilation systems: 4) Special ventilation areas and devices—it may be necessary
1) General ventilation—The general laboratory ventilation pro- to pass exhaust air from special ventilation areas or devices such
vides a source of air for breathing and for input to local ventila- as radiological hoods, glove boxes, and isolation rooms through
tion devices, such as fume hoods. Do not rely on it for protection HEPA filters, scrubbers, or other treatment before release into the 7

regular exhaust system. Ensure that cool rooms and warm rooms (OH): American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists,
have provisions for rapid escape and for escape in the event of Inc.; 1982.
electrical failure. American National Standards Institute; American Society of Heating,
5) Ventilation system modifications—Make alterations to the Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers. Method of testing per-
formance of laboratory fume hoods; ANSI/ASHRAE 110-1985. New
ventilation system only in consultation with an expert qualified in
York (NY): American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 1985.
laboratory ventilation system design. Thoroughly test changes in Institute of Environmental Sciences. Recommended practice for laminar
the ventilation system to demonstrate adequate worker protection. flow clean devices; RP-CC-002-86. Mount Prospect (IL): Institute of
b. Facility ventilation system performance: A ventilation system Environmental Sciences; 1986.
rate of 4 to 12 room air changes per hour is considered adequate National Sanitation Foundation. Class II biohazard cabinetry (laminar
where local exhaust ventilation devices, such as fume hoods are flow); Standard 49-1987. Ann Arbor (MI): National Sanitation Foun-
used as the primary method of control. General ventilation system dation; 1987.
air flow should not be turbulent and should be relatively uniform American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard guide for good lab-
throughout the laboratory, with no high-velocity or static areas. Air oratory practices in laboratories engaged in sampling and analysis of
flow into and within laboratory fume hoods should not be exces- water; ASTM D3856. Philadelphia (PA): ASTM International; 1988.
American National Standards Institute; American Society of Heating,
sively turbulent. Fume hood face velocity should be adequate for
Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers. Ventilation for accept-
the intended use (for general-purpose fume hoods this is typically able indoor air quality; ANSI/ASHRAE 62-1989. New York (NY):
18 to 30 m/min). The effective protection provided by a fume hood American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 1989.
depends on a number of factors including hood location and design, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engi-
and cannot be determined solely on the basis of the face velocity. neers. Handbook—fundamentals. Atlanta (GA): ASHRAE; 1989.
c. Facility ventilation system evaluation: Evaluate performance American National Standards Institute. Emergency eyewash and shower
characteristics (quality and quantity) of the ventilation system on equipment; ANSI Z358.1-990. New York (NY): ANSI; 1990.
installation, re-evaluate whenever a change in local ventilation American National Standards Institute. Fundamentals governing the
devices is made, and monitor routinely. Schedule monitoring with design and operation of local exhaust systems; ANSI Z9.2-1979 (rev.
a frequency dictated by the type, age, condition, and any acces- 1991). New York (NY): ANSI; 1991.
American National Standards Institute. Standard on fire protection
sories associated with the device, but at least annually; monitor
for laboratories using chemicals; NFPA 45. Quincy (MA): ANSI;
hoods at least quarterly. Document all ventilation system checks 1991.
or actions, such as flow checks, calibration, alterations, repairs, American National Standards Institute, American Industrial Hygiene
maintenance, or any other action that may determine or change Association. Standard for laboratory ventilation; ANSI/AIHA Z9.5.
flow efficiency or characteristics. Fairfax (VA): ANSI; 1993.
American National Standards Institute. 1993. Flammable and Combusti-
Bibliography ble Liquids Code; NFPA 30. Quincy (MA): ANSI; 1993.
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engi-
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. Industrial neers. Handbook—applications. Atlanta (GA): ASHRAE; 1993.
ventilation: a manual of recommended practice, 17th ed. Cincinnati

1090 D. Hazard Evaluation

1. Hazard Evaluation 2. Spills of Toxic or Hazardous Substances

Hazard evaluation refers to the assessment of whether an Spills are usually the result of a loss of containment due to
employee has been overexposed to a hazardous substance or if equipment failure or breakage (uncontrolled releases). The loss
such an exposure episode is likely to occur and to what extent. of containment can result in overexposure episodes. Calculations
The evaluation does not require monitoring airborne concentra- using data from SDSs, the chemical and physical properties of
tions of the hazardous substances involved. Such an assessment the substance, known laboratory air changes, and work-station air
may be informal and simply involve considering, among other volume allow the assessment of the possibility of an overexposure
factors, the chemical and physical properties of the substance and episode.
the quantity of substance used. In addition, the exposure assess-
ment may be sufficient to estimate the probability of an overex- 3. Work Practice Assignment
Specify, document, and use hazard assessment criteria. Base Use the information calculated from these exposure assess-
the criteria on the toxicity of the substances to be used, the expo- ments to develop the written work practices needed to protect the
sure potential of the chemical procedures to be performed, and health of the employee while conducting the procedure.
the capacity of the available engineering control systems.
In cases where continuous monitoring devices are used, include 4. Documentation of Hazard Assessments
resulting exposure data in the exposure evaluation. Air monitoring
only provides information for inhalation exposure. Other means Document, validate, and authenticate all hazard assessments,
are required to determine whether overexposure could have preferably using a standard form.
occurred as a result of ingestion, dermal contact, or eye contact. 8

Bibliography Occupational Safety and Health Administration. How to prepare for

workplace emergencies; OSHA Pub. No. 3088. Washington DC: U.S.
Doull J, Klaassen CD, Amdur MO. Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology: the Department of Labor; 1988.
basic science of poisons, 2nd ed. New York (NY): Macmillan Publish- Plog BA, ed. Fundamentals of industrial hygiene, 3rd ed. Chicago, IL:
ing Co., Inc.; 1980. National Safety Council; 1988.
Battelle Memorial Institute. Guidelines for hazard evaluation procedures. Bretherick L, ed. Bretherick’s handbook of reactive chemical hazards.
New York (NY): American Institute of Chemical Engineers; 1985. London (UK): Butterworths; 1990.
Williams PL, Burson JL. Industrial toxicology: safety and health applica- Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Hazard communication
tions in the workplace. New York (NY): Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.; guidelines for compliance; OSHA Pub. No. 3111. Washington DC:
1985. U.S. Department of Labor; 1990.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Job hazard analysis; Clayton GD. Patty’s industrial hygiene and toxicology. New York (NY):
OSHA Pub. No. 3071. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Labor; John Wiley & Sons; 1991.
1988. Hawkins NC, Norwood SK, Rock, JC eds. A strategy for occupational
Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Chemical hazard com- exposure assessment. Fairfax (VA): American Industrial Hygiene
munication; OSHA Pub. No. 3084. Washington DC: U.S. Department Association; 1991.
of Labor; 1988. Also see references 2 through 8, 1090 B.

