SADFE18 Paper 10

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Forensic Analysis of Ransomware Families using

Static and Dynamic Analysis

Kul Prasad Subedi, Daya Ram Budhathoki, Dipankar Dasgupta

Department of Computer Science
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152, USA
Email: {kpsubedi,dbdhthki,ddasgupt}

Abstract—Forensic analysis of executables or binary files Security Threat Report [2], the crypto-ransomware has now
is the common practice of detecting malware characteristics. dominated the ransomware family. Therefore in this work,
Reverse engineering is performed on executables at different we mainly focused on static analysis assisted with reverse
levels such as raw binaries, assembly codes, libraries, and engineering of crypto-ransomware families. Examples
function calls to better analysis and interpret the purpose of of typical crypto-ransomware includes CryptoWall [11],
code segments.
In this work, we apply data-mining techniques to correlate
CryptoLocker [16], and Locky [10], and typical locker
multi-level code components (derived from reverse engineering ransomware includes Winlocker [21]. In comparison, the
process) for finding unique signatures to identify ransomware crypto-ransomware is much more harmful than the locker
families. Such a reverse process and analysis of code structure ransomware, since locker ransomware only locks the victim
may not provide dynamic behavior of executables so we used system, and the victim can still have access to his/her data
combined approach to better unveil hidden intent of the pro- by removing the storage from the infected system to an
gram. Reported results show some correlation among different uninfected machine. Crypto-ransomware uses cryptographic
code components from our analysis. encryption algorithms to encrypt the victim’s data and the
key may be stored in a remote C&C server, rendering it
I. I NTRODUCTION difficult to recover the data without paying the ransom money.
Ransomware attack uses many tricks of Social
Engineering (to get into the system), Virus properties Most of the work on ransomware focus on dynamic
(propagation, triggering and execution), cryptographic analysis using sandbox, a technique for running untrusted
techniques (to lock system), use remote command and control program in safe environment without causing real harm to
channel and crypto-currencies. In addition, ransomware attack the system. Dynamic analysis have several drawbacks such
exploits system weakness such as SMB vulenerabilites (MS- as ransomware may detect the sandbox envirnoment and
17-010) to get into the system.Ransomware generally may not execute in sandboxing environment. In addition,
encrypts the data in victims computer and ask for ransom to we are unaware about the arguments required for some
get the decryption key. Cyber criminals are using ransomware command line malware unless we did a thorough analysis.
attacks frequently because it is very easy to make quick We claim that unless static analysis and reverse engineering
money. Moreover, the monetary transactions performed through understanding of ransomware is not possible.
remained intractable due to the use of crypto-currencies Figure 1 depicts the components of crypto-ransomware.
like bitcoin. Each year new ransomware are released with These components are specific to the ransomware execution
advanced exploit techniques and attack vectors. Recently in sequences. In Section VI We described our methodology
May 2017, a widespread ransomware campaign was launched to discover assembly instructions, libraries, and function
affecting as many as 150 countries including the United calls present in the code using objdump and pe-parser. In
state, United Kingdom, Spain, Russia, France and Japan. addition to these components, there is one very first step is
This latest version of ransomware is named as WannaCry, propagation strategy which is the avenue used to get into
WCry or WannaDecryptor and requested a ransom amount the victim machine. There are different methods being used
of 0.1781 bitcoins roughly $300 US dollars [1]. The another to propagate as shown in Table I shown in next page.
variant of ransomware is named as SamSam and impacted Table I depicts different Ransomware families based
multiple industries including Healthcare, Government and on following attributes: Propagation Strategy, Date Ap-
requested total of roughly $325K US dollars ransom [4]. peared, Cryptographic Techniques, and Command and Con-
Similar to malware, ransomware utilizes all types of means trol Server. These attributes are very crucial and useful to
(e.g., spam emails, mal-advertisements, social engineering) in-place multi-layer defense strategies against Ransomware
to propagate to a victim computing system. Then, it will attacks.
either lock the victim system (i.e., locker ransomware) or
encrypt the data (i.e., crypto-ransomware) in the victim II. R ELATED W ORK
systems. Finally, it will require the victim to pay the ransom
money in order to unlock the system or obtain the key Several works have been done in Malware Structural
for decrypting the data. According to the recent Internet Analysis using Reversing Engineering and Static Analysis.
TABLE I: The list of the ransomware families. different families, propagation strategies, date appeared, cryptographic
techniques used to encrypt date, and command and control (C and C) methods.
FAMILIES Propagation Strategy Date Appeared Cryptographic Techniques C and C Server
R EVETON Accused of illegal activities 2012 RSA and DES Using MoneyPak
G P C ODE Email Attachments 2013 660-bit RSA and AES Tor Network
C RYPTO L OCKER compromised websites and email attachments 2013 2048-bit RSA Tor Network
C RYPTOWALL compromised websites and email attachments 2013 2048-bit RSA Tor Network
F ILE C RYPTO compromised websites and email attachments 2013 2048-bit RSA Tor Network
T ELSAC RYPT compromised websites and email attachments 2013 2048-bit RSA Tor Network
CTB-L OCKER Email Attachments 2014 Elliptic Curve Cryptography Onion Network
C RYPTO M IX Spear-Phising Email 2014 2048-RSA and AES-256 and ROT-13 P-2-P Network
C ERBER compromised websites and email attachments 2013 2048-bit RSA and RC4 Hardcoded IP range
P ETYA Link in an Email purporting to be a job application 2016 Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Salsa Tor Network
S ATANA Email Attachments 2016 256-bit AES in ECB Hardcoded IP Address
J IG S AW Word Document with Javascript 2016 RSA and AES Onion Network
S HADE Spam Email 2015 RSA-3072 and AES-256 Fixed Server as C and C server
WANNAC RY Samba Vulnerability 2017 RSA and AES combination Onion Network


