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Chemistry 320M/328M Dr.

Shagufta Shabbir Spring 2022

Organic Chemistry Part-I

Unique 50395/50495 | (MWF) 11am-12pm (noon)| Location WEL 2.224

Who is teaching?
Hi! My name is
Shagufta Shabbir
and I am honored
to teach ya’ll
OChem-I this
semester. I got my
PhD in Organic Chemistry
from UT Austin with Dr. Eric
Anslyn and did my xImage from:,
Postdoctoral fellowship in
Course Instructor
Biomedical Engineering at
Northwestern University in Dr. Shagufta Shabbir (she, her, hers)
Illinois. My love for Austin Of ce: Welch 3.208B
bought me back and I was
lucky enough to be hired by
UT in 2012 and I have been
Course Philosophy
teaching OChem-I & II to
undergraduate ever since. Organic chemistry is the chemistry of life. It is the most
common chemistry used in the manufacturing of
Course Prerequisites drugs, clothing, plastics, explosives, fuels, etc. The goal

For CH320M and 328M: of this course is to give the student a rm foundation

Chemistry 302 with a from which to understand chemical transformations

grade of at least C-. For lab such that specialized courses of polymer chemistry and

requirements please check biochemistry can be easily approached and in order

with the undergraduate that the common chemical problems can be

of ce WEL 3.212. understood from a rational and educational basis.

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Chemistry 320M/328M Dr. Shagufta Shabbir Spring 2022

Students Learning Outcomes

✦Demonstrate an understanding of basic structure of
organic molecules, including their stereochemical
Image from :http://
✦ Demonstrate an understanding of major organic
images/Calvin_at_school.gif, reactions.
✦ Design synthetic pathway to generate small organic
Honor Code
The core values of The ✦Demonstrate an understanding of
University of Texas at the chemical environment and the role
Austin are learning,
that organic molecules play in the natural and the
discovery, freedom,
synthetic world.
leadership, individual
✦Determine the structure of organic compounds using
opportunity, and
responsibility. Each analytical tools like NMR spectroscopy.
member of the University
Required Text
is expected to uphold
these values through Brown, Iverson, Anslyn and Foote Organic Chemistry,
integrity, honesty, trust 8th Edition & Study Guide for above text.
fairness and respect
towards peers and
Any violation of the above
Honor Code that occurs
during an exam or in the
regarding process will
result in a 0 being
assigned for that exam
Model Kit
and the student involved
To understand 3D Structure of
will be formally reported
Organic molecules. The model kit is
to the Dean of Students,
available by:
where they will be subject
• American Chemical Society -UT
to additional penalties or
student af liates
actions. The exam with the
0 will be automatically •Amazon -Advanced Molecular
counted in the nal grade Model Set for General and Organic Chemistry by MEGA
calculation at the end of MOLECULES.
the semester.
Unique 50395/50495 2
Chemistry 320M/328M Dr. Shagufta Shabbir Spring 2022

You may chose to buy any model kit that is exible. So that it
can show the inter conversation between the chair and the
boat conformation of cyclohexane.

How do we Communicate with you?

Welcome back to the face-to-face mode of instruction.
However, due to COVID concerns, UT has allowed us to teach
online this semester till the 28th of January. This is class is
TA’s Weekly Recitation completely online till Jan 28th. After that the lectures would be
Session and Office Hr in persons. All of ce hr and TA recitation session would still
occur online via zoom.
Your TA would be holding
their own individual
recitation session or of ce Student Technology Checklist
hr every week on zoom.
These will be additional For this class you must have a stable internet connection and
lectures given by the TA’s. a device to receive lectures and submit quiz/homework/exam
They will be designed to
answers. You must have a device, a phone or a computer, with
present. The lecture
material in a different point a working camera for scanning and submitting handwritten
of view of the TA’s, with the work/exams and for exam proctoring. If you have any
aim of helping you absorb questions about your technology, or will need assistance in
the material and
obtaining what you need, please email us immediately. We
understand all the key
points. They would also will help you get set up.
answer your questions and
concern to the best of their Class Recordings
Online lectures would be posted weekly in modules and in-
Who are my TA’s and
class lectures recording would be posted daily after class
where can I find their
ends on Lecture On Demand. I would not be broadcasting
recitation and office hr
live lectures during in-person class.
It is your responsibility to view the recordings in timely
This information would be
posted on canvas once it is manner. Class recordings are reserved only for students in this
nalized. class for educational purposes and are protected under
FERPA. The recordings should not be shared outside the class
in any form. Violation of this restriction by a student could
lead to Student Misconduct proceedings.