1090 E. Personal Protective Equipment

1. Introduction Protectors must provide adequate protection against particular

hazards for which they are designed, be reasonably comfortable
The employer must provide and maintain personal protec- when worn under the designated conditions, fit snugly without
tive equipment (PPE) in a condition that is sanitary and reliable interfering with the movements or vision of the wearer, and be
against hazards in the workplace. All PPE also must be properly durable, easy to disinfect and clean, and kept in good repair.
designed and constructed for the work to be performed. Several In selecting the protector, consider the kind and degree of haz-
general references on PPE are available.1–3 ard. Where a choice of protectors is given, and the degree of pro-
It is essential to select PPE based on an assessment of the haz- tection required is not an important issue, worker comfort may be
ards3 or potential hazards to which an employee is exposed, to a deciding factor.
ensure that the correct PPE is obtained. Use PPE only when it Persons using corrective glasses and those who are required
is not possible or feasible to provide engineering controls. Such to wear eye protection must wear glasses with protective lenses
PPE includes all clothing and other work accessories designed to providing optical correction, goggles that can be worn over cor-
create a barrier against workplace hazards. rective glasses without disturbing the adjustment of the glasses,
The basic element of any PPE management program must be or goggles that incorporate corrective lenses mounted behind the
an in-depth evaluation of the equipment needed to protect against protective lenses.
the hazards at the workplace. Management dedicated to the safety When limitations or precautions are indicated by the manufac-
and health of employees must use that evaluation to set a standard turer, transmit them to the user and observe strictly. Safety glasses
operating procedure for personnel, then encourage those employ- require special frames. Combinations of normal wire frames with
ees to use, maintain, and clean the equipment to protect them- safety lenses are not acceptable.
selves against those hazards. Design, construction, testing, and use of eye and face protec-
Using PPE requires hazard awareness and training on the part tion must be in accordance with national standards.4
of the user. Make employees aware that the equipment does not
eliminate the hazard. If the equipment fails, exposure will occur. 3. Protective Work Gloves
To reduce the possibility of failure, use equipment that is properly
fitted and maintained in a clean and serviceable condition. Match glove material to the hazard. Materials such as nitrile,
Selection of the proper type of PPE for the job is important. neoprene, natural rubber, PVC, latex, and butyl rubber vary
Employers and employees must understand the equipment’s pur- widely in chemical resistance. What may be safe with one chem-
pose and its limitations. Do not alter or remove equipment even ical may prove harmful with another (see Table 1090:4 and Table
though an employee may find it uncomfortable (equipment may 1090:5). Glove thickness may be as important as glove material in
be uncomfortable simply because it does not fit properly). some cases. Many organic reagents, unlike most organic solvents,
do not have PELs or TLVs, but this does not mean that they are
2. Eye Protection less hazardous.
Evaluate physical properties of the glove material. In addition
The LH&S standard of practice requires the use of eye and face to chemical resistance, glove materials vary in physical tough-
protective equipment3 where there is a reasonable probability of ness. Select the glove that provides the abrasion, tear, flame, and
injury prevention through its use. Employers must provide a type puncture resistance required for the job.
of protector suitable for work to be performed, and employees Maximize comfort and dexterity. Lined gloves absorb perspi-
must use the protectors. These requirements also apply to super- ration and help insulate the hand. Unlined gloves conform to the
visors and management personnel, and to visitors while they are hand. Lighter-gauge gloves improve touch sensitivity and flexi-
in hazardous areas. bility, heavier-gauge gloves add protection and strength. 9

Table 1090:4. Glove Selection for Organic Chemical Handling

Suitable Glove Material

Chemical Abstract Chemical Butyl Nitrile
Compound No. CAS No. Class Rubber Neoprene Rubber PE PVC TFE Viton
Ethers: 241
Ethyl ether (diethyl ether) 60-29-7 241 •
Isopropyl ether 108-20-3 241 •
2-Methoxyethanolb 109-86-4 245 •
  (methyl cellosolve)
Halogen compounds: 261
Carbon tetrachloridea 56-23-5 261 • •
Chloroforma 67-66-3 261 • •
Methylene chloride 75-09-2 261 • • •
Perchloroethylenea 127-18-4 261 •
Hydrocarbons: 291
n-Hexane 110-54-3 291 • • •
Pentane 109-66-0 291 • •
Benzenea 71-43-2 292 •
Toluene 108-88-3 292 • •
Xylenes (o-, m-, p-isomers) 1330-20-7 292 • •
Hydroxyl compounds: 311
n-Butyl alcohol 71-36-3 311 • • • • •
Ethyl alcohol 64-17-5 311 • • •
Methyl alcohol 67-56-1 311 • •
n-Propyl alcohol 71-23-8 311 • •
Isoamyl alcohol 123-51-3 311
Isobutyl alcohol 78-83-1 311 •
Isopropyl alcohol 67-63-0 312 • • •
tert-Butyl alcohol 75-65-0 313 •
Ethylene glycol 107-21-1 314 • • • • • • •
Ketones: 391
Acetone 67-64-1 391 • •
Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 391 •
Heterocyclic compounds: 271
Dioxaneb (diethylene dioxide) 123-91-1 278 • •
Pyridine 110-86-1 271 •
Miscellaneous organic
Acetic acid 75-07-0 102 • • • •
Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 222 • •
Acetonitrile 75-05-8 431 • •
Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 502 •
(Suspect) carcinogen.
Skin hazard.

