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Submission date: December 23, 2023

Submitted to: Computer Science Department
Asella, Ethiopia
Acronyms and Abbreviations
ULOSPS: - Urban Land Office Service Provider System for Addis Ababa city
MS-word: - Microsoft Office Word
MS-excel: - Microsoft Office Excel
CSS: - Cascading Style Sheets
DB: - Database
HTML: -Hyper Text Markup Language
NO: - Number
OOA: -Object Oriented Analysis
OOD: - Object Oriented Design
OOP: - Object Oriented Programming
OOSD: - Object Oriented Software Development
PHP: -Hyper Text Preprocessor
UI: - User Interface
UML: - Unified Modeling Language

Urban Land Office Service Provider System PAGE ii

List of tables
Table 1- Tasks Breakdown ........................................................................................................ 9
Table 2 Communication Plan..................................................................................................... 9
Table 3 Timetable .................................................................................................................... 10
Table 4 Hardware Cost ............................................................................................................ 10
Table 5 Software Cost .............................................................................................................. 11

Urban Land Office Service Provider System PAGE iii

Table of Contents page
Acronyms and Abbreviations ......................................................................................................... ii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ iv

1.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1

1.2. Background of the Organization .......................................................................................... 2
1.3. Existing System Description .................................................................................................. 2
1.4. Problem of Existing System ................................................................................................... 3
1.5. Proposed System Description ................................................................................................ 4
1.6. Objectives of Proposed System ............................................................................................. 5
1.6.1. General Objectives ............................................................................................................ 5
1.6.2. Specific Objectives ............................................................................................................ 5
1.7. Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.7.1. Scope Out .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.7.2. Scope In ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.8. Methodologies and Tools ....................................................................................................... 6
1.8.1. Methodologies ................................................................................................................... 6
1.8.2. Tools .................................................................................................................................. 7
1.9. Significant of Project .............................................................................................................. 8
1.10. Work Plan (Timetable) ........................................................................................................ 9
1.11. Cost ...................................................................................................................................... 10
References .................................................................................................................................... 12

Urban Land Office Service Provider System PAGE iv

1.1 Introduction
Imagine a bustling city like Addis Ababa, full of life and potential. But beneath the surface, a chaotic puzzle
of land ownership lurks, creating headaches for everyone involved. So Urban City Landholding Registration
and Information Agency (UCLRIA) is essential to untangle this puzzle and unlock the city's full potential.
Specifically, we are proposing a system that gives e-service for Addis Ababa Landholding
Registration and Information Agency. The agency has several services that are clearly stated in its
organization, a web-based system would be better that will give the agency’s services so that
transparent, efficient and fast service can be given.

The e-service for Addis Ababa Landholding Registration and Information Agency is aimed to achieve
two goals. The first one is solving problems related to customer experience, Imagine the frustration.
Weeks melt into months waiting for a simple landholding document from Addis Ababa's Agency.
Paperwork mountains grow alongside your impatience. Business deals hang in inactive state,
construction grinds to a halt, and dreams of building a future get buried under an unstoppable rush
of delays. This, sadly, is the reality for many, as slow processing times become the unwelcome norm
at the Agency, preventing it from developing or growing progress and decreasing the agency’s

The other major problem is that Addis Ababa Land Agency, place full of mystery. Papers pile up,
secrets hide, information comes slow like leaky faucet. People like lost in maze of forms, approvals
hidden, no clear answer. Every step a guess, rumors louder than truth. Trust disappears, progress
stuck, choices like blind throws. Light of honesty barely flickering, city folks confused, unsure of
land they call their own.

The main reason for the proposition of this project is the problem that is faced in terms of customer
experience and it is a problem-solving project, as a citizen of this country we want to contribute what
we have learned to find solutions of the problems that are faced.

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 1

1.2 Background of the Organization

Addis Ababa Landholding Registration and Information Agency has been established by
proclamation no 22/2010 and later re-established by proclamation no 45/2015. Head quarter is located
at 604 Equatorial Guinea Avenue Bole SC, Lemhotel area, in Addis Ababa City. The agency has
its own service center office buildings at ten sub-cities equipped with Cadastral Information System
(AACDIS). Its basic purposes are; land property registration, adjudication, legal cadaster,
safeguarding immovable asset of the owners as well as establishing road and location addressing
system entire the capital city. The agency is providing twenty-two (22) services that can be
categorized in to three main services called rights, responsibilities and restrictions. The agency has
been charged with a mission to adjudicate and register the whole land parcels within the jurisdiction
of Addis Ababa and provide cadastral services. It has also been tasked with the design,
implementation and administration of integrated land information management and modern
addressing systems. Agency Organization is named as Landholding Registration and information
Agency. The Agency has three main divisions, one office for supportive staff and 11 branches across
the city. The Agency has Director General, three vice Director Generals, advisors, office head and
vice at branch level, other employees that execute the job at head quarter and branches.
The agency developed software three sub systems which are known as RECS, RPRS and LIS. RECS
has been designed and implemented to register extent of land parcels and properties building foot
prints while RPRS has been designed and implemented to register Rights, Restrictions and
Responsibilities attached with the land parcels and the properties. And, the LIS has the capabilities
to disseminate the registered information and other land related data land use plan, building height
map, land grade map, adjudication maps, orthophotos, line maps, to the general public. The system
has been designed and implemented with the aim of facilitating the transformation of the land
administration functions by providing reliable cadastral information.