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Chemistry 320M/328M Dr. Shagufta Shabbir Spring 2022

What about
attendance? Canvas
Attendance in class is We use canvas for online exams, to post
strongly recommended
homework’s, grades, and make
but not mandatory (no
announcements. You can also email or send
attendance will be taken).
messages to me through canvas. If you want
However, you will likely
not do very well in the to talk about your grades, please email me via canvas so that
class unless you attend. In I can respond appropriately.
addition, I will randomly
Canvas Pages
ask questions of
individuals in the class Important Concepts covered in each lecture and weekly
during lecture. Questions reading material is posted within Lecture Module on Canvas.
from the audience are
highly encouraged. Piazza
Midterms Dates We are going to use the Piazza to facilitate group discussion.
Four mid-term exams will
On Piazza where you can post your questions which can be
be given during the course
of the semester. They will addressed by your TA, me or your peers.
be held on Thursday from 1.All post must be course content related.
7:00pm to 9:00pm on the
2.We reserve the right to remove any post we feel is
following days:
inappropriate in any way.

Dr. Shabbir Of ce hr
I would also be holding online of ce hours on Friday 2pm
to 3pm through zoom this time can change depending on
students attendance. I aim to answer your questions as well
as practice problems during my of ce hr. My of ce hr would
be recorded and posted on canvas. Students are most
Midterm-I-Feb17th successful in my class if they attend my of ce hr interactively.
Midterm-II-March 10th
Midterm-III-March 31st Dr. Shabbir Recitation Session
Midterm-IV-April 21st
Every Monday before the exam. I would hold my own
recitation session either online or in person where I prepare
Final Exam Date
you for the upcoming exam. These recitation would happen
Monday May16th
at night 2 to 3pm and would be recorded and posted via the
zoom canvas integration for FREPA Compliance.

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Chemistry 320M/328M Dr. Shagufta Shabbir Spring 2022

What would be covered?

Chapter 1: Covalent Bonding and Shapes of Molecules
Chapter 2: Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
Chapter 3: Stereochemistry and Chirality
Chapter 4: Acids and Bases
Chapter 5: Alkene: Bonding, Nomenclature and Properties
Chapter 6: Reaction of Alkenes
Chapter 7: Reaction of Alkynes
Chapter 8: Haloalkanes, Halogenation and Radical Reaction
Chapter 9: Nucleophilic Substitution and β-Elimination
Chapter 10: Alcohols
Chapter 11: Ethers and Epoxides
Chapter 13: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

How many Exams would be given?

There would be four Midterms given during the semester. You have the option of
dropping one midterm. 60 % of your grade would be calculated from your three best
midterm. The nal is cumulative and would be 30% of your nal course grade.

Proposed Exam Topics (Subject to Revision)

Midterm- I: Chapter 1 & 2
Midterm- II: Chapter 3 to 5 & 13
Midterm-III: Chapter 6 to 7
Midterm-IV: Chapter 8 & 10
Final Exam: Cumulative

Policy on Exam Coverage

You will be responsible for all material covered up to the Monday lecture the week of
each midterm. The pace of the class can vary, so do not be concerned if we are not on the
same schedule as described above under “proposed exam topics”. The bottom line is that
you are only responsible for the material covered in the previous Friday lecture.

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How are the exams administered?

The exam are close note in-person and are going to be given in designated class rooms.