Ensure a safe grip. Nonslip grips allow for easier and safer han- Head injuries are caused by falling or flying objects or by
dling. Embossed, pebbled, etched, and dotted coatings improve bumping the head against a fixed object. Head protection, in the
grip in wet or dry working conditions. form of protective hats, must both resist penetration and absorb
Measure proper size and length. Loose-fitting gloves affect dexter- the shock of a blow. Helmets consist essentially of a shell and sus-
ity and can be hazardous. Tight-fitting gloves may cause hand fatigue pension. Use hats with a shell composed of a material that is hard
and tend to wear out faster. Gloves should fit comfortably without enough to resist a blow and contains a shock-absorbing lining
restricting motion and they should be long enough to protect the wrist, composed of head band and crown straps to keep the shell away
forearm, elbow, or the entire arm, depending on the application. from the wearer’s skull. Protective materials used in helmets
should be water-resistant and slow burning. Ventilation is pro-
4. Head Protection vided by a space between the headband and the shell. Ensure that
each helmet is accompanied by instructions explaining the proper
Water and wastewater laboratories seldom require this kind of method of adjusting and replacing the suspension and headband.
personal protection, but field work may require head protection. 10

Table 1090:5. Glove Selection for Inorganic Chemical Handling

Suitable Glove Material

Chemical Butyl Natural Nitrile
Compound CAS No. Class Rubber Rubber Neoprene Rubber PE PVC
Inorganic acids: 370
Chromic acid,a (Cr+6) 7440-47-3 370 • •
Hydrochloric acid, 30–70% solutions 10035-10-6 370 • • • • •
Hydrochloric acid, <30% solutions 10035-10-6 370 • • • • •
Nitric acid, 30-70% solutions 7697-37-2 370 • •
Nitric acid, <30% solutions 7697-37-2 370 • • • • •
Phosphoric acid, >70% solutions 7664-38-2 370 • • • • •
Phosphoric acid, 30–70% solutions 7664-38-2 370 • • • •
Sulfuric acid, >70% solutions 7664-93-9 370 • •
Sulfuric acid, 30–70% solutions 7664-93-9 370 • • • • •
Sulfuric acid, <30% solutions 7664-93-9 370 • • • • •
Inorganic bases: 380
Ammonium hydroxide, 30–70% solutions 7664-41-7 380 • • •
Ammonium hydroxide, <30% solutions 7664-41-7 380 • • • •
Potassium hydroxide, 30–70% solutions 1310-58-3 380 • • • • •
Sodium hydroxide, >70% solutions 1310-73-2 380 • •
Sodium hydroxide, 30–70% solutions 1310-73-2 380 • • • • • •
Inorganic salt solutions: 340
Dichromate solutions, <30%,a (Cr+6) 7440-47-3 340 •
Inorganic miscellaneous:
Hydrogen peroxide, 30–70% solutions 7722-39-3 300 • • •
Mercuryb 7439-97-6 560 • •
Suspected carcinogen.
Skin hazard.

Visually inspect daily all components, shells, suspensions, 6. Foot and Leg Protection
headbands, sweatbands, and any accessories for signs of dents,
cracks, penetration or any other damage that might reduce the According to accident reviews most workers who experienced
degree of safety originally provided. impact injuries to the feet were not wearing protective footwear.
Do not store or carry helmets on the rear window deck of an Furthermore, most of their employers did not require them to
automobile because sunlight and extreme heat may adversely wear safety shoes. The typical foot injury was caused by objects
affect the degree of protection. falling less than 1.2 m and the median weight was about 30 kg.
Further information on head protection is available elsewhere.3,5 Most workers were injured while performing their normal job
activities at their worksites.
5. Hearing Protection Safety shoes should be sturdy and have an impact-resis-
tant toe. In some shoes, metal insoles protect against puncture
Exposure to high noise levels can cause hearing loss or impair- wounds. Additional protection, such as metatarsal guards, may
ment, and it can create physical and psychological stress. There be found in some types of footwear. Safety shoes come in a vari-
is no cure for noise-induced hearing loss, so preventing excessive ety of styles and materials, such as leather and rubber boots and
noise exposure is the only way to avoid hearing damage. Specif- oxfords.
ically designed protection is required, depending on the type of Safety footwear is classified according to its ability to meet
noise encountered. minimum requirements for both compression and impact test.
Use preformed or molded ear plugs fitted individually by a Those requirements and testing procedures and further informa-
professional. Waxed cotton, foam, or fiberglass wool earplugs tion foot and leg protection may be found elsewhere.3,6
are self-forming. When properly inserted, they work as well as
most molded earplugs. Plain cotton is ineffective as protection References
against hazardous noise.
Some earplugs are disposable, to be used one time and then thrown 1. Schwope AD, Costas PP, Jackson JO, Weitzman DJ, eds. Guidelines
away. Clean nondisposable types after each use for proper protection. for the selection of chemical protective clothing, 3rd ed. Cincinnati
Earmuffs need to make a perfect seal around the ear to be effec- (OH): American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygien-
tive. Glasses, long sideburns, long hair, and facial movements, ists; 1987.
2. Forsberg K, Mansdorf SZ. Quick selection guide to chemical pro-
such as chewing, can reduce protection. Special equipment is
tective clothing, 2nd ed. New York (NY): Van Nostrand Reinhold;
available for use with glasses or beards. 1993.
More specific information on hearing conservation is available.3 11
1090 LABORATORY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY - F. Worker Protection Medical Program

3. Occupational Safety And Health Administration. General require- 5. American National Standards Institute. Safety requirements for indus-
ments for personal protective equipment. 29 CFR 1910.132. trial head protection; ANSI Z89.1-1986. New York (NY): ANSI; 1986.
4. American National Standards Institute. Design, construction, testing, 6. American National Standards Institute. American national standard
and use of eye and face protection; ANSI Z87 1-1968. New York (NY): for personal protection–protective footwear. ANSI Z41-1999. New
ANSI; 1968. York (NY): ANSI; 1999.