Technology is paramount in acquiring a proper technological development. The need to develop a

dynamic application for the processes in the land registration arises from the dynamic relationship to
the land of the people. The delay in time and process of land registration couple with the exploitation
in land related activities has called for the urgent intervention of all the stakeholders in land
administration. In this study, an application site will be developed for the processes involved in the
land registration having examined the fastest way to solve the problem. An application will be
developed so that a client can check the status of their application on the internet. A robust dynamic

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 2

database will be also developed which is capable of accommodating several numbers of applicants.
On the top of this the agency declared and stablished the Archive system that protects customers data
from theft, punctured or lost by any means developed by agency experts and manage all land
documentation in the agency, helps escalate efficiency, that brings effective quality service in all
customer service gives direction to be implemented across all branches.
The shared mission of the agency is adjudicating and registering all land plots in the jurisdiction of
Addis Ababa to build reliable modern legal cadaster, digital addressing and integrated land
information system to bring efficient, effective land administration and management excellence
system. Likewise, values are, accountability, transparency, honesty, effective service, leading with
knowledge and faith.

1.3. Existing System Description

1. Application Submission: The process begins with landowners or real estate developers submitting
their applications for land registration to the relevant government department or agency. This may
involve filling out forms, providing necessary documentation, and paying applicable fees.
2. Document Verification: Upon receiving the application, the urban landholding registration firm
verifies the submitted documents to ensure completeness and accuracy. This may involve checking

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 3

property ownership records, legal titles, and other relevant paperwork.
3. Review and Approval: the firm's staff reviews the application to ensure compliance with zoning
regulations, property rights, and other legal requirements. If the application meets all criteria, it is
approved for further processing
4. Data Entry and Record Keeping: Approved applications are entered into the firm's database for
record-keeping purposes. This step involves capturing essential information about the property, its
owners, and any relevant zoning or land use designations.
5. Communication with Customers: Throughout the process, the firm communicates with customers
to provide updates on the status of their applications, request additional information if needed, and
address any inquiries or concerns.
6. Issuance of Registration Certificates: Once the application is processed and approved, the firm
issues registration certificates or documents to the landowners, confirming their legal ownership of
the property.
7. Information Dissemination: The firm may also be responsible for disseminating information
related to property rights, land use regulations, and other relevant details to landowners and
stakeholders in the community. This workflow provides a general overview of the processes involved
in urban landholding registration and information firms in developing nation cities. It is important to
note that the specific steps and procedures may vary depending on the country, local regulations, and
the structure of the firm itself.

1.4 Problem of Existing System

In this agency, urban land holding registration and information services often face challenges in
delivering efficient and satisfactory customer service. These challenges may include bureaucratic
hurdles, lack of transparency, delays in processing as a result of outdated software, and inadequate
communication with customers. Thus, landowners, real estate developers, and other stakeholders
encounter difficulties in navigating the registration and service provision process and accessing
reliable information. This study aims to identify the specific customer service provisions problems
faced by an urban land holding registration and information firm in the city. By understanding these
challenges, the research seeks to propose web-based solutions to improve customer service delivery,
enhance transparency, reduce processing delays, and foster a more positive experience for customers
interacting with the firm. The focus is on understanding the unique and critical customer service
provision challenges within the study area. This approach allows for targeted research efforts to
address the specific issues faced by both the firm and its customers.
Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 4
1.5. Proposed System Description
The proposed web-based e-service system aims to transform the way citizens and stakeholders
interact with the Addis Ababa Landholding and Information Agency (AALIA). It will provide
a convenient, transparent, and efficient platform for accessing and managing landholding
information, streamlining processes, and enhancing user experience.
Key Features:
• User-Friendly Web Portal:
o Intuitive interface accessible from any device with internet connectivity.
o Available in multiple languages (Amharic, English, and potentially others).
o Clear navigation and search functionalities.
• Secure Account Registration and Login:
o Users create secure accounts with unique usernames and passwords.
o Role-based access control for different user types (citizens, agents, government
• Online Landholding Services:
o New registration service: Register new land parcels and properties efficiently.
o Legal cadastral copy service: Download or request printed copies of land records.
o Property boundary marking/boundary dispute resolution service: Initiate and manage
boundary marking processes and resolve disputes. (Variable time depending on
o Changing the limit point: Modify the boundaries or dimensions of a property.
o Property transfer service: Transfer ownership of land and property electronically.
o Property split service: splitting land holding
o Tenancy joining service: Register joint ownership or tenancy agreements
o Issuance of individual certificates for real estate, condominiums, and cooperatives:
Generate and issue individual ownership certificates.
o Registration of change of ownership service: Update ownership information following
property transfers.
• Complaint and Feedback Submission:
o Submit grievances and suggestions directly to AALIA for prompt resolution.
• Document Management System:
o Securely store and manage landholding-related documents and records.
o Authorized users can access and download documents as needed.
Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 5
• Reporting and Analytics:
o Generate reports on landholding data, application trends, and system usage for
informed decision-making.