What is assigned?
Class response system
This semester we would be using Instapoll Question to monitor your
understanding of the material taught. The questions are going to be
posted as a separate quiz in modules Each question asked would be
graded. The tally of those points will amount to 3% of your nal course
grade. You have four drop quizzes this semester as well in case you
are sick and are unable to complete on time.

Homework-I Graded

There will be two kinds of homework assigned in this class. There will be weekly
homework sets that will be posted on canvas. Completed HW have to be uploaded on
Gradescope by the designated date and time. “We would post a handout in les on
canvas explaining the details of “How to upload your HW on Gradescope?”. Late HW
would not be graded. You would be allowed to upload many version of the HW only the
latest version would be graded. These HW’s would be graded and no partial credit would
be given for incorrect answers. We usually grade selected HW pages the entire HW
would not graded. The HW make up 7% of your course grade. You have the option of
dropping one HW assignment. If your HW grade is not correctly listed on canvas you
must be diligent and alert your TA’s immediately and they would x the error. Three days
after the HW grade is posted on canvas changes to HW grades would not be made.

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Homework-2 (This HW would not be collect or graded)

Second type of homework will involve book problems that are assigned, but not
collected. These are extremely important, as the only way to master organic chemistry is
to work many, many problems over the course of the semester. You will note when taking
the exam that most of the exam problems are directly out of the tougher homework
problems both from weekly and the book problems. You would notice that exam
problems are formatted or closely resemble your weekly homework problem.

Recommended Book Problems

Chapter 1: 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43,
44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 71, 72
Chapter 2: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50,
51, 53, 62, 63
Chapter 3: 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37
Chapter 4: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41,
42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54
Chapter 5: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 35, 37
Chapter 6: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 44,
45, 46, 47, 48, 49
Chapter 7: 1, 2, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
Chapter 8: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 26, 29, 30
Chapter 9: 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48,
49, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
Chapter 10: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56
Chapter 11: 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,36, 37, 38, 43, 44,
45, 46
Chapter 13: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 28

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Chemistry 320M/328M Dr. Shagufta Shabbir Spring 2022

Credit: Will Ludwig/C&EN

How to Succeed in OChem 320M/328M?

✦ Never get behind. (Allot at least 2hr of your day to OChem don’t study last min)
✦ Strive to understand, not to memorize the material
✦ Watch lectures on-time.
✦ Write your notes while watching the lecture, make ash cards.
✦ Do your homework.
✦ Keep your road map handy, look at it on the bus in your car Keep Staring at it….
✦ Learn the mechanisms, try not to just memorize mechanisms.
✦ Strive to understand the reactions try not to just memorize them
✦ Attend of ce hours and recitation sessions

How to Study Before the Exams?

✦ Study lecture note – Rewriting them really helps
✦ Redo the more dif cult homework question?
✦ Redo all the mechanism sheets
✦ Use ash cards to memorize all the reactions
✦ Talk to the TAs and Me- We are here to help you succeed

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How am I graded?
The raw scores earned on each of the exams in
this course will be converted to Standard T-
Scores. The Standard T-Score is computed as
T = [(x-X/s) •10] + 70
x = your raw test score
X = the class mean score = Sx/N
N = number of test scores
s = standard deviation = [S (x-X)2/(N-1)]1/2
Using Standard T-Scores allows an effective averaging of grades without introducing a
bias in favor of tests with the greatest standard deviations. Since it is based on a normal
(Gaussian) distribution, it generally represents the fairest way of grading. (Nearly all
national exams such as the SAT, MCAT, and GRE use a similar form of Standard T-Scores).
Your nal course grade will be calculated as 60 % from your three
best midterm (Highest Score), 30% your nal exam (Highest Score)
7% from your homework and 3% from Instapoll question posted
as separate quiz with each lecture video. There will be four
midterms during the semester, so this means that your lowest
midterm exam will be dropped OR you will be able to miss one
midterm for any reason with no penalty.* Students who cannot
take one midterms due to medical, religious or personal reasons
would be able to use this option.

