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BHARATI VIDYAPEETH MED TO BE UNIVERSITY), PUNE - 30 ANSWER SCRIPT COVER SHEET Online Remote Proctored Descriptive and MCQ mode of University Examinations for Summer 2023 PRN: ZL4S160 737 SEAT NUMBER: 2322690344 PROGRAMME NAME: MBA CCBCS-2921 CouRsED SUBJECT NAME; Management Concept $Applications SEMESTER: Gewis E 5 XAM DATE: Bo /o5/2013 EXAM TIME: Z-esePMm —- GosoPM Declaration: | have read the “Guidelines for Remote Proctored Online Descriptive and MCQ mode of examinations” and | agree to abide by it. | have written the answers to the questions in the answer sheets and they are_X__pages in total. | take full responsibility for appearing for online remote proctored descriptive and MCQ Summer 2023 university examinations, scan/take photographs and upload the answer scripts in to th online system, 30] e3}2823 Signature and Date (TO BE PRINTED OR HAND WRITTEN) Details to be handwritten only Page 1 Narne: Sabi] Dhananjay Mehala What ave the different principles | Managernen 4 he Fourteen 4 Managemen creased Wen fayol ove ex 1) _pivision 4 were Hen balieved Vhat gegregiA WO force amongst dhe wsennkess WNT enhance dhe qua pooduch. similarly, he adene prod aly» he ade conduded that the division g wok iapee proodudkvity © FFE CIEE) + oly peed 4 pre, worKes" this pind ele is aperopwate for ps i o§ well Os atetnni cal Woe level: 2) ori by and Fes onsibility t- Poste wre tHE HWS Key rs range el Aatheriy Facilidotes he manag cane re wee fs andegpensibility makes thom responsi ble Fe Asneundend guidance a leadership. 3) oiscipline. a; : f Sheu BAEK AHME ’ as YIN ze eeaje w Aras. prvvod ples plained loelow: ey wor an vo the ity 4 Ye ack. § iorniY yes yne _aaenks Gawd make ynemage™ ood be Employee's 5 cand PFOGWESS in Where pror 4) Unit Coramand :- Qnis, means ae employe Sheul Fo Now his cominands: haa te follow mi Peng, thowe Begins a conFlict g voterah and can crete con s) Unity 4 Direchon : - Whoever 1S engaged in the Same achlvity Should have aul the people usrking ma fed goal, this means ay have one goad and mohve which ewok easier and achieve the set ent gow ey Jhavi our alse 5s 077 d haveonly ane boss 4 owe. thon one Fusion. a uni Company & voi\l make aca easily: Name: Sahil Dinanany ay Moho 6) Subowdmation 4 Wodividual twtevest — This Indicates a company should werk uni tedly towards the interest (a Compary rather tha rested) inteodt Be Subosdivahe te Yhe purrpsse §) an organi salon: dis 7 te Me Whole Chain 4 commmend tin a cornpany: DY _Remuneralion im yont ole in rostivadng dhe rharry O8 non- This Plays an ines workess g acmemy Remuneration CaN be TONE: rmonebeny . teleclly . Pt Shedd be aceemeling +e individu Utfomts they have putbowth « In any company: the mmanagernent oe emy patron creaponsilele Fow the dedsiom ~ making PF° cess Should be newtral: However, pris depends on the sized an orga nisaion Yori faye! Stressed on the point thebthere should be a loadance bekeeen phe hicraschy ond division @ power: s chodn i 2) Seon this proteciple, highlight: thak the hieweethY to the lowest , ors 1S necessary cteps Should be from the toe 2s aaeine jnrnadiade SONS go thak every exoployee Kno Mey shud ve able to contack any: if needed. lo) Owdey s-_ a Acwxaceny cheuld Naihtain 4 well — defined wore work culture. dhe pesinve atrro spre. order to have afayourra ble \) boost move postive Produchvity: cre PM rhe worneplace of wy Eawtyt Sse eatliveds should lee tecated ef - Fully Ths the wesponsibility § a manager hod 12 employe face Aiserininabsn- B Statoil i re) Set Soyer delivers The