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 6

1.6. Objectives of the Proposed System
1.6.1. General Objective

Give a web-based service to Addis Ababa City Admin Land Holding Registration and Information
Agency customers in order to save time and give quality service.

1.6.2. Specific Objectives

1.6.3. Specific Objectives
The specific objectives are:
 To study and analyze the limitations of the existing system
 Enhance customer satisfaction
 To reduce delay on service
 By securing data increase reliability of the agency
 To improve data accessibility and transparency

1.7. Scope
1.7.1. Scope Out
This project will not consist of services that require physical activities like measuring and marking
of holdings. The customer will not have unlimited access to the details of inner agency’s processes
and systems. This does not provide any immediate advantages of approval for the client’s requests.
This proposal focuses specifically on online functionalities for the Addis Ababa Landholding and
Information Agency. While employee attendance management, GPS services, and offline
functionality are valuable features, they fall outside the scope of this project. Instead, it prioritizes
online services to streamline landholding processes, enhance transparency, and empower
citizens with easy access to information. We believe this focus will deliver the most immediate and
impactful benefits for all stakeholders.

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 7

1.7.2 Scope In
• The creation of a functional web-app that allows users to access and update land
registration and information services online.
• The development of all necessary algorithms and data to provide users with accurate and
secure land records and transactions.
• The implementation of a user authentication and authorization functionality that ensures
the privacy and integrity of the data.
• The integration of the web-app with the existing legal cadaster system, which will allow
users to synchronize their data with the agency’s records.
• The testing and quality assurance of the web-app to ensure it meets the project
requirements and standards.
• The delivery of the web-app to the client by the agreed deadline and budget

1.8. Methodologies and Tools

1.8.1 Methodology
Developing a successful web-based e-service for an Urban Landholding and Information Agency
(UCLRIA) requires a comprehensive research methodology. Here's a possible approach:
Phase 1: Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study
• Data Collection:
o Stakeholder Interviews: Conduct interviews with UCLRIA staff, citizens, government
officials, and other relevant stakeholders to understand their needs, pain points, and
expectations for the e-service.
o Surveys and Questionnaires: Distribute surveys and questionnaires to gather
quantitative data on citizen experience, service usage, and preferred features.
o Review Existing Systems: Analyze current UCLRIA online systems and land-related
e-services in other cities to identify best practices and potential pitfalls.
• Data Analysis:
o Identify common themes and trends in the collected data to understand the main user
needs and challenges.
o Evaluate the feasibility of developing the e-service based on technical and resource
Phase 2: System Design and Development

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 8

• User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design:
o Create user personas representing different target user groups.
o Develop low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes of the e-service interface, conducting
user testing and iterative refinement.
o Ensure accessibility and compliance with relevant usability standards.
• Technical Development:
o Choose a suitable technology stack based on system requirements, user base, and
security considerations.
o Develop back-end functionality for data integration, workflow automation, and secure
user authentication.
o Ensure data security and privacy compliance with relevant regulations.
Phase 3: Pilot Testing and Refinement
• Recruit a pilot group: Select a representative group of users to test the e-service in a
controlled environment.
• Collect feedback: Observe user interactions, conduct interviews and surveys to gather
feedback on usability, functionality, and user satisfaction.
• Analyse feedback: Identify areas for improvement based on user feedback and data analysis.
• Refine the e-service: Implement improvements to the UI/UX design, functionality, and
technical aspects based on pilot testing results.
1.8.2. Tools
Data collection tool:
• Interviews: Google Meet (for video calls) and Voice recorders for in-person interviews
• Surveys and Questionnaires: Google Forms and paper-based surveys for those with limited
internet access
• Document Analysis: Microsoft Word or Google Docs for note-taking and analysis
Design tools: Figma
• HTML: Provides the basic structure and content of the web page.
• CSS: Styles the HTML elements with colours, fonts, layouts, and animations.
• JavaScript: Adds interactivity to the web page, handling user actions, manipulating the
DOM, and interacting with the server.
• Programming languages: PHP

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 9

• Databases: Store application data, often using relational databases like MySQL
Additional tools:
• Version control systems: Track changes in the codebase and allow for collaboration among
developers. In this project we will be using Git.
• Build tools: Automate tasks like minifying code, compiling and transpiring JavaScript, and
preparing files for deployment.