Score Letter Grade
93.0000 ≤ T A
90.0000 ≤ T < 93.0000 A-
87.0000 ≤ T < 90.0000 B+
83.0000 ≤ T < 87.0000 B

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80.0000 ≤ T < 83.0000 B-

77.0000 ≤T < 80.0000 C+
73.0000 ≤ T < 77.0000 C
70.0000 ≤ T < 73.0000 C-
67.0000 ≤ T < 70.0000 D+
63.0000 ≤ T < 67.0000 D
60.0000 ≤T < 63.0000 D-
T ≤ 60.0000 F

*Missing two midterms or the nal exam without a documented, valid excuse will result
89.9632 IS ENTERED AS 89.9632, N0T 90 OR 90.00.
*****Important Notice****** In general, using T-scores increases everyone's grades
compared to using absolute percentages. Nevertheless, we will keep track of your
percentage scores on every test. If the percentage scores are ever higher than your T-
score, we will use the percentage score for your course grade calculation. Thus, if
everyone does extremely well in this course, no grade will be lowered by using a
curving system!


There is a regrade option on gradescope. Please
use that option to request a regrade. Any exams
to be regraded must be presented to us within
three days of posting the exam grades. We
grade the entire exam therefore your grade
might drop because of the regrade. Complaints
about the nal exam grading must be presented
within one day of the return of the nal exam.
Therefore, if you anticipate a complaint, you Image from : ve-or-six-secrets-
must be diligent in following the progress of the

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Chemistry 320M/328M Dr. Shagufta Shabbir Spring 2022

Exam Policy
Alternate Exam Time
For any reason you cannot take a midterm at the designated time you have the
option to take the exam early on the same day. Alternative exams are given to
individuals who have classes, ROTC or work during the regularly scheduled exam
times. You must let us know you're constrains by February 4th . You will be asked to
show documentation like course schedules, syllabus, or letter of employment to me
before you registered for early exams.

Absences due to Athletics or other University Activities

Any athlete competing for UT on an NCAA or club level team needs to notify me via
email by February 4th about any missed exams. Written documentation from the
Athletic department will be required for accommodations to be given. An of cial
team proctor must be provided to traveling team members by the athletic
department, so that a copy of the exam can be administered outside of Austin at the
same time as the students are taking the exam here. The sealed exam is then
returned to me by the proctor, as soon as the team returns to Austin.

Students with Disabilities

The rights of students with disabilities are protected under Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, which are civil rights
provisions aimed at ending discrimination against persons with disabilities. Section 504
speci cally refers to post-secondary and vocational education services. The legislation
reads: "No otherwise quali ed handicapped individual in the United States shall, solely
by reason of his handicap, be excluded from the participation, be denied the bene ts of,
or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal
nancial assistance." The University of Texas at Austin provides a wide variety of services
to assist students with disabilities in becoming active members of the University
community. These services vary according to the different types and severity of
The Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) of ce of the Student Dean's Of ce is
charged with assisting disabled students. They estimate that about 2000 students suffer
from disabilities including mobility impairments, learning disabilities, visual impairments,
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hearing impairments, ADD and ADHD, and others. By law, these students are guaranteed
a learning environment with reasonable accommodation of their disability.
The university is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive learning environment
consistent with university policy and federal and state law. Please let me know if you
experience any barriers to learning so I can work with you to ensure you have equal
opportunity to participate fully in this course. If you are a student with a disability, or think
you may have a disability, and need accommodations please contact Services for
Students with Disabilities (SSD). Please refer to SSD’s website for contact and more
information: If you are already registered with SSD,
please deliver your Accommodation Letter to me as early as possible in the semester so
we can discuss your approved accommodations and needs in this course.
As we administer night midterm exams, students requiring extra time must be prepared
to either come earlier or stay later than other students on exam nights.