1090 F. Worker Protection Medical Program

1. Preventive Medicine Program including any follow-up examinations that the examining physician
determines to be necessary, under the following circumstances:
The preventive medicine program should include, when appli- • Whenever an employee develops signs or symptoms asso-
cable, immunization of laboratory staff against tetanus, possibly ciated with an exposure to a hazardous chemical that the
typhoid, and other infectious agents to minimize risk of contract- employee may have been using.
ing diseases that are associated with the types of samples received • Where exposure monitoring reveals an exposure level rou-
and analyzed by the laboratory. The scope of this program depends tinely above the action level (or in the absence of an action
on the diseases prevalent in the area where the samples originate. level, the PEL or TLV). For a national regulated substance
The program also must comply with the appropriate regulations. for which there are exposure monitoring and medical sur-
veillance requirements, establish medical surveillance for the
2. Medical Surveillance affected employee as prescribed by the particular standard.
• Whenever an uncontrolled event (such as a spill, leak, explo-
Routine surveillance may be indicated for anyone whose work sion, or other occurrence), takes place in the work area and
involves the routine handling of hazardous chemical or biological results in the likelihood of a hazardous exposure, provide the
substances. Consult a qualified occupational health physician or affected employee an opportunity for a medical consultation
toxicologist to determine whether a regular schedule of medical to determine the need for a medical examination.
surveillance is indicated. All medical examinations and consultations should be performed
by, or under the direct supervision of, a licensed physician, without
3. Environmental Monitoring cost to the employee or loss of pay, and at a reasonable time and
place. Inform the physician of the identity of the hazardous chemi-
a. General: The initiation of environmental monitoring (expo- cals to which the employee may have been exposed; the conditions
sure monitoring) associated with laboratory uses of hazardous under which the exposure occurred, including quantitative exposure
chemical substances is triggered by exposures exceeding the data, if available; and the signs and symptoms of exposure that the
action level (usually defined as one-half the PEL or TLV), PEL, employee is experiencing, if any. The employer must obtain from
or TLV. The employer is responsible for ensuring that employees’ the examining physician a written opinion that includes any recom-
exposures to such substances do not exceed the PELs specified in mendation for further medical follow-up, the results of the medical
the regulations dealing with air contaminants.1 examination and any associated tests, notice of any medical condi-
b. Employee exposure determination: Determine a worker’s expo- tion revealed during the examination that may place the employee
sure to any hazardous chemical substance if there is reason to believe at increased risk as a result of exposure to a hazardous chemical
that exposure levels for that substance routinely exceed the action found in the workplace, and a statement that the employee has been
level. Where there is no action level for a substance, the worker informed by the physician of the results of the consultation or medi-
exposure must not exceed the PEL or TLV. If the initial monitoring cal examination and any medical condition that may require further
confirms that an employee exposure exceeds the action level (or in examination or treatment. The written opinion must not reveal spe-
the absence of an action level, the PEL), the employer must immedi- cific findings or diagnoses unrelated to occupational exposure.
ately comply with the exposure monitoring provisions of the relevant
national standard. Monitoring may be terminated in accordance with Reference
the relevant standard (if one exists) or when the exposures are found
to be below the action level (one half the PEL or TLV) or in the 1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Air Contaminants.
absence of an action level, below the PEL or TLV. The workers are to 29 CFR 1910.1000.
be notified in accordance with the relevant national standard. if none
exists, they should at least be notified within 15 working days after Bibliography
any monitoring results have become available to the employer, either
by contacting the employee individually or by posting the results in Doull J, Klaassen CD, Amdur MO. Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology: the
an appropriate location accessible to employees. basic science of poisons, 2nd ed. New York (NY): Macmillan Pub-
lishing Co., Inc.; 1980.
Williams PL, Burson JL. Industrial toxicology: safety and health applications
4. Medical Consultation and Medical Examinations in the workplace. New York (NY): Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.; 1985.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Access to employee
All employees who work with hazardous chemicals should have exposure and medical records. 29 CFR 1910.20.
an opportunity to receive medical attention (at no personal cost), Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Occupational exposure
to hazardous chemicals in laboratories. 29 CFR 1910.1450. 12

1090 G. Provisions for Work with Particularly Hazardous Substances

The information outlined in the following paragraphs meets the 3. Use of Containment Devices
LH&S standard of practice1 and also represents good industrial
hygiene practices. The work conducted and its scale must be appropriate to the
physical facilities available and, especially, to the quality of ven-
1. Designated Area tilation.
The general laboratory ventilation system must be capable
Wherever appropriate, the employer must establish a desig- of providing air for breathing and for input to local ventilation
nated area, that is, an area that may be used for work with select devices. It should not be relied on for protection from toxic sub-
carcinogens, reproductive toxins, or substances having a high stances released into the laboratory, but should ensure that lab-
degree of acute toxicity. A designated area may be the entire lab- oratory air is continually replaced, preventing increase of air
oratory, an area of a laboratory, or a device such as a laboratory concentrations of toxic substances during the working day, and
hood. that air flows into the laboratory from nonlaboratory areas and out
to the exterior of the building.
2. Select Carcinogen
In the United States, a select carcinogen means any substance
meeting at least one of the following criteria: 1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Laboratory Stan-
dard. Occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals in laboratories.
• the substance is regulated by OSHA as a carcinogen;
29 CFR 1910.1450.
• it is listed under the category, “known to be carcinogenic,” by 2. U.S. Public Health Service. Annual Report on Carcinogens. Wash-
the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP);2 ington DC: National Toxicology Program, Dept. Health & Human
• it is listed under Group 1 (carcinogenic to humans) Services, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1980
by the International Agency for Research on Cancer 3. International Agency for Research on Cancer. IARC monographs on
(IARC);3 or the identification of carcinogenic hazards to humans. World Health
• it is listed in either Group 2A or 2B by IARC3 or under the Organization.
category, “reasonably anticipated to be carcinogenic” by Iarc-Monographs-On-The-Identification-Of-Carcinogenic-Hazards-
NTP,2 and causes statistically significant tumor incidence in To-Humans
experimental animals after inhalation exposure of 6 to 7 h/d,
5 d/week, for significant portion of a lifetime to dosages of Bibliography
less than 10 mg/m3, or after repeated skin application of less
than 300 mg/kg of body weight/week, or after oral dosages National Institutes of Health. 1981. Guidelines for the laboratory use of
of less than 50 mg/kg of body weight/d. chemical carcinogens; NIH Pub. No. 81-2385. Washington DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office; 1981.
Also see 1090 C.3.

1090 H. Biological Safety

1. Introduction When working with grossly polluted samples, such as waste-

water or high-density microbial cultures, use a pipetting device
The analysis of environmental samples involves worker contact attached to a pipetting bulb to prevent accidental ingestion (never
with samples that may be contaminated with agents that present pipet by mouth).
microbiological hazards. Most of these agents involve exposures Because untreated waters may contain waterborne pathogens,
to pathogenic bacteria, fungi, or viruses that may produce human place all used pipets in a jar containing disinfectant solution for
disease by accidental ingestion, inoculation, injection, or other decontamination before glassware washing. Do not place used
means of cutaneous penetration. The primary means of exposure pipets on table tops, on laboratory carts, or in sinks without ade-
to these microbiological hazards involves hand-mouth contact quate decontamination.
while handling the samples; contaminated laboratory materials;
and aerosols created by incubating, pipetting, centrifuging, or 3. Work Practices
blending of samples or cultures. Use the following rules, work
practices, and procedures to control or minimize exposure to Good personal hygiene practices are essential to control con-
these agents. tact exposures. Frequently disinfect hands and working surfaces.
Provide drinking water outside the laboratory, preferably from
2. General Rules a foot-operated drinking fountain.
Eliminate flies and other insects to prevent the contamination
Do not mix dilutions by blowing air through a pipet into a of sterile equipment, media, samples, and bacterial cultures and to
microbiological culture. prevent the spread of infectious organisms to personnel. 13

