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Nini- London is getting so dirty there days! იუყრება სარკეში და ნახშირს იწმინდავს ლოყიდან.

Elene: I am misses Piers – the house keeper , can I help you?

Nini-Oh good morning misses, I’d like to the the professor, please.

Elene: Could you tell me what it is about?

Nini: it’s business of personal nature.

Elene: oh, one moment please.

შედის ელენე ოთახში და ისმის ხმივნების ხმა.

Elene: Mr. Higgings there’s a young woman who wants to see you.

Higgings: What does she want?

Elene: She is quite common girl, quite common indeed. I would send her earlier but I thought you
wanted her to talk to your machine.

Higgings: Does she have accent?

Elene: Quite odd accent Mr.

Higgings: good , let me see her

Elene: as you wish Mr. higgings.

Elene: Sit down girl, do as you are told

Elene. Don’t cry silly girl and sit down, nobody is going to touch your money (with angry voice)

Elene: don’t talk like that mr. higgings she does not understand you.
Scene-Elizas father

Man: get out from here, I remember you haven’t paid for drink you have drunk! მიმტანი გამოაგდებს
ელაიზას მამას გარეთ და ალფი დულიტლი დაეცემა ნასვამი იატაკზე. ისმის სიცილის ხმა .
ადამიანები მას დასცინიან,

ЕTiko: you are an honorable man now, Alfie Doolitle.

Alfie: what are you doing in Elizas house?

Etiko: She moved to a residence and now you have to buy thing on your own Alfie Doolitle.

Alfie: what are you talking about?

Etiko: Your daughter Eliza, how lucky you are?

Alfie: გაბრზაებული ხმით What about Eliza?

Etiko: შეიცხადებს: Ooh he don’t know, you are father and you don’t know. ხალხი დასცინის მას.

She moved in a taxi all by herself, smiling and hasn’t been here for three days.

Alfie: good!

Etiko: and in this morning I have got message from her, she lives in 27 whimpor street with dear
professor Higgings. Hahaha and what things does she want?

Alfie: what?

Etiko: a bird cage and a chinese fan.


Етико:but she says never mind sending any clothes.


წამოდგება ალფრედი დაინიავებს მარაოს და იტყვის the sun is shinig for alfer doolitle.
ირთვება სიმღერა გიო ცოტას წაიცეკვებს 49:28 ის მიხედვით და გადის. With little bit of luck -

Elene: Ser Alfred Doolitle wants to see you, he says you have his daughter here.

Pickering: I think we will have trouble with him.

Higgings: I think not, he is having trouble with me, not I am having with him.

Elene: Doolitle Ser

ქუდს მოიხდის დულიტლი და მიმართავს პიკერინგს: Professor Higgings.

Higgings: I am professor higgings.

Doolitle: good morning out there, I came here on very serious matter ser.
Higgings: what do you want doolitle?

Doolitle: I want my daughter back! That’s what I want do you see?

Higgings: you are her father, aren’t you? She is in there, can take her oonce.

Doolitle: what?

Higgings: take her away, I am not going to keep your daughter from you.

Doolitle: noo. Noo, this is not reasonable governor! But the girl belongs to me! You’ve got it? Why do I
come in!

Higgings: How dare you came to blackmail me? გაბზრაებული და ხურავს წიგნს (დგას კიბეზე)

You came here for money!

Doolitle: even this gentlemen would say I am not here for money?

Higgings: what else do you come for?

Doolitle: woow what would I come for? Be human governor! და იცინის

ჰიგგინსი ხელსახოცით მოიხოცავს სახეს და ამბობს

Higgings: How do you know she was here?

Doolitle: I am willing to tell ya, I am wanting to tell ya, I am waiting to tell you ამბობს ძალიან
გახარებული მსახიობური სახით.

Higgings: do you hear he says I am willing to tell ya, I am wanting to tell ya, I am waiting to tell you. How
do you know Aliza was here?

Doolitle: she asked for her luggage and I started to warry about her, she said she needed no clothes.

What should I think about this governor as a parent?

pickering: so you came here to rescue her form worst and death, right?

Doolitle: that right governor.

Higgings: Mrs piers, Elizas father came here to take her away, give it to him, will you?

Doolitle. No wait a minute governor, wait a minute. You and me are me in the word aren’t we?

Higgings: are we? You better go mrs piers.

Elene: I think so indeed ser,

Doolitle: I have ser of deal with you, if you want a girl you can have her და ისინის all I am asking is mu
rights as a father, you are the last me to expect me I would left for nothing.

Pickering: have you heard anuthing about morals ser?