Religious Holy Days

A student who misses classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the
observance of a religious holy day should inform me via email by February 4th of the
absence, so that arrangements can be made to complete an assignment or exam within
a reasonable time after the absence. For reference, sections 51.911 and 51.925 of the
Texas Education Code relate to absences by students and instructors for observance of
religious holy days.

Scholastic Dishonesty
Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary
penalties, including the possibility of an F in the course and/or dismissal from the
University. Because such dishonesty harms the individual all students, and the integrity of
the University policies of scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.

Sharing of Course Materials is Prohibited

No materials used in this class, including, but not limited to, lecture hand-outs, videos,
assessments (quizzes, exams, papers, projects, homework assignments), in-class
materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets, may be shared online or with
anyone outside of the class unless you have my explicit, written permission. Unauthorized
sharing of materials promotes cheating. It is a violation of the University’s Student Honor

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Code and an act of academic dishonesty. I am well aware of the sites used for sharing
materials, and any materials found online that are associated with you, or any suspected
unauthorized sharing of materials, will be reported to Student Conduct and Academic
Integrity in the Of ce of the Dean of Students. These reports can result in sanctions,
including failure in the course.

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University Policy
Section changes, adds, and drops
All registration matters are handled by the Undergraduate Of ce (BIO 404), and not by
me. The University rules are stringent with regard to drops, and I do not make
exceptions. In general they are as follows, but you must check the policy for yourself
(don’t rely on what is typed below, it is a paraphrasing of the University rules).
In general, an undergraduate may drop a class through mid-semester in a long-session
semester. However, the student must meet the conditions described below and must
abide by the Quantity of Work Rule. The dates of the deadlines discussed below are
given in the Academic Calendar. In addition to other required approvals, international
students must have the written consent of the International Of ce to drop a class. On
the recommendation of the instructor and with the approval of the student’s academic
dean, a student may be required to drop a class at any time because of neglect or lack
of preparation.

4th class day

Last day of the of cial add/drop period (January 21st) after this date, changes in
registration may require the approval of the department chair and usually the student's
dean. Last day undergraduate students may register and pay tuition without the approval
of the registrar.

12th class day

Dropping a class with possible refund: During days rst through twelve (February 2nd)
students may drop courses online, If the dropped class must be taken in conjunction
with another class, the student must drop the second class as well. Each student should
meet with his or her advisor before dropping a class.A class dropped during this period
is deleted from the student’s academic record. It does not count toward the six-drop
limit described above.

46th class day

Last day to drop a course with approval: After the 12th day of class, and until the
deadline for dropping courses From the thirteenth class day through the deadline to
drop a class for academic reasons in a long-session semester (April 4th), a student may
drop a class only with the approval of his or her dean. In some colleges and schools, the
approval of the student’s advisor is also required. If the student is allowed to drop, the
class remains on the student’s academic record with the symbol Q, which identi es a
drop without academic penalty. In addition, the student’s dean determines whether the

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student is dropping the class for an academic or a nonacademic reason. If the dean
determines that the reason is academic, the drop is counted toward the six-drop limit.

Nonacademic Q-drop
After the last day for academic Q-drop students with substantiated nonacademic
reasons (as determined by the Dean's Of ce) may be allowed to drop a course. Faculty
will be asked to provide information on student performance up to the time of the
nonacademic Q-drop request but are not responsible for making the decision about
assigning a grade of Q. Please encourage students who experience signi cant
nonacademic problems such as extended health-related problems or family
emergencies to contact the Dean's Of ce.

One-Time Drop Policy

Students have the option once in their undergraduate degree to drop a class or drop
out of all classes in a semester right up till the last class day. The OTE may be invoked
only once during the student’s entire undergraduate college career regardless of the
college the student was enrolled in at the time the exception was allowed. The
provisions of the OTE are as follows. The provision of OTE are described in detail in the
university catalog. Click on the link provided to read more.