A. Portable Executable (PE) Format

Fig. 1: Components of typical Crypto Ransomware where

steps of execution are labelled with sequence numbers.
Fig. 2: Portable Executable (PE) File Format.

In windows operating system, there are different types of

binary files which follow PE format. These binary files are
executable files, dynamic link libraries, system files, activex
controls, control panels, and screen savers. All of these
files have common PE structure. The portable executable file
specification is described elsewhere [19]. PE file contains
following sections as shown in Figure 2. PE file contains
[7] presents the analysis of malware performing assembly header and sections. Header of the PE file contains: DOS
code analysis to identify and classify the malware. Another header, PE header, optional header, data directories, and
work focused on malware using PE file structure analysis [27]. sections table. Sections contain: code, imports, and data.
Taxonomy based [6] present an approach for preventing and We designed and developed a tool to extract code segments
detecting ransomware. The focus of our work is to monitor which contain all the DLLs required to execute the PE file.
the encryption process of the victim’s data. We are interested to find all such the DLLs and categorize
Mercaldo et al. [17] used a static analysis method on Android them according to functionality based on crypto-ransomware
system to automatically process ransomware sample. They components as shown in Figure 1. We used objdump [22]
performed with the goal of observing the malicious behavior. tool available in Linux which takes PE file as input and
Modern techniques such as Software Defined Networking returns the corresponding assembly instructions. We leveraged
(SDN) have also be used to detect and mitigate the Ran- the objdump program which is known as assemblydumper.
somware. [9] [8] Other technique such as honeypot based We performed the analysis of forty three samples of crypto-
detection [18] was also used. ransomware using assemblydumper which performs the pars-
ing of the output of objdump program and build the frequency
table of all the assembly instructions.

B. Existing Approach to Detect Ransomware

There exist approaches to deal with Ransomware such

as File Hashes (Full or Portion), Byte Signatures, System
Behavior, and Network Signatures [23]. These approaches
are used by different antivirus engines, security tools, in-
trusion detection systems etc. The main problem with these
approaches is that it is very easy to perform evasion. For
example, File hashes can easily be bypassed by changing the
equivalent assembly instructions. Similarly, Byte Signatures
and network signatures are also prone to same problem.
System behavior is unique approach but it requires run time
behavior of Ransomware which is very difficult to capture. Fig. 3: Binary File Life Cycle