Doolitle: no no nothing, I can’t believe he is as poor as me. Let’s be in my way. If eliza stays here you
should give me money.

Higgings: you know pickering if we took this man in hands for three month he could choose set in a
cabinet or … let’s give him 5 pounds.

Doolitle: I told you I came here for business governor, you are really good man და კოცნის ფულს.

შემოდის ნინი ტირილიT და წვირილი oh woow oh woood ooh wood

Eliza: I can’t repeat is for one more time

Doolitle :oh I beg you pardon miss, oh that’s my Aliza? She is good looking?

Eliza: what you doing here?

Doolitle: if you are having trouble governor with her give few lick of strap that’s the way we improve
up, well good morning eliza, you are in good hands ჩაუკრავს თავლს და გადის ელაიზა კი

მესამე აქტის შემდეგ როცა ელაიზა ამბობს სწორად ფრაზებს და ბედნიერია შემოდის
ელენე და ამბობს

Elene: Eliza I don’t care what does mrs higgings saye , put down your books and go to bed,

Eliza : წაიმღერებს და იწყება სიმღერა I could have danced all night.

შემდეგ დოღი:

ვრთავ მელოდიას I could have dancet all night exit შემოდიან მონაწილეები იპრანჭებიან
ხელს შეავლებენ დეკორაციებს, ისწორებენ პიჯაკს, ჰალსტუხს, თმებს, ამასობაში ნინი
გამოიცვლის კაბას და მზად არის მეჯლისისთვის: შემდეგ მეექვსე აქტის რამდენიმე
ფრაზას ამბობენ მონაწილეები ......................

Higgings: you look stunning tonight.

Eliza: thank you my professor.

Higgings: I am sure this time you will make it. Remember all I taught you

Eliza : I will.

მეჯლისის დღეს: შემოდიან მონაწილეები წყვილ –წყვილად მუსიკის ფონზე The

Transylvanian march: გაკეთდება დეფერანი შემოდის ეთიკო და ბესო და დვალი აცხადებს:
Her majesty the queen and the prince Gregor, ეთიკო ნაზად ხრის თავს გაჩერდება ნინისთან და
ამბობს: What an enchanting young lady you are, Charming quite charming, გვერით დვალი ეუბმენა
miss Doolitle mem, თიკო დაჯდება მივა ელაიზა ნაზად დაუკრავს თავს და ეთიკო ამბობს
why I haven’t see your before,
Eliza: how kind you let me come!

Etiko: I am so grateful that you came, you smell like flower and you look like a flower your charming

Eliza: how kind you are your majesty.

Etiko: my son wants to dance with you.

Eliza : my pleasure

Prince: Miss doolitle would you like to dance with me?

Eliza: It would be my pleasure your grace.

და ბოლო ცეკვას ცეკვავს ყველას.

ცეკვის შემდეგ ელაიზა ეუბნება ჰიგინგს:

Eliza: it has been a delightful evening.

Higgings: Yes, delightful indeed.

Eliza: what do you mean?

Higgings: well , we conviced everyone.Even the prince! I would say it has been a real success!

Pickering: absolutely fantastic, I salute you.

Higgings: wait don’t give me all the credit! A lot of glory goes to you and our wonderful Flower Eliza.

Eliza: Yes ser together we made it.

Higgings: I have some great idea!

Pickerind and Aliza ერთად გახარებულები ეკითხებიან What kind of idea?

Higgings: How abouts some chocolate და იციანიან ყველა ერთად. გამოიტანს ნიკა მაპინებს
დაურიგებს ყველა მონაწილეს აუნთებს ანთლებს და ჩაირთვება დაბადების დღის
სიმღერა. თავს დაუკრავენ საზოგადოებას და მაყურებელიც უკვარს ტაშს .

Dvali acxadebs monawileebis saxelebs da gvarebs:

Mother: Mariam Nijaradze.

Daughter: Anastatisa kurtanidze.

Bystender: Rezi Vasgakidze.

Alfie Doolitle: Giorgi bakuradze.

Prince: Beso GogberaSvili,

Fredy: George Dvali.

Mrs Piers: Helen Abashidze

Elizas friend and Her Majesty: Etiko Chogovadze

Professor Pickering: George Bardavelidze.

Professor Higgings: Nikoloz kupatatdze.

Eliza: Nini Gachechiladze.

We would like to express your special gratitude Eka Teacher who helped with songs and dance, Tornike
teacher –who helped with decoration. Tiko teacher- with special effects and for creating music
background. Also to whole school that you were so supportive and of course our Manana teacher and
Tamari Teacher. Hope you liked our play because we tried our best. Thank you for coming, thank you.

The end    

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