An incomplete (X) is a temporary delay in reporting the nal course grade. An X may
properly be assigned for students who must miss the nal due to illness or other
imperative nonacademic reasons. An X may also be given when the student has not
been able to complete all the required assignments for reasons other than lack of
diligence but only if the student has a passing grade on the work completed.
Documentation of non-medical excuses will be required. In general, it is best for
students to see a counselor in their Dean's Of ce regarding non-medical excuses for
missing the nal. Just to be clear, you will be required to have a written medical excuse
signed by the person who treated you if the reason for the request for a postponed nal
is illness. Students have one long semester to make up an X and extensions are rare.
After one long semester, the X converts to an F if no other grade is reported.
An X will not be assigned to allow the student an opportunity to repeat the entire
course; the only assignments or exams that should be completed to resolve the X are
those that were missed for legitimate reasons during the semester. In addition, the X
should be assigned only if the student has been informed and the exact procedures by
which the student will make up the work are agreed upon. The assignment of an X
constitutes a contract between the student and the instructor. It is often helpful to have
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the arrangement in writing, specifying what the student is expected to do to complete

the course, including due dates.

Courses Taken on a Pass/Fail Basis (CR/NC)

The University de nes a D- as a passing grade for undergraduate students. The
instructor is obliged to assign a grade of CR (Credit) for a student registered on a pass/
fail basis who has a D- or better in the course. It is important that the roster indicate the
student is registered for the course on a pass/fail basis. Otherwise, a letter grade must
be assigned. There is a time limit for students to change courses from a grade basis to
pass/fail basis and vice versa. During the long session, it is the same as the nal
deadline for drop/withdrawal for academic reasons (April 4th). See the current
academic calendar for the exact date. After that deadline, students should see a
counselor in the Student Division of the Dean's Of ce of their college.
For majors within the College of Natural Sciences, the College has instituted a minimum
C- standard of passing grades for courses in order to progress to subsequent courses.

Title IX Reporting
Title IX is a federal law that protects against sex and gender-based discrimination,
sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence and
stalking at federally funded educational institutions. UT Austin is committed to fostering
a learning and working environment free from discrimination in all its forms. When
sexual misconduct occurs in our community, the university can:
1. Intervene to prevent harmful behavior from continuing or escalating.
2. Provide support and remedies to students and employees who have experienced
harm or
have become involved in a Title IX investigation.
3. Investigate and discipline violations of the university’s relevant policies.
Faculty members and certain staff members are considered “Responsible Employees”
or “Mandatory Reporters,” which means that they are required to report violations of
Title IX to the Title IX Coordinator. I am a Responsible Employee and must report any
Title IX related incidents that are disclosed in writing, discussion, or one-on-one. Before
talking with me, or with any faculty member, graduate teaching assistant or staff
member about a Title IX related incident, be sure to ask whether they are a responsible
employee. If you want to speak with someone for support or remedies without making
an of cial report to the university, For more
information about reporting options and resources, visit or contact the
Title IX Of ce at

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Chemistry 320M/328M Dr. Shagufta Shabbir Spring 2022

I will gladly honor your request to address you by a name that is different from what
appears on the of cial roster, and by the gender pronouns you use (she/he/they etc).
Please let me know early on in the semester what you prefer, as well as if you would
prefer me to use them in public or only in private.

Personal Note
We are going to make it through this together. I am totally
committed and my only aim is to see you succeed. The poster
below says it all. I strongly encourage you to talk to me. Send me
emails short video clips. Whatever you feel comfortable sharing
and if there is anything that I can do for you I will.

University policy is to follow CDC guidance. So, until the CDC
guidance suggests differently, wearing a mask is strongly
encouraged in this course. You will not be penalized in any way for
not doing so. Please bear in mind, however, that the interests
protected by masking are not just your own. Masking to prevent
transmission is very important for the health of our greater
community. It may be important for others in the room in ways that
you do not know or appreciate. For all of these reasons, I urge you to do so.

This syllabus is subjected to change; students who miss class are responsible for
learning about any changes to the syllabus

Unique 50395/50495 17

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