C. Our Approach to Detect Ransomware

B. Static Analysis
We developed an unique approach is very unique which
perform static analysis of ransomware in three different levels: Static analysis [25] is the code analysis without running
Assembly, Library, and Function calls. These three levels are an application. We designed and implemented CRSTATIC
able to capture ransomware behaviors in-terms of equivalent (Crypt-Ransomware STATIC) tool as shown in Figure 4
assembly instructions, function calls, and network signatures which takes the binary program as input and generates the
that are being used. The detail of these three contexts is libraries used. These libraries are DLLs from the operating
described in Section IV. system. We used data-mining techniques to create assciation
rules of these DLLs used by ransomware. We performed the
analysis of forty three crypto-ransomware samples out of four
hundred fifty malwares using our CRSTATIC. Results of these
IV. D ETAILS OF P ROPOSED M ETHODOLOGY analysis are shown in Section VI.
Our approach uses the static analysis of the code after
performing reverse engineering. We design and implement
the framework which contains reverse engineering and static
analysis component. Reverse engineering is performed in
three different levels. We apply reverse engineering based on
assembly instruction level, libraries used in PE file structure
level, and function calls used in the libraries. As shown
in Figure 2, these libraries are specific to the functionality
used by the ransomware. Ransomware uses the distinct set
of libraries unlike regular applications. The unique set of Fig. 4: Static Analysis of Ransomware to extract hidden
libraries can be considered at the signature of the crypto- features (CRSTATIC).

A. Reverse Engineering C. Association rule mining

Reverse engineering [13] defined as the process which Association rules are generally used to find the relations
takes program binary file as input and produce the output in between items. Two most commonly used algorithm are
higher-level which is easier to understand. We leverage the Apriori and FP-Growth. Apriori algorithm scan databases in
existing disassembler objdump [24] to extract the assembly each iteration so its slow and takes a lot of time. FP-Growth
instructions from the binary files. There are two typeof syntax algorithm scan [14] scan databases for two times only and
normally used in assembly code: intel and AT&T. We used develops a tree by using divide and conquer strategy,so it is
the intel syntax to disassemble the binary file. The output of fast and effective for static analysis of ransomware. List of
the disassembler is different codes used by the ransomware DLLs from advanced static reverse engineering are provided
and we used preprocessor module to generate the frequency as input to the FP-Growth algorithm. It produces a list of
distribution. This frequency distribution is used to generate association rules as output. These rules are used as one of
the vector representation of each ransomware. the signatures to detect the ransomware.
Association rules consists of two parts in the form of the ransomware attack which defines how it leverage range
if(antecedent) and then(consequent) and is represented in the of possibilities including social engineering to specific vul-
form of expression such as X −→ Y which means that nerability present in unpatched software installed in target
whenever X is true Y also tends to be true. These Boolean host. to get access. For example, there are eight different
rules are used to find a pattern to detect the ransomware. propagation strategies as shown in second column in Ta-
This associatin rules are used to build signature to detect ble I. Compromised websites and email attachment is more
ransomware frequently used propagation strategy. Propagation strategies
provide what types of measure should be implemented to
D. Cosine Similarity reduce the risk of the ransomware attacks which includes
security awareness training, secure coding practice, secure
Cosine similarity measures the similarity between two software development life cycle, penetration testing etc. In
non-zero vectors. The cosine similarity score is used in addition, incident response team must be vigilant for fur-
positive space, where the score is range between zero to one. ther analysis of suspicious email attachments, compromise
Each ransomware binary is represented in vector form. The web site visits, emails, unpatched applications etc. Third
vector is represented using Equation 1. column shows time line when ransomware becomes wild
which is date appeared. Fourth column shows: cryptographic
v = f1 x1 + f2 x2 + ... + fn xn (1) techniques is used by the ransomware to encrypt the target
data. Cryptographic techniques use by the ransomware is
Where f represents the normalized frequency of the x instruc- very crucial attribute to determine whether it is possible to
tion. We measure the similarity between normal binary as decrypt data without paying ransom. In very high level, there
shown in Figure 6. Likewise, we also measure the similarity are two approaches used by ransomware: asymmetric and
between ransomware as shown in Figure 5. symmetric algorithms. RSA is the commonly used asymmetric
algorithm among most of the ransomware families. Similarly,
V. I MPLEMENTATION AND E XPERIMENTAL E VALUATION AES is the commonly used symmetric algorithm are used
in different families of ransomware which plays key role
We have implemented a prototype CRSTATIC, which to determine whether data can be decrypted without key or
takes as input a PE binary file. The output of the CRSTATIC not. For example, electronic code book (ECB) mode is leaks
is further processed by pre-processor module before applying information regarding message [20].
data-mining technique. CRSTATIC is implemented using C++
in GCC compiler. We set up a test-bed for our experimental
evaluation, using the following system configuration: Intel(R) TABLE II: Crypto Ransomware Families
Xenon(R) CPU X5550@2.67GHz, 6GB RAM, and 1.8 TB
Crypto Ransomware
disk space. Our prototype implementation CRSTATIC is eval- Family Name Sample Size
uated using following configuration and the dataset mention L OCKY 138
in below. C RYPTOWALL 5
We collected the four hundred fifty malware samples F ILE C RYPTOR 11
collected ransomware samples from different sources such as T ELSAC RYPT 47
Virus Total, virushare, and from different research projects C RYPT 2
such as Shieldfs [12] and open source malware repository
theZoo [5]. CTB L OCKER 1
We performed initial scanning of these malware carried P ETYA 1
out using RESTful API exposed by VirusTotal [26]. RESTful S ATANA 1
API takes two parameters: apikey and resource. The apikey WANNAC RY 1
is specific to user account and resource is the hash value of
the malware. However, RESTful API allows to make four
requests per minute. We used time module from Python The following sections describe our approach in details.
to limit the four requests per minute. The response from These approaches are: Cosine Similarity Analysis of Assembly
VirusTotal [26] contains result after scanning the provided Code, DLLs loaded in crypto-ransomware, and Function calls
resource by using various ant-virus engines. Based on these specific to crypto-ransomware.
results we have categorized crytpo ransomware as shown in
Table II. A. Cosine Similarity Analysis of Assembly Code