Observe appropriate precautions in the use of laboratory equip- the wastes can be handled safely and disposed of by conventional
ment. Use a leakproof blender tightly covered during operation to disposal systems in accordance with local regulations.
minimize contamination. Use a centrifuge tightly covered to min- Note: It may not be necessary to sterilize domestic waste from
imize exposure if tubes containing cultures were to shatter during leftover wastewater samples, raw sewage, sludges, and inoculated
centrifuging. The tube breakage produces a cleanup problem and bacteriological media originating from a wastewater treatment
microbiological aerosols. Conduct activities, such as inserting a process. It could be disposed of at the treatment plant headworks
hot loop into a flask of broth culture, in a manner that eliminates so long as no regulations are violated.
or minimizes the hazards due to aerosolized microorganisms.
Sterilize contaminated materials (cultures, samples, used glass- 5. Waste Disposal
ware, serological discards, etc.) by autoclaving before discarding
them or processing for reuse. Preferably use specially marked Sterilize contaminated materials by autoclaving (see 1090 H.3)
biohazard bags for disposal. Dispose of contaminated broken before discarding them.
glass in a specially marked container. If combustible materials cannot be decontaminated, burn them
with special precautions; permits for burning may be required.
4. Procedures Use temporary storage for decay or permanent storage for treat-
ing radioactive wastes when alternatives are not available. Collect
Quaternary ammonium compounds that include a compatible contaminated combustible wastes and animal carcasses in imper-
detergent or solutions of sodium hypochlorite are satisfactory dis- meable containers for disposal by incineration.
infectants for pipet discard jars. Use the highest concentrations
recommended for these commercial products provided that this Bibliography
concentration does not cause a loss of markings or fogging of
pipets. National Institutes of Health. Guidelines for the laboratory use of chem-
Sterilize biological waste materials to eliminate all infectious ical carcinogens; NIH Pub. No. 81-2385. Washington DC: U.S. Gov-
substances, and sterilize all contaminated equipment or apparatus ernment Printing Office; 1981.
before washing, storage, or disposal, preferably by autoclaving. Institute of Environmental Sciences. Recommended practice for laminar
When decontaminating infectious materials and discarded cul- flow clean devices; RP-CC-002-86. Mount Prospect (IL): Institute of
tures in the autoclave, heat them to at least 121 °C under a pres- Environmental Sciences; 1986.
National Sanitation Foundation. Class II biohazard cabinetry (laminar
sure of 103 kPa for a minimum of 30 min (see Section 9020). The
flow); Standard 49-1987. Ann Arbor (MI): National Sanitation Foun-
contact time is measured from time the contact chamber reaches dation; 1987.
121 °C. If the waste is contained in bags, add water to the con- American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard guide for good lab-
tents to ensure wet heat. Dry heat and chemical treatment also oratory practices in laboratories engaged in sampling and analysis of
may be used for sterilizing nonplastic items. After sterilization, water; ASTM D3856. Philadelphia (PA): ASTM International; 1988.
Furr AK, ed. CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, 3rd ed. Boca Raton
(FL): CRC Press, Inc.; 1990.

1090 I. Radiological Safety

1. Introduction detectors and counting instruments (see Part 7000). Samples

received for testing may contain significant radioactive materials.
This section discusses ionizing radiation safety related to gas Sealed sources, such as the nickel-63 detector cell used in elec-
chromatography detectors and specific analytical procedures (see tron capture gas chromatograph units, also are common.
Table 1090:6). Ionizing radiation includes alpha particles, beta Laboratory personnel may be occupationally exposed to ioniz-
particles, gamma rays, and X-rays. Non-ionizing radiation safety ing radiation. Radiation safety programs at laboratories evaluate
is discussed elsewhere (1090 B.8b). processes for exposure potential and implement work practices to
All persons are exposed to ionizing radiation. The average keep worker exposures “as low as reasonably achievable”. Users
annual radiation dose to the whole body in the US is about 620 of licensable radioactive material and devices must comply with
millirem (mrem) or 6.2 milliSieverts (1 mSv = 100 mrem). the requirements of their national nuclear regulatory body (in the
Approximately 310 mrem (3.1 mSv) of this dose is attributable United States, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission),3 and related
to naturally-occurring sources including radon gas (37%), cosmic state regulations. In addition, administrative or local requirements
radiation (5%), naturally-occurring radionuclides in our bodies apply at specific facilities. The use of exempt quantities of radio-
(5%), and radioactive minerals in terrestrial sources (3%). The active material may be regulated3 even in facilities that do not
remaining dose of 310 mrem is received from artificial sources maintain a radioactive material license.
including medical procedures (36%), nuclear medicine (12%),
and consumer products (2%). On average, occupational exposure 2. Exposures
accounts for less than 1% of the annual US dose.1,2
Radionuclides are used in laboratories to develop and evaluate a. Exposure limits and control: The LH&S standard of prac-
analytical methods, to prepare counting standards, and to calibrate tice4 does not permit the use of personal protective equipment 14

Table 1090:6. Procedures Involving Potential Exposure to Ionizing Radiation

Standard Methods Section Radionuclide Type of Radiation Comment

Part 6000 methods: GC with 63
Ni or H
Low-energy beta ( Ni,
Internal hazard only. Requires
electron capture detectors 17 keV avg 3H, 6 keV avg) survey techniques for
low-energy beta radiation
7110 Gross Alpha and Gross Alpha: Uranium, Alpha; beta and gamma; or Alpha radiation sources are
Beta Radioactivity 230
Th, 239Pu, 241Am beta only primarily an internal hazard.
Beta and beta/gamma sources
are potential external hazards
7500-Cs Radioactive Cesium Beta: 137Cs, 90Sr Beta, gamma
Cs, 137Cs
7500-I Radioactive Iodine 131
I Beta, gamma 8-d half-life
7500-Ra Radium 226
Ra Alpha, beta, gamma 226
Ra and 222Rn daughters must
be considered
7500-Sr Total Radioactive 89
Sr, 90Sr Beta-emitters
Strontium and Strontium-90
7500-3H Tritium H
Low-energy beta (6 keV avg) Internal hazard only
7500-U Uranium U series Alpha, beta, gamma

