ENGL03 Unit 2 Grammar

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H ENGL03 Formative Assessments ... ENGL03 Grammar Review Test Submission: ENGL03 Unit 2 Grammar Assessment
FH- Review Test Submission: ENGL03 Unit 2 Grammar Assessment
Course 231-ENGL-03-FH-F52(Prep. English III-LEC)
Test ENGL03 Unit 2 Grammar Assessment
Started 9/17/23 4:34 PM
Submitted 9/17/23 4:41 PM
Status Completed
Attempt Score 15 out of 20 points
Time Elapsed 7 minutes
Instructions Select the BEST answer from the four choices provided.

Results Displayed All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers, Feedback, Incorrectly Answered Questions

Question 1 1 out of 1 points

Light skin _____ desirable for white Europeans in the 19th century, but tanned skin became more popular in the 20th century.

Selected Answer: had been considered

Answers: had considered

was considering

had been considered

was being considered

Question 2 1 out of 1 points

The evil villain _____ cruel and violent.

Selected Answer: seemed

Answers: was seeming

had seemed

was seemed


Question 3 1 out of 1 points

I _____ when my roommate came in at 4:00 AM and woke me up.

Selected Answer: was sleeping

Answers: was slept


was sleeping

had been sleep

Question 4 0 out of 1 points

The tower collapsed because its foundation _____ properly.

Selected Answer: hadn't built

Answers: didn't build

hadn't built

wasn't building

hadn't been built

Question 5 1 out of 1 points

Prep-Year students _____ English now so they can successfully complete their degree programs on the Jabal in English in the future.

Selected Answer: are being taught

Answers: are being taught


have taught

being taught

Question 6 0 out of 1 points

The teacher _____ that the students understood the fundamental concepts accurately until the power suddenly went out.

Selected Answer: was ensuring

Answers: had ensured

had been ensuring

was ensuring


Question 7 0 out of 1 points

Many boys from poor cities and towns _____ by African football academies all over the continent.

Selected Answer: have recruited

Answers: recruited

have been recruited

have recruited

have been recruiting

Question 8 0 out of 1 points

You didn't hear the instructions because you _____ to the teacher when she gave them!

Selected Answer: hadn't paid attention

Answers: weren't paying attention

weren't paid attention

haven't paid attention

hadn't paid attention

Question 9 0 out of 1 points

The 2018 FIFA World Cup _____ by the French national team.

Selected Answer: won

Answers: was win


was winning

was won

Question 10 1 out of 1 points

When my KFUPM acceptance letter arrived, I was shocked because I _____ that I would be admitted!

Selected Answer: had never imagined

Answers: was never imagined

had never imagined

was never imagining

had never been imagined

Question 11 1 out of 1 points

I met my best friend for the first time while I _____ football in my neighborhood.

Selected Answer: was playing

Answers: was played

was playing


was play

Question 12 1 out of 1 points

While I was waiting for some food at the mall, I _____ your student ID lying on the ground.

Selected Answer: found

Answers: had found

was found


was finding

Question 13 1 out of 1 points

The government adjusted official working hours in Saudi Arabia for a month because the holy month of Ramadan _____.

Selected Answer: was being celebrated

Answers: celebrated

was celebrating

was being celebrated

had been celebrated

Question 14 1 out of 1 points

The scream was absolutely terrifying. I _____ when I heard it.

Selected Answer: froze

Answers: was froze


had frozen

was freezing

Question 15 1 out of 1 points

When I reached the classroom, I realized that I ______ the wrong books. I was so embarrassed.

Selected Answer: had brought

Answers: brought

was bringing

was bring

had brought

Question 16 1 out of 1 points

As I was turning the key in the lock, it suddenly _____.

Selected Answer: broke

Answers: break

had broken


was breaking

Question 17 1 out of 1 points

The morning after the math exam, he was exhausted because he ______ for it for three days.

Selected Answer: had been studying

Answers: was studying

had been studied

was studied

had been studying

Question 18 1 out of 1 points

You should only hug if you are both mutually comfortable with it. After all, some people don't enjoy _____ by others.

Selected Answer: being touched

Answers: to touch

being touched


to be touched

Question 19 1 out of 1 points

Which of these is NOT possible?

"All the roads were flooded because it _____ for two days straight."

Selected Answer: was raining

Answers: had been raining


had rained

was raining

Question 20 1 out of 1 points

A large, muscular body _____ to do well in Olympic weightlifting.

Selected Answer: is not required

Answers: does not require

not required

did not require

is not required

Sunday, September 17, 2023 4:41:09 PM AST

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