VI. R ESULT AND A NALYSIS Our dataset contains PE files which are the binary file
format used in windows operating system. These PE files
Table I shows different ransomware families based contain different sections as mentioned in Section IV. Our
on following attributes: Propagation Strategy, Date Ap- focus is in the code section of the PE file. We extracted corre-
peared, Cryptographic Techniques, and Command and Con- sponding assembly code from the code sections and calculated
trol Server. These attributes are very crucial and useful to the frequency distribution of instructions. We have leverage
in-place multi-layer defense strategies against ransomware build-in program in Linux: objdump. There are different types
attacks. The propagation strategy is very initial phase of of assembly languages: Intel, ARM, and MIPS. We are using
Intel format for cosine-similarity analysis. Figure 5 shows the etc. The operating system loader is responsible to execute the
similarity measure between ransomware families. The x-axis ransomware binaries and maps the address of DLLs used in
shows the vector elements which are assembly instructions the ransomware binary to memory.
and y-axis shows the cosine value.

In order to extract the DLLs used by the ransomware

binary , we leverage the pe-parse [3] which extracts the
DLLs from the section header of the ransomware binary (PE
file). Multiple DLLs specific to cryptography function calls
are extracted as shown in TableIII. These DLLs are used
to represent a ransomware binary in vector representation .
Association rules based on FP-growth is applied to generate
the list of rules IV.

TABLE III: Function calls in DLLs used in ransomware

Fig. 5: Cosine Similarity between ransomware Families.
Name of DLL Functions
Figure 6 shows the similarity measure between normal CryptGenRandom
programs. The x-axis shows the vector elements which are CryptEncrypt
assembly instructions and y-axis shows the cosine value. In CryptGetKeyParam
particular, CryptAcquireContextW
CRYPT32 CertFreeCertificateContext
Fig. 6: Cosine Similarity between Normal Programs.
As shown in Figure 6 and Figure 5, we observe the CertCloseStore
similarity score for mov instruction is less than 0.1 in ran- CertFreeCertificateContext
somware sample but 0.2 in normal binary. Similarly, for other CRYPTNET CryptGetObjectUrl
instructions we observe the unique score between normal CRYPTUI CryptUIDlgSelectCertificateFromStore
binary and ransomware binary.

B. DLLs loaded in crypto ransomware

Multiple libraries are required to be loaded before any ran-
somware can be executed in the victim’s Operating System.
These libraries are called dynamic link libraries (DLLs) [15].
Ransomware uses a number of DLLs to provide the function- Table III shows the list of DLLs used by the crypto-
ality such as connecting to the command and control server, ransomware and list of function calls used by the correspond-
generating the key, encrypting the files and destroying the key ing DLLs.
TABLE IV: Association Rule on DLLs with score=1.0 • We build the signature database specific to Crypto-
Ransomware using the result of CRSTATIC.
Association Rules
[ SHLWAPI.DLL, OLE32.DLL, ADVAPI32.DLL, SHELL32.DLL] ⇒ [ KERNEL32.DLL] [1] Indicators associated with wannacry ransomware.
[ GDI32.DLL, ADVAPI32.DLL, SHELL32.DLL] ⇒ [ KERNEL32.DLL] gov/ncas/alerts/TA17-132A. (2017).
[ COMCTL32.DLL, ADVAPI32.DLL, USER32.DLL] ⇒ [ KERNEL32.DLL] [2] Internet security threat report.
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