that allows employee exposures above the limits specified by the or 14C require counting wipes by liquid scintillation or other spe-
NRC.3 The NRC exposure limits are the maximum permissible cialized equipment such as a windowless gas-flow proportional
exposures for 40 h in any workweek of 7 consecutive days. counters to measure low-energy beta radiation effectively.
The exposure limits may be adjusted proportionately (upward) 2) Work and storage areas—Survey these areas periodically to
for a period where the exposure is less than 40 h. However, the assess possible contamination or external radiation fields using
limit must be adjusted proportionately (downward) for periods portable survey instruments. The frequency of the surveys must
where the exposure period is greater than 40 h. comply with radioactive material licensing requirements and as
Engineering (physical safeguards) and administrative (proce- indicated by the documented contamination record for the labo-
dural) controls are used to limit exposure to ionizing radiation ratory. Routine survey instrumentation is generally not capable of
from radioactive materials. Engineering controls include shields, detecting radioactivity at the low levels attainable using the meth-
barriers, and interlocks to limit external exposure, and exhaust ods of Part 7000. Therefore, carefully monitor and trend blank
ventilation systems and personal protective equipment to limit sample results from routine analytical processes and take action
internal contamination. Administrative controls include conduct- when the presence of low-level contamination is indicated.
ing periodic surveys and reviews of activities, training in the use 3) Documentation and records—Completely document sur-
of radioactive materials, and documented procedures. veys, identifying the personnel involved, the location, the type,
Hazards associated with the use of devices, such as X-ray dif- model, and serial numbers of survey instruments used, the type
fraction apparatus or an electron microscope, can be minimized and energy of radiations measured, the date and time of the sur-
or eliminated by following the manufacturer’s operating instruc- vey, the instrument response to a check source relative to control
tions and the laboratory safety procedures. limits, the instrument background count or exposure rate, and the
b. Monitoring procedures and equipment: Radionuclide expo- results of each measurement.6
sure monitoring may be done by collecting and analyzing wipe d. Personnel surveys and monitoring: Conduct and document
samples, using portable survey instruments, and by collecting surveys after the routine use of unsealed radionuclide sources to
and analyzing air samples. More than one technique usually is confirm that personnel and the work area have not been contami-
required. nated by the process. Wear monitoring devices if there is a reason-
Survey equipment may either integrate the response over time able probability of exceeding 25% of the occupational exposure
(e.g., exposure, absorbed dose), or results may be presented as a dose equivalent limit. Personal monitoring devices include film
response rate (e.g., count rate or exposure rate). Typical choices badges, thermoluminescent dosimeters, and solid state electronic
include ion chambers, G-M counters, and scintillation detectors. dosimeters. The length of time the personal monitoring badges
Thin-windowed GM-counters are suitable for wipe samples are worn before evaluation depends on the ability of the device to
and for monitoring skin and clothing. An alpha scintillation mon- integrate the exposure over long periods, the probability and mag-
itor can be used to detect elevated levels of emitters. An excellent nitude of the exposure, and the need to assure that the device is
discussion of monitoring techniques for radioisotopes is avail- available and used. Personnel performing procedures in Standard
able.5 Methods will not generally receive annual exposures approaching
c. Facility surveys: Conduct periodic surveys to assess the 100 mrem (1 mSv).
effectiveness of physical and procedural controls. Survey proce- Personal (external radiation) exposure is evaluated by using
dures generally use wipe tests for removable contamination and a personal dosimeter. The dosimeter measures the accumulated
portable measurement devices for locating or measuring fixed radiation over a period of time. Pocket ionization chambers, ther-
and removable radioactivity. moluminescent dosimeters, and thimble chambers also may be
1) Sealed sources—Check these sources for integrity by wipe used to supplement the film dosimeter.
tests at least every 6 months. Electron capture detectors using 63Ni 15

Whole body counters used to determine the presence of radio- after using radioactive materials and after each decontamination
active substances in the body, require health physicist oversight procedure.
to execute and evaluate worker exposure measurements. Evaluate c. Training of users: Train personnel working with radioactive
equipment and supplies that have been, or are suspected to have materials in radiation safety as part of the overall occupational
been, in contact with radioactive substances to determine if con- health program. Address at least the following topics:
tamination is present. Also evaluate body wastes for the presence • characteristics of ionizing radiation and radioactive
of contamination where personal exposures have been confirmed. contamination;
• radiation dose limits;
3. Work Practices • environmental radiation background;
• acute and chronic effects;
Each individual should be familiar with procedures for dealing • internal and external modes of exposure;
with radiation emergencies from small spills to major accidents, • basic protective measures;
depending on facility programs. Emergency procedures should • responsibilities of employer and employees;
include notifications required, containment methods, clean-up • radiation protection program responsibilities;
procedures, and survey techniques. Adequate emergency supplies • posting of warning signs and use of alarms;
should be readily available for coping with major accidents. • radiation monitoring programs; and
Contamination is typically prevented through the proper use of • emergency procedures.
laboratory facilities and procedures. Optimize procedures to the
work process and include use of gloves, aprons, safety glasses, 5. Waste Disposal
and other protective clothing to minimize the risk of skin contam-
ination and transfer. Learn proper pipetting and weighing tech- Generalized disposal criteria for radioactive wastes have been
niques before working with radioactive sources. Conduct work developed by the U.S. National Committee on Radiation Protec-
with unsealed radioactive sources in unobstructed work areas tion and Measurements.6 Dispose of all waste in conformance
with adequate means of containing and absorbing potential spill- with the requirements of the regulatory authority having jurisdic-
age of liquids. tion. Determine the laboratory’s status and obtain approval before
storing, treating or disposing of wastes.
4. Procedures
Develop and implement a radiation safety plan consistent with
licensing requirements. Provide a copy to all persons working 1. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Ioniz-
with radioactive materials or radiation-producing machines, and ing radiation exposure of the population of the United States. Report
provide both lecture and practical training to all employees. No. 160, Washington DC: NCRP; 2009.
a. Safety plan elements: The recommended minimum plan 2. Sources of radiation. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. [accessed
26 Apr 2021].
should include procedures for
• obtaining authorization to use, order, handle, and store radio- 3. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Standards for protection against
nuclides; radiation. 10 CFR Part 20.
• safe handling of unsealed radioactive material; 4. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Ionizing radiation.
• safe response to radiation accidents; 29 CFR 1910.96.
• decontamination of personnel and facilities; 5. Furr AK, ed. CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, 3rd ed. Boca
• personnel monitoring; Raton (FL): CRC Press, Inc.; 1990.
• laboratory monitoring; and 6. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Environ-
• disposal of radioactive materials. mental radiation measurements; Rep. No. 50. Washington, DC: 1976.
b. Handling radioactive materials: Become knowledgeable
about the hazards associated with the materials to be used. Plan Bibliography
work activities to minimize the time spent handling radioac-
tive materials or in using radioactive sources. Work as far from National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Instrumen-
radioactive sources as possible, use shielding appropriate for tation and monitoring methods for radiation protection; Rep. No. 57.
Washington DC: 1978.
the materials to be used, and use radioactive materials only in
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. A Hand-
defined work areas. Wear protective clothing and dosimeters as book of radioactivity measurements procedures; Rep. No. 58. Wash-
appropriate. Monitor work areas to ensure maximum contami- ington DC: 1978.
nation control. Minimize the accumulation of waste materials in National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1978. Oper-
the work area. Use appropriate personal hygiene and self-monitor ational radiation safety program; Rep. No. 59. Washington DC: 1978. 16
1090 LABORATORY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY - K. Mercury Use Avoidance in Laboratory