best if they eek wn thee goles Et IS the duty 4 ne management ceurily to their employes. ally andres pect seuee to after ye S$ Name;-Sahi) Ohandnjay Mehata \S) Iw The Mmenagemnent shold Support amd encourage the employees to take iniliahives IM ay organicasion. Lt wi hap rhem to merrwe heir MONVEAnn and Moral: \4) Esprit de Corps j4) =e Tt is Me sec ponsibility q tre management to rnobive — be ther Omeloyees and be Sdpportive | eathe there requ losly- Develteivg, trust and mutual undeastandi'ng will lead 4s a positive outcome and work ooVirronment- on conclusion, He 14 principles § Mrmajemm + the pillars 4 any organisation They ave Integral For ere diction, Planning, decision ~making, Paocess memage -mot, Condre) and covedinahen: Name: Sahil Dhonoo jay Mehata 2) Disevibe steps Mvelved in planning Process Ars) ~ # Meaning | Planning + Planning is ascertaining prix te Whatte do and iss bs do. T+ iy one 4 the prrivnary rnanagercial dukes. Before doing, gomerhing . the manager mush fore 2 opinion on how +o work ona specific jolo- & Planing Frocess As Planning is an achvity, these ax Cethtin reasonable Meesuves fFow ery, smarnay err +o follow» ) saving okjettives 3- ay Gh iy the Primary tee 19 the. preceas 4 planning which specifies the objetive 4 ar engani sation. 1 e- What cm ogy Taare. cree NN begs eto © dbijechves ove end results which the rmonagerment exei7 to ochieve ky iti operations. a) objethives ave specific and awe measurable in terms aot is. edobje (hives ave set for he organi sai 00 ag a Whole fo WA deparctroants and then clepurtment se their own oby che uotykin the framewevk 4, organisational objetlves. oaimple:.- A mobile phone compa solr the objettive +o Sell woo esol: unit Net yeom, Which iS double Te Urrrmt sales 2) Develoring Planeing Frremse’ © pts a) Plarming is essenkaly Focused on the Foduve, and Mere ance. contain events which Ove expected te aprec- the palicy permasion: tb) Sach a" planning. adversely F ignored: oO dnerr ondorsierding and Fair assesment are neECessoTY fo~w epfechve. planning , events aveexternal i nature trad afeed the omer Soil Dhonen} oy Mebaty . Ay Sach Cente ave rhe a5sumphiens.on the pess.g which plans are doum and ave know Plannivy re emies Fxg \t che rnobile phone covnpony hot get the clyech've @ 1,00.0°° unit Sale on rhe bss f Foretugt done on the premises @ Favors ole cpvermment policies founds ‘digitadion 4 transachen > Courses of Achkon’- Alternative mode SB) Tdentiyin ay once olbjethves awe get, assumphens are bb) Then the next step is to ach Upon them. 3 dhewe may be many Ways te atk and achieve dkejechves A\\ the alternahive courses 4 athon Should be 1 dendiFied- Sample! ghe mnelrile company has many alternatives Whe weducing \nertecosing advertising. and provrotion, often seule senvice-e# peices, “ay Evaluating Alternative Counce 4 Adon a ST ee alter a) Im Yrs Stee, Phe positive amd negahive asectts 4 eath -nakive need tobe evaliated ‘i the light 4 objective ts be achieved. Se Cuery altermosive is evaluated iM teams 4 lo’ erisks aod higher we baeams, whi thin the planning aitinin Pe availaleility 4 capited . wer cast lower prema and Errmiple is the rokbhile phone vompany with evaliele GU the alteméire -s and check jit pros and cons. 5) sbhing, 4 Best (\teenative :- 0) che bat Gav, which is the mast profittble plan end toith mnimam negative cffeds. 