1.9. Significance of the Project

The proposed system is concerned with the following significances: -
Addressing Critical Challenges in Land Administration:
• Inefficiency and Delays: The current land administration system in Addis Ababa is
characterized by manual processes, fragmented data, and long processing times. This leads to
delays in service delivery, frustration among citizens and businesses, and potential
opportunities for corruption.
• Limited Transparency and Accessibility: Access to land information is often
restricted, making it difficult for citizens to verify ownership, conduct due diligence, or make
informed decisions about land transactions. This lack of transparency can hinder investment
and economic development.
• Disputes and Conflicts: Inaccurate or outdated land records, coupled with a lack of efficient
dispute resolution mechanisms, contribute to frequent land disputes and conflicts. These
disputes can strain social cohesion, deter investment, and impede urban development.
Transforming Land Administration and Unlocking Benefits:
• Enhanced Efficiency and Service Delivery: ULOSPS will significantly streamline land-related
processes, reducing processing times, minimizing errors, and improving overall service
delivery. This will create a more efficient and responsive land administration
system, benefiting both citizens and businesses.
• Improved Transparency and Accountability: By centralizing land records and making them
accessible online, ULOSPS will promote transparency and accountability in land
administration. This will enable citizens to easily verify ownership, track transactions, and
hold officials accountable for their decisions.
• Reduced Disputes and Enhanced Confidence: ULOSPS will provide a platform for effective
boundary marking, dispute resolution, and record updating. This will help to prevent and
resolve land conflicts more efficiently, fostering greater confidence in land ownership and

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 10

• Boosted Investment and Economic Development: A more efficient and transparent land
administration system will create a more conducive environment for investment and economic
development. This will attract businesses, facilitate property development, and contribute to
job creation and economic growth.
• Enhanced Revenue Collection: Online payment options and streamlined processes will
facilitate timely revenue collection from land-related fees and taxes. This will increase
government revenue, which can be used to fund public services and infrastructure
• Improved Urban Planning and Governance: Accurate and up-to-date land information is
essential for effective urban planning, resource allocation, and infrastructure
development. ULOSPS will provide valuable data to support these processes, leading to
better-informed decision-making and improved urban governance.
In conclusion, the ULOSPS project holds significant potential to transform land administration in
Addis Ababa, addressing long-standing challenges and unlocking a wide range of benefits for
citizens, businesses, and the government. Its successful implementation will contribute to a more
efficient, transparent, and equitable land management system, fostering economic development,
social cohesion, and sustainable urban growth.

1.10. Work Plan (Timetable)

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 11

Task Name December January February March

document final
Project Kick-
Define project
scope and
Form project
team and
assign roles
Create detailed
project plan
Design and
Design user
interface UI
and UX
Define system
and testing
n and
Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 12

Security and
Testing and
Unit testing
and fixing
Table 1- Tasks Breakdown

1.10.1 Communication Plan

While developing the system in group it is common to have a meeting for agreement and for
successful accomplishment of the project. In addition to team meeting, we will also contact our
advisor in every phase to take correction and guideline for the next phase.
Days Team Advisor
Monday 
Tuesday 
Wednesday  We meet our advisor on
Thursday  Monday and Wednesday
Saturday 

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 13

Table 2 Communication Plan

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 14

Activities Submission date


April –


1 System proposal
2 Requirement analysis
3 System design
4 Implementation
5 Testing
Table 3 Timetable - Shows the time schedule to accomplish the whole project using Gant

1.11. Cost
Economically the system doesn’t cost that much money and the materials to implement the
system doesn’t cost us great amount of money. Because most of us have a personal computer
that make the implemented system cheap.

Tangible Costs
The tangible costs needed to develop the system are: -
• Hardware Development Cost
• Software Development Cost
No Material Price in Birr Amount Total Price in Birr

1 Computer (Dell) 10,000.00 1 20,000.00

2 Flash memory (8GB) 200.00 1 200.00

3 Copy 350.00 - 350.00

4 Paper (A4) 270.00 1 packet 270.00

5 Pen (Lexi) 70.00

Total 20,890.00

Table 4 Hardware Cost

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 15

NO Software required Price
1 VS code Free download
2 MySQL Free download
3 Microsoft word Free download
4 Chrome Free download
5 Figma Free download
6 MS Word Free download
7 Google forms Free download
8 Google meet

Total 0 ETB

Table 5 Software Cost

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 16

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[3] News Portal | Home Page (

Urban Land Office Service Provider System (ULOSPS) PAGE 17

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