1090 J. Chemical Hygiene Plan

1. Introduction attention to the selection of control measures for work activities

that involve chemicals known to be extremely hazardous.
The information presented in this section summarizes the intent c. Protective equipment performance procedures: These
of minimum requirements and critical elements of the OSHA lab- include procedures for evaluating the performance of fume hoods
oratory standard.1 The laboratory standard is performance-based and other protective equipment and specific measures to be taken
and considered to represent good industrial hygiene practice. Any to ensure proper and adequate performance of such equipment.
organization that chooses not to follow or use the OSHA stan- d. Employee information and training: This training must be
dards to meet that standard’s requirements must demonstrate that timely, be refreshed periodically, evaluated for effectiveness, and
the procedures it uses meet the minimum level of employee pro- documented.
tection afforded by the OSHA standard. e. Approval procedures: The plan must state the circumstances
under which a specific laboratory operation, procedure, or activ-
2. Requirements ity requires prior approval before implementation.
f. Employee medical consultation and medical examinations.
Develop and implement a written CHP capable of protecting g. Safety personnel: The plan must designate personnel respon-
employees from health hazards associated with the chemicals sible for implementation of the CHP. This should include the
used in the laboratory. This CHP must be capable of keeping formal assignment of a Chemical Hygiene officer and, where
exposures below the permissible exposure limits (PELs) and also appropriate, the establishment of a Chemical Hygiene Commit-
must be readily available to employees. The CHP must, at min- tee.
imum, address the following elements, and must describe spe- h. Additional employee protection: The plan should include
cific measures the employer will undertake to ensure laboratory provisions for working with particularly hazardous substances.
employee protection. These substances include select carcinogens (see 1090 G.2),
a. Standard operating procedures or work practices: Include reproductive toxins, and substances that have a high degree of
procedures and practices relevant to safety and health consider- acute toxicity. Give specific consideration to
ations. These are to be followed when laboratory work involves • establishment of a designated area,
the use of hazardous chemicals. Include the information con- • use of containment devices such as fume hoods or glove
tained in SDSs for hazardous chemicals when conducting a haz- boxes,
ard assessment and developing work practices. Be aware that • procedures for safe removal of containment waste,
some of the guidance presented in an SDS is intended for use in • decontamination procedures,
industrial settings where material is used in large quantities for a • emergency plans and procedure (test annually as a mini-
full work shift and not for the small-volume, short-duration expo- mum), and
sures experienced in laboratories. • employer review and evaluation of the effectiveness of the
b. Exposure hazard criteria and procedures: These are used CHP at least annually and updating as necessary.
to determine and implement control measures for reducing
employee exposure to hazardous chemicals while conducting lab- Reference
oratory operations. They include engineering controls, the use of
personal protective equipment, and hygiene practices. Pay particular 1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Occupational expo-
sure to hazardous chemicals in laboratories. 29 CFR 1910.1450.

1090 K. Mercury Use Avoidance in Laboratory

Whenever possible, avoid using mercury-containing thermom- nonmercury alternatives whenever possible. The one exception is
eters, barometers, and manometers in the laboratory because a mercury-containing registering thermometer.
glass breakage may release mercury vapor into the air. Airborne Mercury-containing reagents should be avoided when suitable
mercury is toxic and can interfere with low-level mercury anal- alternatives are available.
ysis. Mercury-containing instruments should be replaced with

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: April 23, 2021 17
Waste Minimization and Disposal

Reviewed by Standard Methods Committee, 2010. Editorial revisions, 2021.

1100 A. Introduction

Waste minimization and disposal are part of integrated haz- wastewater analysis. The proper management of hazardous and
ardous materials management. It is important to become famil- radioactive materials reduces the amount of hazardous waste and
iar with regulations regarding the use and disposal of hazardous associated disposal costs.
materials before their purchase, storage, and use for water and

1100 B. Waste Minimization

1. General Considerations nonhazardous waste from becoming hazardous waste through

contact with hazardous waste. Segregation also facilitates treat-
Waste minimization or pollution prevention in the laboratory is ment and disposal.
the preferred approach to managing laboratory waste. Minimiz- Transfer unused stock chemicals to other areas of the labora-
ing waste makes good economic sense: it reduces both costs and tory or to other institutions where they may be used as a way
liabilities associated with waste disposal. For certain hazardous- to minimize waste.2 Check with the laboratory’s legal counsel
waste generators, it also is a regulatory requirement. before transferring chemicals.
Recycling and reclamation have limited potential in water and
2. Waste Minimization Methods wastewater laboratories. Volumes generated are generally too
small for economical reclamation and purity requirements are
Waste minimization methods include source reduction, recy- often too great. However, organic solvents often can be distilled
cling, and reclamation.1 Waste treatment, which also may be con- and recovered for reuse, and mercury and silver can be recovered.3
sidered a form of waste minimization, is addressed in 1100 C.
Source reduction can be achieved through the purchase and use References
of smaller quantities of chemicals. Although large-volume pur-
chases may seem economical, the costs of disposing of expired 1. Ashbrook PC, Reinhardt PA. Hazardous wastes in academia. Envi-
materials also must be considered. Date chemical inventory and use ron Sci Technol. 1985;19(12):1150–1155.
oldest stock first, or if possible, use just-in-time material delivery. 2. Pine SH. Chemical management: A method for waste reduction. J
Substitute nonhazardous materials for hazardous chemicals Chem Educ. 1984;61(2):A45.
3. Hendrickson KJ, Benjamin MM, Ferguson JF, Goebel L. Removal
where possible. Wherever possible, use methods that do not
of silver and mercury from spent COD test solutions. J Water Pollut
require the use of hazardous chemicals or use micro-scale ana- Control Fed. 1984;56(5):468–473.
lytical methods.
Improving laboratory procedures, documentation, and training
will increase awareness of waste minimization and proper dis-
posal practices and may allow different sections within a labora-
Task Force on Laboratory Environment, Health, and Safety. Less is
tory to share standards and stock chemicals. Evaluate hazardous better: guide to minimizing waste in laboratories. Washington DC:
materials storage and use areas for potential evaporation, spills, Department of Public Affairs, American Chemical Society; 2002.
and leaks. Segregate waste streams where possible to prevent

