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Zuzanna Turek

Since the 60. of the XX century a series of enormous social changes has happened,
and the process is still going on. One of the most important changes was the ‘sexual
revolution’ that allowed women to choose when they got pregnant. This combined with
economic problems has led to situation, when young people can actually choose between
family and career, kids an pursuing their passions The question is, should they have kids if
they are focused on their jobs?
People who believe that the youth should carry on with their passions and careers
argue that they can postpone settling down and having a family thanks to medical
improvements. They also point out that nowadays it is hard to be a young parent because of
the price of life, and also many relationships fall apart, so it is safer to wait until you are
older, financially stable and you have accomplished enough. Then you can choose whether
you want to be a parent and dedicate your time and money to raising kids or if you prefer to
invest the money and time into yourself, your career and your enterprise.
On the other hand, some people will say that it is not impossible to raise properly a
kid while focusing on your career. There is a big variety of extra scholar classes, like judo,
chess, football or drawing lessons, so your kids can go there, learn valuable things and
develop their passions while you do your job.
To sum up, there are two different approaches to this complicated subjects. I think that
both have their advantages and disadvantages, however the most important thing is making
your kid feel loved and cared for.

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