#6 - Bucket Elevators - Attempt Review

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12/4/23, 11:48 AM #6 - Bucket Elevators: Attempt review

Home My courses IMM-1255 - 202309 - META Section 1 #6 - Bucket Elevators

Started on Monday, 4 December 2023, 11:43 AM

State Finished
Completed on Monday, 4 December 2023, 11:48 AM
Time taken 4 mins 20 secs
Marks 12/12
Grade 100 out of 100

Question 1


Mark 1 out of 1

A centrifugal discharge elevator operates with a "flooded boot". Which other style of elevator also loads with
a flooded boot

Select one:
a. continuous bucket elevator
b. super capacity elevator
c. positive discharge elevator
d. double trunk style elevator

Question 2


Mark 1 out of 1

Bucket elevators that use belting to secure the buckets must have a vulcanized splice similar to a conveyor
belt splice

Select one:
a. true
b. false

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Question 3


Mark 1 out of 1

"Carry over " is controlled on a bucket elevator by

Select one:
a. increasing the belt speed of the elevator
b. using larger buckets with side vent holes
c. adjusting the amount of space between the bucket lip and the discharge opening chute
d. reducing the feed rate of material entering the elevater case

Question 4


Mark 1 out of 1

Identify the type of bucket shown here

Select one:
a. centrifugal bucket
b. super capacity bucket
c. continuous bucket
d. inclined bucket

Question 5


Mark 1 out of 1

Materials are discharged at which location on a bucket elevator

Select one:
a. the head section
b. the boot section
c. the tail section
d. in the casing area of the elevator

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Question 6


Mark 1 out of 1

This elevator case shown here is

Select one:
a. an enclosed case design
b. a multi case design
c. a locked case design
d. a double trunk design

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Question 7


Mark 1 out of 1

What style of bucket elevator is shown is this picture

Select one:
a. super capacity
b. continuous bucket
c. centrifugal discharge
d. high speed discharge

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Question 8


Mark 1 out of 1

What type of bucket design is shown here

Select one:
a. super capacity
b. centrifugal discharge
c. continuous bucket

Question 9


Mark 1 out of 1

Which style of bucket elevator will use a snub sprocket at the discharge point

Select one:
a. positive discharge style
b. centrifugal discharge style
c. super capacity style
d. flooded boot style

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Question 10


Mark 1 out of 1

Which style of bucket elevator listed below operates at the greatest speed

Select one:
a. centrifugal discharge
b. continuous bucket
c. super capacity
d. positive discharge

Question 11


Mark 1 out of 1

Which style of bucket elevator listed below is best for handling materials that are heavy and dense

Select one:
a. centrifugal discharge
b. continuous bucket
c. super capacity
d. positive discharge

Question 12


Mark 1 out of 1

Which style of bucket elevator listed below is best at keeping dust levels down during operation

Select one:
a. centrifugal discharge
b. continuous bucket
c. super capacity
d. positive discharge

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