1100 C. Waste Treatment and Disposal

1. General Considerations waste generators and transporters and for treatment, storage, and
disposal facilities (TSDFs) are found in regulations pursuant to
Stringent penalties exist for the improper disposal of hazardous the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) as
wastes. Criminal and civil liability exists for both organizations and amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984
individuals. Specific requirements vary by state and local jurisdic- (HSWA). Many activities, in particular treatment, storage, and dis-
tion and are subject to change. Federal requirements for hazardous posal of hazardous wastes, require a permit or license.1,2 1
1100 WASTE MINIMIZATION AND DISPOSAL - C. Waste Treatment and Disposal

Develop a plan for the safe and legal disposal of chemical and Air Act, and Clean Water Act, these disposal options are becom-
biological substances with the laboratory supervisor or safety ing increasingly limited. Wastes disposed of in this manner may
coordinator, or designee. The plan should address the proper contact other substances in the sewer or ventilation systems and
transport, storage, treatment, and disposal of hazardous waste. produce hazardous reactions.
Properly characterize composites and document wastes. Refer to Most hazardous wastes generated in laboratories must be sent
Section 1090 on safety with regard to protective equipment in the off site for further treatment and disposal. Exercise extreme care in
handling of hazardous materials. selecting a reputable waste hauler and disposal firm. Many firms
assist laboratories in packaging and manifesting “lab packs,”
2. Waste Treatment and Disposal Methods 19- to 208-L (5- to 55-gal) drums containing several smaller contain-
ers of wastes.1 Liability does not disappear when the waste leaves
Treatment can be used to reduce volume, mobility, and toxicity the generator’s facility. Ensure that the laboratory receives a copy
of hazardous waste where expertise and facilities are available. of the completed manifest. When warranted, receiving certificates
Treatment, even on a small scale, may require a permit. Consult of treatment, disposal, or both is recommended. If possible, visit
with federal, state, and local regulatory officials before treating the disposal facility in advance to observe how it manages a waste.
any hazardous wastes. Certain wastes require special handling. As mentioned previ-
Waste treatment methods include thermal, chemical, physical, ously, incinerate infectious waste or sterilize it before disposal.
and biological treatment, and combinations of these methods.1 Before reuse, sterilize all nondisposable equipment that has come
a. Thermal treatment: Thermal treatment methods include into contact with infectious waste.
incineration and sterilization, which use high temperatures to Although most water and wastewater laboratories do not work
change the chemical, physical, or biological character or compo- with radiochemical wastes, some do. Handle radiochemical
sition of the waste. Incineration is often used to destroy organic wastes with extreme care. Generalized disposal criteria for radio-
solvents and is preferred for infectious wastes, although steriliza- active wastes have been developed by the National Council on
tion through autoclaving or ultraviolet light also may be allowed. Radiation Protection and Measurements.3 Low-level radioactive
Check with local health department officials. waste must be in solid form for final disposal on land. Some firms
b. Chemical treatment: Methods include chemical reaction process liquid radioactive wastes into solids. Adding absorbent
(oxidation/reduction, neutralization, ion exchange, chemical fixa- materials to liquid radioactive wastes is not permissible. Certain
tion, photolysis, coagulation, precipitation) of the waste material. states allow low-level liquid radioactive waste to be discharged to
Neutralization of acidic or alkaline wastes is the most common a permitted POTW.
form of chemical treatment. Elementary neutralization of cor- Other wastes that require special handling include polychlo-
rosive wastes is exempt from federal RCRA permitting require- rinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxin/furans and their precursors,
ments. Before discharging wastes to a publicly owned treatment petroleum products, and asbestos. Consult with federal, state, and
works (POTW), ensure that they contain no pollutants (other than local officials before disposing of these wastes.
corrosivity) exceeding the limits set by the POTW. The oxidation
of cyanide to cyanate with a strong chemical oxidant is an exam- References
ple of a toxicity-reducing chemical treatment.
c. Physical treatment: Methods include solidification, compac- 1. Regulation of laboratory waste: ACS Position Statement. American
tion, photo-induced reaction, distillation, flocculation, sedimenta- Chemical Society, 2018–2021 [accessed 24 August 2021]. https://
tion, flotation, aeration, filtration, centrifugation, reverse osmosis,
ultrafiltration, gravity thickening, and carbon or resin adsorption. oratorywaste.html
2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Standards for Owners and
Physical treatment generally reduces volume or mobility of waste
Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal
materials. Facilities. 1990. 40 CFR Part 264.
d. Biological treatment: Methods include using biosolids to 3. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Standards for Protection
destroy organic compounds, composting organic-rich wastes, and Against Radiation. 10 CFR Part 20.
using bioreactors to promote decomposition. Biological treat-
ment usually is economical on a scale larger than is possible in Bibliography
most water and wastewater laboratories.
e. Ultimate disposal: After waste minimization and treatment, National Research Council. Prudent practices in the laboratory: han-
remaining waste streams require disposal. Nonhazardous wastes dling and management of chemical hazards. Washington DC: The
that cannot be treated further can be discharged as wastewater, National Academies Press; 2011 [accessed 24 August 2021]. https://
emitted to the atmosphere, or placed on or in the ground.
With extreme caution, it may be permissible to dispose of lim- Krofta M, Wang LK. Hazardous waste management in institutions and
ited quantities (at certain concentrations) of laboratory wastes to colleges; PB86-194180/AS. Springfield (VA): U.S. National Techni-
the sanitary sewer system or to evaporate volatile wastes in chem- cal Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce; 1985.
ical ventilation hoods. Obtain written permission of local, state, Snider EH. Waste minimization. In: Wang LK, Wang MHS, eds. Hand-
book of industrial waste treatment. New York (NY) Marcel Dekker,
and federal authorities to dispose of waste in this manner. With
Inc.; 1992, p. 1.
increasing regulatory constraints imposed by RCRA, the Clean

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: August 25, 2021 2

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