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The Legend of Raven ­ A Canvas for the Shadows of Esteren by Iznurda

A Canvas for

The Legend of Raven

This canvas, inspired by the illustration, was originally written in French. I will offer here a
translation. It is rather light and short, thought more like an interlude than a real adventure.

Style: fantastic with demorthèn art in background

Season: preferably spring or fall. One season to the high humidity and fog for
generating strong atmosphere
Frame: mountainous region around the peak of the Ravens.
Group: any group comprising at least one demorthèn or ionnthen.

In the mountains surrounding the Crow Peak, while winter rages outside and the night runs,
it sometimes happens than around the fire demorthèns tell the impatient children the story of
Raven. It reads:
If the centuries have since eaten its exact name, nickname, Raven, survived the oblivion of
time. Many still wonder about the origin of the latter, but the most common version says that he
was given to him because of his exceptional affinity with the blacks birds. It is also said that his
powers were such that he could even turn into one of them and thus go long distances a
flatting of wings. He distinguished himself especially during Aergewin, while fighting was raging.
Using his unique art he informed his allies in the evolution of conflict. For days he flew
relentlessly as messenger, so much so that the enemy was repulsed and the victory gained.
But Raven had overestimated his strength and, overcome by exhaustion, he crashed straight
beak and feathers at the feet of those he had helped to liberate, too weak even in his last
breath to recover his human appearance . In a final tribute, despite the difficulty of the
undertaking, he was buried under a cairn surrounded by standing stones erected atop the
ledge where he liked to go to meditate. Crows around were not long to be regroup and over the
centuries they continued to prevent residents about any nearby feondas presence. The legend

The Legend of Raven ­ A Canvas for the Shadows of Esteren by Iznurda

concludes with a prophecy: a day will come an insider who heard the call of the raven, will
receive the lost heritage.

The demorthèn ­ or Ionnthen ­ the group made a few days of bad dreams featuring crows.
When they make a stop in a local village demorthèn seems to notice her drawn featured and
asked if he would not dream of crows. These dreams are disturbing the person concerned so
he may take any chance to obtain information from his colleague. This one will share of the
local legend of Raven and he encouraged them to go to the peak of the Ravens while
indicating the direction to follow.

The trip will be in the shade of pines in a rugged relief, all in peaks and bathed in mist.
Growth will be difficult in a rapidly wild nature and the complete lack of track.
To spice up this trip the following incidents should of course be added:
• Meet with a Bear (Book 2, Travel, p.74)

ATT 12 DMG 3 DEF 10 Armor 2 SPD 4 POT 3
Health 30 / 20 / 10 / 5
Vigor 14, Perception 11, Stealth 11, Feats 7

Rage: if a female bear is guarding her cubs or as part of a defense of its territory, bears may
become enraged. In this context hte game leader make 1d10 test. A score above 3 indicates a
state of rage. This induces the bear fight to the death, ignoring his own pain (no injuries
penalties), and will systematically adopt the offensive attitude. His attack score will be
upgraded with a +2 points more.

• Fall on unstable ground: for all bumps and bruises, one or more will be slightly injured
• The character "insider" will not be able to sleep the whole way. Every time he tries to sleep
he will wake up for a few moments after screaming. Remain of dreams only visions of
black feathers and red eyes. The physical fatigue settles in him gradually and, insidiously
infiltrating also among those who accompany him.
Manage fatigue as follows: the vigor test for natural recovery becomes complicated in case
of insufficient rest. Natural recovery of rindath does not too. In case of total absence of rest,
which is the case of our unfortunate players, he must succeed a vigor test for each sleep day
after the first. In case of failure it loses one life point. In addition, each new test add a gradual
increase in the level of difficulty up to hard (17).
Don't forget the penalty associated with injuries wich adds to the vigor test.
In addition, there is also the fact that any two failures should also be made mental
toughness test under penalty of crisis delirium (temporary loss of a point of trauma). Trauma
points lost by fatigue will be recovered at a rate of one per period of complete rest. Sinking into
madness remains possible.

The Legend of Raven ­ A Canvas for the Shadows of Esteren by Iznurda

After several days of exhausting walk this should be weakened

characters who at the end reach the Raven's cornice. At its peak,
after a grueling ascent, player characters find standing stones
identifying the cairn, finally the disparate pile of stones he became.
The stones seem naked but looking closer we see that they were
once carved with too worn by time yet to be discerned. Almost all the
space between the standing stones disappeared under a layer of
dried bird droppings of several centimeters.
The ionnthen/demorthèn collapses from fatigue at the moment he
crossed the stone circle and falls asleep on time. He will be
impossible to wake up from sleep. Only remains for the others to
wait he comes back to him. Crows are everywhere in this place,
although still remaining out of reach. Their presence is annoying, as
if they watched constantly. Some fails in combativeness indicate if
some carry and throw stones at them, with no real noticeable result though.
When he awoke in the morning the sleeper feels rested, serene and strangely at peace, all
fatigue deleted. This time, however, it will not retain any memories of her dreams. In his hand
he squeeze a smooth and flat black ovoid stone. Although no rune is engraved above he feels
intuitively that holds power, much like an ogham [minor]. The narrow end of the stone is pierced
to allow the wearing around the neck.
At the periphery of the camp characters find several dead hares. These do not bear any
injuries and seems apparently healthy, as if they had been placed there for them.
Remains to come back with more questions than answers in mind.
It is also possible to imagine other reasons pushing the group to explore the area, especially
if it contains no Demorthèn or Ionnthen. One example would be to ask them to find the location
of an old silver mine and the group would make strange dreams featuring crows. Otherwise
they might fail there after being swept away by a flash flood or suing someone in the area.
Depending on the case there will be legacy or not, but still the presence of disturbing dreams.
For once, the characters are fighting against themselves and their own limits in nature without

The legacy of Raven: blessing or curse?
It can be spectacular to have a character waking up in full possession of his inheritance, but
it seems to me more interesting they occur over time, preferably at the worst time. I will classify
the effects of this legacy in ascending order of importance.
• Now all demorthèn that meets the character call him Raven. When asked about they will
say that this came naturally. In addition, the character will receive a +1 bonus to all
relationship test with Demorthèn (benefit Demorthèn faction Reputation +1).
• Everywhere now crows and other corvids around will gather near the character. In return
the birds will report a dual flight circle centered on tangible feondas threat.

The Legend of Raven ­ A Canvas for the Shadows of Esteren by Iznurda

• Character's hair start to grow to her waist. They show more disordered and will be
impossible to comb. If it was not originally brown hair gradually turn black.

Raven's stone
It is used as an animal ogham related corvids (crows, ravens, magpies, etc..) More powerful
and differentiated than a minor ogham, it makes possible for example to talk to them, give them
orders, bring to be, or even turn into a raven (Sixth Circle and more to determinate). Anyone
wanting to use other than its rightful owner (heir so) suffers a penalty of 5 points in his Sigil
Rann test. It is not necessary to keep the stone in hand, a direct contact with the skin is
sufficient. Hence she is generally use as a pendant.
It goes without saying that these events will not happen without problems. Superstitions and
fears of people being fierce opponents. Some Demorthen might want to take away his stone
and his legacy, the clergy of the One, if the learning, might want to burn him because of pact
with the devil, the presence of crows may be taken for a bad omen and group regularly
accused wrongly of various ills, etc.
Exception made of the new Raven, group members will gain experience points, between 1
and 3 points depending on their involvement.

Thank you to paragon for its illustration that inspired this canvas.
Thank you to the authors for the wonderful world that we have inherited.
Thank you to those who will appreciate the canvas and play it.


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