1s adepted and Me manager's Cnpeaj once. andj udgment bw) Tm sath coses, priya Mmporkmt cole in seleching the bat alternedive Exacnple:~ Mobile phone company selects more TV. advertisemmn}s Ra : : and ONWNE marvetiny Wilh gretk ater Sales Service implemented. Nawe ! Saln\ Dhanav | oy Mehagbe 6) Tenplementng the Plan ay Ghis ne Spkp Where other monagerial furathons come ‘nto rhe pickure. by This step is 2) In Pris Stee, managess communicate the plan te employees clearly +s help convert Pheplant ints oCton AY Chis step “wolves atlocahing the wessurcces, orequrnisi ny Fon labouw and PUrrthase. 4 machin ery. concerned iY’ Delng hut is Required” he Exsarnple '- Molo\le Phone campamy hives Solesmen on a lawge scale , reales TAN + cadvertiserment, Sterns online merrkediny. ackvifves and sete “we Service workshops, D Fellow up Adhon .. a) Monitoring the plan cons heathy and taking palloacle Ok-wegulue iy called Follow-up b) Monitor ng q rons isvery Ln pevdamt eo enjuve that me plans ave being. 2) Regealuy checks and comperitors | the gegulés with seb Stahdands are clone te Cnsuve that objethves wre achieved: Pecan les TT pproper Feedback mechanism was developed by Ve rebile hone commmy Hhvoug hdl its bromches so thah Me athual custome eresponse, Teverue Collethon ,emmployee wesponse. ede cod be trou —o ———— Name! Sahil Bhonermen joy Meohate 5) Pwesibe: Process Decision Making | ae ah Decision maving is akey skill inony Field o- situation: Whelher you wee choosing a Creer pulh, Solving a prebler: OF planning. a Prayett you need to Fallow a Ingical and eRFedive, process. there ave Six Steps 4 decision maw'g Ond provid seme exarnples | how to apply Hhem 4h Ai frerent Seenarviors. ') Tdentity dhe Goals. Ghe Piast step 9 decision making i to deine cohat yet wont +o achieve or what Problem you weantte solve. this vill help you narrow down Your ophons.and focus on the ve levarit Criteria. for example , if your \eal js to byy 4 new laptop, Yeuneed +e consider your budget, your needs, ond your p 7Ferentet 2) Lather Tanformahion :- ‘The second stee isto collect as muth Wkewmution as Pessole about Ine situation and the altomah've . You can Usee variow sources Sach at dale cesearch 1 OKperds. Lend back ov ntaton , che move infornemion You have, the mere intermed and confident you wil) lee Ww your decision. Hor example : _ VF you ave deciding Whther +0 Pursue a matters degree , you need to Beseorch +s Pursue 4 malder’s degree syou need +e wesearch Woe costs. benefits Tegdrmend and oppsttunihies differen} Programs. $5. Fvaluate-: dhe options: the third Hye isto Compare ond contrast the. Pres amd cons J cath ophon. youcan Use different fools Such 4 mahbices , chars on lish, te Organiie andvisdali2e che Wormeadion, Name !- Sali) Dhanangay meholer- 4) Chose the best option, The Fourth Ste ig to selech the ophan that best meeds your goal and oriteria . You tan use different methods Suh a4 cranking Scoring, Voting 0% consensis: Yo make the Pinal decision. Sy Samplemomt Me _deciston.- dhe Fifth Stee ® +e put your decision into athon- You need -t6 plan The Mee, resources and timeAine Por execuhng your decision. 6) Monitor she results + - dhe sixth aNd Pinal Ste2 1s +0 evaluate, the Outcomes ond impads q Your decision. You need to meluwe Fre pertormmee., Leedlouck amd sthi'sfacioy § your decision, Nameé.~. Sdnil Phaman jay 0 hele 6) OWeuss Verlour type | PIMP ational Shuchure: els Types 4 Osganizaional Strudures- Thexe oree foun types | organizational Shutures: Understanding how they Werk amd whut Ineiy henibils and drawbacks arre Cam hele you make amore interned decsion Of +o which +o Implements ‘th your wovkpluce, dhe four types ave IN fumchonal Shuchure. 2) Divisional Structure 3) Fla torechy 4) Matix Shullere

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