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Damage and Consequences: upon receiv-

ing an attack, the character takes an

amount of damage that decreases their HP.
If she reaches zero HP, she becomes uncon-
scious and can no longer act until healed
and can not be attacked. Besides, she will
be at disadvantage in all tests of an attri-
bute (Storyteller’s choice) until she takes a
long rest.
Fellipe “Tio Lipe” Melo


Petras Furtado
Movement during combat is free.
Recovery: At the end of a fight, an uncon- IMAGES
scious character wakes up with 1 HP. It is
then possible to perform a short rest (1
hour) or a long rest (8 hours), both once a [@macrovector]
day. A short rest recovers half the charac-
ter's HP and MP, while a long rest recovers
all her HP and MP and also removes a dis- SEE MORE AT
advantage on her attributes.
In this game, the Storyteller does not roll
dice, leaving this role only to the player‘s
characters, who must overcome the tests
using their creativity, knowledge and luck
with the dice rolls of their attributes. EDIÇÕES
Enemies: There are three kinds of enemies
— thugs, regulars, and bosses.
Thugs are weak underlings, with 4 HP MINIJOGOS
and dealing 2 damage.

Regulars are general enemies and char-
acter equivalents, with 12 HP and deal-
ing 4 damage.
Bosses and terrible enemies, with a HP
of 10 times the number of characters
and dealing 6 damage.
Thugs and regulars usually do not have
skills. Enemies are defeated when their HP This game is under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. license.
reaches zero.

(Order #30934583)
Isekai is an anime and manga genre, Attributes: Distribute twenty-five points Life (HP) / Mana (MP): according to class,
where the characters are ordinary people between the attributes: Strength, Agility, Intel- being Hunter (14/4), Sorcerer (8/6), Guardian
lect, Will and Luck, each one ranging from 0 to (20/6), Hero (14/6), and Sage (14/8).
from our world who have been unexpect- 12.
edly sent to a fantasy world that is under
threat from a powerful and invincible
Strength will be used for physique actions Basic Rules
and stamina, as well as melee attacks. What do I need to play?
opponent. Agility will be used for reflex actions and A copy of this booklet, pencil, eraser, and some
How did they get there? They may have ranged attacks.
paper sheets for the character record, plus two
been summoned by magic or divine pow- Intellect will be used for knowledge, per- twenty-sided dice (d20).
ers, reincarnated due to a fatal accident — ception and spell casting.
or simply appeared there. Will is suited for social actions and mental Dice rolls
toughness. Whenever performing an action, consider
In any case, they live great adventures, Luck will be used by the player to control whether it can have any significant conse-
learning to use their amazing new powers the narrative, spending a point to roll the quences for the story or risk to the character. If
to ensure their victory and survival against dice again (use the new rolled value) or to not, consider that the action was successful. If
the hordes of the demon king — or even the add an interesting element to the scene. so, a test will be necessary. Roll one twen-
Luck points are recovered at the next ses- ty-sided die (1d20) plus the value of the most
clutter of their fellow adventurers. sion. appropriate attribute for the situation. The
Skills: Each class provides a skill. Any use of a character will succeed if he gets 15 or more as
Character Creation skill always expends 1 MP. a result. Otherwise, she will have failed.
To create your character, fill in the following Advantage / Disadvantage: When the odds of
information according to your choices. Magic Attack (Hero): Your attack is imbued
with magical energy, taking advantage in the situation are in favor of the character, she
Name: Choose a name. the attack roll or adding +2 to damage is at advantage. Otherwise, she will be at dis-
Origin/Occupation/Objective: Explain briefly (choose one when using). advantage. When performing an advanta-
how she came to be in the other world, who geous roll, roll 2d20 and use the best result die.
Arcane Blast (Sorcerer): Make a magic Do the same when disadvantaged, but use the
she was and what she was doing on Earth, and attack against all enemies in combat, deal-
what she intends to achieve in this new world. worst result die. If the character's occupation
ing 4 damage. knowledge and/or class might be helpful in
Class: Choose one from Hunter, Sorcerer, Magic Empowerment (Sage): Apply one of the situation, she will roll at advantage. Ad-
Guardian, Hero and Sage. the following effects on yourself or on an vantages and disadvantages can accumulate
Hunter specializes in archery, keeping his ally: heal 5 HP; add +1 on an attribute; or and nullify each other, but it is not possible to
distance and dealing powerful attacks. add +1 to damage during the entire combat. roll more than 2d20.
Sorcerer is an expert user of elemental Provoke Enemies (Guardian): Test your
magic, devastating large areas with his Will to force all enemies to attack you Combat
power. during 2 rounds, if successful. Decrease by It is segmented into turns (when a combatant
1 the inflicted damage of any provoked. It acts) and rounds (ends when all combatants
Guardian is the teams’ protector, always has advantage against thugs and disad- had their turn). Players always act first,
wearing shields and heavy armor. vantage against bosses. followed by their enemies. On their turn, each
Hero is a born leader, a warrior who knows Multiple Shots (Hunter): Make an extra combatant can do only one of the following
how to use sword and magic. ranged attack on your turn. actions: attack, defensive stance (does not
Sage is a support-focused magician, help- attack, but gains advantage to defend them-
Damage: according to class, being 6 (Hunter and selves until their next turn), use a skill, or other
ing his allies during adventures. Sorcerer), 4 (Hero), and 2 (Guardian and Sage). actions (according to the situation).

(Order #30934583)

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